MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-Chapter 49

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After that night, Long Yueli didn't come to find Leng Ye, Leng Ye didn't go to ask him too much, still changing clothes and sneaking out of the palace, she stopped shortly after walking out of the palace door, Lengmei hooked her lips, this time it seemed One more tail! Every time she goes out of the house, there will be someone to monitor. She doesn't know who it is, but she can always get rid of each other two or three times. But this time, there is obviously one more person. The two are standing in different directions, obviously not the same force. Yes, Leng frowned, as if walking forward without notice.

Leng Ye was going to change clothes, but now suddenly no longer needed. He just lifted his feet and walked towards the Prime Minister's House. It was still the front door, but Leng Ye didn't stop, turned over and jumped in quickly, then rushed all the way; Seeing her come in here, naturally she had to come in to see what happened, but I didn't know Leng Ye was waiting for them here.

"Who?" With a cold drink, the two who chased in were shocked at the same time, knowing that when they were discovered, they also found each other. Both knew in their hearts that they had suffered, and they were about to run, but they were already found. How could they let them run away?

Several black shadows flew out, entangled in blinks, and no one noticed that one figure had slipped out of the other side!

Leng Yan went to the inn to change the clothes he had before, ordered a mole on his face, and then jumped to the prime minister's house!

"Little girl!" At the first sight of the concubine Xiaoqian smiled, squinting and smiling: "You are finally here!"

Leng Yan came in a hurry today, so he did n’t have time to buy something. He looked at him innocently, spreading his hands: "I didn't bribe you today, would you let me in?"

Xiao Qian laughed: "What did Xiao Xiao girl say, is my Xiao Qian such a person? Come on, just look at him ... Yuwei is here!"

"Huh! Thank you!" Leng Ye waved at him, then jumped in, and soon went to the place where he had just fought, and just saw two men in Tsing Yi kneeling in front of Gong Yuwei with his eyes cold. After the looks of the two, she did not know either of them.

"Big brother!" Leng Yan shook a cry, and Gong Yuwei, who was trying the prisoner with a cold face, was shocked and immediately waved: "Lock them up and try again later!"

"Big brother!" Leng Yan ran over, only to see the back of the two men after he was taken away, and he couldn't help looking at Gong Yuwei in wonder: "How did they get caught?"

Gong Yu looked at her softly, involuntarily trying to raise her hand to touch her head in front of her, but felt it was not suitable, and she pressed down that desire: "I just committed something, right Why are you free today? "

"Isn't Big Brother like me coming?" Leng Yan suddenly pulled down his face. "My mother said that the Prime Minister ’s House is a nobleman in Gaomen. It is not a girl like me who can climb high, but I am not allowed to come, but people I wanted to see my elder brother, so I came here secretly! "

Gong Yuwei became nervous because of the first few words of her, but after listening to the last two sentences, her heart was as sweet as wiping the honey, and a bit stupid explained: "If you like here, you can come at any time!"

Leng Yan looked up at him uncertainly: "Is it true that Big Brother said?"

Gong Yuwei nodded: "Of course it is true!"

Leng Yan laughed now: "Big brother is the best!"

Gong Yuwei Yuyan Weiwei, some dare not look at the cold, but can't help but want to see, that expression of distress is really pure and lovely!

"That's right! I still have to go out to buy things. I'm going to leave, so I won't tell the older brother more, I will come to see the older brother next time!" Her sleeves were pulled by her, so she had to stop and turn around, looking at Gong Yuwei in wonder: "Big brother, what's wrong?"

Gong Yuwei saw that she turned her head, and her hand holding her clothes seemed to be scalded, and he felt scared to take it back, then both ears turned red, and he said for a long time: "I want to go out, too, with Xiaoyu! "

Leng Yan pulled his eyelids: "Ah?"

So, in this way, Gong Yu slightly flushed and followed Leng Yan shopping. Leng Yan walked a few steps and looked sideways at the desperate face, trying to maintain indifference, but her ears were so red that she couldn't see Gong Yuwei. Two big big question marks, this is him-shy?

His eyes suddenly fell on his waist. There was a small jade gourd hanging there, a little familiar. Could it be the one she sent? She just felt that she had borrowed someone, and she should show her gratitude, but giving valuable things was not in line with her current status, so she bought a small jade gourd for him. She thought that this kind of things would not be taken care of by adults Yes, but ...

Leng Yan thought and thought. Suddenly the corner of his mouth was drawn uncontrollably. Could it be, maybe, probably, maybe ... he likes himself? Leng Yan almost vomited blood because of her own guess, but what Gong Yuwei asked below really made her vomit blood!

"My sister-in-law said your mother was thinking about your relationship last time. Did your mother agree?"

Leng Yan shook his head: "No!" Promised a fart, her old lady didn't know she had died for hundreds of years!

Gong Yuwei heard that he was silent and did not speak. Leng Ye looked at him strangely, and saw him look nervous. After a while, he whispered, "If I come to propose a marriage, Xiao Xi ... Xiao Xi would like to marry I?"

boom! The speculation in Leng Yan's heart was confirmed, and she didn't know what to say at once. She thought that Gong Yuwei was so introverted and could not say anything explosive, but he did not expect that he suddenly proposed when he came up! She wanted to sloppy, but when he saw his earnest and sincere eyes full of anticipation, Leng's perfunctory words stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say a word!

Although the man in front of him looked cold, his heart was kind and pure, and she had been using each other for a long time, but even now she was still using his cover guard to get rid of the two followers, but he did not do it. Something that displeased her a little, even afraid that she didn't like it, how could she be willing to lie to him again?

Thinking about it this way, that innocence and agility gradually faded away, leaving behind the elegance and calmness he had never seen before, she looked at his eyes and smiled slightly: "I am very happy to hear your proposal, but we It is destined to be impossible, I lied to you a lot, I ca n’t explain, the only thing I can say is sorry; I wo n’t appear in front of you again. If you and I see you one day, you should never know me That ’s it. From then on, we are strangers. Goodbye, Lord! ”

The cold figure slowly disappeared, Gong Yuwei looked at her quietly, and the color of heaven and earth disappeared with her disappearance. Gong Yuwei stood so stupidly, without a facial expression, so He looked forward so stupidly, as if a statue.

The rain of Zelili fell, and the pedestrians in the street hurriedly returned. It was not long before that white crescent moon stood there. When Uncle Xiang came in the carriage, he saw Gong Yuwei, who had become a statue. He moved into the car and drove back!

Leng Yan looked at the sky that was constantly raining, and laughed lightly. God ca n’t see that she spoiled her sincerely, without raising an umbrella, and walked all the way in the rain, so when she got to the yard, she had become Chicken soup!

"Girl! Why aren't you holding an umbrella?" Moina stared at the soaked coldness in surprise, she almost didn't recognize it!

Leng Yan hair: "It hasn't rained for a long time, I want to shower it!"

Moina was speechless: "Come in quickly to change clothes, and like to get wet again, it's not good to be sick!"

Moina walked towards her room with Leng Yan. When she passed the flower hall, Leng Yan saw Mo Zhai with a bare upper body punching in the rain, attractive honey-colored skin, perfect inverted triangle, every muscle. They are full of strength, but they are very well-proportioned and fit. Leng Yi can't help but say "啧啧": "It's pretty good to see!"

Moina said she was silent about Leng Yong's boldness and boldness. They all said that the girls in Central Plains were shy and implicit. Why are these words more open than the women on the grassland? "Brother is the first warrior of our tribe. He is naturally healthy. Or the most beautiful man in our tribe. Many girls want their brothers to get into their accounts! "

Leng Yanmulu doubted: "I believe the first warrior, but the first beautiful man?"

Moina pushed her, and smiled mysteriously: "You change clothes first, you'll know later!"

Leng Yan was pushed into the room by Moina. It didn't take long for her to wear a white coat and her hair was rolled up again. No bun was used, only two straps were used to fix it! When Leng Yan came out of the room, Moina opened her eyes suddenly: "This is what the girl really looks like!"

It was so cold that I didn't think, "A big difference?"

Moina nodded sharply: "It's like a sky and a ground!"

Cold and speechless, just two clothes, is it so exaggerated?

Moina's eyes crossed the cold, and she waved to the rear: "Brother! Here!"

Leng Yan turned to look, and his eyes suddenly picked twice. Mo Zhai had changed his clothes. He was tall and tall, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and his hair was sprinkled casually. His whole body had a unique atmosphere of grassland. However, it was not his breath that raised Leng Yan's eyebrows, but his face, which was similar to the one seen a few days ago, but the difference was that this face was deeper and carried the uniqueness of the prairie people. The outline exudes his unique charm and handsomeness, especially when paired with the unique pair of purple eyes, it is indeed very beautiful!

Moina came up and patted her cold shoulder, with a proud look: "What? My brother is handsome?"

Leng Yan nodded honestly: "It is indeed a rare beautiful man!"

Mo Zhai stepped in cold words and looked at Leng Mao expressionlessly; Mo Ina had wanted to see Leng Ying's stunning or disappointed appearance, but she was so salty and indifferent that she suddenly lost her joy. !!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Is your grandma's marriage proposal too fatal? quack!

By the way, ladies! Where are you going on New Year's Day?才 I only remembered today when I entered V on New Year's Day,> _

If you do n’t come, I wo n’t tell the girls to enter V more than 20,000 on the first day, and I wo n’t tell the girls that the queen mother was so powerful and abused the scum girl, and there is still a rippling broth! Huh!

Read The Duke's Passion