MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 15 Hua Jinzhi's Adult Night

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After a long time, the prince of the Bureau of Weaving finally came, and that slow and frantic attitude made Leng's frown move slightly. I always felt that this result should not make her very satisfied!

Sure enough, the father-in-law gave a gift to Leng Ye and said leisurely: "My queen mother-in-law! The father-in-law made the slave call back to the queen mother. He said he had nothing good to honor the queen mother, so the father-in-law gave it to the queen mother for disposal, and said please The queen mother looked at your father-in-law's costume for many years, and gave him a whole body when he killed him. He is grateful! "

Leng vomits blood, this old fox, she is busy! But this also shows one thing, that is, Father Gong and Lu Chang are not enemies to her. They have a dependency, a dependency that she will never kill Lu Chang. As for the content, she needs to find the answer herself It's up!

Du Heng made some investigations, and finally returned to the Bao Bao, saying that Xuan Wang hurried back because of the event of the fiefdom, and even the emperor had no time to report it. As for what Feng Fengdi did not explain in detail!

Leng Yan heard a sigh of relief, and then sneered, "Sure enough, the scourge of the millennium!"

On that day, Gong Yu was slightly depressed, and no one knew about it. Naturally, no one knew why Long Yueli left.

There was a laugh outside, and Leng Ye went out to see the two palace ladies teasing Kano, one of which was Xiang Zhi, Kano could not stand the two's cricket and jumped onto the only big tree at the door. Fifty-six meters high.

"Ah! Kano is coming down, we won't tease you and give you meat!" A court woman pleased.

Kano crouched on top, and couldn't get down! Xiang Yan smiled suddenly, and then swept up like a swallow, and when Kano didn't respond, he grabbed it and then dropped it. Kano squeaked and snarled angrily in Xiang Yan's hand while Let her run away!

"His!" Xiang Yan took a sip of cool air, the three blood stains on her hands were very obvious; she turned her hands around and saw Leng Yan standing at the door, slightly embarrassed: "Mr. Queen!"

Leng Yan smiled and looked at her: "Are you the flower family?"

Xiang Ye was not surprised when she asked her this way. He calmly said, "Slave doesn't have a family name, but she's the mother of the teacher, Mrs Chenghua, so she will do some light work!"

"Oh?" Leng Yan raised his eyebrows, slightly lip-crossing his lips: "From today you will be promoted to a second-class palace maid and wait in the hall with Ziyu!"

Xiang Xiang was a little surprised, looking up slightly: "Don't the queen dare to use slavery?"

"Why doesn't the dare family use you?"

"Slave is the master's eyeliner!"

Leng Yan said very seriously: "Well! Rest assured, I will guard you!"

Ziyu was speechless. How could the two people's conversation sound strange?

The days of parting always come very quickly. Even if Lanxiang came to think of three days as thirty days, but when the days passed, the date of their return trip finally arrived; Long Yi thought about leaving Lanxiang, but Lan Hong was reluctant to do so, and she moved out of the cold, Long Yi did not embarrass her anymore.

Because it was going to leave, Lan Ze naturally came to say goodbye to Leng Ye. I did n’t meet him after the kiss that day. Bye by now, Lan Ze was still a bit unnatural, but Leng Ye did n’t have much. I usually talked to them Finally, she took out the set of coral drops and gave it to Lanxiang. She took it out of order. Lanxiang was young and princess.

Although he said it would come secretly, Lanxiang couldn't help tears: "I can't bear you!"

Leng Yan waved angrily: "Come on! Crying again, believe it or not, and just throw you out?"

Lan Xiang glared at her with tears: "You can't say something nice!"

Leng Yan wouldn't comfort her, took a box and handed it to Lanze: "All the way!"

Lanze carefully folded the box: "Take care of you!"

There is nothing to say, nothing to send, the two got up and left, bid farewell to Long Yi, Leng Ye did not go to see each other, there is no endless banquet in the world, and close people will be separated, and will reunite after leaving, there are What's so sad?

I opened the box given to him by Lan Ze when he was out of the capital. An orchid was lying quietly with dew beads on it, which was apparently just picked. This winter, she could find such a thing. Orchid, Lanze smiled with a lip, carefully put away the orchid, this is the best gift he received.

Lan Ze and the two were gone. It was quiet without Lan Xiang to entangle her coldly. After a long day in the palace, she finally decided to go out to see Gong Yuwei. After that day, she had not seen it for many days. He's gone, I wonder if he's okay?

As soon as I walked into the street, I was a little cold, and there were a lot of shops selling lanterns and spring couplets in the distance. The red spring couplets were full of shops, and Leng Ye remembered that it was New Year's Eve not too long ago, and Chinese New Year!

I walked through two streets to the Prime Minister's Mansion. I just went to prepare the gate, but didn't want the door to open from the inside. Gong Yuwei stepped out, and the two just met.

Gong Yuwei was so cold, she didn't expect to see Leng Yan, slightly surprised and happy: "Xiao!"

Leng Yan looked at his modest costume and asked with a smile: "But going out?"

Gong Yuwei nodded: "These two days have healed, and naturally I can't stay at home. I have accumulated a lot of things during the rest period. I have to deal with these two days!"

Leng Ye didn't lose a lot, and he felt more comfortable when he said he was hurt: "Then you go! I will just turn around!"

"Be careful yourself!" Gong Yuwei ordered a turn and headed for the carriage that was already prepared.

Leng Yan looked at him before turning around and leaving. He kicked a stone beside his foot and walked carelessly, but didn't want a carriage suddenly stopped in front of her. She looked up. The carriage seemed familiar?

Sure enough, the curtain opened and Gong Yuwei came out from the inside. He got out of the carriage and walked towards her. He reached out and took her hand for the first time, and looked at her eyes and said, "It's all trivial things, no In a hurry, we will return home! "

Leng Yan looked at him and blinked, and suddenly burst into a bright smile: "Yuwei! You are so cute!"

Gong Yuwei took Leng's hand and walked back, his face was slightly crimson: "A man cannot be described as cute!"

"But I just think it's cute!" Leng Yan leaned closer to him, his eyes narrowed.

Gong Yuwei looked at her smile and couldn't help but smile a little. When she entered the Prime Minister's Mansion and took her all the way to the garden, she was surprised at first glance. The last time it was a green garden, now all should be Now, those trees have been removed from a large area of ​​land, and dozens of plum blossoms have been planted on the soil. The plum blossoms already have buds about the size of rice grains. You can imagine how beautiful this plum blossomed out!

Gong Yuwei looked at her: "You like it?"

Leng Yan nodded: "Of course I like it! But I didn't say I don't have to change it? You don't plant peony but you plant plums!"

Gong Yuwei heard her like it, her eyes were dyed with a touch of temperature, and she clenched her hand slightly: "These flowers will open in half a month. Then you can come here and enjoy the plum while drinking!"

Leng Yi hugged Gong Yuwei's waist, and unceremoniously kissed him vigorously on the face: "Yuwei is the best!"

Gong Yu's complexion turned red for a moment, and he turned his head to another place with a slight cough: "You like it!"

Leng Ye didn't let go, just hugged him like this, the two of them were attached together, she liked to be next to him like this, raised her eyes to see his crimson cheeks and earlobe, immediately couldn't help teasing him, pulling his face and voice aggrieved: "Yuwei! Don't you like me kissing you?"

Gong Yuwei turned back quickly and saw her expression panicked: "No, I just .... I ..."

Leng Yan bowed his head, covered the smile on the corner of his lips, and muttered in a low voice: "I kiss you, you don't look at me, and you never take the initiative to kiss me, if you don't like it, say it, I won't Just kiss you! "

Gong Yuwei heard the words suddenly panicked, and he liked it very much, but he did n’t know how to express it, but he was embarrassed. Why did she make such a misunderstanding? "Xiaoyu! I'm not, I don't dislike, I just don't get used to it!"

"Really?" Leng Yan looked up at him with wide eyes, aggrieved and worried.

Gong Yuwei raised her hand and touched her face: "Really! I never lied to Xiaoyu!"

Leng Yan smiled and looked up: "Then kiss me and prove it!"

Gong Yuwei suddenly froze all over her body, and she didn't know how to put her hands and feet: "Xiaoyu! This is outside!"

Leng Yan ignored: "I kissed you just now!"

Gong Yuwei suddenly had nothing to say, no matter how good he learned that Leng Yan was only silent here, always blocked by her, and every time it was such an ambiguous topic, it was just tossing his heart!

Seeing Gong Yuwei hesitated, the cold smile disappeared immediately, turned to the side angrily, ignore him!

Gong Yuwei immediately held her hand in a panic, and did not know how much effort she took to move her back, and then closed her eyes and kissed her. The kiss fell on her forehead, like a dragonfly, and she immediately shrank. Going back, it was such a kiss Gong Yuwei's face turned red immediately into an apple!

Leng Ye finally didn't tease him, and smiled contentedly. It turned out that being cared about was so good, he took his hand and sat down to the pavilion: "Relax! No one sees, even if someone sees it, You will never say you are frivolous, um, just say I am frivolous! "

Gong Yuwei managed to calm the uncontrollable heart and tried to shift the topic. He took up the cold right hand, and now the right hand has been removed from the gauze, and the crusts have come off. There are only two tender scars. Here his heart calmed down immediately, and some distressed: "Can it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore! This is all right, and the seal will be gone in a few days!" Leng Yue said easily, but she didn't want Gong Yuwei to feel uncomfortable.

But how can Gong Yuwei feel uncomfortable when he sees Leng Yan being injured for him? Forefinger gently slipped across the wound and muffled: "It's all too useless for me to hurt you. I can't even protect you!"

Leng Yan heard that he knew that he was dead alley, closed his hands and held his hand: "Does it look to you ashamed that a man is protected by a woman?"

Gong Yuwei bowed his head: "It's not shame, it's incompetence!"

"Fool!" Leng Yan chuckled, and raised his hand to pinch his face: "You learn the way of governing the country, you are doing things to benefit the country and the people, and you become the prime minister at a young age. How can you be incompetent? You are already the best man in my heart. You ca n’t martial arts and it's not a shame. No one understands everything. Such a person is not a man, but a god! "

"That day he committed his heart to kill you, and you won't martial arts. Isn't it incompetent to be killed by him like that? By that time your life will be lost, and who am I crying for?"

Gong Yuwei was sighed by Leng Yan's half praise and half affection: "But you were hurt, and you were almost seriously injured!"

Leng Yan smiled: "I'm not an ordinary girl, you shouldn't treat me as a precious flower, afraid of rain. I'm going to harden my life! As for serious injuries, not bad, isn't it good for me? No Do n’t think about what happened. It will be too melancholy and it will grow old! ”

Gong Yuwei knows that she can't worry about it anymore, she takes out a small handkerchief bag from her arms and hands it to Leng Yan: "Look at it!"

Leng Yan took it and opened it. Inside was a small jade gourd, green and green, which was the same size as the one she gave him, and looked very pleasant. Leng Yan smiled and squinted: "Give me this?"

Gong Yuwei held the jade gourd on his waist, and some unnaturally said, "You like it is yours!"

Leng Yan naturally would not refuse what he sent, lifted it and put it in his hands: "I like it very much, put it on me!"

Gong Yuwei turned his head back, Leng Yan had opened his hair to reveal his fair neck and waited for him. The fair skin was white and tender and seductive. Gong Yuwei was blushing again. In the past, he even had women's Without looking at his face, but now ...

Hold down the various tumblings in your heart, raise your hand to wrap the rope around the cold neck, and put a knot on her back neck; because of some tension and unstable hands, the fingers can not help but touch the fair skin, the soft touch makes He couldn't help but his heart beat faster.

When he put it on, he took a cold look at the jade gourd on his chest, and put it in his collar, "No one can see it!"

Gong Yu slightly saw her movements, and thought of the jade sticking to her skin at the moment, her face became hot immediately, and she didn't know what to say!

One afternoon Gong Yuwei accompanied Leng Yan, and the two didn't do anything greasy and cruel. They just talked blandly, occasionally, and no one mentioned the moon and moon again, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Leng Ye was going to go back at dusk, but Gong Yuwei wanted to send her but was rejected by her. Their identities were very sensitive and they were not suitable for contact. Gong Yuwei didn't want her to be embarrassed. They just sent her to the door and separated. !!

Watching Leng Ying walk away from the palace, Yuwei regained his reluctant gaze, and the entire body faded away, returning to the cold: "Uncle Xiang! Go to the study!"

"Yes!" Xiang Shu looked at the momentary change of Gong Yuwei's heart and sighed. Only the little sister-in-law was a little popular, and the shy and helpless man sometimes couldn't believe it was his maternal grandfather. However, as soon as the young girl left, Xiangye became an iceberg immediately. This change was so fast that he sometimes couldn't adapt; he didn't know what was going on between Xiaoyu girl and Xiangye, but in private he still wanted to The young girl often comes, or marry the grandfather directly, so that the grandfather will not be cold and hot at this time, anyway, he is like the angry grandfather.

Coming out of Xiangfu, Leng Yan stepped back to General's Mansion at dusk. When she arrived, it was early in the morning. As a result, she arrived in the evening, but she didn't feel the passage of time at all. She was with the person she likes. Even if she doesn't do anything, she won't feel bored. When she thinks of Gong Yuwei's sometimes shy and sometimes speechless feeling, she feels cheerful in her heart. What she loves most is his helpless look.

Leng Yan thought about Gong Yuwei all the way, but did not pay attention to the front, but did not want to wait a month later, she met Hua Jin like this!

The sturdy and muscular steed, a boy in deep black clothes, with picturesque eyebrows and handsome beauty, at the moment he tightened his face tightly, but did not damage his handsomeness. The woman returning home by the road looked secretly and was ashamed. Red, even a handsome boy!

The horse strangled her feet in front of Leng Yan. She stood in place. He sat on the horse. The two looked at each other so quietly. Her eyes were smiling and calm, but his eyes hid too much complexity and weight. As if going through many things.

In the end, Leng Yan broke the dead silence, and his eyes fell on his lap: "Has he recovered?"

Hua Jinzhi didn't say anything. Suddenly, he slammed his horse and rushed over. The horse quickly passed by Leng Yan, and then his long arm was stretched out to lift her directly in front of him. The forefoot was raised high, turned 180 degrees and then ran towards the gate.

At this moment, when the gate was closed, the gate was slowly closed by two soldiers. It was less than one meter wide. Hua Jinzhi did not stop at all. The horse leapt over the fence and closed the gate at the last moment. Rushing out, rushing towards the suburbs at dusk!

The wind whistled in her ears, Leng Yan was blown open her eyes, she knew that Hua Jin had a lot of emotions in her heart to vent, and did not stop him, but just quietly hugged his neck and held her head Buried in his heart.

This action seemed to relieve a bit of anger in Hua Jin's heart. He grabbed the stables and flew off the horses with a light grip, and landed on a grass field to put them down. Without a word, an overwhelming kiss fell down. With anger, sadness, longing and loneliness, countless emotions flow together, making it indistinguishable.

Leng Yong sighed in his heart, raised his hand to hook his neck, and responded to his kiss as he wished; Hua Jinzhi's kiss that was about to swallow her was slowly softened, and her emotions were not so excited. Kiss.

I don't know how long I kissed, Hua Jinzhi reluctantly let go of her lips, the lips kissed along the corner of her lips and cheeks, and finally nibbled on her clavicle.

Leng Ye was a little uncomfortable with him, so he raised his head and raised his head, and pecked gently on his lips: "Can you feel more comfortable?"

Hua Jinzhi didn't answer, bowed her head and caught her lips again, and kissed deeply!

Leng Kui kissed him back, and then he rolled over and pressed him underneath, one hand rested on his shoulder, and the other hand slipped into his plaid irregularly, and soon touched his smooth and elastic skin, not light and ambiguous Stroking, traversing the red fruit on his chest, and gently depicting his ribs, he felt that his body was stiff to soft, and his eyes frowned slightly, and his hands slid down his soft abdomen. The six packs were very It was clear that the fingers continued to move down after turning around a few times, but at this moment one of Hua Jin held out her hand and stopped her.

Leng Yan raised his eyes and looked at him. It was already dark, but his eyes were still astonishingly bright. Leng Yan lowered his head and caught him: "What? Don't like it?"

Hua Jinzhi took out her hand, and the flicker of * in her eyes faded, only cold: "You do the same to them?"

Leng Yan raised an eyebrow: "They?"

"Longyue Li and Gong Yuwei, don't think I know nothing!" Hua Jinzhi said in a fury.

Leng Yan was lying on the grass, with his head supported by one hand, and the green grass in front of him with one hand: "Are you asking me now?"

Hua Jinzhi saw her so leisurely, and the fire in her heart suddenly rose: "You are obviously like them, why are you trying to provoke me?"

Leng Yuyan's eyes were slightly cold: "If I remember correctly, I made it clear when I was in the bamboo forest of the palace. This is your own choice, but now you come to question me, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

There was a rush in Hua Jin's heart, why didn't he know, but he didn't want to remember, he could not control the anger and jealousy in his heart, how could he continue to bear it for so long?

He closed his eyes heavily, took a deep breath, and his voice was dumb and lowly: "Can you just have me?"

Leng Yan sat up, looked at Hua Jinzhi very seriously, raised his hand and gently touched his face, but his voice was extremely indifferent: "I said it earlier, just save the one you like, don't give it I do n’t want to have many feelings, and I do n’t want it. If you want us to go on like this, if you do n’t want to, I will give you the right to leave at any time. Maybe it ’s a bit painful to leave at this moment, but it ’s better than being stuck in the mud foot!

The sadness overflowed in Hua Jin's eyes, and smiled suddenly: "You say the same to them?"

"Yes!" Leng Yan nodded affirmatively: "Whether it's Longyue Li or Gong Yuwei, I've made it clear, the same for you!"

Hua Jin turned his eyes and looked at the dark night sky. Without answer, the two fell into silence!

Leng Yan lay back on the ground, looking up at the stars that were gradually coming out of the sky, his voice was slightly cold: "Can you think of it?"

Hua Jin's body shook, and she slowly turned her head to look at her, her eyes silent: "You just want to get rid of me?"

Leng Yan chuckled: "When did I say I want to get rid of you?"

"Don't you just want me to say something about leaving or giving up? You don't want to bear my feelings and my heart, so you force me to quit, so you don't have a little guilt, no fault, everything is my fault Passionate, arrogant, and you are still the queen of the high, I am the mud you have stepped on! ”Hua Jinzhi said more and more excited, and his whole body shivered.

Leng Yan looked at him and calmly stared at him: "I never denied your existence and never despised you. I just want you to see yourself and me, and then make your own choice. I won't force you, just waiting for your answer here! "

Hua Jinzhi clenched his fists and asked with a trembling voice: "What if I ...?"

"This is your choice, I will not interfere!"

Hua Jinzhi laughed sarcastically: "I am not like them?"

Leng Yan sat up and said, "You are you, they are them, and everyone is a separate and special existence. How can it be the same?"

Hua Jin's mood relaxed a little, but he still couldn't help but ridicule: "What are we then? Adulterers? Male pets?"

"Men's pet?" Leng Yan chuckled: "Men's pet is not qualified to lose temper with me like you, but as for adulterers, I don't think I need such a presence, and men are not so uncomfortable with me! "

Hua Jinzhi's silence is obviously still difficult to relieve! Leng Yong leaned over, wrapped his arms around his shoulders, kissed his side of his eyebrow and tip of his nose, and sighed, "I never knew that a man is so difficult to coax. If I want a man's pet, I must look for that. He looks very good, and has a gentle and pure temperament. What is the difference between looking for such a proud and hot dragon and finding fault? "

He leaned close to his arms: "I don't know what love is, but I have a special feeling for each of you. Everyone is different. Everyone takes it seriously, and even uses patience like never before. Coax you! I do n’t understand what is the only thing, and I ca n’t come to the good wife and mother who depend on my husband, so do n’t ask me like that, you ca n’t afford it now, and I ca n’t do it! "

Raised his hand and glanced over his eyebrows: "At first glance, you are such a terrific temper. I knew that there would be so many sins. I shouldn't have provoked you. I died in the hands of the assassin!"

Hua Jinzhi's expression finally had an expression, and she gave her a warm look.

Leng Yan chuckled at this: "Look, here it is again, but my favorite is your prideful temperament, and when the clothes are angry and angry, um, it looks better than when you are angry!"

The lip line pulled down by Hua Jinzhi slightly flattened and eased a lot.

Cold and speechless, she has finished all her kind words, why is this kid so difficult to coax? Sure enough, it is a proud product!

His head was close to his ear, and his red lips kissed his earlobe gently. He raised his hand and stroked his thigh. The voice was ambiguous: "I heard that you hurt your thigh. Would you please show me?"

Hua Jinzhi's body finally couldn't bear a tremor, she pulled her back to prevent her from messing up, and her expression of anger and deep helplessness: "You know you flicker me!"

Leng Yan snatched his neck, winking like a silk: "When did I flicker you?"

Hua Jinzhi wanted to get angry, but the fire that had just burned him into the dust just now had no trace at all, only helplessness, holding her in her arms, there was even a trace of unspeakable satisfaction; He had a good idea, but in the end he was so lightly resolved that he couldn't even get angry.

Staring angrily at the person like a fairy in his arms, he couldn't wait to choke her or die with her, but he couldn't bear to look at her, and even the anger was annihilated in her tenderness. Leprechaun.

Angrily bowed her lips and said, "I don't care, do you compensate me?"

Leng Yan's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand to turn around his chest, and Fengyan ticked: "What's the matter?"

Hua Jin's heart swayed, she hugged her and landed on the horse's back, Jun face smiled wildly, and the insidious charm: "This is what you said!"

Cold enough to not be afraid of what he did to himself, but finally coaxed this ancestor! With a sigh in my heart, after the departure of Gong Yuwei and Longyue, it is estimated that it is another guy who can't get rid of it. Would the men in this world be so entangled? Fortunately, there are not many people. Be coquettish, don't twist it, and make a fuss, she simply committed suicide!

Hua Jin's strategy rushed to the woods, and the running horse was shocked by the birds in the forest. Suddenly the whole woods snored. Hua Jinzhi continued to run unconsciously, his eyes shining brightly in the night, A piece of wood, finally stopped in the center of a wood, Leng Yan side saw a big house hidden behind this wood, at this moment the night was getting darker, only a simple outline can be seen, but it can also be seen that it was not built simple.

Hua Jinzhi's horse ran over, and the door opened immediately, so he drove the horse straight in and ran all the way to the middle.

There were several expressionless maids walking a few steps along the road. When Hua Jinzhi rushed in, raised her eyes slightly, then bowed her head very respectfully, lighted the lights all the way and disappeared!

Hua Jinzhi hugged her, jumped off the horse, lifted her foot and opened the door in the middle, and walked in all the way!

The moment the Leng Yan was carried in, she was flashed by the decoration inside the room. The red color of the room, the curtains, veil, tables, chairs, carpets, and the big bed were all red. What surprised her most was here. There are also two huge red candlesticks just burning at the moment. Although I haven't experienced an ancient big wedding, I still heard about it, and my eyelids were drawn: "This is not what you are going to use to marry your wife. ? "

Hua Jinzhi embraced the cold door and walked behind the door. It was also big red inside, and there were twenty ordinary petal-shaped baths. There was a mist of mist inside. A layer of petals was placed in the pool. Hua Jinzhi Hold the cold magpie directly in, the two soaked into the water, put her in a place to look at her, then looked at her, eyes brighter than the stars, dyed thin lips, "This is when I crowned The day is ready. You were supposed to bring you that day, but you are drunk. Today, if you say you let me handle it, give me an adult gift! "

what! Leng Yan laughed. The boy had already planned for it at that time. It wasn't just a glass of acacia wine, but she really made him a courtesy for him! However, she would not refuse such an invitation. She raised her hand and hooked her belt, and Fengyan was enchanted: "Together?"

With a look of expression, Hua Jin flew away from the water.

Leng Yan smiled in the water, then unbuttoned his clothes and soaked up very comfortably! Raising her hand to scrub her body, I have to say that she actually thought about it. She used to have nothing when she was still in her virginity, but since she was broken by Longyue, she has been tossed a few times. This body is more sensitive and emotional, and I do n’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing!

After half an hour of washing, the skin was soaked before turning up from the pool, and I glanced across the room, and finally saw the clothes on the screen on the side. However, that ca n’t be called clothes at all. The red gauze that is made is transparent everywhere in your hand. It doesn't need to be said when you wear it. This is clothes. Obviously it is a classic version of **** clothes, but the cold gown will not be shy. Out of that room barefoot!

When she entered, Hua Jin had already washed and changed into a red-gold dress and sat there. His hair was re-rolled up, using the mule she had sent that day, her eyes flickered towards him.

Hua Jinzhi felt her approaching and turned, and her eyes had shrunk sharply when she saw her, her face crimson: "What's the matter with this dress?"

Leng Yan raised his sleeves: "Did you not prepare?"

With her movement, Hua Jinzhi suddenly felt blood and swell, and her reason was burned. Her figure is not the kind of enchanting stunner, but everything is just right, the standard seems to be carefully calculated, and Her face was so charming and charming that she couldn't remove her eyes when she was wearing clothes. At the moment, she was wearing a transparent gauze. She had better eyes than ordinary people, and she could see everywhere Clearly, the woman's beautiful ketone body, coupled with the faint faint temptation of the gauze coat, at this moment she is like a fairy from the book, and he can only hold it to blame!

Without waiting for Leng Yan to come, Hua Jinzhi flew forward and hugged her, the dense kiss fell, and the fiery palm touched her body with excitement, and it was intoxicated by a layer of gauze, which was mixed with petals The smell of fragrance is enough to make him emotional, not himself!

Leng Yan grabbed his neck and endured his unforgiving kiss, and he ran his hand across his waist, and the belt was immediately untied, and then a piece of clothing fell to the ground, from the table to the jealous bed Ground.

One leaned over and pressed cold on the bed, and finally reached out to remove the gauze on her body, the pink and soft skin, and the perfect curves were all exposed to his eyes. He had never seen a woman's body for the first time. Beautiful and seductive, and he believes that she must be the best and seductive of all women!

His lips kept falling, and he kissed those beautiful things he had never touched. Every time he stroked his heart, there was a tremor, so excited he couldn't help himself!

Leng Yan was emotional, and he kissed her fiercely and eagerly, and sometimes it hurt a little, but it made her feel a little irritating, her body twisted slightly, and she moaned impatiently!

Hua Jin saw the charming color of Hanchun with a look on her face, her eyes were as soft as dripping water, and her heart moved, finally she no longer suppressed her, and leaned over to possess her; the beautiful feeling seemed to be able to take him away Soul, pierced into his heart!

Leng Yan clasped his strong arms and opened his body to bear his excitement and love!

After a while *, Hua Jin's forehead lay down on her body with a little sweat, and with a stompy look, he finally became a man, and she was a man!

After a slight gasp, he kissed her slightly hot cheek lovingly, and said dumbly, "Sister Jinghua!"

Leng Qiao's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand and brushed his face: "Call me Leng Qiao, don't call me Leng Jinghua!"

"Leng Ye?" Hua Jinzhi was slightly puzzled, and then obediently called: "Sister Ye!"

Leng Yan pinched his face: "Why add an older sister?"

Hua Jin's complexion looked reddish, "Yeah! I like to call you this way, I always feel kinder than anyone!"

Leng Yan chuckled, turned his head to kiss on his lips, and suddenly Qi asked: "You are so skilled just now, isn't it like your first time?"

Hua Jinzhi was embarrassed when he heard the words, and then whispered, "They say that if a man fails for the first time, a woman will be disgusted, so I read a lot of books and asked for advice ..."

Keke! In the end, Hua Jinzhi coughed twice, really couldn't say any more! Leng Yan smiled very pleasantly when he heard the words: "Haha! No wonder!"

Hua Jinzhi blushed and waited for her to laugh. After he laughed, he still couldn't help asking: "Just now ... are you comfortable?"

Leng Yan put his body on his side, and then rolled over and pressed him underneath, the jade gourd on his neck was at his heart, and his head was lowered to bite on his lips: "Very comfortable! It was just you who came, now ... Me! "

Hua Jinzhi's eyes widened slightly, it seemed that he didn't understand, and he couldn't believe it, but his emotions were quickly drowned by the cold kiss and touch. Although Leng Yan is not a perfectionist, she pays great attention to enjoyment. Especially the joy of fish and water, she will make herself happy and make the other person very comfortable, and she likes to conquer the other person more than passive tolerance!

Hua Jinzhi's first-personnel body, even though he saw a lot of things that are not suitable for children, but he was very immature in front of Leng Ye, and was quickly drawn by Leng Ye to the west. He was finally swept away by Leng Ye .

Hua Jinzhi looked at the sweaty coldness, Dan Feng's eyes blurred and fell in love. It turned out that she could still be so comfortable with women *.

Lying coldly on Hua Jin's body, it seems like a cat that is full and full of food, lazy and charming.

Hua Jinzhi hugged her tightly, the skin at this moment was close, making him feel as if he was in the cloud, so unreal.

Leng Yan probed his hand under the quilt, gently slipped over his thigh, and finally touched the wound. Although healed, he still had scars and stroked him gently: "You fool, are you comfortable hurting yourself? "

Hua Jinzhi caught her messy hand. Although he was very comfortable, he couldn't be tired now. He took her away from her body and hugged her, buried her head in her neck, and said, "I saw you and that day He was with me, and I felt uncomfortable. I didn't see you in the palace, and I didn't see you go back at night. I knew ... I couldn't accept it, I was thinking of something bad, but I didn't expect something like this to happen later!

Leng Yan raised his hand, his green fingers crossed his hair, and sighed, "I can't do such a stupid thing later, you know?"

Hua Jinzhi looked up from the cold shoulders and looked at her with a slightly flat lips: "Don't you want to take out the black jade that day? Why did you give it later, did my father and that man threaten you?"

Leng Yan stretched out his hand and bounced his forehead, only to find that his face was a little different, eh, Qing Qing receded, a little more attractive charm, is it because he became a man? Gou Lip raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Even if they do n’t ask, I ca n’t watch you become a mule with that kind of thing. It ’s so ugly, but it ’s just a matter of asking your father for a favor, no threat. Threatening!"

When I heard her say this, the last bit of dissatisfaction in Hua Jin's heart dissipated. At this moment, she didn't want anything, and was content with holding her; but what was the cool thing behind her?

Hua Jinzhi pulled the cold hand over and saw the cherry blossom bracelet on it at a glance. This thing is not recognized by ordinary people. How can he not recognize it? His face changed: "Long Yueli gave it to you?"

Leng Yan grabbed his chin: "Vinegar?"

Hua Jinzhi raised his hand and wanted to pull it out and throw it away, but the use of it was still unbearable, and her eyes fell on her neck, Dan Feng's eyes narrowed: "This is Gong Yuwei?"

Cold and speechless, a turn over pressed him down: "Come on, little vinegar jar!"

He bowed his head and bite on his lips, and flattered him again: "I'm all yours tonight, what's your jealousy?"

Hua Jin snorted heavily, turned his head to the other side without being pleased, his face was stink!

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows, stood up, and said coldly, "Forget it! Since you want vinegar, continue vinegaring. It seems that you are not going to ignore me, so I will go back!"

Hua Jin turned her head and glared at her fiercely, then turned over and pressed her heavily, some gritted teeth and said, "Okay, let me handle it tonight, where else can you go?"

Leng Lian was too lazy to talk to this proud and charming boy, hooked his neck directly and put on his lips, covered by the red quilt, and set off all night *!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

\ (^ O ^) / ~ This chapter is good enough, girls, don't hurry up and pop out, where is the ticket? Huh!

Read The Duke's Passion