MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 25 Meet Jin Yu again, urging me!

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It took three days from Pingzhou to the frontier to fasten the horse and whip, and Pingzhou did not stop when it was cold. It ran for half a day, and had to stop the horse to rest until both legs were numb. The horse was tied to a tree next to it. I took the dry food and ate it, but I didn't want the weather to gradually sink. When she got on the horse again, it started to rain, and there was a trend of getting bigger and bigger. Xiao Xiao

It's March, it's really spring rain, and it's been raining a few days ago. It just cleared in the past two days, but I didn't want to come again immediately, and it was accompanied by a thunderous thunder, which made people feel bad. stand up!

Fortunately, Leng Yi prepared the cape, tied the cape, and surrounded it with a hide of animal skin in front of him.

It could have been a long way, but it was shortened by more than half because of the rain. The road on a rainy night was difficult to walk, the danger was very high, and the cold weather was not dare to care, so I had to find a hotel in a small town. Hurry up early tomorrow morning.

There are also many people rushing on the road in the rain. When Leng Ye went, there was a lot of people staying in the inn. There was no room in the hotel. There was only one ordinary room. Leng Ye was not fussy. He lost his money and went to the room!

Leng Yan knew that the outside was messy and she would not walk around. Let Xiao Er bring the food and hot water to the room. After eating, she hurriedly washed and fell asleep. It was best to sleep on a rainy day, and she had to keep her spirits up.

In the middle of the night, Leng Yan was awakened by a fierce thunder. The sound of the emptiness seemed to tear the sky and the earth. After Leng Yan was awakened, he couldn't sleep anymore. The rain outside was still falling, and I don't know when it will be a head!

Just as Leng Yan was preparing to close her eyes, she heard someone hurried outside and talked to Dian Xiaoer!

"Secondary! Hurry up and get something to eat, starve us!"

Xiao Er's confused voice sounded: "Several guest officials are still hurrying so late?"

"Where is the hurry? It's escape!" The other man said in the tone of the rest of the life after the disaster.

"Yes! If we didn't run fast, we would be drowned just like those people!"

Xiao Er's spirit suddenly refreshed: "What were the two guest officials said to be overwhelmed?"

"This is a village less than fifty miles away. It also rained heavily. When it was dark, we were preparing to stay, but we didn't want to hear the sound of booming. We saw the water flowing down, I felt wrong, and immediately ran on the horse and ran. When I did n’t enter the inn, I ran all the way, and even when I was ten miles away, I could hear the roaring blast. When we turned around after watching two mountain streams, the village was flooded. We are afraid The only one running out! "

"Oh my God, there is such a thing!" Xiao Er of the shop was shocked.

"At this time of year, the rain is the most, but this year seems to be more severe, and I don't know how many people have been hit!" The man sighed.

"That's it! Now that Bianguan is going to fight again, this kind of thing has happened here again, I'm afraid it will be sad this year!"

"The guest officer came from the southwest, what happened to the frontier? Couldn't there be General Leng, and make the barbarian thief break in?"

"Hey! Don't say it. Three months ago, the most powerful tribe of the eighteen tribes in the steppe did not know where a cruel and ruthless prince prince would emerge from there. As soon as he appeared, he took a five-thousand iron ride and killed a middle tribe, occupied that tribe's territory, and attacked the next tribe within two days of rest. Now less than three months, ten of the eighteen tribes on the grassland have fallen. In his pocket, no one on the grassland does not know Prince Chiyin now, it's just terrifying! "

"Are there such things?"

"That's not it? Recently, the fur merchants who went to the prairie ran back and fled. According to them, Prince Chiyin gathered 200,000 soldiers and horses in his hands and threatened to look good to General Leng. Last year, it was General Leng Da who would The tribes were expelled, and now refers to the revenge of General Leng! "

"Isn't that General Leng a trouble? Although he has 50,000 divisions, he is 200,000!"

"Don't say it! Get some food and hungry!"

"Hello! Let's go young!"

Xiao Er ran into the kitchen, and the two of them sat outside and talked again, but they were talking about things like the leather business. Leng Ye did not listen anymore!

If what they say is true, then Leng Yue will be in big trouble at this moment. It is impossible to leave the post in such a situation. Her affairs can only be set aside, but this is the case, Long Yi It won't be easy. Of course, there is no intention to care about her affairs again. It seems that this matter has to be eased!

The mountain ahead had broken the road, and Leng Yue had the same thing again. Leng Ye was a little unsure whether to move on or turn back. After thinking for a while, she decided to go to the military camp. Since coming here, naturally there is no reason to shrink Moreover, in the ancient battlefield, how could she go and see for herself.

I settled down and watched Leng Yan closed his eyes and went to bed. He woke up early the next morning and went on a horse ride. The rain continued to fall, although it was not big, but it continued, making people feel gloomy.

After walking for less than half a day, it turned out that there were traces of floods pouring out, but it was small and did not hurt the surrounding houses, but the road here was also blocked, obviously it was impossible to move forward.

Leng Yongze went up, took a high-rise official road, and headed westward all the way. Last night, the torrential floods were wild, and many places were hit by disasters. People along the way carrying baggage can be seen on the way, obviously. Shelter.

Xing came to the top of the mountain for a long time, and looked coldly from top to bottom. She was also shocked by the scene in front of her. Next to her was a gorge, which should have been lush and green, but now it was covered by thick mudslides. The big tree that no one could hold was shoveled and then rushed down, and the whole canyon was blocked.

Looking all the way from here, you can see the endless mudslides a few miles apart, and all the surrounding trees have been leveled. No doubt, the village that the two said last night is already deeply buried. Go on.

Even in modern times with advanced technology, the devastating disasters caused by these natural disasters to human beings cannot be avoided, and ancient times, which have nothing at all, let alone go away and turn around. Generally, such disasters are accompanied by plagues. And wandering, she has to leave here quickly!

Go straight all the way west until you pass the cold area of ​​the affected area before heading south and heading southwest. Everywhere along the way, you can see a man with yellow mud facing his buried house with a dead face and hugging himself. The body of a loved one was crying dark; although there were several places where people from the government could be seen to deal with it, there were no practical measures. Some big cities even expelled refugees who had fled to the past.

This is a few meters wide official road. It used to be very calm, but at this moment there are people all along the road, but there are no smiles or expressions, and a look of death.

"Wow!" The crying of a child broke the silence here, but those people were still numb, as if they could not hear it at all.

"Baoer! Don't cry! Don't cry!" A little woman in her twenties holding a baby over one year old, in a ragged and patchy state, and her handsome face was full of tears. With her, she took the child alone.

"Wow, wow!" The child cried even louder, and was very hungry when he wanted to come, but he didn't eat, and the people around him didn't bother, they didn't eat, how could they feel sorry for the mother and son?

There was some dry food in Leng Yanhuai, but she didn't give it. As long as she took it out, these people saw it. No matter she or the pair of mothers and children, she would be robbed. This is not to save people, but to hurt people!

"Wow, wow!" The child's cry was getting louder and louder, and he urged the horse to leave, but in the end, he still couldn't leave the last trace of kindness, bent over, and hooked the woman on the horse's back. Cover her mouth before yelling in panic: "I will take you for a ride!"

Leng Ye was a man at the moment, and her actions were very bold. The little woman was naturally panic, but Leng Ye's words and her regular movements made her feel relieved. At this time, someone was willing to help her. She should not think of her as mean Human!

"Wow wow!" The child continued to cry. Leng Yan didn't look at him, and he ran quickly. There were many horses in the official road. They were some rich people, and they also rode donkeys and cattle. So The presence of Leng Yan did not feel abrupt.


The official road connects the larger towns. Refugees are not allowed here, but it is clean and expensive. It looks different than those refugees, so she is also let in. As for the mother and son in her arms, they should only be treated as She picked it out kindly, a mother and a child, with little influence.

Leng Yan found a small inn, hugged the little woman, and let go of his hand and went in: "The shopkeeper, prepare some rice cereal and meals!"

A piece of silver was thrown over, and the shopkeeper immediately nodded and went to do it. The little lady gave Leng a grateful glance, and hugged the crying child to the corner.

Leng Yan sat across from her, took a tea cup to drink, and poured her a glass by the way!

The little woman looked at Leng Cao for a long time, and then said cautiously, "Thank you for your help!"

Leng Yan heard his words and looked up: "You should be grateful for my last trace of conscience, but I don't know if I can help you!"

Take a small silver ticket from her arms and put it in the clothes of the child in her arms: "I can only help you so much, and the rest of you ask for blessings!"

"My son! The slave's family can no longer collect the son's money. It is already a gratitude for the son to send the slave's family here!" The little woman saw the cold gesture and refused.

Leng Ye ignored it, and raised his hand to touch the child, but he looked very cute, but his face was stained with dirt and looked dirty!

The shopkeeper brought rice cereal, and coldly pushed it over: "Hurry feed her!"

The little woman didn't quit, the child was really hungry, and now she didn't have the energy to cry. While blowing, she carefully fed the child. The child opened his mouth and swallowed, and was obviously very hungry!

The food was served quickly, Leng Ye took half of it and ate it. He raised his hand to touch the child, turned around, turned over, and left! She has done what she can do, and that's enough! After another three days of walking, Leng Ye finally came to the frontier fortress. In the sense of Leng Ye, the frontier is like the grassland of Inner Mongolia, the green grass, the cattle and sheep everywhere, and the city walls piled with sand, but when she went there At that time, I couldn't help doubting that I had gone to the wrong place. There were so many yellow sands here that I couldn't even see the trees. Is this really a steppe?

Leng Yan went to the sandy town to find a family and said that he had come to the general Leng. The man immediately pointed her out when he heard it, and from there it was the division of Yingshi. Hearing the news, Leng Yan gave a sigh of relief, and after so many days, it was so good.

Ten miles, not too far away, you can arrive without an hour, and you can run coldly, and then you can see the scattered grasslands first. Then you can see the scattered grasslands. After passing all the way, you can see them. The grassland was lush and green, which made people feel relieved.

Leng Yan's mood was a little loose, and he was just about to slow down the horse. Suddenly, a sound of 'booming' came. Leng Yan heard that it was the sound of horseshoes, and it was still a large number of teams, among which metal The sound of the impact suddenly froze, and it was the army, but I didn't know whether it was a prairie or a cold one! I didn't see the other side, and Leng Mao didn't dare to carelessly. He found a hill, ran the horse over, put the horse on a low place, and he was walking on the hill.

Soon the team arrived. It was a mighty one, and there were more than a thousand people in sight. They were all cavalry. They were wearing prairie costumes. They wore big knives around their waists and braided their hair.

To be honest, such a number of troops can't match the modern army, but if you put aside the firearms and firearms, these people's force value is definitely much higher than modern soldiers, and can approach half a special force; There was a hint of excitement in it.

"Boom boom boom!" It seems that there is something that needs to be carried out. The team flew to the past without stopping, and ran a few hundred meters in the blink of an eye, and then went further and further!

The danger had passed, and she should not relax, but she didn't feel a little relaxed. She always felt a bit wrong. She saved her instincts many times and turned her abruptly. She didn't know when to stand alone behind her, and she I don't have any feeling at all. If this person had just shot her and killed her, she would have no power to fight back. She felt a little scared in her heart, and then narrowed her eyes!

Is this the so-called narrow road of the enemy?

The misty snow coat was not stained with dust, and a hair sprayed freely fluttered in the wind, a dusty and enchanting face like a fallen fairy, eyes slightly drooping, and the air was cold, as if the fairy fell down in nine days, not the last time Who is the man she met in Beijing?

Although there was only one intersection, she knew very well that the person in front of her was above her, and I was afraid it was much higher, and she intuitively told her that meeting this person would not be a good thing, although she did n’t know what would happen next. What, but it will never be a pleasant thing!

His face was slightly black, the hand in the sleeve touched the dagger with one hand, and the other hand was stuck on the nine-turn cherry blossom bracelet. As soon as he dared to move, she shot immediately, but she didn't want to care about anything!

Jin Yu waved his sleeve slightly, and the cool voice meant an unknown: "Farewell is three months. The boy still wanted to get something and went back to Beijing to find you, but he didn't expect you to be delivered by your own slave." Here, it saves my son's time, um, for your goodness, I'll give you a candy to eat! "

Jin Yu raised her hand, and a pill fell directly into the cold mouth. She swallowed it before she could react, and her heart was horrified. What made her even more horrified was that her body couldn't move!

Looking coldly at Jin Yu, the sharp color in his eyes showed: "What have you done to me?"

Jin Yu gave a sigh, and then sighed, "It seems that Long Yueli hasn't mentioned the boy to you, but it's no wonder that he treated me as a thief to prevent it!"

He took two steps and walked in front of Leng Yong, bowed down and looked down at her, deigning and noble: "The boy doesn't like to introduce himself, but he broke it in such a clever way as your little slave. As a magic doctor or ghost doctor, although this is a bit encouraging, but no one in the world can compare with me except for my dead master's ghost hand. However, compared to medicine, I like to use poison. Well, do you understand that? "

Leng Yong remembered the movement of his sleeve just now. If he guessed well, he would poison her!

Seeing Lengsao seemed clear, Jin Yu was in a good mood, and she raised her hand across the corners of Lian's lips: "I just gave you my unique poison, and it was only developed shortly before. There is no antidote. Didn't you say anything? Are you willing to do it for me? Just help me try medicine! "

Leng Ye didn't even want to say anything. She said she didn't want to give him an accurate look. She was vomiting blood, she closed her eyes and ignored nothing!

Jin Yu saw her suddenly feel so obsessed, suddenly a bit boring, but he had seen her changeable appearance, he had time to study her, bent over to pick her up, and flew directly on the prairie with light work. Catch up with the team that just rushed away; there is a snow-white and body-building horse in the middle of the team.

Jin Yu fell on it, and the people around looked at it in surprise, but no one dared to speak, and continued to run horses.

Leng Yan was stiff at the moment, it was poisoned by him, and then his abdomen was hot, and his throat was a little nauseous. Don't even think that it was the ghost he had just given her! Constrained by others, she couldn't help herself, Leng Ye never felt so sad in her heart. How much mold must she pour to meet this bastard? And Longyue Li, who actually knew Longyue Li, clearly knew her identity, thinking of the dead demon evil, Leng Yi could not wait to bite him at this moment, such a dangerous person did not tell her, and angered her!

I ca n’t run, I ca n’t move, I have to open a mouth, and she is too lazy to move at the moment. It is a bit regretful that I did n’t learn the method of hiding the knife in the killer ’s tongue. If I learned it, I can kill it with my mouth at this moment. He's up!

No longer thinking about him, Leng Yan slightly turned his head, only to find that their team was actually running away from the desert. The endless yellow sand in front of them could not see anything! I was not interested in retrieving my gaze, only to find that the hair under this horse was extremely bright, each one was as white and transparent as snow, and there was a slight smell of snow on the body. This ran fast, but there was no trace. The bumps, at first glance, are the best horses in the world, and the cold head looks at the horse's head. This horse is a little taller than the average horse, and its face is longer. The pair of big eyes are crystal clear and extremely divine. !!

Jin Yu bowed her head to see the joy in her eyes, Qiushui's eyes flashed, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of her lips: "If you could help me to try a hundred medicines, how would I give them to you?"

Leng Yan immediately closed her eyes and pretended to be dead, and she still wanted to live. Even if she could not die after the test, she was probably half dead. For a horse, she would not be so stupid!

Seeing that she didn't answer, Jin Yu seemed a little regretted: "This is the only snow mountain dragon in the world that can't be bought with money. I originally wanted to endure love. I never thought you wouldn't take it easy!"

Leng Yan opened his eyelids, and said coldly, "My life is unique in the world, I don't want to endure love!"

Jin Yu heard a low-smelling smile, and rarely laughed out her voice and expression. The face that seemed inedible fireworks finally had a mortal breath, and even some demon evil, different from Longyue, but the same Let Leng Yan wish to step on both feet!

"Who says you're going to die? My ghost doctor's medicine, as long as I don't want to die alone, even Lord Yan can't take it!"

"Don't talk big, the cow is blowing too high, and it fell down miserably!" Leng Yan said blankly.

Jin Yu closed her expression: "Do you doubt my son's medicine?"

"Wrong! I doubt your character!" Leng Yan looked earnestly.

Jin Yu froze for a moment, and then said: "Doesn't your character have such a bad character?"

"It's not bad! It's not at all!" After closing the words, he closed his eyes and didn't bother to care about him.

Jin Yu looked down at her closed eyes, a strange look flashed in her eyes, her lips slightly hooked, and she didn't talk anymore!

The cavalry was flying in the desert, and soon passed through this small desert, and it was a green oasis. There was a small lake in the middle of the oasis, and there was a forest of less than one thousand square meters by the small lake. Their goal right here.

Jin Yu patted Xueshan Feilong's neck, and the horse immediately stopped spiritually. The cavalry team of 1,000 people also stopped. Five hundred cavalrymen surrounded the forest from both sides, and the remaining five hundred people began to dig. That's right, it's digging! I just didn't notice it. Now I saw that they immediately tied a shovel. At this moment, they started to dig. Five hundred people started digging around a small place. Half of them dug up, and the other half took The soil moves outside. Here, it is mainly sandy soil, which is very easy to dig.

Soon a large pit with a diameter of about ten meters was formed, and then began to dig down! Leng Yan looked suspicious. Why dig a pit in this desert?

Jin Yu has been sitting and watching the big pit quietly for a long time. She lowered her head and glanced at the cold stun for a long time. The voice was faint and had some unknown taste. Not expecting? "

Leng Yan shook involuntarily when she heard the snake's body. She really couldn't be interested in that thing, even if it lived for ten thousand years? Not a snake, just different sizes! However, Leng Yan was also very speechless. The last time I met him was because of a snake, and this time he met with a snake, and it was really not a good thing!

The ten-meter pit was dug a little deeper, which is the so-called crowd of people with great strength. Soon the pit was deeper than five meters, and they did not stop. They continued to dig down for two hours. They felt cramps, and they continued.

Leng Yan was extremely uncomfortable, but he did not want to show weakness. He was not allowed to think of any conditions for her to exchange, so she put up!

"Alright!" Finally, a person climbed up to report, Leng Yan also relieved.

Jin Yu took a pill and fed it to Leng Yan's mouth: "This allows you to move freely, but I added a lot of material in it, if you want to leave!"

After talking about it, Leng Yan still lay on the horse's back, and jumped off the horse with a smile!

Leng Yan could not wait to bite him!

Looking up at the sky, she calmed down quickly, moved her body so stiff that she could not move, and raised her hand to touch the fur of the Snow Mountain Dragon, which made her put it down: "Oh! If I have such a horse Good horse is good! "

Snow Mountain Feilong seemed to understand her, looked at her slightly, then moved her hoof twice!

Leng Yan smiled and patted his neck: "Go! Let's go and see what that **** is doing!"

The snow-capped mountains flickered for a moment, walking towards the edge of the large pit with an elegant step, stopping two steps away from the pit, looking coldly, suddenly surprised, this is a hundred square meters, deep In the large pit of seven or eight meters, the walls of the two sides did not know when to spray some medicine powder, and a net made of unknown materials was pulled. Only the side facing the woods was left empty, and at this moment, Jinyu Standing in the middle of the big pit, he took a long sword and waved on the ground. The dozens of blades around him were sucked up by his internal force and flew to the place he wanted with his consciousness. I haven't seen the so-called formation method, but I also vaguely know that he is in the formation, and it is a bit novel.

I have to say that Jin Yu is very attractive. The temperament of his face and that of cold and immortal is enough to make countless women tempted, and at this moment he is waving his sword, his hair is clear, his tears and the light color are ruthless. His eyes were scratched, his lips were pale white, and there was no confusing taste.

The last knife was inserted into the sand, and in the sand pit, there was a generous, windy sand, and the dust and smoke rolled into the eyes of everyone; and in this dust, Jin Yu fell from the sky in a white coat, like a fallen one. Deity, so beautiful! Leng Yan narrowed his eyes, and she was really evil!

Jin Yu waved his hands, and the shovel soldiers immediately turned over and returned to the horse's back, leaving the horse tens of meters away to surround the large pit.

He flew behind Leng Qing and asked softly, "Do you know what this snake king likes the most?"

Leng Yan didn't answer, she knew it was strange!

Jin Yu didn't expect her to answer, her eyes narrowed slightly, and a slight wicked smile spread on his lips: "It loves living things the most, and the more precious living things can attract it!"

Leng Yan heard a sudden unpleasant premonition. Sure enough, the next moment Jin Yu bounced against Xueshan Feilong's buttocks, the horse hissed, and leaped down the big pit. There was nothing visible in the long yellow sand, but A few moments after landing, Leng Ye discovered that they were in the middle of the array at the moment, facing the earth wall that was not paved with nets; although Jin Yu didn't say anything, Leng Ye could already guess seven or eight points. So she only wanted to scold her mother at the moment, and she just met the bastard. Now she was still drawn by him to seduce snakes. How could she do this in her life?

There is a yellow sand on the head, but this little world can be seen clearly. Jin Yu raised her hand and touched a cold hair, her eyes opened slightly, and those eyes were like the blue lake after the mist had disappeared. Such a good-looking: "You said that if you accidentally turn into the food of the snake king next time, what will Long Yueli know?"

Cold eyes narrowed and smiled brilliantly: "My son rest assured! Even if I feed the snake, I will pull you up, so we will never be apart!"

After that, he raised his hand and hooked Jin Yu's neck together, and his whole body pulled into his arms!

A ripple rippled through Jin Yu's calm eyes: "Aren't you afraid he knew he was jealous?"

Leng Yan raised his hand and slid across his chest, and instantly changed from a helpless look into a fairy. Even though her face was still painted with that bland makeup, but with her eyebrow movement, she was instantly charming and brow. One pick: "So it's your pleasure, there are not many people in the world who can pull me to death!"

"It's really an honor!" Jin Yu smiled suddenly, raised her hand and waved to the sky. Suddenly the wind and sand were even more wanton, and it was shocking: "My son enjoys this honor!"

When his voice fell cold, he immediately felt the danger, a kind of feeling that suffocated his heart like a burst, which never appeared on her, even at the moment of death. What kind of species is this? Make her feel this way?

The breath was getting closer and closer, Lengyan finally changed his face, holding his heart in one hand, her face was pale, and she couldn't breathe at this moment. I'm afraid she didn't need the monster to eat her mouth, she suffocated herself first!

Jin Yu also noticed that she was wrong. After slightly raising her eyebrows, she suddenly moved the cold-headed head over, and the lips did not cover with *. She forced the cold-cranked mouth with one hand, and fed blood into her mouth. Here, before she resisted, he closed her mouth and forced her to drink the blood.

"You actually gave me blood?" Leng Yan almost didn't spit it out with the disgusting taste, but immediately felt her heart was comfortable after speaking, and she was not so uncomfortable just, slightly pursing her lips, pressing down on her Disgusting feeling.

She didn't catch his neck, but Jin Yu embraced her shoulders with her backhand, afraid that she might fall, and her voice was a little dignified: "This time I'm afraid it's less estimated, if I'm afraid, I will lie in my arms. Don't look at it! "

Leng Yan very ‘behavior’ reached out and hugged his neck, and hugged him, as if strangling him, hatred in his heart: she did n’t even look at killing! If it weren't for her being here, she really wanted to strangle him!

Jin Yu was almost strangled by her. She felt slightly funny in her heart, and raised her hand to force her to release a little force. Then she swallowed the blood in her mouth, slightly adjusted the internal force to adjust her breath, and opened her eyes again. The color of the calm autumn waters is only deep and dark, like a deep bottomless pond, which is scary, as if once trapped, it will be gone forever.

"Boom boom boom!" It seemed as if the sound of a row of mountains and seas was deafening and deafening, and I didn't know how big it was to make such a movement.

"Hisse!" Snow Mountain Dragon finally got a little commotion and started to back away.

Jin Yu raised his hand and touched his coat of hair, which was a comfort. He touched several snow mountain dragons to calm down, but the hoof kept moving.

"Boom!" Finally, a sound like a blast exploded in the nearest place. The earth wall was knocked open with a mouth about two meters in diameter. The earth wall crashed down, and then a giant black cricket appeared with faint scales. That head was twice as big as the washbasin. A wide mouth was spitting crimson-black letter. The eyes were like black pearls.

The body was drawn two or three meters with the head, then it raised its head, and the sides of the head suddenly opened two wings like a cobra. The entire snake head suddenly became more than two meters and nearly three strokes wide. In the hole, but this small half comes out scary enough.

Jin Yu's face finally changed, and her eyes narrowed in surprise: "It's an ancient Teng snake!"

When looking at that thing, Jin Yu didn't even think about it. When she patted Xueshan Feilong's neck, she turned and ran towards the pit.

"Hisse!" Snow Mountain Feilong obviously felt dangerous, and rushed to his feet, and climbed up from the bottom of the pit a few times before running.

However, the speed of that snake was not covered. The huge two wings flew and chased after it. The long tail was drawn fiercely, and the sand on the ground was flattened by it.

"Yeah!" When the tail was about to be drawn, Jin Yu finally shot. He patted it with both hands and his inner strength. The last part of the snake's tail was interrupted by him. How powerful.

"Roar!" It was a snake, but it uttered the roar of a tired beast. The huge body swayed violently, and there was a feeling of landslide. The snake was obviously angry, and its eyes were about to chase, and Xueshan Feilong It's been a long time since then.



Countless miserable sounds came, and they could be heard from a long distance. Leng Ye raised his glance slightly, and immediately saw the terrible giant monster. Then he saw it was sweeping the thousand cavalry with the huge broken tail, and even returned Open your mouth and swallow a horse directly.

I just bury my head at a glance, and if I watch too much, I will have nightmares, which is bad for my health!

The Snow Mountain Feilong did not stop, ran all the way across the oasis straight into the desert, and then traversed directly. The speed was more than double the speed when it just came, and it ran in half an hour. Way, came to the place where Leng Ying was caught, and ran all the way west.

"Huh!" Leng Yan sighed for a long time, then looked up from Jin Yu's arms, raised his eyes to look at him, saw that his face was a bit ugly, it was too unexpected to think of what had just come, so he had to Change face! At the beginning, he said that when he caught the two-winged king snake, his emotions were very relaxed. Obviously he had full confidence in that thing, but the monster that appeared behind him was too huge. Obviously it was not what he wanted, and even exceeded his strength. Range, so he ran away without even thinking about it, without sacrificing the former good cavalry.

"What was it just now?" After a moment of silence, he asked coldly.

Jin Yu put the reins and let the Snow Mountain Feilong run by himself, and his eyes looked forward: "Teng snake! The ten snake that has thousands of years of ancient blood should have only existed in the mythology. The master also encountered it, and was finally killed by it. Take half a life! "

Leng Yan was slightly surprised. The ancient Teng snake in the myth is the monster just now? "No wonder it was just so uncomfortable!" Thousands of years of things, it really is not comparable to ordinary things.

Jin Yu looked down slightly: "You don't have internal strength to protect your body, but you are also a pure yin woman, naturally you can't bear the impact of its bloodline!"

Leng Yan heard his mouth pouting: "Should I learn some internal strength?"

Jin Yu suddenly and mercilessly hit her: "Your bones are ordinary, the strange veins are clogged everywhere, and you have broken your body. Even if you study internal force, it is only a half-hanger, and it will not be a climate!"

Leng Yan's face suddenly pulled down, raising his hand and slamming on his waist with all his strength, until he heard he couldn't help snorting, and then said quietly: "I knew I just pushed you Let you be eaten by that monster! "

Jin Yu raised her hand and removed her hand from the piece of meat that had been estimated to be purple. He sneered and sneered, "I should be right in saying this!"

Leng Yan retracted his hand, and was too lazy to tell him more, thinking that his waist should be pinched by her with a very good color. The bad breath in her heart disappeared immediately, she couldn't get him, and it was still a little torture.

The Snow Mountain Feilong ran across the grassland and pond quickly, it was another half an hour, finally slowed down, and looked up coldly, only to see that there was a military camp in front of it, and the white yurts were densely opened like mushrooms. On the ground, a fence was placed at the door, and there were soldiers patrolling everywhere, just like those who had just dressed up.

"Jin Gongzi!" Two soldiers guarding the gate of the fence saw Jin Yu riding a horse, and immediately respectfully opened the fence to let him in.

"Jin Gongzi!" The people behind him immediately shouted, respectfully.

But compared to their respect, Jin Yu didn't blink his eyes, and didn't give the light from the corner of his eyes, it was so proud that people wanted to step on him!

Leng Ye listened to their shouts, and then asked, "What's your surname Jin?"

Jin Yu finally gave a wink to her: "Don't my son tell you my real name?"

Leng Yan shook his head very honestly: "You never said that!"

Jin Yu frowned: "My son is very old?"

"Not old! But not young!"

Jin Yu gave her a cool look and spit out two words coldly: "Jin Yu!"

As soon as Leng Yan heard it clearly, he stopped Xueshan Feilong, bent her down, clamped her waist with one hand, and jumped her off the horse like a quilt and fell to the ground. Her waist was pinched, her first legs were hanging down, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

angry! This is revenge, the old man * naked protection! Damn old man!

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy