MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 33 Queen Mother Returns

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There was Long Yueli personal escort, and naturally there was nothing on the way, but the original five-day journey was a full eight days away, leaving Leng Ye so speechless. As for what I did, I knew everything with my toes. !!

Replace the people in the team with their own, Longyue will not ride horses naturally, let an individual take the place of himself, and run into the car with the cold and greasy, this curtain is very thick, and it looks like there are The sound insulation function is not only invisible, but also inaudible!

Leng Ling slept a little, and felt what was rubbing around his waist. I didn't need to open my eyes to know that it was Longyue's salty pig's hand. I raised my hand and grasped it, and my voice was helpless: "I haven't fed you for so many days? "

Longyue Li took the time to take her into her arms, pretending to be sad: "It's going to the palace soon, my king can't bear it!"

Leng Yan dug him angrily and closed it: "Can the palace rarely hold you?"

Long Yueli smiled and raised an eyebrow: "That's true!"

Slender fingers covered the cold chin and gently rubbed: "It is about to arrive at the National Temple, I heard that the emperor's nephew of the king has brought civil and military officials to pray with the queen mother, and brought people to wait in the early morning There! "

Leng Yan raised her eyebrows, then smiled coldly: "I haven't seen you for a few months. I don't know if the emperor can be okay?"

"Okay!" Long Yueli smiled, and suddenly his voice turned: "But Wang is afraid he will soon be bad!"

Leng Yan looked at Longyue Li, and suddenly said, "If I destroyed the mountains and rivers of the Long family, would you feel bad?"

Longyue bit her head and bit her lip, and she arrogantly said: "The emperor is gone, the king is still the king, and the rivers and mountains belong to the dragon family, but not the king! Well, you won't be the queen mother by then. If you have done it, you might as well consider how to be My Concubine? "

Leng Yan smiled suddenly: "I'm afraid you can't afford it, but I'm extravagant. By then, I'll worship all your property, and by the way, lose your reputation as a prince!"

Longyue smiled indifferently, his voice was serious and confusing: "All things in the world, why not be happy in your lifetime?"

Leng Ye smiled a moment, then smiled lightly: "Long Yue Li, I remember your words!"

Long Yueli leaned over and covered her, raising her evil eyebrows: "My lord hopes you remember more, such as this ..." The burning lips fell, the red coat was laid down, covering the ambiguous spring.

Just after noon, the team finally arrived at Feng Cheng Temple, the national temple of Feng Yuguo, with hundreds of monks standing on both sides, headed by Long Yi and an old abbot wearing gold and red robes, and behind them were neatly dressed civilians. Baiguan.

Long Yi's gaze fell on Long Yueli, who was proud of the high-headed Malaysian in a fall coat and spring coat, and his eyes narrowed, his voice could not hear the emotion: "Xuan Wang has been hard all the way!"

"The emperor is polite, this is what the king should be!" Longyue smiled away, glanced at Long Yi casually, rolled over, and walked towards the chariot: "Mr. Queen! We are here!"

The two palace ladies walked up and opened the curtains. They sat coldly in a gold-white phoenix suit, with delicate hair styles on their heads, decorated with nine phoenixes and cinnabar flowers, and their light makeup was as simple as a face. Just a glance surprised them world! Long Yi saw stunning and obsessed eyes in the distance, she was still so beautiful!

Longyue's eyes fell on Leng Yan, with a little jealousy. He really didn't want others to see her like this. Even though she was noble and glorious, she could not be profaned, but the person who had seen her looks really was afraid that no one would be immune The temptation of thinking, the thought of the peach blossom she provokes, he could not wait to hide her!

"The queen queen is here!"

The ceremonial official sang, Long Yueli stretched his hand towards the car, and a palm-colored handkerchief was placed on the palm of his hand, with a pink peach flower embroidered on it! Leng Yan could see his eyelids move, and he was speechless, then raised his hand on the handkerchief, and stood up and walked out of the car with his strength.

The dozens of meters of red carpet were spread from the front of the car to the stone steps. Leng Ye took Long Yueli's hand and walked towards them slowly, his eyes fell on Long Yi, and a smirk evoked in the corners of his lips.

"Welcome to the queen mother! The queen mother Chitose!" The courtiers and the guards all greeted on their knees, with a loud voice.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The abbot smacked the buddha against his chest with one hand, slightly bowing his head.

Leng Ye didn't look at them, his eyes fell on Long Yi's face, and he smiled sweetly: "Emperor! Don't come without a problem?"

Long Yi's eyes fell on the hands of Leng Yan and Long Yueli. Although a handkerchief was separated in the middle, it still looked unusually dazzling, especially when they came with them, a red beauty like a demon, a beauty It's amazing. The looks are the same. They are amazing. They don't dare to look at them. It looks like a pair of puppets. He can't wait to go up and tear them apart, but he can't!

"The queen queen is better!" Long Yi stared straight at Leng Yan, her eyes staring.

"The troubled emperor is worried, the sad family is very good!" After a smile, his eyes glanced at the kneeling man on the ground, and he slightly raised his hand: "Everyone is free!"

"Mrs. Xie!"

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The old abbot smiled at Leng Yici with a kind smile: "The queen mother-in-law's heart is bound to the people of the world. She is the example of the motherland. After all, she has to go to the backyard to rest for a while before performing the ceremony."

"Thank you Abbot for your kindness, but the mourning family is here to pray for blessings. Don't rest, start now!"

The old abbot was a gift again: "The queen mother is so sincere and will definitely move to God and drop in Feng Yuwu Dynasty!"

She doesn't know if it will decrease, but this time she comes back, the disaster reduction is certain! Leng Yan sneered, but his face was mild and smiled: "Trouble abbot host!"

"Morning Queen please!"

Leng Yan retracted the hand placed on Longyue's hands, his hands overlapped on the abdomen, and he followed the abbot and stepped up to the high stone steps. The temple in China had ninety-nine steps and each step was one step wide Ruler three, nine feet in length, has always been the largest main hall, the Great Hall of the Great Heroes, and enshrines more than a hundred golden statues of Buddha.

Leng Yan walked in front, Long Yi followed her two steps to be level with her, followed by Prince Germany, Prince Filial Piety, and Minister of Civil and Military Affairs. Long Yueli also followed, and a large number of people went up .

"Oh!" The big bell of the Oriental Clock Tower struck, and the smoke of the incense was lingering.

The gate of the Daxiong Baodian is a three-meter-wide bronze tripod, and there are monks who have prepared incense candles and waited there. The two young monks brought the tub of water and said, "Please, the emperor and the queen mother-in-law, clean your hands!"

Leng Yan raised his hand into the tub and washed it casually twice. As a result, the white cloth handed next to him wiped his hands.

The two little monks took the good Daxiang and handed it to Leng Ye and Long Yi. They seemed to let them worship together. Leng Ye felt like men and women worshiping heaven and earth. They suddenly paused and looked at Long Yi and chuckled: He is the monarch of a country. Naturally, the emperor must first come to make the Buddha feel the emperor's sincerity, and then mourn the family! "He then took a step back.

Long Yi glanced at her, didn't speak, took Xiang Xiang to worship three times, turned around and handed it to the monk next to it to plug in!

When his incense was ready, Leng Yan came forward and took another branch, bowed his head and bowed three times, and handed it to the monk on the side to insert it! Long Yueli laughed beside him. Based on his understanding of Leng Yan, how could he not know what she meant? Although fragrant together doesn't mean anything, but her attitude makes him inexplicably happy!

The emperor and the queen were incense, followed by the three princes, Prince De and Prince Fang, who ordered the incense, and Longyue left the incense and worshiped a few times, before the little monk came over and injected the incense into the incense burner with his internal force. , Some people were dissatisfied, but nobody dared to say anything!

The ministers served incense together at the back, Long Yi and Leng Ye entered the hall, and they served incense, draw lots, pray for blessings, and then a large set of etiquette. Leng Ye calmly followed the old abbot all the way, what should be done What, the whole set came down for two full hours. The ministers at the back couldn't bear it anymore, but the cold expression was still like when they came in. It was calm and calm, and each etiquette was very serious. There was no trace of perfunctory. The old abbot could not help but pay a little respect.

I heard that the Queen Mother is fasting and bathing. The yard has been cleaned here and everything is ready. The old abbot just wanted to say, but Leng Yan spoke first: "Now the southwest is experiencing a rare flood and the plague is rampant. The family decided to fast for 100 days! However, I am afraid that the strength of the Ai family cannot be moved to heaven. After returning to the palace, let all concubines fast for a hundred days and pray for the affected people. I wonder what the emperor likes? "

"The queen queen is devoted to the affected people, and I naturally agree with it very much. When she returns to the palace, she immediately orders. Please move to heaven! "

The old abbot heard saying: "Amitabha! The emperor and the queen mother care so much for the people in the world. It is the blessing of my phoenix people, God bless the phoenix!"

Leng Yan turned and went out: "Back to the palace!"

Leng Ye sat back to her Feng Ye, Long Yi's Long Ye was juxtaposed with her, and behind them were the sedan chairs of civil and military officials! Long Yueli said to Leng Yi with a secret voice and disappeared on horseback. Today, this trip annoyed him, so he would not go to the palace to make fun.

Feng Ye has been to Weiyang Palace. Lu Chang took a young man from Weiyang Palace to wait there early. When Leng Ye came down, Qi Qi knelt down and said, "Welcome the Queen Mother back to the palace!"

Leng Yan glanced at them, Lu Chang, Du Heng, Ziyu, Xiangyu, Qingling, all that should be there, slightly raised his lips and raised his hand: "Get up!"

"Mrs. Xie!"

When a group of people got up, Lu Chang stood there and smiled at Leng Yan: "The slave knew that the queen mother would surely be lucky, and return safely!"

Leng Yan chuckled: "Come on! The Ai family doesn't want to hear you send a fart as soon as they come back, prepare Qingshui Zhaifan, and the Ai family has a meal after bathing. After a long day, they are almost hungry!"

Zi Yu smiled with a smile: "The queen queen is assured. I heard that the queen queen is coming back. The father-in-law had long ordered the slaves to prepare, and the queen queen can now bathe and wash herself tired!"

Leng Yan nodded and walked in. Weiyang Palace was still the same, without any changes, went to the bath room to take a good bath, washed away all the fatigue, and changed out a simple set of clothes! "Squeak!" Kano jumped out of the corner, climbed up to her shoulder three or two times, her tail hooked to her neck, her fat body leaned intimately against her cheek, and it told her it missed her again! With a cold smile, he raised his hand and nodded his head: "I know you miss me, good!"

"Squeak!" Kano sniffed her fingers and licked Fenfen's tongue again, cuddly.

Leng Ye touched it and it was near the table. All the tables were vegetarian. Leng Ye glanced and ate it quietly! Although it is vegetarian, it is also very good, but it is lighter than usual.

"Squeak!" Kano glanced at the meat he didn't like, suddenly dissatisfied.

Leng Yan caught it, took a pile of pine nuts from Qing Ling and handed it to him: "I can't eat meat either, you should accompany me and be aggrieved. When the fast is over a hundred days, I will give you the best. How about roasted venison? "

"Squeak!" Kano yelled again, and his black eyes rolled twice, and his little paw picked up a pine nut and bit it, barely agreeing.

Ziyu smiled: "The queen queen is not in these days. Kano also misses you very much. Sometimes I jump on the window sill and stay out. I don't even go out to play, as if I was waiting for the queen queen to come back!"

Leng Yan heard the words poking Kano's fat butt: "A bit conscience!"

After simply eating some cold soup, put down the chopsticks, hold the tea cup and slowly sip it. After a while, I asked Lu Chang: "Tell me about this time!"

Lu Chang waved away the extra palace people, Du Heng and Qing Ling went out to keep the door, and Ziyu and Xiangxi cleaned the table together.

"Back to the Queen Mother! That day you went in for a long time, and the father-in-law Qu kept blocking the slaves from entering, and the slaves felt wrong as time passed, but it was the emperor's palace, and the slaves did not dare to break in, and quietly returned. Just ordered the hidden subordinates to go in from elsewhere to see what happened, but did not want to hear the news that your queen mother suddenly fainted. The slave rushed to the place with you. You have been sent out of the palace by the emperor. The palace was surrounded, and the minions were returned, and the minions knew that something must have happened! "

"The minion used the secret method to spread the book out, but you got the news that the queen mother is fake, and you don't know where you are. The minion wanted to go back and forth and didn't know what the emperor was going to do until that day. The minion remembered that the father-in-law of Ququ asked you to go to Changle Palace. Using this excuse, he sent someone to the Xia family in Yishui City, but did not want to be one step late. The queen mother was rescued by the emperor, but the emperor did not chase it. The people at Weiyang Palace were to be cut off directly. Fortunately, at this time, the prime minister appeared. I don't know what the emperor said and turned away. The slaves waited to find their lives! "

Leng Yan suddenly heard the name of Gong Yuwei, his expression paused for a moment, then immediately thought back: "I heard that there are three more concubines in the harem?"

"Exactly! The emperor paid the money of two ministers of the state at the same time, one was named Yuan Fei, the other was Xue Fei, and there was originally Xia Shufei, but at the end she said that Miss Xia's family was ill and it was inappropriate to enter the palace. Give up, but did not expect that on the day when Yuan Fei and Xue Fei entered the palace, Miss Xia Jia appeared on the emperor's dragon bed for no reason. On that day, the Emperor was drunk, and she lost her confusion in the confusion. There was a rage, and Miss Xia was beaten, but in the end, a decree was made to make her Xia Fei, but she has never been spoiled! "

Leng Yan slightly sliding the lid, his eyes narrowed slightly: "How does Xia Ke look like?"

"The slave has been trapped in Weiyang Palace and has never seen it, but according to the news from her subordinates, it is said that Bi Na Yuanfei and Xue Fei are more beautiful. The main thing is that her eyebrows seem to be similar to the Queen Mother! "

"Similar?" Leng Yan laughed. If they were really cousins, they might be similar, but she was not the daughter of Leng's family at all. Where did the similarity come from? Put the cup lid down: "It's also the cousin of Ai's house. It's time to see you in the palace!"

"The slaves are here to see Xuanxia Concubine!"


Lu Chang turned around, and Leng Yan caught Kano and stroked it in his arms. Then he looked at Ziyu: "Ai family remembers that you were at home then, why did you come back to the palace?"

Ziyu came over and kneeled on her knees: "The queen emperor En Zhuanhui went back to visit her relatives, and the slave-in-law should have returned, but her father fell seriously ill. If it were not for the care of the uncles around him, the slave-in-law would not see her father anymore. Such a dad couldn't ignore it, so the slave-in-law stayed to take care of him, thinking of waiting for him to return to the palace to plead guilty, but didn't want to have something like that just returned that day, and now I can plead guilty to you! "

"Stop it!" Leng Yan helped her up: "How can the filial piety blame you because the filial piety is so big?"

"Mrs. Xie Ende!" Ziyu's eyes were slightly wet, and she quickly wiped off her handkerchief: "Slave listened to Father-in-law said that you were robbed by the Empress Dowager, and have been worried about you. Fortunately, you have finally returned, otherwise Slav What a good thing! "

"Fool! Everyone has their own way of life. Who can't do without others?"

Ziyu shook her head: "Slave is different from the Queen Mother. Even if the slave is changed, but the slave still wants to stay with the Queen Mother. Only when I am waiting for you, do I think what I do is meaningful!"

Leng Ye knew that something was ingrained in their souls, nor could she be eradicated in a few words, and no longer reluctantly: "Let's do it!"

Leng Yan leaned on the soft couch for a while, and Lu Chang finally returned: "Mr. Queen! Xia Fei is waiting outside the door to call!"

Leng Yan did not open his eyes: "Let her come in!"


After a while, Lu Chang brought a plain-dressed woman into the house. The woman looked pretty, she had big eyebrows, big eyes, sakura lips, sharp chin, fair skin, and she was very well-groomed. It is a simple hair accessory, and the clothes are extremely elegant. At first glance, it doesn't look like a concubine, but everyone comes out like a lady.

However, although people are beautiful, those eyes have not much aura. When they saw the cold, a flash of horror flashed in their eyes, and then they hurriedly bowed their heads: "Chen Ye has seen the Queen Mother! The Queen Mother Chitose!"

After a moment of coldness, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Xia Ke, holding his head in one hand: "No courtesy!"

"Mrs. Xie!"

Leng Yan waved his hand: "Give me a seat!"

Xia Ke owed herself again, and then slowly moved to the side and sat down quietly!

Leng Yan looked at her with a restrained look, and couldn't help but chuckled: "Speaking of you, you are also a cousin of Ai Family. How do you see Ai Family as you see a tiger? Ai Family is terrible?"

Xia Ke lowered his head even when he heard his words: "Chen Ye looked directly at the Empress Dowager!"

"But a face, what dare you? Look up and let Ai's family take a good look!"

Xia Ke dare not follow, but had to slowly raise his head and glanced at it coldly, and seemed to be shocked and immediately lowered his eyes!

"Well! I didn't see that this aunt had a big beauty!"

"The queen queen is ridiculous. Where can Chenchen be compared to the queen queen!" Xia Ke showed a humble gesture.

"Isn't it ridiculous to praise Ai's family? It seems that you still have a marriage contract with the elder's brother, but you don't want to be the emperor's concubine. It seems that the elder's brother has no such blessing!" Leng Yue sighed.

Xia Ke bowed her head and did not answer! Leng Yan sneered suddenly: "The family of Ai had a dream not long ago and dreamed that they were in an unfamiliar boudoir, and they became you. Are you funny?"

Xia Ke heard that his body trembled, and her breath was instantly disturbed!

Leng Yan looked at her and continued: "The Ai family also heard that you were sick, which caused the emperor not to accept you into the palace at first, but is it true?"

Xia Ke's head was almost buried in his legs, and his voice was like a mosquito: "Yes!"

Leng Yan straightened up, shook her sleeves and walked towards her, stopped in front of her, then leaned closer to her, leaned her head against her ears, and said in a voice of only two people: "You said, if you suddenly At this time in the harem, he died violently. Would the uncle at the Ai family feel bad? "

Xia Ke looked up in shock, all panic in her eyes: "Mr. Queen!"

In the face of her panic, Leng Yan smiled very brightly, left a little, and stared straight into her heart: "The uncle is so loyal to the emperor, everything is obedient and obedient. You say whether the family should be rewarded. What appreciate his loyalty? Hmm? A bottle of red crane crane, or a dagger? "

Xia Ke knelt down in shock: "I beg her mother to forgive her life, and her father is compelled to do so, please beg her mother for life!"

"Luo Ming?" Leng Yi straightened up and took two steps back, his eyes indifferent: "If the Ai family is no longer here, would you ask the Ai family to forgive you? Maybe your Xia family should be able to walk in peace and rank among the three men!"

"No, my father didn't think about harming the queen mother. It was the order of the emperor. The father had to obey! Please ask the queen mother to show grace!" Xia Ke cried with tears.

Leng Yan bent over her chin and smiled, but her voice was cold like iron: "The family of grief only tells you that not only can Long Yi take the life of your Xia family, but also the family of grief, even worse than him. You don't want Xia's family to die. You better listen to Ai's family honestly. Ai's family can send you to Long Yi's dragon bed, and it can also send you to hell! "

Xia Ke's eyes widened and she couldn't understand how she appeared on the dragon bed. Now that she finally knew the truth, she should have hated coldness, but now she only has fear! She didn't dare to suspect that Leng Yan was telling lies!

"What do you say, I will do it!"

"That's good!" Leng Yan let go of her, took a bottle out of her sleeve and gave her: "It won't be long before Long Yi will announce you to sleep, remember to eat one before each sleep!"

Xia Ke knew that it was definitely not a good thing, but he did not dare to obey: "Observe!"

Leng Yan waved his sleeves and turned, and the voice came lightly: "You better obediently, if you find that you dare to disobey the Ai family, you are waiting to give your Xia family a corpse! I believe the aunt of the Ai family is in Jiuquan I must miss you guys! "

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Four thousand words short, make up tomorrow!

Read The Duke's Passion