MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 10 Ask for medicine

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Ziyu came in to look at Lengyun, but found that there was an extra person on the bed, and she was so surprised that her eyes widened. The cold eyes were terrifying. Ziyu was so frightened that her legs were soft and her body was stiff enough to forget. reaction!

Just as Ziyu was about to hold on, she stretched her arms out of the quilt, pulled her head back, and then sounded a cold and lazy voice: "She's my own, don't scare you ! "

Long Yueli touched her pink and delicate face: "Don't you know that there is someone out of the hall? Just transfer a few to come in, absolutely loyal!"

"You want your people to watch me, don't you?" Leng Yan gave him a white look, don't think she didn't know his thoughts!

Longyue chuckled and smiled, "It's not that you're so fond of attracting bees and butterflies. It's good that none of the kings have been killed!"

Leng Yan didn't look at him, and sat up slightly and looked at Ziyu: "You go out! Don't let other people in!"

Ziyu nodded his head and turned and went out! But I guess she can't sleep well tonight!

Long Yueli pulled Leng Yan back: "You are so distressed to your girl, Wang is going to be jealous!"

Sneer sneered: "Are you still jealous?"

Longyue Li was so helpless: "I'm not jealous because you have no conscience, but now you are using it to slap me, right?"

Leng Yan leaned into his arms and continued to sleep: "Don't make trouble! Still sleepy!"

Longyue frowned: "You have been sleeping almost ten hours, why are you still sleepy? Your health is not so bad?"

Leng Yan didn't speak, and closed her eyes, she could say that if I don't sleep, I'll be overwhelmed by your overly hungry wolf? She didn't want to be tossed by him for another night, it would be dead!

With the cold ban, Longyue Li really only held her and did nothing. Whenever she had time, she lied directly to the cold cold palace. Ziyu got used to it a few times, although she knew it It's rude, but I also know that there are some things that should not be asked by her little housemaid!

A lot of things have stabilized. Leng Ye rarely settled down for a few days, and the days are gradually getting boring. Fortunately, there is a purple rain that can relieve her boredom.

Du Heng walked in and looked at the purple rain playing the piano next to him, and then walked to the cold: "Mr. Queen! The Prince of the Secretary's Bureau begged to see you!"

Leng Yan took a silver fork and chopped an apple into his mouth.

"The slave asked him, and he said he had to meet his queen before he would say!"

Leng Yan thought for a while: "Let him in!"

Seeing Leng Ye's call, Ziyu stopped his hand and walked to Leng Ye's side to wait! Soon a thin **** came in: "The slave sees the queen mother!"

Leng Yan put down his fork: "Say! What's up with Ai Family?"

The father-in-law looked at Ziyu and Qingling next to Leng Yan: "Can the queen queen let the two sisters avoid it?"

Leng Yan waved his hand: "Go out!"

When Ziyu and Qing Ling went out, Leng Yan said, "Let the Ai family guess, the people in the Secretary Bureau have nothing to do with the Ai family, so that the Prince Grandpa can come to the door regardless of the eyes of others. It seems that when Ai Family thinks about it, Lu Chang has something to do with your father-in-law, which means that you are the father-in-law's person! "

The father-in-law smiled: "It is too wise to be wise! The slave is exactly the father of the father-in-law. When the father-in-law learns about the disappearance of the father-in-law, he deliberately asks the slave to bring a sentence to the queen mother himself!"

Leng Yan laughed: "Lu Chang is missing. He doesn't go looking for someone. Could he still look to Ai's home?"

The father-in-law's expression remained unchanged: "Gongfu said that although he had not participated in the bed-changing four years ago, he was also very clear. For so many years, he had nothing to do with the queen mother. When the father-in-law made a living, he would rot those things in his stomach and never mention it to anyone for life! "

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows: "Is this a threat to the family?"

"The Empress Dowager is serious! Father Gong Fu just made a deal with you!"

Leng Yan raised his hand and lifted the lid of the cup, then gently glanced, "Go back and tell Father Grandpa! Make a deal with Ai's family and get enough chips. Don't always pull these things of Chen sesame rotten millet, Ai's family If you can come to today, you are not afraid of others coming out of the storm! "

Upon hearing the words, the Prince Gong took a deep look at Leng Kui, and then looked down: "Only slaves will arrive!"

After speaking, I took out a few patterns from the sleeves: "This is a new pattern customized for the New Year this year. I wonder if there is a queen's favorite?"

Leng Yan glanced across the patterns and said, "Ai family sees that the orchid is good, just let it!"

"Yes! The slaves retire!"

When the father-in-law left, Leng Yi called on Qing Ling: "Send a letter back to the general's house, and let them check where the father-in-law lives and his power!"

"Is it because he asked about Lu Gong?"

"A dying old eunuch, what qualifications are there to ask questions from Ai's family? It's just that I want to use the secret of the bedtime to do business!" Leng Yangou sneered: "A secret that has already entered the soil wants to leave Ai's family You want someone in your hand, and you're too underestimated! "

Qing Ling looked at Leng Yan, and then retreated!

Leng Yan looked up and walked to the back of the piano case, raised his hand and slid over the strings, his hand flickered, "I can see it in a few days. I wonder if the sound of the piano is still there?"

Du Heng walked in: "Mr. Queen!"

Leng Yan picked up a string: "What is it?"

"Hua Shizi discussed martial arts with several generals today, and was accidentally stabbed. He was carried back an hour ago. Hua Guifei just received the news and has taken several royal doctors back to the palace!"

"Oh!" Leng Yan's hands struck the strings, making a deafening sound! Leng Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you badly hurt?"

"It is said that the bone was deeply visible on the leg, and Princess Prince Germany was fainted!"

"I see, you go down!"


When Du Heng went out, Leng Yan hooked the strings again, a monotonous note jumped out from her hands, stopped for a while, and sighed longly: "It's really uneasy to watch one by one!"

In the evening, Longyue Li came again. As soon as they met, they said that Hua Jin was injured. After seeing it, Leng Yan's expression had not changed at all, and he couldn't help wondering: "Are you worried?"

Leng Yan looked at him strangely: "Why should I worry?"

Longyue Lixian raised an eyebrow: "Isn't that kid very much to your heart? Last time you went to the ceremony, not only gave him a crown and gave him a bitch, but he also drank his acacia wine. Why not worry about being injured now?"

"He has a bunch of people who care, even if he is going to die, he won't be able to cry!"

Longyue pumped away from her eyelids, and the vinegar could not rise. She sighed and hugged coldly: "How did I forget that you are a heartless and lungless thing? I was expecting you to be a little worried, but a waste of energy!"

Lengbu silently! Long Yueli suddenly drew her chin and asked very seriously, "Hey! Would you be sad if King Wang was going to die one day?"

Cold and cold eyelids lifted up: "The family of Ai will burn several peerless beauties to bury you, so that you will not be lonely underground!"

Long Yueli turned black: "You can't talk human?"

"I speak human words, but you don't understand!"

"Things of no conscience!" Long Yueli bit her cheek with hate, not enough to continue her bite, and then bite into the cold, and could not help but soar: "You **** are dogs?"

"Wrong! The king is a cow. I want to chew your grass and swallow it!"

"You really know yourself, you know you're getting old!"

Longyue Li couldn't say it coldly, she threw her down with a wicked charm, and raised her lips: "My lord is an old cow, so I want you to eat this grass with dew drops!"

Leng Yan was speechless. He raised his hand to open him, but did not want to be held by Long Yueli. He moved closer, his voice dumbly sighed, "Hey! It's been five days, and I'll be dead if I hold on!"

Leng Yong's heart was swaying, this is the dazzling god, Long Yueli has leaned down and kissed her lips, the big palm is messing with her! Leng Yan started to anger, and finally the flames in his eyes turned into *, sinking as Longyue left!

* The account is warm, I don't know the geometry!

And the next morning, when Leng Yan was about to get up, he suddenly felt stiff, his anger was burning instantly, and his teeth were about to bleed: "Dragon Moon is leaving! Waiting for the old woman to choke you!"

"A sneeze!" Long Yueli, who had just returned to the palace, sneezed. Don't even know that Leng Yue was scolding him, Long Yueli drew a helpless smile and held up his forehead: "It's miserable Last night I did n’t know about temperance and how many days I have to be a monk! "

When Ziyu came in, she saw Leng Yan's eyes glared and looked like a cannibal. She walked in fear: "Mr. Queen! What's wrong with you?"

Leng Yan finally closed his eyes, and for a long time forced himself to suppress the anger, got up and wrapped himself in a coat, and said coldly, "Prepare clothes for the mourning family, and the mourning family must take a bath!"

At first glance, Ziyu knew that Leng Ye was in a bad mood, and responded neatly: "Slave, prepare now!"

Leng Yan waved the other maids out of the bath, and the warm water wrapped her, and her stiff body was slightly comfortable; she did n’t take off her clothes, but even if she did n’t take off, she knew it must be wonderful, **** Long Yue Li, If he were in front of her now, she would definitely beat him!

However, after eating such a cold dish, I also understand that a man cannot be spoiled or indulged, especially a man who is insincere and insincere. He can't believe his guarantee!

After coming out of the bath, Leng Ling had recovered his usual mood. Qing Ling prepared his meal. Leng Ling was really hungry. He ate half a bowl more than usual!

After eating, I was a bit sleepy. I was about to lie down on the bed, but I saw a third-class little female in green clothes coming down with her head down: "Yu Xiangxiang has seen the queen mother!"

Lengpao stepped back: "What is it?"

Xiang Xiang took out a bottle of ointment and handed it to Leng Ling: "This is what the master asked the slave to give you. It doesn't hurt that much if you say it!"

boom! Leng Yan's repressed anger was instantly exploded, her eyes narrowed dangerously, the anger rose, and Xiang Xiang was so frightened that she forgot to react. There was an impulse to run away, but Leng Yan did not give her a chance and suddenly raised her hand to catch On her shoulder, she smiled grimly, "Go back and tell your owner, Ai ’s family wants to stab him, whether he should do it himself or Ai's family, choose one!"

Xiang Ye looked at Leng Ye in fear, and said, "Is there a difference?"

"Of course!" Leng Yan smiled even colder. "He can do a little bit of pain by doing it by himself. Doing it at home will definitely make him die!"

Xiang Yan opened her mouth, speechless!

Leng Yan pinched her vacant face: "Obviously pass on a message to the sad family, do you know?"

Xiangxi nodded subconsciously!

It didn't take long for Longyue Li to learn about the cold words, and he didn't leak a word. He sighed again. For his own safety, let's hide for a while!

With the anger of Longyue Li, Leng Yan went to sleep again and returned to the cage. Now that his body is so tired that even the ants can't step on it, what can you do if you don't sleep?

When I woke up, it was noon, just for lunch, and I chilled and pulled purple rain to massage myself. Even after sleeping for so long, I still didn't want to move!

"Purple rain! Ai's family found that your massage skills have improved a lot recently!" Leng Yan squinted comfortably.

Ziyu chuckled: "Slave massaged the queen mother every day. She also consulted the prince in the palace the other day, and said that the massage was most useful for the acupoints. Slaves learned according to what they learned!"

Leng Yan nodded: "Yeah! Yes, I'm fine. There is reward in the family. Hey, nod down, your waist is still sore!"

After a cool breeze in the afternoon, Leng Yan asked Du Heng to move the soft couch to Baihua Garden, took the satin shop, and lay down to sleep in Baihua Garden. She was in front of a cluster of peonies. How long has it become a pile of broken petals!

Although her body was still a little tired, Leng Ye couldn't sleep now, lying lazily on the soft couch, waving her hands to bring the flowers in the yard to her and destroy her!

Ziyu couldn't bear looking at the petals in that place, but Leng Yan was obviously not in a good mood, and she didn't dare to persuade her!

"Mr. Queen!" Du Heng walked in with duster: "Mr. Queen! Hua Guifei, please!"

Leng Yan fiddled with his petals and said, "No, I'm sad!"

"Yes!" Du Heng retreated, and came back after a while: "Hua Guifei kneeled outside the main hall and said she had something to ask for her queen mother!"

"She begged me?" Leng Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, and dropped a peony petal in her hand: "Is there anything she needs to grieve?"

"I didn't know the slave! But Hua Guifei kneeled at the door and touched her head with the ground. It seemed that something really mattered!"

Leng Yan thought about it for a long time, "Let her come in!"

It didn't take long for Hua Yuxuan to come in, a simple Chinese suit, a little tired on his face, a little dusty, as if from a hurry to come from! Her face was a little calm, she bowed her head and walked to Leng Ying's face, kneeling on her knees: "See my queen, please!"

Leng Yan looked at her, chuckling: "The family of Ai can't stand such a big gift of concubine, get up!"

Hua Yuxuan didn't rise. He looked up at Leng Yan. It was the first time that the hostility had disappeared: "Chen Xun asked the Queen Mother to save Jin's life!"

Leng Yan squinted slightly: "Why is the concubine saying this?"

"Jin Zhi discussed with people yesterday, but was hurt by his leg. The prince found that the bones were injured, even if healed, the root of the disease will fall. The prince knows that the queen mother has a magic medicine that can continue to strengthen the bones and strengthen bones. , Save Jin's life! "

Leng Yan chuckled and said, "It's just the root cause of the disease, and it doesn't hurt his life. Where can I say that I can save my life?"

"Mrs. Queen! Jinzhi has been martial since childhood and loves to ride and shoot. If he falls sick, he can no longer ride horses and practice martial arts at will, which is equivalent to killing him!"

Leng Yan took the handkerchief and wiped the flower juice on his hand: "Qing Ling!"

"A slave is here!"

"Are there any magic drugs for rebuilding bones?"

"Back to the Queen Mother! It's black jade! It was made by hundreds of rare medicinal herbs from the deceased first **** doctor's hand. It can continue to strengthen the bones. The old general was seriously injured when he battled the battlefield, and his feet and bones were broken. Damaged, almost abandoned, the **** doctor admired the old general for his loyalty, specially sent the only piece of black jade, re-bone the old general, repaired the veins, and the old general recovered. Later, the **** medical and the old general formed a friendship of obsolescence. But the miracle doctor died in less than two years, and no one in this world can practice black jade! "

Leng Yan Wenyan raised her eyebrows slightly, something so magical? Turning around to Hua Yuxuan, some wonder: "Hua Guifei can hear, this is the only relic left by the late divine doctor to his father, and the family ca n’t be the master, please come back!"

Hua Yuxuan stared at Leng Yan with wide eyes and couldn't believe it: "Mrs. Queen! Are you really going to die for Jin Zhi?"

Leng Yan frowned doubtfully: "The family of Ai was not helpless to see death, but was powerless. It was the relic of the divine doctor and the property of the father. The family of Ai could not be the master even the queen mother. If the concubine was interested, she would send people to the southwest. Ask your father, maybe he sees that he has been willing to save Hua Shizi in his friendship with Prince Germany for many years! "

"My sister-in-law didn't expect the queen mother to be so ruthless!" Hua Yuxuan turned pale and a little angry: "Jin Zhi went to the barracks every day, holding the bun you gave him at his adult ceremony, one evening People sullenly drank alcohol, and later got hurt because of drunken fighting with others. I do n’t believe that this has nothing to do with you; last night I stood by Jin and heard his name call to you. He was right You are so affectionate, if you let him know that you are so heartless, will you be chilled? "

Leng Yan listened to her questioning tone, and suddenly felt funny: "Hua Yuxuan! The Ai family doesn't know if you should be stupid or clever. Since you know that the identity of the Ai family is the queen mother, then you know how the courtier Xiao thinks the queen mother Sin? If it is really known, say that he will be exiled by the emperor, that he will be spurned by the people, and the sewage of the whole body! If you know such things, you should rot in the stomach, but now you are It is used to accuse the Ai family of being ruthless. In your opinion, should the Ai family be affectionate to him? And what kind of identity do you use to question the Ai family? Don't you think this looks ridiculous? "

Hua Yuxuan was pale with a cold face, and she was angry and cold and ruthless and indifferent, but her words were reasonable and she couldn't refute it. It took a long time to find a sentence: "Even if Jin Zhi is really Scolded, the queen mother is not afraid to carry the sorrowful evils on her back, is the ancient name infamous for the troubled Chaogang? "

Leng Yan picked a peony: "The Ai family is now only twenty. Even if the Ai family doesn't do anything, it is estimated that the stigma of Ai's family will be put on the Ai family. What is the Ai family afraid of? You also need capital? "

Hua Yuxuan clenched his handkerchief tightly, this time he really couldn't speak! Leng Yan is like an iron stone. If oil and salt do not enter, knifes and guns will not enter, she will be beaten back when she says anything, what else can she say?

"That being the case, Chen Xuan ... retire!" Hua Yuxuan took a deep breath, got up and left, his back was extremely heavy.

Leng Yan lowered her eyes and didn't look at her until she went away: "Qing Ling! Can something like that be in General's Mansion?"

Qing Ling nodded: "Yes!"

"Bring it to Ai's!"

Qing Ling was a bit surprised: "Don't the queen mother just say no to it? Besides, there is only so little medicine in the world, if you use it, you may never find it again!"

Leng Yan slightly opened his eyes: "Things are dead, people are alive, and I don't want to see that proud person being shot down, that would be boring!"

Qing Ling didn't say any more. She turned around to get the medicine, and handed it to Leng Yan in less than half an hour!

"This is the black jade?" Leng Yan looked at the black, black, underhanded thing in front of him. It was very hard, like coal, and it had a strange smell.

"It is said that it is made from fifty bones and blood, mixed with more than fifty herbs, and this is the only one in the world!"

"How does this work?"

"It only needs to be soaked in water, it will soften and dissolve. It can be used to apply wounds. It can continue to strengthen bones and bones in seven days. It is better than before. The old general used it more than half of the time. If it was given to Hua Shizi, I ’m afraid it would not Now! "Qing Ling was a little bit reluctant!

Leng Yan seemed to see nothing, so she did n’t understand medicine, and she knew at least some insect repellent and hemostatic grass. This thing seemed to her to be a dark thing: “It ’s so amazing, it ’s not just immortality, Will all broken bones survive? "

"Almost!" Qing Ling nodded: "Right! Do you want to send this medicine to Hua Shizi now?"

Leng Yan put the medicine back into the box, and looked up and said, "Since the Ai family said not to give, naturally they wouldn't give it!"

Qingling is confused, don't understand!

Leng Yan did not explain, leaning on the flowers in front of him!

Less than an hour, Du Heng hurriedly came: "Mr. Queen! The emperor is coming with Prince De!"

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of the father-in-law came: "The emperor is here!"

"See the emperor!" A bunch of palace ladies kneeled!

"No!" Long Yi raised his hand, and strode toward Leng Mao, and saw Leng Lean leaning on the soft couch, his eyes flickered: "Is the Queen Mother uncomfortable?"

"Ai's family just took a nap. Come here one by one, don't you want to let Ai's family sleep peacefully?"

Prince German hurriedly walked in front of Leng Yan, bowing and saluting: "Old minister sees the Queen Mother!"

Su Yi raised his hand: "Prince of Germany is free! What kind of wind is today blowing Prince Dee to Ai's house?"

Prince De's face was heavy: "The old minister shouldn't bother the queen mother, but for the sake of the dog Zichen, the old minister had to be cheeky and come to the queen mother here to ask for help! The dog was seriously injured yesterday and is still in a coma. Although the doctor can heal his leg It hurts, but it ca n’t repair the bones and bones. I ’m afraid that the dog will have to die in his life.

Seeing that Leng Yan didn't speak, Long Yi said, "I know that black jade is precious, but now Jin Jin urgently needs it, and please ask her queen to give me medicine on her face!"

Leng Yan looked at him: "Heiyu was given to his father by the sage doctor, and the family can't be the master of grief. Why don't the emperors write to ask my father?"

Long Yi frowned: "To go to the southwest, it takes seven days to get back and forth quickly, Jin Zhi can't wait for so many days!"

"Mrs. Queen!" Prince De bowed on both knees, and the old tears crisscrossed: "The old prince gave out a pulse and had such a child as Jin, the old prince asked for the queen mother! As long as the queen mother is willing to give medicine, the old prince will repay the queen mother in the future of!"

Leng frowned slightly, and waited for this sentence: "Prince De speaks heavily! Think of Rong Ai's family!"

Seeing her giving a slight sigh of relief, Prince De also had a little more hope: "The old minister did not deliberately embarrass the queen mother, she just had to ask her queen!"

Long Yi patted Prince De's shoulder: "Uncle Wang, don't worry too much, the queen mother is not unreasonable!"

Leng Yongxin said: Do I look like a reasonable person?

After deliberately embarrassing silence for a while, Leng Yan sighed for a long time: "Let's save! If you save people, you must know that your father will not blame your family if you know it! Qingling! Go to the General's Mansion and take the black jade to Prince De! "

Qing Ling nodded willingly: "Slave obey!"

The stone in Prince De's heart finally landed: "Thank you, Queen, for giving me medicine!"

Qing Ling took Prince De left, but Long Yi sat down beside her cold face, and saw her looking down slightly. Her beautiful face was more charming than the flowers in the sunshine, and she raised her hand to touch it. But he didn't want to coldly opened his eyes and looked at his hand coldly!

Long Yi retired, looking at the pile of petals destroyed by the cold wind on the ground, and sighed a little: "I never thought we would become like this!"

"What is the emperor feeling?"

Long Yi looked at her, with guilt in her eyes, a deep feeling of depression, and a lot of helplessness: "If I could stop in the palace at that time, wouldn't it be like this now?"

"The past things have passed. Even if we regret that everything has become a foregone conclusion, the emperor still has to say that the sorrow of the family has not had enough sleep!" After closing the eyes, he stopped looking at him.

Long Yi sighed again, and suddenly asked when he stood up, "Have you heard the story of Empress Mingxian?"

The answer was his cold and even breathing sound, Long Yi threw his sleeves and left with his hand!

After Long Yi went away, Leng Yan opened his eyes: "Purple rain! Come and tell a story to the sad family!"

Ziyu was a stunner at first, and then she came back and asked her to talk about Empress Emperor Xian. Think about it: "Queen Emperor Xian was the second empress of the founding emperor! Empress Emperor Xian was the youngest father Xiaoyu, who is said to be a beautiful woman, was emperor accepted the woman into the harem after his father died. Later, after many setbacks, she was finally put on the queen's seat.

Leng Yan raised an eyebrow: "Just a few words?"

Ziyu Bian flattened her mouth: "The queen mother! These are from the miscellaneous records of the wild history. Dad never let the slaves read these books. The slaves can know that it's good!"

Leng Ye think about it too, she won't be embarrassed! But although there are only a few words, the meaning is very obvious, and what is the intention of Long Yi to say this ... Could he still want to emulate the emperor? Leng Yan's eyelids moved, unable to tell whether it was ridiculous or ridiculous!

Qing Ling returned when Leng Yan had dinner, "He has given the black jade to Prince De!"

"Hmm!" I said a word casually!

Qing Ling stood by for a while, but finally couldn't help asking her doubts: "Why did the Queen Mother have to ask the Prince to ask for medicine?"

Leng Yan put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth: "What do you think?"

Qing Ling shook her head: "Slaves don't understand! Now that the queen mother has made up her mind to Hua Shizi, why do you have to spare so many turns?"

Leng Yan clasped the desktop and sighed, "You really have to grieve to explain to you!"

"This Huayu Xuan came to ask for medicine. If the Ai family gave it so casually, who remembers this relationship? Heiyu is so precious. If the Ai family gives it at will, it is no longer precious!" Continued: "Hua Jinzhi's wounds were there. He had to be black jade to be intact. Prince De would definitely come to Ai's house to ask for medicine for his son. The Ai's house put out the old general to shirk, but they could not wait to ask Home, Ai ’s family reluctantly agreed, and Prince De owed Ai ’s family a relationship. In the future, if the family is cold, he will not help too much, and ca n’t stand by. Even if one ’s relationship is impractical, it ’s better than nothing. Can't you give it away? "

Qing Ling suddenly realized that she had much admiration for Leng Yan. It turned out that there was so much knowledge in a simple thing!

Ziyu heard it seemingly incomprehensible: "At first, the slaves thought that the queen mother really didn't give it!"

Leng Yan chuckled: "He is the son of the Prince's Mansion, and his status is different from ordinary people, and Princess Hua Gui and Prince Germany come to ask for medicine, and the emperor is also a lobbyist, even if the family does not want to give it!"

"That seems like the best way to get back a relationship!"

Leng Yan's eyes flashed lightly: "This is called maximizing the benefits. Since one thing must be done, it will be the best to catch yourself, so as not to lose too much, right?"

Ziyu nodded her head straight, admiring her face!

Prince of Germany's Mansion

After finally waking up, Hua Jin saw Hua Yuxuan sitting on the bed, her face was heavy and she turned to the side!

Hua Yuxuan was accustomed to seeing his face, and was not annoyed. He only asked, "Does it hurt? The doctor has bandaged you, it won't be a big deal!"

Hua Jin's sullen words! Hua Yu sighed, "I know you don't want to see me, but you also have to think about the father and mother-in-law. When you were carried back, you almost scared the mother-in-law and passed out!"

Hua Jinzhi's words finally moved a little, and her voice was a little hoarse: "What about mother-in-law?"

Hua Yu announced that he was willing to speak, and smiled slightly: "The mother-in-law was tired and I was just advised to go to rest. She has not slept last night and I will tell him you wake up when she wakes up!"

Hua Jinzhi stopped speaking! Hua Yuxuan sat silent beside the bed, her eyes turned unconsciously, and suddenly fell under Hua Jinzhi's pillow, where half a mule could be seen there. The familiar pattern shocked her heart, and she would pick it up when she raised her hand. , But didn't want to be gripped by Hua Jinzhi before he met them, and looked at her alertly: "What do you want to do?"

Hua Yuxuan looked at the sister-in-law as if she saw the person. She knelt in front of her in the most humble manner and begged, but she was indifferent and impassive. Although she didn't want her to be involved with Hua Jinzhi in her heart, she saw Hua Like Jin, she felt worthless again. Now seeing this bitch, countless emotions have emerged, and she can't hold back!

"This **** is the one she sent, right?"

Hua Jinzhi let go of her hand and stuffed the mule back: "You don't need to care!"

Hua Yuxuan looked at him with some sadness: "How many women are there in the world, why do you look at the one you shouldn't like the most? Don't think I don't know that you're drunk in the barracks and you're crazy with your mule, if not you How can you hurt someone when you look drunk? "

Hua Jin's eyes were cold: "You monitor me?"

"If I didn't send someone to look at you, no one would know you were killed!" Hua Yuxuan said slightly.

Hua Jin looked at her seriously, saying one word at a time: "Hua Yuxuan! I don't care about my business, you can manage yourself!"

Huayu was anxious: "I'm your sister, but you treat me like a wolf, but you care about that **** who has no heart or lungs. Do you have a conscience?"

Hua Jin's fierce stare: "I forbid you to say her like that!"

Hua Yu announced with a smile: "You are so stupid to protect her, do you know that she doesn't care about your life and death? I went to the palace today to kneel and ask her, do you know what she said? She obviously has a life-saving medicine However, she said that she could do nothing, she said that even if she bears the name of “Beauty and Beauty”, she will pull you up, not even afraid that you will be exiled, and people from all over the world will be polluted! ”

Hua Jinzhi's face was angry, but then she noticed something, her face changed: "What is life-saving medicine? What life-saving medicine do I need?"

Hua Yu announced that his face was cold, and her heart was not good at all. She just said that she was leaking. Zhang Kou wanted to come back, but she could n’t hide it if she looked like this: "The sword you received was almost Cut your hamstrings and your bones are broken. The doctor can only heal you. If you ca n’t recover your muscles and bones, then your leg will almost be a waste! ”

Hua Jinzhi heard that his whole body strength was drained instantly, and there were only two words in his mind: it's useless! He has become a waste!

Huayu declared that his face was dead instantly, and he was scared and said immediately: "But it is not helpless, as long as you get the black jade left by the old doctor to the old general, you can continue to strengthen the bones, you can be as good as ever!"

Hua Jinzhi moved her eyelids slightly: "You just begged her for this?"

"Yes!" Hua Yuxuan nodded and squeezed Pazi. "She is extremely cold and indifferent. I don't want to give it to me even if I care about you!"

Hua Jinzhi lowered her eyes when she heard the words, murmured, "Why does she care?"

Hua Yuxuan thought that he had lost his heart for Leng Yi, and he rejoiced, and immediately added the fire: "Just now my father has also gone to the palace and asked the emperor to go together, all kneeling in front of her. It is said that he is still unwilling to take Come out, I don't think she really has you in her heart, so you give up! "

Hua Jinzhi closed her eyes and stopped talking!

Hua Yuxuan seemed to be hurt, but his heart was relieved. It was good to be hurt. He got a little hurt and forgot the ruthless woman. Everything will be fine in the future!

Before long, Prince De came back with black jade, with a look of excitement: "Jinzhi has been saved, there is a saving!"

"Great doctor! Great doctor!"

The Prince Prince shouted excitedly, and several princes hurried out. The old lady doctor headed also looked a little excited at the Prince prince: "Master Wang can get the black jade?"

The Prince of Germany nodded again and again: "Hurry up! Quickly use Jin!"

Several old lady doctors were also a little excited, but this is the medicine left by the divine doctor, a peerless treasure: "Master Wang, rest assured! We will use it to ensure that the son of the grandfather will be as good as ever!"

"That's it!"

Prince De gave black jade to a few senior doctors and went in. He was glad to see Hua Jin's wake up. The thought of Prince De was able to save him, and there was no gloom on Prince De's face. He just wanted to hurry him up. Healed, walked over and stood beside Hua Jinzhi's bed and said, "Jinzhi doesn't have to worry, Father Wang will cure you!"

Hua Yuxuan looked at him with joy, and couldn't help asking: "Is the queen mother willing to give medicine? She obviously said no."

Prince De nodded: "It is the only magic medicine left by the sacred medicine, and it is also the old general's life-saving medicine. It is normal for the queen queen to give up, but the queen queen is reasonable. In the end, she still gave the medicine. The father has let the prince come immediately Give Jin Zhi the medicine and it will all be fine! "

Hua Yuxuan carefully looked at Hua Jinzhi, for fear that he would change his mind because of the queen queen's willingness to give medicine, but did not want him to remain gray, and immediately let go of his heart.

The doctor gave Hua Jin the medicine, and the tingling sensation felt like a knife-cut pain, but at the moment Hua Jin was numb, letting the pain feel unrestrained, he didn't even frown, so the doctor saw this and praised the heart of Hua Jin Firm, but I don't know if he is hurting more than he is now!

September is about to pass, and the golden leaves are falling down one by one, paving the most beautiful scenery in late autumn!

"Mrs. Queen! It's cold, don't blow your hair!" Ziyu took a cloak and persuaded Leng Mao.

Qiu Feng rolled up her cold hair, and looked up at the sky, squinting slightly: "It's going to rain!"

"Well! It's been so dark these days, it's time to rain!"

Leng Yan turned his eyes and turned: "Go in!"

Nothing has happened recently, everything is as calm as a pool of standing water, and coldly enters the room. Qing Ling walks in from behind: "Mother Queen!"

Leng Yong paused: "What is it?"

"When I first came back, I heard that Hua Shizi's injury was already good. Now he can walk down the ground!"

Leng Yan frowned slightly: "What do these things tell the Ai family?"

"No! Slaves just think that the queen mother has given her medicine, and she should know the results!"

"Oh! That's true!"

Qing Ling glanced at Leng Yan again and said, "However, Nu Shi heard that Hua Shizi seemed a bit strange. I wonder if he was hit by this serious injury. During this time, she didn't talk, ignored her, and Prince De was crying anxiously. Several times! "

Leng Yan lowered his eyes: "I don't have to tell the Ai family later, yes, what is Xuan Wang doing these days?"

"The emperor arranged for King Xuan to meet the regent of the Snow Country. A few days ago, King Xuan was lazy. Only two days later, he began to prepare!"

"He's intentional. It seems that he really wants to match Princess Lanxiang and Xuan Wang!" Leng Ye turned and walked in with a slight smile. Well, the man is coming in two days, I haven't seen it in months. Changeable look? Undressing will lie on the soft couch, can not help but ring the days when I went to the abandoned hospital to listen to his playing the piano, but now I miss it!


—————————— Off topic ——————————

Hua Jin's Wounded Bird! Well, I'm guilty, I'm reviewing it, every girl can shoot hard!

Read The Duke's Passion