MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 54 Everyone is "vinegar" (with love)

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The queen queen of the femme fatale is enchanting, chapter 54 is everyone's vinegar (with love)

In a blink of an eye, it is half a month. This is the most peaceful half month. Long Yi is still facing up, but it seems like he is not mental. Long Yueli and Gong Yuwei have become the backbone of the North Korea. Hua Jinzhi's identity is lost. Leisurely, often running to accompany Leng Yan, or pull on the same leisurely Jin Yu 'study and study', the relationship between the two is more and more 'good'. ai

Leng Yue occasionally visited the palace, knowing that Leng Yue had a child and had little emotion, and occasionally ordered her to take care of herself. For those love rivals that appeared from time to time, he could not meet with smiles, but it seemed calm. A lot; and the most comforting for Leng Yi is Mo Zhai's injury. Now he can get out of bed and walk, and it's not far from getting better.

Raising her hand to touch her belly, it has been more than three months. Although there is no bulge, she seems to be able to feel that there is a small life growing up there, an experience that has never been before, which is wonderful.

Looking up at the sky, these days are very quiet, but this quietness makes her feel a little disliked. She always feels like something will happen. She always believes her instincts, but she ca n’t think of anything. The only thing that can make her love is Prince Chin Yin!

"Why are you sitting here again?" A slightly cold voice sounded, and there was deep concern in the blame.

Leng Yan turned his head and smiled, "Why are you here?"

Gong Yuwei walked to her and sat down, stretched out her hand and took the put blanket and covered it on her cold legs: "Today's Zou Xuan King has dealt with it, I will come to see you when I have time!"

After saying that, "The weather has gotten colder recently, pay more attention to it, don't catch cold!"

Look coldly outside. It ’s only the beginning of October at the moment. It ’s not cold at the end of autumn. It ’s the most comfortable time, but these people ca n’t wait to cover her up, smiling. “I know, every time you You have to say it again, aren't you tired? "

Gong Yuwei's eyes fell on her stomach, her eyes softened: "Not tired! But you have to be seven months tired before he can come out!"

Leng Yan raised his hand and shook his hand: "Stop that, let's go to the garden!"

"it is good!"

The two went hand in hand to Baihua Garden. Half a month ago, Lanze sent someone to send dozens of different varieties of plum blossoms. Leng Yan let people plant a field in Baihua Garden, and in two months, she also had a full garden here. Plum blossom!

Gong Yuwei was not good at words, and Leng Yan occasionally found some topics to say that the two were carrying each other along the way, and they did not feel boring! If it was put in the past, Gong Yuwei would definitely not come to this harem to find her, let alone to be with her in no way, but after the last time, he seems to have figured out the general, and does not care about anyone's vision Coming upright, those officials who had mocked him, at this moment, dare not say a word, all pretending to be blind!

Speaking of this, it must be Prince Todd's blessing. If he hadn't been so troublesome once, Gong Yuwei would still twist her with her!

The two left after using the palace palace Weiwei. In the afternoon, there was still work to do. Leng Yan asked Lu Chang to send him out, and he was ready to lie down.

"Mrs. Queen!" Not long after Lu often returned, called softly.

Leng Yan just lay down and closed his eyes without opening: "Huh?"

"Yuan Fei and Xue Fei are asking for a meeting!"

Leng Yan's eyelids didn't move: "Nie's siesta! See you!"


Lu Changqing went out lightly, his eyes were cold, and his eyes fell a little, and soon he went to sleep lightly! However, I have slept a lot lately, and I wo n’t sleep for a long time. It ’s okay if I do n’t sleep for an hour. I open my eyes and get up: “Qingling!”

"Slave is here!" Qing Ling came in from outside the screen.

"Get some water and wash your face at Ai Family!"

"Come here!"

The warm water washed my face and was awake. I looked at the sky coldly. It was still early. I was bored. Occasionally they came to accompany her. She was bored. I did n’t know how those women in the harem survived one. Spring and summer.

Lu Chang brought the tea and placed it with Leng Yong, and said, "Mrs. Queen! Princess Xue and Princess Xue are still outside the palace gate. They said they are waiting for you to wake up to see you. See you now?"

Leng Yan raised the tea cup and slid the lid twice, his eyes dropped: "Let them come in!"


Lu Chang went out, Leng Yan smiled suddenly, was she really too boring? What else do these concubines do?

Soon Yuan Fei and Xue Fei, all dressed up in a palace, came in, and they both owed their salutes: "Chen Ye, see the Queen Mother!"

"Get up!"

"Mrs. Xie!"

Leng Yan waved his hand: "Give me a seat!"

The two owed each other for a while and sat down on both sides. Looking at each other, Yuan Fei smiled at Leng Yan with a smile: "Mr. Queen! I have something to do with Xue Fei's sister today and I want you to take the decision!"

The cold tea leaves blew up: "Oh? Let's hear!"

Yuan Fei smiled again: "Since the Mid-Autumn Festival, this harem has never been a feast. It has been deserted for almost two months, and the emperor has never been to the harem again. Chen Ye and his sister discussed it. We have just Soon after entering, the queen mother-in-law again ... so I wanted to invite the queen mother-in-law to have a banquet to gather the sisters in the harem. Of course, I also hope that the emperor can come. I don't know what the queen- mother's intention is. "

After saying that, Princess Yuan carefully looked at Leng Yan, and Xuefei also held Pazi to look at her.

Leng Yan put down the tea cup and laughed lightly: "It's a good idea, you should do it, but the family of Ai has no mood to participate. As for the emperor, you are his two concubines. If you go in person, he will promise. Yes, there is no need to come forward to mourn the family! "

The two originally wanted her to nod, and smiled at each other when they heard each other: "Mrs. Tse is complete!"

When the two left, Lu Changcai said, "Isn't the queen mother panicking recently, why not call this a chance to sit out? Just be bored!"

Leng Yan shook his head: "What fun is it to sit with a group of regular women? Do n’t get more and more stuffy, and their main purpose is not to please the family, but to want to see the one in Changle Palace. What he doesn't want to see is him, so he won't run away and find himself uncomfortable! "

Lu Chang smiled down: "That's the same! But the slave looked at the queen mother and was panicked for the past two days. Would you like to go out of the palace to go? Transfer a hundred guards, go out of the palace in a car, and you won't stand upside down. , Go to the palace or where to ventilate? "

"Come on!" Leng Yan waved with no spirit: "I'm bored in my heart, purely idle, it has nothing to do with ventilation, even if you send me to heaven to see the gods, I can't lift my spirit!"

After talking, smash it and say: "Actually! It's not difficult, if only anyone could give Aijia a wine!"

Lu Chang heard laughter. He didn't dare to answer this question. Since he knew that the queen mother was pregnant, there was no jug or wine glass in Weiyang Palace. Xuan Wang strictly forbidden to drink to the queen mother. Whoever slaughtered it, although he was dog-legged to the queen queen, but this thing ca n’t be dog-legged, otherwise those kings wo n’t be able to kill him, but he will not give him good fruit!

Seeing Lu Chang immediately stopped talking, Leng Ye's face was stinky immediately, she hated the bunch of assholes, she cares about everything, even her only thing to relieve boredom is gone, this deliberately suffocates her!

Lu often can't give wine, but other things are OK: "Mother Queen! Recently the master in the palace brewed some fruit vinegar, sweet and sour, but it tastes good. It is said that it is also beauty and beauty, Jin Gongzi did not say that he cannot drink vinegar Would you like to explain it a little bit? "

Leng Yan gave him a nasty look at him: "Are you courageous? You dare to jealous the sad family!"

Lu Chang smiled, "Don't dare! Only this fruit vinegar is really delicious, don't you taste it?"

Leng Yan really didn't have any taste in his mouth: "Come here!"

Lu always ordered people to get vinegar, but the vinegar hadn't come yet.

"Mother Queen! Mother Xiafei kneeled at the gate of the palace to see you!"

Leng Xiao laughed: "I don't see anyone here, why are you all together today?"

Qing Ling came up and said, "I don't know what the queen mother is. A few days ago, the general collected a lot of evidence of the Xia family's unseen events in the past, and also set up several crimes, and wrote a memorial, Xiangye and Xuan. The king personally reviewed and presented it to the emperor. The emperor had the intention to save the heavy soldier's confidant. However, Xuan Wang's strong suppression and the relatives' insignificance did not make the emperor dare to refute. The imperial decree copied, and it is said that the general still took the soldiers to copy, and now Xia Fei should be here to plead with Xia's family! "

Leng Yan heard his words and rubbed his eyebrows: "Lai's family has no spirit recently. It seems that people have become a lot silly. I almost forgot about it!"

She naturally wanted to bring down the Yishui City Xia family, but she didn't think of a good idea for a while. She didn't expect Leng Yue to start as soon as she came back, and it was so fast, but it was no accident to think of his relationship with Leng Yirou. For example, the mother's aunt has been abused for so many years. He can only be blamed if he is not angry. I am afraid that even if the Xia family is copied, there will not be a good end!

However, Long Yueli and Gong Yuwei's help was beyond her expectation, but if you think about it, it is not difficult to understand; At the beginning, Long Yi replaced her to Xia's house and wanted to make her a concubine, like Gong Yuwei did. Everyone was angry. Longyue could think that the stingy guy hated Long Yi and naturally hated the Xia family, so this thing that overthrew the Xia family, and they came forward to step on one foot and make a knife, which is normal!

When I think of it here, I laugh and laugh. Why do you think these men are cute? Why didn't you feel like this in the last life?

Seeing that Leng Yan wanted to get a hand, Qing Ling couldn't help reminding: "Then Xia Fei is still kneeling outside, can the queen mother see?"

Leng Yan returned to God: "See what? Let her go back! If she still wants to live, she will be obedient, otherwise the mourning family won't mind reminding the emperor that there is another Xia concubine in this palace!"

Qing Ling bowed her head: "Slave you now!"

Qing Ling went out, and Lu Chang also brought the vinegar, and filled the glass with cold silver in a silver cup: "Please, queen mother!"

You can smell the fruit vinegar all the way from the cold. When you sit up and hold the cup, the vinegar smell goes straight up. Needless to say, this is absolutely pure natural brewed fruit vinegar, and there is no water at all. Take a cup, frown a few mouthfuls, take a small mouthful, sweet and sour, with a taste of wine fermentation, although it tastes good, but the taste is really sour, more than a bottle of whiskey exciting!

Drop the cup: "Water!"

Lu Chang hurriedly handed in a cup of cold water and asked, "But it doesn't suit the queen mother?"

Leng Yanyin measured his spoon and glanced at him: "What do you say?"

Drink water, put the pot of vinegar on the table in front of Lu Chang, and said coldly, "After drinking it for the mourning family, there is no drop left!"

Lu Chang bitterly: "Mr. Queen! There are too many big pots ..."

Leng Liangliang raised his eyebrows: "Or do you want to drink an altar?"

Lu Chang admits to bowing his head: "The slaves will drink it! Thank you Queen Mother!"

"Huh!" Leng Yan raised his eyes, waiting to see a good show.

Lu Chang picked up the pot and opened the lid. After a moment of ideological struggle, he poured the pot of vinegar directly into his mouth like drinking poison. He murmured several mouthfuls before consuming the pot of vinegar, and then an old face wrinkled. Became a chrysanthemum, crying like a face: "My queen mother! The slave is finished!"

"Haha!" Leng Yan laughed when he saw this, and finally found something not boring.

"But the ache?"

Lu Chang put down the pot and covered his stomach: "Slave may not be able to serve the queen mother one day, please forgive me!"

Leng Yan heard the words and laughed even harder: "Haha! Go! Don't hinder the eyes of the sad family here!"

"Slave resigned!" Then he ran away, covering his stomach.

"Hahaha!" Leng Yan finally felt relieved after a long time.

"Mrs. Queen!" Qing Ling came in: "Don't laugh so hard, be careful!"

Leng Yan covered his stomach and waved his hand: "It's been a long time since Ai Family was so happy, let Ai Family be happy!"

Qing Ling gathered up the pot and cup and said, "Xia Fei is still kneeling at the door, saying that she must see the queen mother, and you should call to see it!"

"I don't see you!" Leng Yan said decisively: "It's a good mood for the Ai family, but I don't want to ruin her like this!"

Qing Ling thought about drinking a whole pot of vinegar and covering his stomach with Lu Gonggong, and he mourned in his heart. It is estimated that he would not want to sleep tonight, but amused the queen mother, he is worthy of sacrifice!

"Right!" Leng Yan suddenly thought of an idea, and the smile on his face suddenly became evil.

Seeing this blinking, Qing Ling intuitively told her that the queen mother would never say good words next!

"Take more of these vinegars and give them a pot of five for each person. It is said to be the order of the mourning family. If you ca n’t finish drinking, you will not be able to see the mourning family. Remember to let the person supervise. A pot, the Ai family poured it in person! "

really! Qing Ling sighed, knowing that this was the queen mother protesting that they would not give her wine! It's just: "Either the grandfather and the grand general?" The grandfather Wang and the granddaughter were tougher on the queen mother, and the grandfather Jin also threatened the queen mother a little bit. But was the grandfather and the general wrong?

"Don't do it! This is a good thing. Naturally everyone wants to try it, um ... although it is not very useful, it should help digestion!"

Qing Ling: "..."

"Rewarded by the queen queen?" Long Yueli was still working on her official duties, and the wolf in his hand had not been let down. His eyes fell on the pot and bowl held by Qing Ling, and the fox's eyes flickered, although they were far away, but That's not the taste of wine.

Qing Ling nodded expressionlessly: "This is brewed by the teacher in the palace. The queen mother said that it helps digestion. She specially rewarded Wang Ye with a pot. She was afraid that Wang didn't like the taste. She let the slaves watch the King drink it. The queen mother-in-law is relieved! "

Qing Ling almost felt that his mouth was cramping. He should have let Lu Gong come here. He must not have blinked his eyes, but unfortunately he fell down first!

Longyue moved away from her brow, her eyes deepened: "Done all?"


Longyue hesitated for a moment: "Take it!"

Qing Ling took it respectfully and poured a large bowl for Long Yueli: "Master Wang!"

Longyue Li smelled the smell of her brows moving even more, hesitating: "How does the queen mother say not to drink?"

Qing Ling's rigid voice said: "The queen mother said, if the prince and the sons don't drink or want to be clever, she will add an extra pot and pour it down!"

Long Yueli finally drew his eyelids. He believed that Leng Yan would definitely do that! Holding up the vinegar bowl and drinking it, Qing Ling immediately poured the rest into it. After pouring exactly two large bowls, Long Yue drank from the neck and drank, but the last word was not spoken!

Qing Ling's expression was distorted uncontrollably, and she quickly packed up and left: "Slave and retreat!"

When the figure of Qing Ling disappeared, Long Yueli finally couldn't bear it. He dropped the pen and quickly flew out. He found a place without people, ordered the acupoint to spit out all the vinegar, and held the wall to bear the sour energy, evil. A smile: "Oh! You wait!"

"Girl Qingling!" Gong Yuwei was a little surprised to see Qing Ling carrying something in, and put down his wolf: "Is there something wrong with the girl?"

"Slaves have met the grandfather!" Qing Ling saluted.

"Get up!"

Qing Ling brought the vinegar over, and said what Long Yueli had just said: "Please, my dear!"

Gong Yuwei faced the iceberg's face that outsiders never changed. When she heard it was vinegar, she shook her a bit, and Jun's face was a little embarrassed: "Why did the queen mother suddenly think of rewarding vinegar?"

Xu Shi felt that Gong Yuwei was wronged, and Qing Ling sympathized, and revealed one point: "It is the prince and the father-in-law who do not drink to the queen queen, and the queen queen is dull. It was sour, and I had a whole pot of drink for the father-in-law. The queen mother was amused, so I wanted to use this method to pay tribute to them, and the grandfather was considered a burden!

Qing Ling felt that this was wrong, but fortunately, he just told his grandfather, otherwise, if Wang Ye and Jin Gongzi knew about it, Father Lu would have to peel off the skin, which is his idiot idea!

Gong Yuwei heard nothing, and said nothing at the end: "Bring the girl over!"

Qing Ling handed the vinegar to him: "The Lord has no martial arts to defend himself, drink slowly!"

Gong Yuwei pours himself up and drinks, and then ... after a quarter of an hour ... the Lord Xianggong reportedly left the palace, it is said that he was helped out!

"Kim Boy!"

Qing Ling handed the wine to Jin Yu, and she said that she really was n’t sure if he would drink it. Although Jin Jongzi does not have the honorable status of the prince, he has no power as a grandfather, and no time for the grandson Long, but his status is not low at all. The queen mother is often eaten by him. In a sentence, the queen mother is almost angry and jumps. It is also possible that she does not drink and lifts the plate.

"Fruit vinegar?" Jin Yu raised a brow and raised her hand: "Take it and try it!"

Qing Ling pressed the accident in her heart and passed the vinegar, Jin Yu picked up the pot and smelled it, her eyes lit up: "Good vinegar!"

Then I took the silver bowl myself, poured some tastings, and praised, "Nice! It tastes better than all I make!"

Then ... and then ... a pot of vinegar bottomed out, and he seemed a little bit unwilling: "If there is still, let the queen queen send more, and occasionally drink it!"

Qing Ling's eyelids twitched, she was considered to be the master!

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