MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 12 Fragrant blue orchid

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I didn't sleep all night, I was tired from frowning, and I applied a touch of makeup myself, which didn't look so ugly!

Qing Ling walked in to arrange the clothes for Leng Yan, and said, "I heard the news from the outside, Lord Gong hurt his shoulder, did not hurt his bones, and didn't worry about his life. The emperor was very angry when he heard about this. Last night So I sent the Taiyi to the Prime Minister ’s Office, and the Taiyi did not have any problem in return. It only takes half a month to cultivate!

Leng Yan heard his words and looked down, and said lightly, "Huh!"

Leng Yan is not in the mood today, she doesn't want to go out of the palace, nor do she want to do anything; she should have gone to see Gong Yuwei, but at this moment, she didn't know whether she should go, he was injured because of her, what should she say when she went?

Just when the cold weather was down, Lanze came with Princess Lanxiang!

Leng Yan did not expect Lan Ze to come so brightly, and was slightly surprised: "Why are they here?"

Ziyu said: "It is Princess Lanxiang. She said that the regent had said that the queen had saved the regent's life. The regent did not have enough time to thank him. She also wanted to thank the queen's great grace, so the two came together, the emperor. He nodded! "

Leng Yanwenyan didn't ask much: "Xuan them come in!"

Today Lanze replaced yesterday's dress, which is still light blue, but it is plain clothes. The hair is **** with a hairband as usual. It is also beautiful. Princess Lanxiang's dress is similar to yesterday. The two came together. , Handsome men and women, it is very seductive!

"Lanze meets the Queen Mother!"

"Lanxiang has met the Queen Mother!"

"No courtesy!" Leng Yan slightly raised his hand: "Give me a seat!"

"Mrs. Xie!" Lan Ze sat down on Leng Ye's right-hand side, and Lan Xiang went to the left, and was very close to Leng Ye, with a pair of eyes staring at Leng Ye without blinking.

Leng Yan smiled at Princess Lanxiang's gaze, and said, "Princess Lanxiang stared at Ai's house so much, and could there be flowers on her face?"

Princess Lanxiang was about to say, Lanze whispered: "Lanxiang! Don't be rude!"

Lan Xiang closed her mouth and gave Lan Ze a glance. She felt aggrieved and resentful, and looked cold and raised her eyebrows slightly. This woman did not hate her!

Lan Ze looked at Leng Yan, and when she saw her brows were exhausted, she couldn't help but asked, "Is there something to do with the queen mother?"

Leng Yan raised his hand and rubbed his brows: "Is it so obvious?"

"As long as your eyes are not blind!" Princess Lanxiang said.

Lan Ze looked at Princess Lanxiang again, and seemed to say something, but Leng Yan stopped it: "There are not so many rules here in Ai's family. Princess Lanxiang is willing to tell the truth to Ai's family.

Lanxiang blinked and looked at Leng Yan, and suddenly smiled brightly: "It would be good if the queen mother called me Lanxiang, Princess Lanxiang called it to others!"

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is Mo Fei's family still with you?"

Lanxiang ignored Lanze's wink, and the thief said, "That's right! Who made you the one my brother always cared about? And I also heard that you like my brother to play the piano the most, so I I brought him to play the piano for you today! "

"Lanxiang!" Lanze was slightly angry, but most of the elements in that voice were indignant.

Leng Yan looked at it with a smile: "Ai's family really hasn't heard him play the piano for a long time!"

When Lan Ze heard the words, he looked away slightly: "If the Queen Mother wants to listen, Lan Ze is willing to play for the Queen Mother!"

Leng Yan raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, and said to Ziyu: "Don't you always want to listen to Lanzi's son playing the piano? Can't you get the piano?"

Ziyu returned to God and immediately went to the piano with joy!

It didn't take long for Ziyu to bring the piano, the case was set up, Lanze went down and sat down, raised his hand and plucked the string after a slight meal, but it made Leng Ling slightly a little bit as if she was lying on the wall a few months ago. When I heard him playing the piano, it was the sound of the ethereal piano without any trace of impurities, which made her listen to it. For the first time, I knew that the piano can be played so beautifully and so touchingly.

Lan Ze's expression was the same as that at that time. In that yard, he would not be humbled because he was a proton and was humiliated. Now he is not proud because he is the regent of a country. He is elegant and light blue, just as elegant and thin !!

Listening to the sound of the piano that seemed to wash the soul, the cold frown gradually stretched, and the stagnation in the heart for a night also spread out, and Lingtai restored the clarity of the past!

Lan Ze played very carefully, and Leng Ye listened very carefully. Lan Xiang's big eyes turned back and forth between the two, and suddenly there was a feeling of adultery. While no one noticed, he moved towards Leng Ye's side. Next to the cold side!

Leng Yan looked back at her, and smiled slightly: "The princess seems to be different from the outside!"

"Where can it be the same? That's just not me!" Lan Xiang made a wink and winked at Leng Yan, and whispered, "Do you like my brother?"

Leng Yan raised an eyebrow: "Can the princess remember that the queen mother is a queen? Can such words be said?"

"If you really consider yourself your queen mother, you won't run away to listen to my brother playing the piano!" Lanxiang waved his hand, mysteriously approached: "My brother likes you!"

Leng Yan's head tilted his eyelids: "Oh? How can I see?"

"My brother will never play the piano again after returning from Feng Yu. Even the emperor entangled him to listen to him and not play, he said that he only wants to play the piano for those who know him!" Lan Xiang said seriously.

Leng Yan narrowed his eyes and turned to see Lan Ze, he still played seriously, never paying attention to what the two were talking about! Shallow smile and retracted his gaze: "It's just that Jiu Feng confided himself, Qin met the acquaintance, and I don't even know the acquaintance. Why would I like to say that? The princess would have to talk nonsense!"

Lan Xiang was sipped by a princess, and the princess shouted uncomfortably. She simply returned to her position and ignored Leng Peng!

At the end of the song, Lan Ze closed his hands, raised his eyes and looked at Leng Yi, got up and came back to sit down: "I haven't touched the piano for a long time, I'm rusty!"

Leng Yan looked at him and chuckled: "As time goes by, it's rare that your piano sounds like the original spirit, and you won't beg your family to save you a fight!"

Lan Ze looked at Leng Yan, and finally spoke for a moment of silence: "Lan Ze wants to see the grandma girl, I wonder if she is eligible now?"

With a cold look, he raised his hand and carried the tea cup: "You have fulfilled your original promise, and you will meet when you see it!"

Lan Ze heard a look of relief, unable to tell whether it was relief or something!

Leng Yan did not want to say more about this, so he changed the topic: "The emperor intends to marry Princess Lanxiang, what are you going to do?"

Lanze glanced at Lanxiang and didn't speak!

Lanxiang's eyes narrowed slightly, he threw a touch of disdain, and then laughed: "If he is willing, he will give you!"

Leng Yan looked at Lanxiang's changing mood, and looked at Lanze in doubt! Lan Ze sighed and looked at the maiden behind Lengpu: "Can the queen queen retreat?"

Leng Yan waved his hand: "All go down!"

When people were walking one after another, Lan Ze said, "I didn't plan to bring anyone this time. She came after halfway and spread the news without permission, so I had to bring her! I and Lan Xiang She was not born to the same mother, but she has been raised by her mother's concubine. She is my dearest sister. These years, the mother-in-law was imprisoned by the big emperor. She found the existence of the mother-in-law to help me rescue her. She lived in a stable life, but she heard Uncle Ning talk about the humiliation I suffered here. She would have to follow me, even marry the emperor, and take revenge on him! I persuaded that it was useless all the way. I am here today to come to the Queen Mother, I just want to Please do something for the queen queen and persuade this girl! "

Lan Xiang no longer had the innocence that he had just talked to Leng Yue, but a life of indifference: "Brother Wang doesn't have to say more, my heart is determined. He can make Brother Wang so humble in one sentence. How can I spare him!" "

Leng Ye could understand the meaning of her eyes last night. It turned out that she came for this matter. Although she didn't agree with her approach, this temperament really fit her appetite and took the cup with a floating lid. Chinese tea, asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lanxiang apparently had long thought about it, and when he heard the words, he immediately said, "Well at his country, mess with his country, and let him bear an eternal reputation!"

Leng Yan glanced across her face and body. She said that she did have capital, but Leng Yan shook her head slightly: "The most stupid revenge in the world is to use his most precious thing to avenge the enemy. I think you have a little brain , I didn't expect it to be just a big man with no brain! "

Lanxiang Wen Fury: "What do you mean?"

Leng Yan raised her hand, her red danker's nails held her veil, and her veil slipped slightly. The glamorous face was exposed in front of her. The delicate nose, beautiful sakura lips, pointed The sharp chin, as if craftsmanship, is beautiful.

"Well! You have such a beautiful face and such a good time, but you pack and send yourself to your enemy's bed, what do you say is not stupid?"

Lan Xiang pursed his lips: "But it can't be so cheap for him!"

"If you did that, it would be cheap for him!"

Lan Xiang frowned. It seemed like she had no idea at once, but the hatred in her heart would not dissipate. When she thought of the emperor who loved her most, she knelt down on the ground and played the piano with that humble humiliation, like the lowest slave Her heart was just like a sword cut. The kind of shame was pressed in her heart thousands of times. She just wanted to get revenge, and the cruelest revenge for an emperor was to chase his reputation and kill him. She is confident that she has that ability, and she came with determination to break the boat!

In fact, Leng Yan can understand Lanxiang's mood. When she saw Lanze, she was very surprised and uneasy, but she was relieved when he saw that he walked back indifferently. The momentary gesture could not decide people. A lifetime of temporary insults does not mean that person will be insulted forever, as long as his pride is still there, insults are nothing!

Lan Ze was very worried about Lan Xiang. He persuaded it to be useless and moved out of the mother-in-law or forced her back. She actually threatened him with a hunger strike to cut her wrists. Looking at Leng Yan with a request, I hope she helps him!

It was just then that Father-in-law Qu came over: "See the Queen Mother! The emperor sent the slaves to invite the Regent to the Royal Study Room!"

Lan Ze stood up and gave a cold hand to Leng Yan: "Lan Ze left, the queen mother troubled to look after Lan Xiang!"


Lanze turned and left, his back was straight and proud! Leng Yan always watched him go far away and smiled lightly: "You may not know, when I saw him for the first time, he came over and humbled himself on the ground. At that time I was because of that job. Humble and surprised, but also insulted after knowing his identity; but I saw another of him later, even though he behaved lowly into the dust during the banquet, but after leaving, his back was just like It's usually straight. At that moment, all my feelings dissipate, only appreciation! "

"A person's head can be lowered, his back can be bent, and his knees can be on his knees, but as long as the proud bones are still there, nothing can be insulted to him. It is not an insult to him, it is only a test of fate; the eagle is tall Flying needs to go through countless folding wings, the process is painful, but only through the cruel and painful folding wings, it can spread its wings and fly above the sky; and he is like going through another rebirth, you see him today , But still a little humble? "

Lan Xiang heard the words for a moment, and looked at Leng Yan with surprise.

"He was insulted by people, made him belittle, look down, and laughed at, so no one paid attention to his talents, so he could wait until the time to return, otherwise he would have fallen into this palace. Which one do you think is better compared to the two results? "

One is to become the regent of today, and the other is to die in obscurity. Fools know how to choose!

Leng Yan watched her eyes widen gradually, took a sip of tea and continued, "Did he bear the humiliation in his heart, would he feel better than you? But he has tolerated it, and now he keeps those things in his heart, why are you? Want to remind him of those humiliations? He treats you like a sister and loves him too late, but you send yourself to the person who has insulted him, and you do n’t think that is the biggest insult to him. What? You can't even protect your loved ones, that's what really breaks his bones and digs his heart! "

Lanxiang looked at Leng Yan, and suddenly two lines of tears fell, sobbing silently! The hatred she had been suppressing in her heart all dissipated after the cold talk, only the guilt for Lan Ze. It turned out that she was not thinking about Brother Wang for so many days, but was digging his heart with a knife!

Leng Yan pulled his handkerchief and handed it over: "Although the beauty is very tearful, but I don't like to see others cry, wipe it away quickly!"

Lan Xiang took it with embarrassment, quickly wiped away the tears, and pulled out a smile: "It turns out that you are the one who really ends the brother, no wonder he sees you as a confidant!"

Leng Yan did not accept her compliment: "It doesn't matter if you understand or don't understand, it just looks more transparent than others!"

Lan Xiang looked at her quietly, and sighed for a long time: "Although you said it, you still have a bit of unwillingness!"

Coldly lazily raised his eyelids: "Some things, the more you pay attention to it, the more it hurts. If you look down, it will be nothing! Lanze is now the regent of the Snow Country. When the world mentioned him He will never be said to be a violinist, and this is his success. Don't let the haze of the past hang over him all the time, that is to look down on him and insult him! "

Lan Xiang nodded heavily, got up and gave a deep respect for Leng Yan: "Thank you, Lan Xiang, for mentioning her!"

"Remember that I am a queen mother now?"

Lan Xiang smiled embarrassedly: "I know that Brother Wang has you in my heart, and I have always wanted to see you and have a good chat. I heard Uncle Ning said that you do n’t seem to like male and female like Brother Wang, so I wanted to help Lara Red Line. It's cold ass! "

"You are brave enough to dare to draw the red thread with the empress dowager!"

Lan Xiang saw that she was calm and no longer restrained, and restored her original temperament: "The mother-in-law said that Brother Wang was weak and he would not necessarily meet the woman who made him attractive in his life, so if there is one, he must grasp it Stay, I keep remembering this sentence. Besides, I know that the queen mother is only twenty years old and young. Although there is a big difference in status, I also want to try it! "

Cold and speechless, what a theory! Suddenly, Leng Yan thought of something, and turned his eyes, grabbed Lanxiang, and lined her shoulder: "I help you untie the knot, do you have to repay me?"

Lanxiang was a good scammer at the moment, and nodded sincerely: "You said, as long as I can do it!"

"You can do it!" Leng Yanxie smiled: "I want you to help me seduce someone!"

Lanxiang opened her eyes wide, "Who?"

"Xuanwang Longyue is leaving!"

"Ha?" Lan Xiang couldn't believe it and looked at Leng Yan: "You said that the demon was not like a human grandfather?"

"something wrong?"

Lan Xiang narrowed her neck: "I looked at him a few times last night, although it was very beautiful, but I always felt that it was too beautiful. I can't compare it with my face. Isn't that a shame? Besides, you said Can't we use such a method? "

"You're a woman, and he's a man. Does that compare? Besides, I'll just let you seduce him. Will it be possible or not, but if it is, I will be happy to do it!"

Lanxiang shook her head: "No! You must be mine!"

Leng Yan said silently: "You just said yes, but no word?"

"But I really can't do such a thing!"

"Where did you go to seduce Long Yi?"

"Is that different? Is it a satyr and a demon, can you compare?"

Leng Yi laughed. Although this metaphor is a bit funny, it is quite appropriate! "Anyway, I don't care, you have to help this, as for whether I can not ask, it's so determined, you say I can get angry!"

Lan Xiang flattened her mouth, she always felt bullied!

Leng Yan thought of Moina when she looked like this. If the two get together, they must be a pair of treasures!

The two just finished talking, and Ziyu lifted the bead curtain and walked in: "Mr. Queen! Hua Guifei sent someone to invite Princess Lanxiang to the Royal Garden for dinner!"

"Don't go!" Lanxiang immediately shook her head. "Last night and night the woman looked at me with a gaze trying to pick me up, so I won't go!"

Leng Yan shook his head and stood up: "Let's go! A sad family will go with you and won't drop your princess' shelf!"

Lan Xiang puzzled: "Don't you hate that woman? Why go there?"

"You all know how to bear the burden of humiliation. Why don't you understand the thoughts of this woman?" Leng Yi raised her hand and let Ziyu clean up her sleeves, and her red lips ticked. It must be interesting! "

Lan Xiang is also used to intrigue among women. She just said that just because the person was cold. She was actually wary, but somehow the person in front of her couldn't guard her! Get up and wrap the veil around, take the posture just in front of Leng Yan, and change back to Princess Lanxiang: "Since this, Princess Princess is with her queen!"

Leng Yan chuckled, and caught one of her hands, and they went together towards the Royal Garden!

The concubine Huagui hosted a banquet, and the concubines and nobles of the palace came. Even the beautiful princess who had not seen her for a long time also appeared. Her belly has been more than seven months now, bulging, although she is now bloated and ca n’t see much Beauty, but just that belly, I don't know how many people are envious!

Leng Yan looked around for a week, and suddenly asked Ziyu: "Ai family remembers that there seems to be a noble man pregnant with a child, why didn't he see it?"

Ziyu said: "Three days ago, Yang Guiren went to the lake to admire the chrysanthemums, and accidentally fell into the lake. The child fell aside and said that the whole person had a serious illness. The emperor was furious and only sent a doctor to the past. I do n’t know what to do now! "

"What a mistake to fall into the lake!" Lan Xiang sneered.

Leng Yan slightly lip on his lips: "Wait for you to take the token of Ai's family to call a good imperial doctor, and by the way take some healing herbs, be sure to cure her!"

Ziyu nodded knowingly: "Slave understand!"

Lanxiang's eyes flickered slightly, and she chuckled, "I thought you would not participate in these harem battles!"

Leng Yan looked at the pavilion full of people in front of him, and glanced over the concubines, and finally fell on Hua Yuxuan: "If this harem is the only one in the family, it will be too boring! Let's go, we should It's over! "

"The Queen Mother is here! Princess Lanxiang is here!"

It seemed that the queen mother would not come, and the concubines were slightly surprised and owed: "Welcome to the queen mother!"

The cold and gorgeous dress was swept in front of the crowd. She looked at Hua Yuxuan at the top and smiled with a smile on her lips: "The unhappy family is not invited, will Hua Guifei not welcome it?"

Hua Yuxuan reluctantly smiled: "The queen queen's presence is the honor of the courtier!" After taking a step away, he gave up the position that belonged to her right in the middle!

Leng Yan walked up to sit down and said, "Be free!"

After everyone sat down, Leng Yi looked at Li Fei, who had her belly raised by the palace lady, and seemed to be concerned: "I haven't seen Li Fei in my family for a few days. This belly is getting bigger and bigger, I am afraid it will soon Born! "

Li Fei held her stomach and smiled, "Back to the queen mother! There are still three months, and the noise has been so bad a few days ago, only a little better these days!"

Zhao Yan glanced over Li Fei's belly, her eyes were full of jealousy, and there was a gloomy smile, and she smiled and said, "Yang Guiren accidentally fell and fell for the last two days. What a pity, Sister Li must pay more attention to it! "

Li Fei gave her a cool look and replied without shyness: "Yeah! Seeing that the emperor can have one more child, it is gone. It is a pity that Sister Hui Fei has been in the palace for many years, and she has n’t Conceive, but work harder! "

Zhao Yan's face froze, and she couldn't smile: "It doesn't need my sister's reminder! Take care of your belly!"

Li Fei caressed her belly, and Mei Mei was proud of her: "Sister Hui Fei has been sleeping for a long time. Now that I haven't got a letter, let the doctor see it, just don't fall ill!"

Zhao Yan's face was even more ugly. Two high-ranking concubines faced each other in front of everyone. The other little concubines saw their eyes straight, and finally Hua Yuxuan did not look good. Princess, don't let the princess read the joke! "

Lan Xiang was sitting beside Leng Yan, her back was straight, her jaw was slightly raised, but she was full of princesses!

Hua Yuxuan stopped the two from looking at Lanxiang and asked with a smile, "How did the princess rest last night?"

Lanxiang nodded slightly: "The troubled concubine is worried, Lanxiang is quite used to it!"

"There are so many beautiful sights in this capital. Princess Lanxiang has rarely come to the capital once, but you have to take a good look!"

"Lanxiang has long heard of the beauty of Fengyu's capital. Now the maple leaf forest in Nanshan is red, and in the winter of January, the plum blossoms in Beishan should be blooming again. It is time to take a look at it!"

Hua Yuxuan looked coldly with a smile, and said with a smile: "That's right! But the regent is afraid that he doesn't have so much time to accompany the princess. It happened that his younger brother was free these days. The palace let him take the princess to stroll around, but Live up to the princess's long journey! "

Leng Yan raised her eyebrows. This Long Yi made her match Long Yueli and Lan Xiang, but she wanted to turn this princess to Hua Jinzhi, which was really interesting!

Where can Lanxiang hear that she doesn't understand that she is pulling the red thread? Not to mention that she hadn't seen his younger brother, she didn't like her, and she would not accept her advice! "Thank you for your kind congratulations! But Lanxiang has already made an appointment with her queen mother to go to Beishan to see the plum blossoms. Brother Wang will accompany him if he does not return!"

Leng Yan glanced at Lanxiang, saw her looking at herself, and smiled gently: "You can stay until the plum blossoms bloom!"

Lanxiang affirmed: "Lanxiang rarely comes to Fengyu. Naturally, I need to spend more time, and I can accompany the queen mother to see a plum blossom, and brother Wang also wants to see it!"

Leng Ye didn't think Lanze would want to see plum blossoms, but didn't say much!

Hua Yuxuan was rejected, and his face was a bit unsure, and he suddenly said, "The courtier forgot that the queen mother had a good relationship with the regent!"

Leng Yan squinted his eyes and looked at it: "If the Ai family remembers correctly, the regent did not enter the palace when he left here as the prince? How can I know that the Ai family has a good relationship with the regent? Maybe someone in this harem chewed his tongue. It seems that the concubine should clean up the harem well, but don't let those who talk lowly forget what should not be said, what is superior and inferior! "

Hua Yuxuan's words were beaten back in cold words, as if slapping a slap on her face, but she was afraid to say a disrespectful word, desperately pressed down the flame, and said, "The queen queen has learned ! "

If Li Fei and Hui Fei's Ming Dynasty sarcastically surprised the concubines, the dialogue between the Empress Dowager and Hua Guifei definitely made them feel dark. You should know that although Hua Yuxuan was generous and virtuous on the bright side, In front of her, she always held a high attitude, as if anyone who talked to her was high-climbing. Even if they had a heartbreak, they couldn't stand it, and after the last thing about the Royal Garden and Weiyang Palace, everyone could tell which one was the best. Now look With Hua Yuxuan being upset by Leng Ye, he did n’t know how much fun he was. Although Leng Ye hardly appeared in the concubine's place, and he never called them, but these people inexplicably felt that Leng Ye was better than Hua Yu. Xuan!

"The emperor is here!" Suddenly a surprise came from the concubines in the Royal Garden, each quickly tidying up and watching, as Ming Huang came far away and saluted: "See the emperor!"


Long Yi strode forward, followed by a light blue Lanzer behind him. The two walked in here and suddenly brightened everyone's eyes. Although they were both Long Yi's concubines, it was unavoidable when looking at Lanze. Looking at it, such a man can attract people's attention by standing so quietly!

"See the emperor!"

"Lanxiang has met the emperor!"

"No courtesy!" Long Yi waved his hand, glanced at Hua Yuxuan, and stayed on Lan Xiang for a while before falling back to Leng Yan: "I didn't expect the Queen Mother to come!"

Leng Yan sat in his original position and didn't understand. He heard his words and raised his eyelids and looked at him: "Ai's family hasn't come out of the harem for a few days. It is a rare concubine to host a banquet and come out for a fun!"

Long Yi glanced at her a little deeper: "If the queen queen is willing to go out and walk away, be more familiar with the harem!"

Leng Yan chuckled and lowered his eyes: "The Ai family doesn't like noisy, it is good to stay in Weiyang Palace!"

The chair was moved, and Long Yi and Lan Ze took their seats one after another. Hua Yuxuan saw that Long Yi's face was slightly better and ordered people to put a banquet. Although it was a banquet, it was not a meal. There were only some drinks, snacks, fruits and the like.

The purpose of Leng Yan's coming out has been achieved. Some people like Long Yi and Hua Yuxuan didn't want to stay in her. They got up and left less than half a minute after the banquet. Lanxiang naturally didn't want to stay, and followed Leng Yan. Now, only Lanze had to stay with Long Yi!

Long Yi looked at the cold back, looked at Lanxiang again, and bowed his head without saying a word!

Lan Xiang walked a long way before saying to Leng Yan: "The emperor looks a little strange to you, what he said is also very strange, Lan Xiang is a little confused!"

Leng Yan looked at the front: "You don't need to understand these things, just don't see them!"

Seeing that she didn't want to say more about Lanxiang, she stopped asking and accompanied her to Weiyang Palace! Leng Yan passed the meal, and they ate with Lanxiang. Lanxiang talked about the fun of the Snow Country in order to keep the atmosphere so cold. He also said how Lanze regained the princes and seized power. Red, extremely proud, as if she had won the battle.

When Lan Ze came to pick up Lan Xiang, he saw the two having a good talk. Seeing the ease of Lan Xiang's eyebrows, he knew that she was persuaded by Leng Yong, relieved in her heart, and smiled at Leng Ying: ! "

Leng Yan raised his eyes and glanced at him: "Can I have a meal?"

Lan Ze had just returned from the Royal Garden and naturally had no meals. He should have refused politely, but somehow it turned out to be: "Never!"

Leng Yan lifted his eyes and looked to one side: "Du Heng! Send another lunch!"

"Yes!" Du Heng led out!

Lan Ze smiled slightly and sat down beside Leng Yan: "Thank you Queen Mother for your feast!"

Lanxiang glanced at Lanze, and continued to say what he said, and he said more and more vigorously. Leng Yi occasionally sighed. When he was interested, he would light up and catch up a few sentences. Lanze listened quietly, Occasionally gave her a warning look when Lanxiang said him, but Lanxiang did not see it, and continued to say, but Leng Zhe seemed very interested, Lan Ze smiled helplessly, just when the meal was served, he was quiet and quiet. Eaten up.

Lan Ze has never thought about quietly with Leng Yan, and eating at the same table with her here, he dare not even think about it. Now he is sitting here with countless feelings in his heart, but he does not know from How good it is!

Lan Ze used lunch to make people pull things down. Both of them haven't finished speaking, but most of them are Lan Xiang, cold and quiet as the audience! Lan Ze handed a cup of tea in front of Lan Xiang, slightly helpless: "Drink some tea! Don't be afraid to talk with your tongue!"

Lanxiang spit out his tongue and held a tea cup to drink tea!

After seeing her closed, Lan Ze looked at Leng Yan and said, "The emperor seems to have Nalanxiang as her consort!"

"Oh!" Lanxiang sprayed all the tea out of her mouth, but fortunately she turned in time, otherwise she had to spray Lanze's body; immediately after spraying, she lowered the tea cup and said, "I don't want it!"

Lanze was relieved when she saw her appearance: "He just mentioned it casually, I haven't answered it yet!"

Lan Xiang prayed and looked at Lan Ze: "Brother Wang, I was wrong, please don't send me to this palace!"

Leng Yan raised his eyes slightly, looked at Lanxiang and smiled, "Even if you want him, he can't bear it!"

Lan Ze frowned slightly, seeming to be a little embarrassed: "But the emperor's attitude seems to be very interested in Lan Xiang. In the past two days, he asked Lan Xiang about many previous things. If he really made up his mind, Lan Xiang may not be so easy to get rid of , Snow Country is a subsidiary country of Feng Yu. As long as he has a decree, we will not do it! "

Lanxiang regretted her death at this moment. She knew that she would not come, and grabbed Leng's arm: "Good sister! Help me!"

Coldly and slowly, he held up the tea cup: "It's not impossible to save you!"

Lanxiang's eyes brightened: "Really?"

Leng Yan took the lid of the cup and slid gently, and said quietly, "Long Yi originally meant to give you Xuan Wang as the right consort. Although he has some meaning to you at this time, if you show that you care about Xuan Wang or Have something to do with Xuan Wang, and he will have to reconsider if he accepts you! "

Lanxiang's expression suddenly pulled down: "Speaking of it, you still want me to seduce the mysterious king!"

Leng Yan didn't care: "It's up to you, Ai's family doesn't mind many beauties in this harem. Well, they have the same strength as Hua Yuxuan. It must be very interesting for them to fight!"

Lanxiang was silent: "Is this the only way?"

"That's all I can think of, believe it or not!"

Lan Ze didn't interrupt, he believed that Leng Yan would not harm Lan Xiang, and he would not interfere in the agreement between them!

Lanze left after two quarters, and took away the lanky Lanxiang. Leng Yan believed she would figure it out!

After sending Lanze and Lanxiang away, Leng Yan stood up and said, "Ziyu! Accompany the Ai family to see Yang Guiren! The Ai family hasn't been to the harem for a long time, it's time to show concern!"

"Yes!" Ziyu brought her cloak to tie the cold jacket, took two boxes of prepared supplements to keep up.

Du Heng led Leng Yan to the courtyard where Yang Guiren lived. He looked coldly at the deserted courtyard and sneered at once: "Did you lose the power, not even a person to see?"

Du Heng replied: "Back to the Queen Mother! Yang Guiren was very lively when she was pregnant. Many noble and beautiful people came to seduce, but since Yang Guiren lost her child and the emperor ignored her three days ago, almost no one came here, only The two nobles who had made good contact with her once came to see it, and then left and never came again! "

It's nothing strange for people to go to tea and cool down, to meet the high and low, it's nothing strange! Leng Yan took a step in and walked in. All the way, he smelled a **** and unpleasant smell. When he walked into the house, he saw a little housemaid burning a fire beside him, and no one else was in the house!

The little palace girl didn't know Leng Yan, but knew Du Heng, and looked at it strangely: "Du Gong?"

Du Heng glanced at her: "Not ready to meet the queen mother yet?"

The little palace girl was shocked when she heard the words, and quickly knelt down: "Slave meets the queen mother, please forgive her!"

"I don't know who is guilty, get up!" Leng Yan motioned for her to get up and glanced inside the house: "What about your master?"

"Back to the queen mother! The noble is lying on the bed, the slave is giving her medicine!"

"You alone here?"

The little palace girl revealed a little desolation when she heard the words: "These sisters have been asked by other noble ladies one after another for the past two days. This courtyard has only slaves and an elderly grandmother!"

Leng Yan heard a sneer: "The people in this palace are uniformly equipped by the Home Affairs Department. When will it be their turn? Du Heng!"

"The slave is here!"

"Send someone to take back all the palace people who went to other people's yards, each of them has 30 boards, remember to drag the Ai family to the middle of the Royal Garden to fight!"

"Slave obeys!"

Du Heng led away, and the little palace girl knelt with tears: "Mother Empress Dowager!"

Ziyu stepped forward and lifted her up: "Don't cry! The queen queen doesn't like people crying and crying, can't you take her to see your master?"

The little palace girl busily touched her tears, "please, please!"

Leng Yan frowned as soon as he walked in. The person with a pale face on the bed who looked like a zombie was the same person as Yang Gui that day?

"What about the doctor?"

"Return to the queen mother! The slaves have already been invited, but the doctors are busy, saying that they have to wait until they come!"

"Wait a minute?" Leng Yan sneered, just then the ‘busy busy’ doctor, Shan Shan, came with a light and steady pace, without any worries! When he saw someone in the room, he stumbled for a moment. When he saw that Leng Yan was young and luxurious, he subconsciously regarded her as the concubine's concubine, and quickly saluted: "See the maiden!"

Leng Yan took a seat and sat down, raising an eyebrow and chuckling: "I heard that Taiyi is busy?"

"Hui Niangniang's words, Chen is really busy doing this year's dossier recently!"

"Too busy to see your doctor?"

"Indeed, please ask your mother!"

"Oh!" Leng Yan's eyes suddenly sharpened, with oppression that could not be ignored: "The family of Ai only learned today that the life of the noble concubine in this palace is not as important to the doctor as cleaning up the files. There wasn't even a single person at the clinic. Could anyone have died? "

Hearing Leng Yan's self-proclaimed talent knows that this is the youngest queen mother today, and she immediately frightens her knees and said, "The queen mother forgive me! The court must try his best to heal Yang Guiren!"

Leng Yan scratched his nails, and said casually: "It's been a long time since Ai's family hasn't murdered, do you think it's better to give you a five-horse corpse?

The prince shook his head in fright, and his back was wet: "The queen queen forgive me! The minister knows wrong!"

Leng Yan no longer looked at him, and stood up: "If you want to survive, heal Yang Guiren. If it doesn't work, don't talk about you, it's your Jiu tribe, and Ai's family can come out with you one by one!

"The minister obeys the order! The minister must heal Yang Guiren!"

"Ai's family is waiting! Don't forget to bring a message to the adults above you, and ask what is the crime of contempt of the royal family?" After leaving a sleeve, he left!

When I passed the Royal Garden, I heard a popping board sound and a dull shout. It was apparent that Du Heng was tortured.

Some noble concubines saw Leng Yan, but no one dared to plead. Last time Hua Guifei was slapped in public by a queen queen for a court maid. Go, how far can you hide!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

This princess is not a scum girl, so cute! It is estimated that there will be harem content during this time, I wonder if the girls can't see it? Torture others.

Read The Duke's Passion