MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1827 unsolvable choice

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Chapter 1827 Unsolvable Choice

Meng Chao let out a long breath.

Gently shaking his head, he tried to get out of his mind the images of the doomsday that were grotesque but all the same.

But the countless collapses, countless destructions, and countless deaths seemed to be layer upon layer, engraved on the inside and outside of his cerebral cortex, and he couldn't shake them off.

Lu Siya saw his hesitation.

"So, you came here in a hurry, are you here to find out the truth, ask the teacher to ask the crime, or come... to seek my help?"

The woman suspected of being a jungle banshee tilted her head and said with a smile, "Or, in the deepest subconscious, do you want me to be the '100% pure human' Lusya, or do you still have the power of the monster mastermind lurking in my body? What about Lu Siya, who may become a 'jungle banshee, monster queen' at any time?"

Meng Chao was stunned.

I froze for a long time.

Before Lu Siya raised this question.

He always thought that the purpose of rushing to Weilan Medical Center without hesitation, and having a showdown with Lu Siya was to expose her plot, see her true face, and if possible, take advantage of her weakest time to completely dispel what was lurking in her body. The power of monsters.

It was only at this moment that Meng Chao realized that perhaps deep in his subconscious mind, he had long accepted the fact that Lu Siya had undergone a permanent change and would always be "the banshee of the jungle, the queen of monsters".

He's not here to have a showdown and confront her.

Instead, come to seek common ground while reserving differences with her.

Now that he can reach an agreement with Kanus, who is the "Lord of Turanze, Doomsday Demon Wolf".

Why can't we reach the same agreement with Lu Siya, who is the "jungle banshee and monster queen", and work together to change the future and prevent the end.

The future is like a mighty river, just relying on him as a small butterfly flapping its wings desperately is far from enough to set off a chain reaction.

If Lu Siya really hides the legacy of the monster civilization, and can get the support of the nine giants, she is indeed qualified to become the second butterfly, flapping her wings at the same frequency as Meng Chao, setting off an unpredictable resonance!

Of course, doing so may lead to earth-shaking changes in the overall appearance of Dragon City civilization, and the monster civilization may also revive to some extent.

Moreover, according to Su Mulian's prediction, doing so may not be able to save the civilization of Dragon City.

But at least it can't get any worse, can it?


Meng Chao saw countless selves in a trance—in countless futures, countless completely different selves, showing exactly the same smile as Lu Siya at this moment.

It was as if they had escaped from fragments of a whole shattered mirror, floating in midair, asking, "Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?"

When Meng Chao made up his mind to part ways with Lu Siya.

Half of the future—those futures that continue to develop on the premise that "Meng Chao and Lu Siya will fight side by side, and even become husband and wife" are like candles in the wind, like sparks that burst out occasionally, disappearing in an instant and disappearing.

And when he changed his mind and wanted to continue fighting hand in hand with Lu Siya.

The other half of the future—those futures deduced on the premise that "Meng Chao and Lu Siya parted ways, never see each other, or even turn against each other" as the premise, also disappeared without a trace like a drop of water sinking into the bottom of the sea.

However, no matter how he chooses, one thing has never changed.

Regardless of whether he chooses to fight side by side with Lu Siya, who still has the power of a monster in his body, or part ways or even turn against each other, all the future deduced from this will eventually be completely swallowed by groups, no, hundreds of millions of flames falling from the sky, forever destroy.

And this is not the only dilemma he has to make.

How to deal with the relationship between poor and wealthy families, ordinary people and superhumans?

Should we support the more stringent or relatively mild "Anti-Monopoly Act", and what step should we take to limit the cultivation of aristocratic families?

Do you want to promote the research and development of "monster medicine" and promote the plan of "monsterization of all people"?

In the process of developing Turanze, should we exchange technology for the market, should we use Dragon City's modern weapons to arm the Turan civilization's orc battle group? The combat power of the Turan orcs made them qualified and even excellent cannon fodder, but wouldn't they be able to backfire on the Dragon City civilization?

At what stage should the war against the Holy Light camp be carried out so that the interests of the Dragon City civilization can be plundered and maintained to the greatest extent, and the will of the Holy Light camp to dominate the other world can be completely defeated without breaking through the bottom line of the Holy Light Temple or letting the opponent Have the idea of ​​perishing together, activate the ultimate weapon of the sky orbit that hangs high above everyone's head and covers the entire ecological circle?

Every option here.

It was the same as how Meng Chao should deal with Lu Siya's problem.

Perhaps, there is no right answer at all.


Just when Meng Chao fell into a burning vortex composed of ten thousand doomsdays, he couldn't extricate himself.

Suddenly there was an explosion outside the window.

Compared with the fall of the Jinpeng, the explosion was not violent, like an accident or a simple homemade explosive.

Meng Chao frowned slightly, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

Perhaps it is still too early to consider the long-term problems of those dilemmas.

Although the two leaders of the Blood League have pleaded guilty to the law, the aftermath of the Blood League's chaos is far from subsided.

—Even if the Blood League is really a malignant tumor parasitic on the Dragon City civilization, for the sake of long-term health and strength, it is absolutely necessary to quickly remove this tumor.

However, after radical surgery, massive bleeding, organ failure and various complications occurred, and he died earlier than conservative treatment.

This risk also exists objectively.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Song Jinbo walked back to the ward with a restless look.

He brought a piece of not-so-good news.

The explosion sound just now was not a fish that slipped through the net of the Blood Alliance, and was still stubbornly resisting.

Instead, angry citizens surrounded the headquarters building of Leiyun Technology, demanding that Leiyun Technology stop all daily operations, await trial and sanctions, and atone for everything Yunfeidian has done.

While the excited citizens surrounded the Leiyun Technology headquarters building, someone threw homemade explosives into the building.

Decades of monster wars have honed the vast majority of Dragon City residents into veterans who have survived many battles. Even candles, fertilizers, and flour can be used to create astonishingly powerful improvised explosives. When the anger of the citizens is attached to such an explosion Physically, the flames and chaos caused by this cannot be stopped at all.

But the source of the citizens' anger was that the secret interrogation records against some members of the Blood League in the first half of the night were stolen and spread out on a large scale.