MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 109 Twenty years of kisses (below)

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"My mother is dead."

The other party suddenly started to take care of themselves, which made Jing Xia a little unaccustomed. After a while, he said, "I am sorry for the little orange, I don't know your mother..."

"It doesn't matter." Ji Chuan slid down his throat slightly, looking calmly at the floor tiles on the ground that he had already seen through. His narrow and beautiful voice flashed with sorrow and grief. He thought that he was hiding well, but he was still spotted by Jingxia.

While reaching out to cover the back of the goddess, Jing Xia ate the tofu and said: "Little orange, do you know? Last year my grandmother also passed away." Saying, Jing Xia raised his small face and looked at the silence. The night, said: "Grandma loves me the most. Every day, I secretly give me a piece of chocolate as a dessert. This mom doesn't know it until now."

Jichuan showed that he didn't understand what the other party wanted to say, but his good self-cultivation kept him from interrupting the boy.

Under the moonlight, the boy’s good-looking face looked a bit transparent. Ji Chuan’s heart moved a little, and he did not pull his hand away from the boy’s hand.

"Little orange, you just cried so sad, your mother must be good to you too?"

Jichuan thought for a while, then nodded gently: "Yeah."

"Then you can't be sad!" The "advantages" of the slick mouth and the stupid selling continue to bloom its brilliance: "If your mother knows what you are, it will be very difficult."

Ji Chuan was sadly bowed his head, whispered: "But she can't see it anymore."

"Who said it!" Jing Xia’s brain turned around. Every day in the kindergarten, the nonsense of the next class was blurted out: "After your mother's death, it will become a star hanging in the sky, always looking at you."

Ji Chuan gave a slight glimpse and asked childishly: "Really...?"

Jing Xia Li of course nodded: "That must be, I saw a few days ago, my grandmother's star flashed twice to me. You look, is the star particularly bright? That is my grandmother!"

Jichuan appeared in the direction of Jingxia's fingers, and saw a very bright star smashed at him twice. He was instantly stagnation, and he was not blinded by the boy who was "contaminated" by the boy around him.

Jing Xia sees each other's appearance, naturally knows that it has been hooked.

He touched the goddess' slippery hand and said: "Small orange, don't be sad, you still have me! As long as there is my Jingxia, the whole kindergarten will not bully you! Oh, you are Which kindergarten, how have I never seen you?"

After hearing this, Ji Chuan’s thoughts slowly recovered. He looked at the boy in confusion and answered subconsciously: "I am not a kindergarten..."

"Ah! You haven’t been to kindergarten?!" A look of disgust in the tone.


In the process of this little hooligan who has no face and no skin, Jichuan is almost always the object of listening. He listened to this misunderstanding that he had not been to the kindergarten hooligans to brag about himself in the class, and time passed slowly.

When I suddenly heard the familiar shouts of Jing and Jing, Jing Xia said, "Bad, I forgot about it," and then quickly jumped out of the marble platform and prepared to go to the mother's arms. Go eat the chocolate that night.

"Oh yes!" Just halfway through, Jing Xia suddenly turned back and saw the little goddess who was sluggish under the moonlight.

He ran away, raised his face and smelled a bite, and the goddess did not react. He ran away and ran away, and disappeared after three or two.

At this time, Ji Chuan was able to understand what happened in the end. He raised his hand and touched his lips, as if he could still feel the temperature left by the boy, hot and warm, and let his heart come to life vividly.

"Little summer... Jing Xia?"

But for a moment, a beautiful girl circumvented the flowers and stood helplessly in front of Ji Chuan, saying: "Young master, how did you get here? The general has sent someone to look for you for a while, don't let me Worried, okay?"

Even when he was 12 years old, Qin Chu had already matured. The girl developed very early, she is the leader among them, and her head is nearly one head higher than Jichuan. At this point, she was half-hearted and looked at the boy who was sitting on the marble platform.

After a while, Ji Chuan was whispered: "Qin Chu..."

Qin Chu had already discovered that Ji Chuan had not been wiped clean on the cheeks. She sighed deeply and then walked out of the garden with her boy’s hand and said: "Young Master, I know you. Very sad, the general still can't come back tonight, but don't be afraid, I am still..."

"I know, Qin Chu, I will not be sad."

Qin Chu looked at the boy around with a slight surprise. He did not believe that such strong words were spoken from the other side's mouth.

With the painful lessons of her husband after joining the army, Mrs. Ji has always protected her only son. From a young age, he was not allowed to touch a little about the things in the Jijia army. He used it as a flower in the greenhouse to take care of him. This also made Jichuan’s present simple and naive character.

Jichuan slowly raised his face with a beautiful face that was not yet handsome at the moment. He smiled and said: "Mom looks at me in the sky, she won't want me to be sad."

Qin Chu: "..."

She didn't understand a bit, the head of her own young master... Was it kicked by the head?

When Qin Chu later understood who the head was, it was already a few years later.

Without the obstruction of Mrs. Ji, General Ji mercilessly trained his only son with the greatest intensity. It seems to be to make up for the vacancy in the previous nine years. The intensity of his drills has caused Ji Chuan to be injured and comated several times, almost leaving hidden dangers.

However, such devil-like training has slowly shaped the youngest major in the history of China, and has created a resolute, resolute and resolute discipline, leading the team in the restricted area, which can be said to be a slogan in the entire border.

After many years, Jichuan’s appearance on the face of Junmei’s cold and cold has not seen a trace of male and female in childhood. When everyone mentioned the words “Kichuan Cheng”, they admire or admire.

Independently killing a ss-class mutant lion, with the powerful ability of the river backwards, and more importantly, the incomparable commanding ability, let humans win the war with the mutant beast again and again.

Some people seem to be born to be kings. They have absolute personality and strong leadership. When they speak, you never hesitate, only obey and trust from the heart, and follow them one after another.

Before the death of Jingmu, the little devil Wang Jingxia had played so many little girls. Even if she liked the orange goddess who wanted to go home, he just recited a few words after being stunned by his mother for a day. Convergence, simply forget everything.

When he was crying darkly at his mother's funeral a year later, he looked at the handsome boy who came from the door like a **** and handed him a clean and compact handkerchief. He just cried and cried. Say something: "Thank you... who are you?"

The face of Ji Chuan suddenly darkened.

Then there are more than 20 years of pets without any reason.

He is Ji Chuan, he can let this young rebellious, crazy. As long as he is in China, as long as he does not make irreparable things, what Jing Xia wants, what Ji Chuan can give him.

At that time, he finally couldn't bear to take the youth out of the bar, and watched the scene of Xia Xia almost infected with drugs. On that lonely night, Jichuan sat silently in the dark, looking at the bed. A young man who sleeps sweetly doesn't know what to say.

His mood is very heavy, but on the surface is still so calm and calm, it seems that even if the sky is falling, he can easily withstand.

In the past few years, has he done something wrong...?

If he was not arranged by the father to the restricted area when he was sixteen, if he still stays in the b city to guard the youth in front of him, then... is he not going to be so rebellious like this?

in case……

"Well... Achuan, I am wrong... don't face, don't face..."

The youthful muttering dream made Ji Chuan suddenly pull out from the self-condemnation mentality. He squatted for a while, and finally he reluctantly raised his lips and gave a low laugh. He sighed: "Hey, I owe it. Is it yours? Jingxia."

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Chuan made a gentle move. He took a step to the bed and silently looked at the young man in front of him, and finally sighed deeply. In the darkness, the handsome and beautiful phoenix sparkles with a burning light.

After a while, Ji Chuan slowly lowered his head and kissed the flap gently and delicately.

His movements are extremely gentle, as if all the feelings that have precipitated himself for more than ten years have been released, and the younger eyes, nose, jaw, and collarbone are carefully kissed. When he feels that he is about to stop, Suddenly a fierce spirit, he looked at the youth who had been escaping from their own eyes and was stiff.

Hurry and put all the clothes on the other side, because the wine is too much, although Jichuan’s movements are not gentle, but Jingxia just muttered but did not wake up.

When all this was done, Ji Chuan fled to the bathroom and flew into the bathroom. The cold temperature made his consciousness slowly recover, and the heat under his body gradually subsided.

The fist of the smashing force slammed into the tile wall, and the knuckles of Jichuan suddenly had blood flowing out.

His low and depressed voice echoed in the small bathroom: "Ji Chuancheng, you are a beast..."

Two years ago, the two joke-like kisses were exchanged for a whole twenty years of guardianship.

On the recovery of the benefits of business value, Jing Xia is far beyond the Father of the Father, and even the greatest financial master in the world. 2k novel reading network