MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 47

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The world of Jingxia seems to be red with blood.

The sharp red blade is shining, the red evolvers are still resisting, and the red air exudes a sense of death.

Red, red, red, red, red, red...!

Everything... is red.

He rubbed his fingers and wiped the warm, viscous liquid on his cheek. The nose is full of rust, and the blood slides into the mouth along the corner of his mouth. The more intense rust makes him tremble, and some are afraid to confirm it with his own eyes.

In the end what happened.

As if it was a moment, and it seemed to be an endless time, Jing Xia finally slowly raised his head and saw the man who seemed to be dying.

The black corrosive pus seems to have spread from his right face, and his right face is corroded to reveal the white bone. The left face is still beautiful and profound to an unforgettable face, while the right face... seems to be ugly like hell!

The pits of the wounds, the bumps of the white bones, the blood still dripping down from time to time, along the flesh, along the corroded fat.

That pain, no need to say anything, can be imagined how much it is!


The cry of despair and weeping suddenly sounded like it was already crying, and the voice was hoarse at the end. However, this is unobtrusive throughout the beach. No one will find out what is happening here, because they are busy repelling the seemingly endless mutants around them.

Without a girl crying and crying, just less than three seconds after the entire incident, Jingxia moved quickly and gently to put the man who had already fainted on the ground. When he saw a wound that was eroded to the visible spine behind the man, he was not willing to test the other's heartbeat. He was not willing to test the consequences that might not be acceptable.

Pulling up the long knife that was placed on the ground by Ji Chuan, Jing Xia was covered with a cold atmosphere, and looked at the octopus that was smashing the ice wall with the most indifferent look.

The entire ice wall is nearly 20 meters high, which is the limit that Jichuan can achieve.

He blocked the vast majority of corrosive pus with these five walls, and finally used his body to block the remaining liquid!

Jing Xia’s brain has never been as calm as this moment.

He clearly felt his heart beating vividly in the chest.

Plop through, plop through.

With the slowest and most intense speed, it beats.

The ice-breaking plan of the a-grade mutant octopus has already reached the fourth wall, but Jing Xia can no longer wait. He lifts the sharp blade and cuts the last ice wall.

He personally, cut this block, and the cold man behind him, the last ice wall to protect himself.

The mutated octopus seemed to be scared by his movements, slamming his wrists and hovering in the air without moving. It is an extremely intelligent creature, but at the moment, it does not understand what this human being is doing.

Jing Xia’s face was wet with hot blood, and the blood dripped down his clothes and squatted in the soft soil, leaving a small pothole. But his eyes were very bright, staring at the ugly mutant octopus with hateful eyes, as if he had smashed the poisoned knife and scraped it away.

One person and one beast confronted each other for a moment. I don’t know who first moved. The mutated octopus licked the remaining four brachiopods and attacked Jingxia with a dreadful sucker. However, Jing Xia was not afraid at all. He held the knife that was covered with blood from Jichuan.

Jingxia's abilities seem to have a qualitative mutation at this moment. Two sharp water knives cut off the two octopus's wrists, but he no longer manages the other two attacks on his wrists. The two wrists that were cut off were forced to cut off the head of the mutant octopus.

The knife was inserted on the slippery and bright head, and the variant octopus roared and screamed.

At the same time, the whole person of Jingxia was shot and flew out, just behind the side of Jichuan.

The leg bones are broken and the right arm is broken. Jingxia feels that his body is like being crushed by a heavy card, and he can't move at all. What is even more terrifying is that his left leg was cut off by the sharp edge of the suction cup, leaving only a thin layer of skin stuck to it, which seemed to be broken when touched.

He reluctantly wanted to stand up, but found that everything was in vain.

Time has become extremely long at this moment, and many pictures of the past have emerged in his mind.

When I first saw my father, I took Su Weishang into my own home, and finally the horrible smile of the young boy; from the first time I personally slashed an e-class mutant wolf dog, and finally cooperated to kill a ss Grade variation gold carving...

From the first time, under the leadership of my grandfather, I met the indifferent and beautiful boy, and finally... the man’s stunned blood and corrosive wounds.

The heart slammed down.

Jing Xia finally gave up and struggled again. His lips suddenly smacked a smile and stretched his left hand, trying to reach the man who might never breathe.

Some people have discovered the situation here around, but the investigation is too far, and after all, there are too many mutant beasts. When they come here, they can only be blocked by countless mutant beasts, but only...

Watching the deformed octopus wrists on the sharp metal edge of the sharp puncture down, straight to the chest of Jingxia!

Jingxia, but did not go to see.

He leaned his head and looked at the man whose chest was no longer ups and downs.

His right face is as ugly as Shura, but his left face is still familiar in Jing Xia's memory.

I rarely laugh, but my eyes are always gentle.

When the finger touched the man who had already started the cold arm, Jing Xia slowly closed his eyes, and the curvature of the lips became bigger and bigger, including the meaning of happiness and satisfaction.

There seems to be another sentence, and I have no time to tell him.

Jichuan presents...

I like you.



The sound was so sharp that the sound of all the humans on the beach was screaming, and the mutated octopus dried up in painful voices and rolled around in a twitching manner. Its wrist that was stabbed to Jing Xia was shot nearly 100 meters, and finally disappeared into a glare of white light, becoming ashes.

Did not wait for this a-level variant reaction, but also a hot and violent light, scattered from the muzzle of only five centimeters in diameter, but finally formed a huge white energy light column, direct to the head of the mutant octopus!

When everyone returned to God, a huge black hole appeared in the brain of the mutant octopus. It reluctantly twitched twice, and finally... still can only be defeated by powerlessness, fell on the beach, and quickly wilted.

A large group of evolved squads that have just arrived, including two senior evolutionary squads, have entered the battlefield and began to completely reverse the situation of the situation. The quantitative advantage of the mutant beast has finally come to an end, and Yu Yu has also led people to struggle to block the huge gap.

Jun Yaswen’s man, carrying a silver-white weapon, quickly ran to the center of the beach. He immediately squatted and his palms covered the chest of Jing Xia and Ji Chuan. When he confirmed that the heart was still beating, he was relieved.

"Hurry up and send them to the rear and hand them to Qin Chu!"

The two speed-agile evolutionists immediately took care of the body of Jingxia and Jichuan, running at full speed in the opposite direction of the dam. They are extremely fast and quickly disappear into the eyes of everyone.

祁 condensed his eyebrows and watched them run away, looking heavy. Just after a moment, he turned his head and looked at a strong and hard man. He said: "Chen Zhongyu, you lead a senior team and two teams to go with me and go upstream."

Chen Ge immediately nodded: "Yes, 祁 major!"

Li Yang gently decapitated, just ready to lift his foot, suddenly listened to the little assistant on the side shouted. As if I had just understood what was going on, the assistant said: "Hey, major, now is the key area for the mutation of the beast, why are you going upstream? There have been no abnormalities."

祁 微 微 微 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

"My name is Zhang Bendan!!!" said the resentment, the assistant replied: "Today, we are searching for variants of the Jiangdi from the 71st to the 79th district. We have not waited for the end of our operation. The strange variants under the 80th zone are I started the attack. What is wrong with this?"

Yang Yang slowly evokes the lips: "The ability of the prophet is so strong. Do you think there will be no abnormalities in the areas before the 80th district and today we have not searched? Oh, the simple Wei Wei Zhao, it seems that at least one s-level variation Body, it crouched there, not found."

Zhang Bendan: "!"

He screamed coldly and then ran to the upper reaches with the brigade. In his hand, he held a new type of weapon that seemed to be gentle and ordinary, but everyone present was deeply aware of the power of this beautiful little thing.

The clouds that have accumulated for a long time have begun to dissipate, and the occluded afternoon sun gently scatters to the land, illuminating the evolutionary people who have been on the beach for a long time.

When the dam was blocked, everything became a sneak peek. The only thing that could be consumed was time. In this small beast with a strong animal strength and a small number of people, humanity finally persisted in the final victory.

Jingxia and Jichuan were quickly sent to the medical station in the rear, while Yang Yang led the elite team of the institute to the mysterious upper reaches of the Huangpu River.

They, after all, have won. 2k novel reading network

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