MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 1 Leadway! Huayu Xuan

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The next morning, Leng Ye just woke up and found himself holding a piece of paper next to his bed, and asked Ziyu that no one had come in, but the paper was lying there! Opening the paper, the two identities are written on it, as well as the forces they represent. After looking at it coldly, she raised her eyebrows slightly. Obviously, the results above exceeded her expectations. Xiao Xiao

Rip my lips and burn the paper into the fire! This paper should have been sent by Leng Yue, and the speed was quite fast. For his dedication, she would not care about him for tying her into the general's house yesterday!

Looking at the sky, the weather is good today, but Leng Yan did not go out of the house, but called Ziyu and Qiuxin to come in, and closed the room to train the two. She needs two capable girls, and she must be absolutely loyal!

After brainwashing with Zi Yu and Qiu Xin, Duan Leng called Du Heng: "Why don't you see Lu Chang?"

"Gonggong Lu didn't go out when they came in, Ziyu didn't know he was there!"

"I don't know?" Leng Yan looked slightly.

Du Heng knelt down at once: "Slave is not good at doing things, please forgive my queen mother!"

Leng Yan looked at him, and looked at his back so quietly, but Du Heng had a feeling of Taishan pressing. Within a moment, his forehead was sweating! After a while, Leng Yan said leisurely: "Tell Ai's family what you've heard these days!"

Du Heng busyly said: "The emperor summoned the Ning nobleman to sleep the night before. The Huagui Concubine Palace broke a good set of golden silk jade butterfly tea set. The second-class concubine Ru'er in Lifei Palace combed her hair and hurt her. Twenty was condemned by Li Fei, Hui Fei ... "

He was methodical, clear-spoken, and focused, and listened coldly and quietly, nodded in appreciation: "How did you hear about so much news?"

"Back to the queen mother! The slaves used to do the royal dining room to pass on meals. Each palace has a familiar **** eunuch, to give some benefits, it is easy to inquire about the wind!"

Leng Ye nodded, no wonder! After thinking about it, Leng Yan suddenly asked, "What do you think of Lu Chang?"

Du Heng looked at Leng Yong's face with some caution, and said, "The slaves have been with the father-in-law for less than a year, and they don't know much about him.

Leng Yan kicked his fingers and smiled slightly: "That's right, Lu Chang's temper is good!"

Leng Yi quietly looked at Du Heng, who was silent on the ground. He was stable and smooth. He was a good talent. He called Ziyu. Ziyu took a bag of broken gold and came out. Put the gold in Du Heng's hands: "The family of Ai heard that there are also conflicts among the palace people. You say, if someone is willing to accept them when they are crowded and oppressed, what will they do?"

Du Heng took the gold, and his eyes flashed: "Slaves understand!"

Leng Yan stood up with a smile, took two steps and suddenly turned around as if suddenly remembered: "Lu often is very busy, and after that, just tell the sad family!"

Although Du Heng was young, he spent many years in the palace and naturally understood the meaning of the master's words: "Slaves understand!"

"Come on!"


Leng Yan turned and returned to the hall, but saw Qiu Xin holding a small saucer of beef, and to please Kano, he could ignore her, no matter how she coaxed, she was so angry that her face swelled up Her cold childish look could not help smiling, and she was still a child!

"Mrs. Queen!" Seeing Leng Yan coming in, Qiu Xin immediately lowered the plate and stood with her hands down.

Leng Yan walked over, reached out and poked at Kano's butt, and when he was about to get angry, he held it up and stroked it gently in the arms: "Is the family so terrible?"

Qiu Xin shook his head!

Leng Yi smiled: "Then why are you afraid that Ai's family ate you?"

Qiu Xin bowed his head: "The queen mother forgive me!"

Leng Yan turned his head and looked at Ziyu strangely: "Ai's family said she was guilty?"

Ziyu smiled and shook her head: "No!"

"So what does she want me to forgive her?"

"Probably forgive her for being stupid!"

"Oh! That's a good count!"

Qiu Xin opened his eyes and watched the two talk about each other, and all of a sudden they couldn't react. Ziyu said badly: "The queen queen did not blame you, what crime did you ask for no reason? Isn't this to yourself?"

Qiu Xin seems to understand, she is younger than Ziyu. Although she is usually a little clever, she is still tight.

Leng Yan looked at her and had to say clearly: "You just made Kano so happy. As soon as Ai's family comes in, you become more restrained, as if Ai's family is terrible. Ai's family doesn't like people who don't understand the rules, but they also I like to behave in front of me. You should be as good as you are. As long as you don't do wrong, the sad family will not punish you! "

After that, put Kano into her arms: "Hold it and find something to eat. It doesn't like beef, and it will eat it if it is venison or fish!"

Qiu Xin hugged Kano nervously, for fear of falling, and it took him a long time to reflect on the meaning of the cold words, and she quickly smiled back and said, "Slave understand!"

Leng Yan waved his hand: "Go!"

After getting cold, Qiu Xin ran out holding Kano, and that step was obviously lighter, without the restraint just now!

Ziyu smiled when she saw this: "Qiu Xin was meant to be sad, but fell on her, but she became a happy character!"

Leng Yan heard the words move: "Ziyu Literacy?"

Ziyu owed herself: "My father is a teacher of the academy, and my slave has been with my father since he was a child, and he has learned some words!"

"Will that keep accounts?"

"Slaves had learned something with the aunt Steward before. It was not a meeting, but barely understood!"

Leng Gou's lips: "It seems that Ai's family still picked up treasure!"

Zi Yu smiled: "The queen mother laughed!"

Leng Yan thought for a while and thought, "Everything needs to be learned. The Ai family will give you the small coffers. You first learn how to let the Ai family see your skills!"

Zi Yu was somewhat flattered, and then knelt down and thanked him, "Thank you, Queen Mother, for your trust!"

Leng Ye did not like the concubine's concubine to come and ask for help. The last time Hua Yuxuan was poked by Leng Ye tossed and did not return. Leng Ye did not come out of Weiyang Palace, and Long Yi did not come again.

The next day Leng Ye changed her clothes and went out of the house. While she was still idle, she had to do something!

Holding the token all the way out of the palace, Leng Yan laughed without taking a few steps: Still here? Obviously, the person who came this time was stronger than the last martial artist. She could not detect the breath of the other person, but her intuition told her that someone followed her. It was an intuition that came out of countless deaths, and she never Doubt your gut!

This time, Gong Yuwei did not use it for her again. Leng Yu thought for a while, took a walk towards the General's Mansion, walked for half an hour, and finally appeared in front of the General's Mansion. Looked in. When I opened the study, I saw that Leng Yue was there, and I was a little surprised to see Leng Ye coming. Leng Ye didn't care about him. He walked over and found a place to sit down: "There are two tails outside! Help!"

Leng Yue sword eyebrows picked, and with the ten fingers of an eagle wing ring on the table gently buckled: "Why should I help you?"

"Aren't you my brother? Brother should protect his sister, um, now is the time for you to behave!" Leng Yan took for granted.

Leng Yue ’s lips moved, I wonder if she wanted to laugh or was suffocated by Leng Yong's shameless words, half a bang, seeing Leng Yue's look like 'I'll lie to you', Leng Yue finally waved his hand, and in the air Immediately someone left, no need to cold Yue commanded to go to solve the two people!

It didn't take long for the man to come back, still silent, but Leng Yan got up from his position, clapping his hands and smiling at Leng Yue: "Brother! Thank you!"

Then he left chicly again! The people in the dark looked at Leng Yue with a little surprise: Miss Murphy discovered his existence?

Leng Yue gently pulled the table, the darker eyes became deeper!

Leng Ye came out of the General's Mansion, found an inn to change clothes, and went straight to the courtyard where the two brothers and sisters of Mo Zhai lived. Mo Zhai just had to go out and saw Leng Ye coming and turned around. Leng Ye didn't want to stick his cold ass. But he had to do something: "Wait!"

The trot caught up in two steps and shoved two sheets of paper in Mo Zhai's unseen eyes: "Go and see the families above!"

After leaving, she didn't want to look at his cold face!

Mo Di took out two pieces of paper from his arm, looked at them and put them away.

When Leng Ye went to see Moina, she was practicing walking, but she looked speechless when she looked at Leng Ye. Is this a twist of cat steps or twist?

"Sister Sister! You are here!" Mo Ina immediately smiled at Leng Ying and happily hung up. Ever knowing that Leng Ying was two years older than her, Mo Ina immediately became a younger sister, and then stuck.

Leng Yan grabbed her head that was about to hit her chest, speechless: "Can you stop sticking like a puppy?"

Moina bit her lip, and immediately looked pathetic: "Sister Xi hates me?"

Leng Yan: ... Hao Yaotian

When Moina saw her look helpless, she smiled suddenly, and the good sister held her cold hand: "Sister Sister is the best. Why would you hate me? Right!"

Pulling Leng Yan to sit down, poured a glass of water and handed it over, suddenly gossip came over: "Yes! My brother just went out, did you meet you?"

Leng Yan drank his saliva and raised his eyebrows slightly: "What happened? How did not?"

Moina saw her look like this, and she was a bit discouraged and returned to her original position, puzzled: "So many women on the grassland like my brother, why don't you seem to have any reaction at all? Isn't my brother's charm down?"

Leng Yan gave her a shudder in annoyance: "If you are in the mood, you can practice for me, don't embarrass me!"

Moina stood up, holding her forehead: "Come on! I can do it!"

Leng Yan lifted his eyelids, put the baggage he brought on the table and opened it. There were two sets of men's clothing in it: "Put on!"

After a quarter of an hour, two of the younger brothers appeared. Moina looked at Leng Yan in surprise. The smaller her face became, the more red she became. The amber eyes were full of shiny red hearts. Drooling!

Leng Yan gave her a shudder when she was angry: "The idiot who made a fart, my sister is a woman!"

Moina went up and grabbed Leng's hand, obsessed, "Even if it is a woman, I am willing to marry you, sister, no, brother!"

Cold and cold wiped her hands and looked disgusted: "Don't I be sick or not?"

Moina grinned: "Who makes you look so good, I finally understand why you are not salty to my brother. You do n’t wear worse than my brother when you wear men's clothing. Heart of love! "

Leng Yanbai gave her a glance: "Go!"

Leng Yan is dressed in white, personable, and handsome. Moina is somewhat restrained and awkward, but she wears Xiaoyi's clothes, her ugly hat covers half of her face, and she stands in Lengyi Behind her, no one noticed her at all!

"My son! Here!" As soon as I stepped into the street, the sharp-eyed girl saw Leng Yan and waved her handkerchief coyly!

"Yeah, son, here!"

"My son! Come on!"

Leng Ye walked very freely, but Moina couldn't stand it. Where was this? Also, why is my sister-in-law so natural? That attitude is more romantic than those men who are looking for love, making her speechless!

"Let's go!" When Moina stunned God, Leng Yan pulled her a hand, and then the two of them walked into the largest green building 'Floor' here.

"Oh! Where is such a handsome boy!" The old lady who greeted the guest saw Leng Yan when she saw it, and immediately smiled with a chrysanthemum, waving a red handkerchief: "Have the boy come for the first time? Hurry, Upstairs, please, the girls here are all one of the best, and one of them is beautiful, and the daughter of Baozhun is satisfied! "

Moina couldn't stand rubbing her arms, rubbing her skin off the ground, watching the cold smile and coping with admiration, and she was so impressed that the old lady smiled like she wanted to eat her. How could she bear it? Also, she is obviously a woman, so why is that old woman as passionate as a spring?

In Moina's speechless eyes, Leng Yan took a silver ticket and shoved it into the old-fashioned Lu Feilu's chest, and touched it with ease. His actions were extremely insignificant, but his face was not filthy. "Invite your head card here to my son!"

The old man's eyes saw that it was a hundred or two silver tickets, and he laughed even more brilliantly. He was struck by the cold, and waved the puppet shyly: "I hate it! The boy is waiting, and the old man will call you Come!"

Then a passing woman was arrested: "Take this boy to the Furong room, so I can wait!"

The woman glanced coldly, and immediately blushed, "Mom rest assured, I understand!"

After speaking, he looked at Leng Yan shyly, raised his hand and made a pleased gesture: "Come here!"

Leng Yan followed with a smile, and when walking up the corridor on the second floor, she took two steps slowly, and pulled Moina over, only in a voice that the two could hear: "Look at it! This is the world of men, But in this place, not only men can dominate women, but women can also dominate men! "

Hooking her shoulders to the woman in front, she continued: "Prostitutes are also divided into many types. The lowest level is to make money from the body and the price is still very low. They can only serve those who have no identity and only want to vent their money. Men! Somewhat better are a little more talented and more technical. They live better than the previous one, but they still have to rely on their bodies! "

"Going a little higher is the so-called top card Hua Kui, with good looks and talents, and a bit of proud capital. It became a red card for a building and became famous, which may attract the favor of some grandsons. In this case, it is already considered Superb! "

Moina knew that Leng Ye was teaching her, and immediately listened carefully: "Is there anything higher than the first card?"

"Of course there is!" Leng Yong paused, "But the kind is no longer a prostitute. They don't sell themselves, they don't laugh at themselves. They turn between various nobles, and hold the privacy of nobles, so that those people love again. Hate, but you ca n’t touch her or move her, but sometimes you have to be restrained by her! ”

Moina was a little excited: "Is there anyone like this?"

Leng Yan smiled: "This is not born. She needs to hone, not only 18 talents, but also bold and sensitive enough. When things happen, you must be smooth, and know that when you are strong, you are weak. When you are weak, you are conscious. Current affairs, only such people can survive in that circle, understandable? "

Moina nodded, seeming to understand! Leng Yan pointed to the old lady downstairs: "She can be considered to be involved with those people, but it is not enough, you can look at her more, not to let you learn the same, but to find some that you have to learn! "

The hibiscus room had arrived, and Leng Yue let go of her: "Here it is!"

"Master, please! Slave family Xiuer, please tell me what you need!" Xiuer looked at Leng Yan, his eyes frowning.

Leng Yanxie smiled slenderly, and his long fingers caught Xiu's chin, his face lightly said: "It's a pleasant person who is pleasing to the eye, so wait and wait!"

Xiu'er was happy and smiled, "Yes!"

Coldly seated, Moina stood side by side, not her consciousness, but she couldn't sit down and couldn't stand her heart!

After a while, the two women came in, a crimson gauze, ecstasy charm, a turquoise thin shirt, unlimited style, both of them are top-class, and after rigorous training, walking in the wind as a wind, raising their hands and raising eyebrows With infinite style, the lotus step moves lightly, every movement is pleasing to the eye, Moina can see her eyes straight, although they are both women, she also thinks they are ecstatic!

"Slave Begonia (Yuzhu), I have seen my son!"

The voice is tender and tender, like the croaking of a yellow warbler, and it has a strong taste in it!

Leng Yan stood up and passed, her body was taller, half a point higher than the two, and she raised her hands to embrace the shoulders of the two. They were extremely romantic: "Sure enough, two great beauties, come and accompany the boy to drink!"

Then ... not long after ... a long time later ... Moina looked at the three beauties lying on the table, her jaw almost fell to the ground, and she sulked and drank three people, exactly, Three people were slumped by Leng Ye, because she had counted, Leng Ye took a maximum of two sips, and the rest of the jugs of wine all entered the stomachs of those three people. This skill makes people disapprove!

Leng Yi shook his sleeves from the three, shoved three silver tickets into their hearts, then tidy up the cuffs gracefully, and raised eyebrows at Moina proudly: "How?"

Moina arched her hand immediately: "Master is up and worshipped by the apprentice!"

"Oh!" Leng Yan walked over and embraced her shoulder: "Let's go!"

When the two went out of the building, Moina was still excited. She used to look down on this type of people the most, but the cold weather today let her see a new side, and the kind of person she said has now become her. The goal must be achieved!

The two walked slowly back on the street, suddenly their cold back stiffened, and their steps paused. Moina looked at her strangely: "What's wrong?"

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows: "No! I just encountered a little trouble!"

The words fell and grabbed Moina's hand and began to run, and then the six, seven, three, and five thick men behind them drew their legs and chased them up. It was not someone else. It was the thug of the casino last time. It doesn't come out, but Leng Yan wore that white coat today, and it was so eye-catching that they didn't recognize it!

"Wow! Chased!" Moina reacted and was chased, and quickly ran after him, asking time in the middle: "How did you offend them?"

"I don't know either, it's presumably handsome and jealous!"

Moina: "..."

"Stop! Don't run!"

"You're dead, don't run!"

"Don't run is dead!" Leng Yan shouted angrily, and then continued to run, but not long after, she was angry, looking at a rigorous wall in front of her, and Leng Yan wanted to bump into it. Urge to run into a dead end!

"Haha! Smelly boy! You can't run away this time, right?" The seven people smiled when they saw a dead end, turning their wrists one by one, loosening their bones and muscles, and showing their posture!

"Run! Why don't you run? See where else can you go?"

"Brothers! It was this little white face that caused us to be beaten by the owner, and now we have to say hello to him!"

"That's right! He mentioned in front of Shao Dong's house with a sigh of relief, maybe we still have a reward!"

"What's so much nonsense? Go!"

Leng Yan looked at the seven of them, thinking about it. If she took the shot, if she accidentally killed her, would she accompany her life? When thinking coldly, a figure quickly rushed out and rushed directly to the seven people.

After a quarter of an hour!

Leng Yan looked at the seven people who were wailing and mournful, and sighed and looked at Moina: "As long as you can hit me so much, I won't run away!"

Moina's innocent show of hands: "I would have martial arts, you forgot!"

"Then you just followed me?"

"I'm scared to see you run and forget it!"

Leng Yan: "..."

After stepping on the hand that was turned around by seven people, Leng Ye took a small step very happy, and decided to go out and bring Moina, a free thug, and the special cow, just the speed and skill, you can Comparable to her female bodyguards!

Back in the yard, Leng Yan taught Moina something and left. Moina went to see it in person today, and naturally noticed something. Leng Yan also learned very hard when she taught. Leng Yan was slightly satisfied. !!

It's still the same street. I didn't know where to go and what to do all of a sudden. I always feel free now! Simply pour out and turn around, wherever you go!

"Doctor Wang! Please help my mother to see her illness, she's about to die!" A skinny man in his thirties or so followed the old doctor with a scent of medicine and begged.

"Old man is not free!"

"But my mother really can't do it, you can do it, doctor!" The man knelt down holding the doctor's hand!

The doctor had to stop and looked helpless: "Your mother has a heart disease, and the heart disease still needs heart medicine, otherwise the old man can't do anything! The old man has to go to see his doctor, you don't stop, if you delay, You and I can't afford it! "

The man's face suddenly decayed after hearing the words: "It makes the doctor embarrassed!"

The old doctor sighed, very helpless: "Go back and look at your mother! Give her the medicine you need on time, and no other old man can help you!"


The old doctor sighed again and walked away!

"Doctor, please stay away!" I didn't know what kind of psychology, and coldly summoned the old doctor.

The old man turned around and saw that he was a beautiful girl, and smiled in a friendly way: "Is there something wrong with the girl?"

"The doctor just said that Prime Minister was ill, could it be serious?"

The old doctor had no worries, and seemed to think that there was nothing left to say. By the way: "Master, it was rained the day before yesterday, but it was cold and hot, it was not a serious illness!"

Leng Yan heard a sigh of relief, but he had a cold, but it was all right! The old man said, "Although it is not a serious illness, the old man has been in a coma and refused to take medicine. The old man used some methods last night to let the old man burn down. I went to see it this morning, but I still can't administer it. Medicine, my husband just came back to pick up something and see if there is any other way to wait! "

"It's getting late, the old man is in a hurry, the girl will talk about it next time!"

Leng Yan nodded and let him go, but his mood was covered with gray, and she really hurt that person deeply, but she didn't feel that she had done something wrong. The long-term pain was better than the short-term pain. After this time, he would Forget about yourself, then everything is fine!

Taking a few more steps, Leng Ye suddenly lost his interest in strolling, passing a place to buy beaded flowers, Leng Ye picked two beaded flowers, and then returned to the palace!

"Mrs. Queen! You are finally back!" Ziyu saw Leng Yan appear, and immediately greeted her, her anxious face was agitated.

Ziyu has always been stable and will not be so impatient. Leng Ye suddenly knew that there was trouble: "What happened?"

"It's Qiuxin! She hugged Kano out, and Kano naughtily jumped out to play, but didn't want to go to the place where the maidens in the Royal Garden met. The maidens wanted to hold Kano when she was cute, but Kano didn't like touching people. , Chasing everywhere, the Royal Garden was chaotic, during which several concubines fell in a panic, and several fell into the lake; Kano also scratched the faces of two concubines, and Hua Guifei was also frightened a lot. Nuo was caught by the guards, Qiu Xin ran up to grab Kano back, and was slapped a few times, but fortunately, she was rescued when she met Lu Gong Highway! "

"But now Hua Guifei took them to Weiyang Palace to plead guilty. It is said that she also invited the emperor and will be here in a while! The father-in-law Lu is at the door. If you don't come back, you really have an accident!"

"It turned out that the little animal was in trouble!" Leng Yan couldn't worry: "Changing clothes for the Ai family first!"

"Slavery is ready!"

"Let's go!"

At the gate of Weiyang Palace, Hua Guifei was standing in front of her in a palace costume. Behind them were two concubines with embarrassed faces. Several blood stains on the face were very obvious, and they were also stained with blood. They were obviously not treated. Shivering together. Although I changed my clothes and wrapped my body, my hair was still wet like a chicken nest; there were still a lot of people who were watching the bustling behind, and stood at the gate of Weiyang Palace.

Lu Chang stood at the gate of the palace and didn't speak. Qiu Xin was kneeling beside him, his head was hanging down, and he could not see his face. Kano was put into a cage and set aside. At this moment, he proudly held his two front paws, a pair of Uncle's look!

"The emperor is here!"

"See the emperor!" The concubines knelt down!

Long Yi strode forward, glanced at Hua Guifei, and looked at the embarrassing concubines, and frowned: "Who can tell me what is going on?"

"Emperor!" Those concubines who were wronged immediately will sue, but Hua Yuxuan glanced over and all stopped.

Hua Yuxuan took two steps and came to Long Yi: "Today's court feast invited your sisters to enjoy the flowers in the Royal Garden, but did not want the queen mother-in-law's pet to come over, and the little animals were suffering from humanity and ran away. Some frights, two of them were also arrested and embarrassed, and Chen Ye could not be favoritism, so he punished the maid who guarded the pet. Father Lu came to the rescue, Chen Ye wanted to let it go, but several sisters still felt wronged, so I want to ask the emperor to decide for them! "

Some words were generous and polite, as if all of this had nothing to do with her. She just came to be fair, but the discerning people could see that those people were not simply frightened!

"Emperor!" The two concubines who had been caught with their faces ran up to kneel, crying with pear flowers and a sad face: "Chen Ye's face was destroyed, how can you let Chen Ye live?"

"I beg the Emperor to rule for the courtiers!"

The other few are not behind, crying, "Be the Emperor!"

Long Yi frowned, and glanced across Kano in the cage and Qiu Xin on the ground and fell on Lu Chang: "What about the Queen Mother?"

Lu Chang said unhurriedly: "Return to the emperor! The queen mother is resting, and the slaves dare not disturb, so they dare to stop your mothers and daughters at the door!"

Long Yi strode over: "Open the door! Go inside and look at the Queen Mother!"

Lu often embarrassed: "Emperor! The queen queen is taking a nap. Is it not appropriate for you to go in this way?"

"It's always okay to ask the Queen Mother in this palace?" Hua Yuxuan came up.

Lu Chang still didn't want to let him: "This ... The queen mother doesn't like to be disturbed by others when she sleeps, so slaves dare not!"

"What's the matter? Open the door!"

Lu Chang still wants to stop, but the other party is the king of a country. How can he stop it? "Yes!"

Going to open the door, the speed is comparable to that of the turtle, but the road is a little bit. When the turtle crawls to the door, he has to raise his hand to open the door, but when he pushes the door The door creaked open, Ziyu didn't even see the people outside, and opened the door aside.

"Sleep at the grief family, where are you making trouble again?" Leng Ye came out slowly in a white palace dress, her hair was combed, and no hair accessories were inserted. At first glance, she just woke up from her sleep, but someone knew she didn't sleep at all!

Long Yi looked at Leng Yan, his eyes calm and deep: "I seem to sleep very well when I look at the Queen Mother!"

"If no one is arguing here, it's good!" Smiled at Long Yi, and glanced at the people here: "This mourning family ignored the outside things for a few days, but the emperor made the harem lively!"

After speaking, he looked at Hua Yuxuan: "The concubine has taken care of the harem in an orderly way, and the emperor should reward her well!"

Hua Yu declared that it was not salty or indifferent: "The queen mother-in-law praises, but this is all a matter of classification by officials, and I dare not ask for rewards!"

Long Yi interrupted impatiently: "The queen mother looks at these concubines, don't you think there should be some explanation?"

Leng Yan looked puzzled: "As soon as Ai's family woke up, they saw the emperor's concubine with so many people standing at the door of Ai's family. Shouldn't this explain to the Ai's family? Why asked the Ai's family in turn?"

"Mother Empress! Let Chen Yi explain to the Queen Mother!" Hua Yuxuan slumped slightly, saying nothing that had just been said to Long Yi, not angry or boring, but a plain statement that could not make her fault. !! Doomsday Rebirth

"Is there such a thing?" Leng Yan looked surprised, and then coldly said, "What about Qiuxin? Haven't you rolled over to Ai's family?"

Qiu Xin hurried to kneel in front of Leng Yan, and whispered: "Slave, please, queen your mother!"

Leng Ye bent down slightly, raised her hand to lift her chin, and suddenly the red and swollen face was exposed. Leng Ye's eyes flashed coldly: "Hey! It's swollen like a pig, it's a goddamn!"

Qiu Xin heard tears in her eyes, but did not dare to shed: "I beg your queen mother-in-law!"

Leng Yan let go of her face and clapped her hands. "This slap is really technical, who hit it?"

Eyes glanced at everyone, with smile but cold light, and endless oppression! Some concubines couldn't stand and quickly bowed their heads. A maid behind Hua Yuxuan was taken a cold look, and suddenly flinched!

Hua Yu announced a step forward: "It was Chen Chen who caused the beating. If the queen queen is to blame, blame the criminal lord!"

"It's a concubine!" Leng Yanhan walked with a smile, and glanced over Huayu and landed on the palace lady behind her.

"She is a young maid, who has committed such a big thing, and she should be killed. The concubine is just a punishment, and it is already a grace!" Long Yi said without emotion.

Leng Ying stepped, licking a corner of his lips and mocking: "It should be hit! Ai's family didn't say that the concubine was wrong, but Qiu Xin is a first-class woman in Ai's house. My maid of Weiyang Palace can give someone a hand? "

Long Yi's face sank slightly: "Mr. Queen! Today is not for this matter!"

Leng Xiao smiled: "The family of Ai suddenly forgot that the emperor dared to fight even Ai's family, and the concubine hit a palace girl, which is really not worth mentioning!"

Long Yi's breath was cold. He looked at Leng Yan with his eyes in his torch, but did not speak!

"The queen mother of the Ai family has no real power and no ability, and she is really not qualified to teach the emperor and the concubine. If the emperor looks unhappy to the Ai family any day, she will break the courtyard for a cold palace. The Ai family does not seem to dare to complain. Here it is! "

When Hua Yu announced that Leng Yan's words were getting heavier and heavier, he could not help but persuade him: "The queen queen is heavy! Today is just a maid of law, and the punishment will be passed. The queen queen will never get angry with the emperor!"


Hua Yuxuan's words just fell, and the answer to her was an extremely loud slap. The concubine below looked up and heard. When she saw that face being beaten to the side and the concubine Huagui was shocked, everyone couldn't believe it. , The Queen Mother actually hit Hua Guifei in public?

"Mr. Queen!" Long Yi was clearly angry.

Leng Yan retracted his hand and looked at Long Yi coolly: "The ears of Ai Family can hear, the emperor does not need to be so loud!"

Long Yi fist clenched, her voice suppressed: "She is a concubine!"

"The emperor remembers that she is a concubine, but she doesn't remember the queen's family. Should I say that the emperor's memory is good? Or is it bad?" Leng Yan raised her hand, and Ziyu passed the handkerchief. She wiped her palms and said: It ’s the queen mother. The grief family is the largest in this harem. Although the grief family gave the harem to the concubine, she was just a concubine. Even if she became a queen, she had to pay respects to the family. It ’s her turn to teach? Also, when the Ai family talks to the emperor, can a concubine intervene casually? "

Bend over and turn on Kano's cage. Kano knew that he was in trouble, and he was not proud. He obediently climbed to the cold shoulder, a well-behaved look. He touched his hair coldly and looked away. The following concubines: "Kano's temperament is a bit naughty, except that he does not like touching people, it will never cause trouble for no reason, you dare to say it is not because you look at it and want to touch it Did this blame happen? "

The queen mother's eyes were so scary. She dared to hit the concubine in the presence of the emperor. Where did they dare to cry? Besides, what she said is the truth!

When I saw no one talking, Leng Yan closed it sharply, and his voice eased: "Kano's claws are unfavorable, and Ai's family has also been scratched. As long as he is treated well, there will be some gel dew here, and other injuries Well, apply it, and there will be no scars! "

The two concubines with injured faces were overjoyed when they heard that they would not leave scars on their faces. They were naturally happy. What grievances do you remember? "Mrs. Xie rewarded!"

Leng Yan waved his hand: "Go to the doctor right away! It's not good to leave a wound later!"

"Yes!" The two of them retreated gratefully, and no longer had any complaints to the queen mother. Hua Guifei would not let them go to see the doctor, so she had to come here only to find trouble for the queen mother, but the queen mother cared about their faces. Injury, no matter how good or bad, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

The two walked away, and coldly looked at the few people who were still shaking: "It's autumn and the lake is so frozen. Why are you still here? I don't know if the woman's body is most precious, don't hurry back Bathing and changing? "

Those people heard the words, and their hearts were also warm: "Chen Chen resigned!"

"The court officials retired!" Other women also retired after seeing this, why are they still here?

Less than a moment, all the women walked away, and when the palace door was empty, only Long Yi and Hua Yu declared!

Leng Yan looked at them with a smile: "Is there anything else for the emperor?"

Long Yi waved his sleeve and hummed away!

Hua Yuxuan covered her face, and she went away before she could complain about Long Yi. Hua Yuxuan was angry and angry, but what else could she do? This slap she suffered in vain? But she said she would not win the Queen Mother, and no one helped her at the moment, so she had to take someone away!

"The concubine seems to have forgotten something!" Leng Yan reminded with a smile.

Hua Yuxuan stopped, turned and suppressed the anger and looked at Leng Yan, almost gritted his teeth: "Please express it to the queen mother!"

Leng Yan pointed at the maiden behind her: "The maiden hit the person at Ai's house, naturally it should be left to the Ai's house to deal with!"

Huayu's body shivered with anger: "Mr. Queen! Chen Ye has already received a slap from you, why are you still holding back?"

Leng Yan smiled: "Ai's family hit you because you are disrespectful to Ai's family, and it has nothing to do with your maid. Her fault must be borne by her!"

"Don't the queen queen know how to deal with others and why? Why should you push against the officials?"

"The literary family of Ai is not as good as the concubine. Naturally, I don't know this sentence. Isn't the Ai family pressing on the concubine? The Ai family is just talking about things!" See you soon!

Hua Yuxuan almost bit his teeth and knew that he had planted it today, so he had to leave with other maids!

The palace maid knew immediately that she had been abandoned by the concubine, and she knelt on her knees in front of Leng Yi: "Please, mother-in-law, forgive me!"

Leng Yan swept her and smiled coolly: "The Ai family thought she would fight for more, but didn't want to just give up. It seems that you are not an important person, kneel!"

The palace girl trembled: "Yes!"

"Mrs. Queen!" Qiu Xin whispered, his voice was still timid.

Leng Yan pulled her up, took the bead flower bought from outside the palace and compared it on her head. She looked disgusted at the end: "I was still a bit human, but now I ’m just like a pig, wasting my family ’s mood ! "

Throwing Zhuhua into her arms: "Not ready to take medicine yet? Let Ai's family look at this year of the pig, and you can't eat any more, but you just ask!"

Qiu Xin heard a smile, and tears came out: "Slave goes to the medicine, it won't hinder the Queen Mother's eyes!"

"Is that still here?"

"Oh!" Qiuxin quickly trot away, holding the bead flower in his hand, walking very briskly!

Zi Yu smiled: "Fortunately, I met a queen mother. If it was another maiden, she would be miserable today!"

Leng Yan looked at Lu Chang: "Prepare some meals, I am hungry!"

Lu Changhan answered with a smile: "Observe!"

Ziyu followed Leng Yue into the room, Leng Ye gave her another pearl flower: "No! The street gadgets, it looks good, take it!"

Ziyu took it, and was moved: "Mrs. Xie rewarded her!"

"Come on!" Leng Yan waved his hand: "Wait a moment to see if there are any supplements in the storeroom, take them to the medicated room to make them boil, and send some of the concubines who fell into the water!"

Ziyu was puzzled: "The words of the queen mother today are enough to make them grateful. Why do you have to do more? It looks like they are courting them!"

Leng Yan chuckled: "I am pleased what they do? Anyway, those medicines are moldy, and there is a human relationship for them. It is not common for them to grieve at home. They can only remember grief if they do it all at once. The family doesn't need their gratitude, but they can add congestion to Hua Guifei. Just rush to this point, and the mourning family won't hold these things! "

Ziyu heard the words and smiled: "Slave understand! Slaves will send it in person!"


This compartment of Weiyang Palace is quiet, while the Furui Palace on the other side is as deep as the water, Hua Yu Xuan Qi hit two personal palace maids before he lost his breath, but still felt angry, and patted it on the table with a palm: "Come Waiting for me! The palace will write to the father! "

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Guys! This is the first update, the second update later, the second update is more than 12,000, thank you again for your support! The next chapter has the welfare of Hua Jinzhi and the thick line of the big brother!

Read The Duke's Passion