MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1809 Awakened Tidester

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Chapter 1809 The Awakened Trendsetter

Meng Chao opened his mouth.

But found it difficult to refute Su Mulian's statement.

Of course he can swear to the sky that he will always fight for all the citizens of Longcheng.

But such an oath means nothing.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and no one can guarantee that in a long life, they will always remember their original intentions until death.

What's more, no matter how long life is, there is a limit, even if he can really remember his oath in the next hundred years.

After his life is over, what about his descendants, descendants of descendants, descendants of descendants of descendants?

Who can guarantee that Meng Chao's descendants will not become the "Golden Clan" among Turan orcs after inheriting his huge power and wealth?

Relying on mountains and mountains, relying on water to dry, people can only rely on themselves forever.

Especially, in such a world where aura is abundant, the strong gather, the weak prey on the strong, and the winner is king.

"In view of the fact that all the citizens of Longcheng have a strong need for cultivation and awakening, in order to prevent illegal and low-quality enhanced drugs from continuing to seize the market and cause greater harm to the people, the relevant departments can only strengthen the research and development of legal and stable enhanced drugs. , and the final product developed is the 'Awakening Capsule'."

Su Mulian's eyes shifted from Meng Chao's face to Lu Siya's.

She took a deep breath and continued, "The Awakening Capsule project is mainly promoted by the Azure Alliance. After the initial success of the Awakening Capsule and the completion of hundreds of animal experiments, in order to verify this new type of strengthening agent Lu Siya, who was the CEO of Chaoxing Group and the vice-chairman of the Life Council of the Azure Alliance at the time, personally took charge of the initial drug testing work.

"At that time, many people dissuaded Lu Siya, because the work of drug testing was too dangerous, and with her status and status, there was no need to rush to the forefront.

"At that time, Lu Siya said that she was seriously injured, her spirit veins were cut off, and she had become an ordinary person through and through, and she was the most suitable for this glorious and arduous job.

"As for 'identity and status', in the brand new Dragon City, it is the last thing that should be considered.

"If facing such a small challenge, if you are afraid to move forward, how can you convince all the citizens that a person with such a high position as her will serve the people wholeheartedly, fight for the people, and will never slack off. What about death?

"At that time, Lu Siya took hundreds of awakening capsules, recorded every subtle feeling in detail, and provided a large number of cell samples so that the researchers could continuously adjust the formula, and finally developed the most perfect awakening capsule .

"The final version of the Awakening Capsule, apart from giving the human body some animalistic characteristics and a slight increase in aggression, has almost no side effects or sequelae—at least, in the short term.

"As for the long-term after more than ten or twenty years, to be honest, in the face of a full-scale war that has broken out, wind and thunder stirring, and a world that is changing rapidly, no one dares to guarantee that after more than ten or twenty years, the Dragon City civilization will still be able to stand tall. The southernmost tip of the foreign continent can still be as prosperous as it is today.

"With Lu Siya's exemplary role, coupled with the endorsement of the Azure Alliance, the Awakening Capsule quickly became popular, providing ordinary citizens with mediocre talents or who missed the best time to practice, providing a shortcut to master their destiny."

"I see."

Meng Chao took a deep look at Lu Siya, and pondered, "To what extent will the so-called 'partial beast-like characteristics' go?"

"It depends on how many awakening capsules you have taken and how long you have taken them."

Su Mulian said, "If you only take it once or twice, from the surface, the animalized area will not exceed 5% of the skin area of ​​the body surface. Many people just grow furry animal ears, or canine teeth and nails become longer. Hardened and sharpened.

"Afterwards, as long as the inhibitor is injected in time, these animalistic characteristics will soon disappear without a trace.

"However, according to later experience, very few people can permanently reject the feeling of surging power rushing between blood vessels and nerves after taking one or two awakening capsules.

"Three or five times, seven or eight times, more than a dozen times, the frequency of taking more and more, the dosage is getting bigger and bigger, the interval is getting shorter and shorter, from the occasional at the beginning to eating as a meal later, from the original As soon as the fierce battle was over, he immediately injected the inhibitor, but he didn't even bother to use the inhibitor in front of him. He just wanted to squint his eyes and immerse himself in the confidence and joy of being full of power. Naturally, his animalistic characteristics became more and more intense.

"Just from the appearance, it can reach 30% to 50% of the skin area, and the bones and internal organs have even undergone permanent changes, becoming no different from Turan orcs."


Meng Chao took a deep breath and said, "Humans at that time could accept such a change? Don't they discriminate against these half-human, half-beast existences, and no one raised objections?"

"Of course there is resistance, but it's not too great."

Su Mulian said, "The first batch of users of Awakening Capsules were all heroes who fought **** battles on the front line. When they were surrounded by enemies, they ran out of ammunition and food, and had no choice, no matter how many Awakening Capsules they took, how much they would become? Who would have the heart to discriminate against or even accuse them of their terrifying appearance?

"At that time, the folks only had praise and support for the Awakening Capsule, thinking that this magical strengthening potion helped mankind to win and reduce losses.

"As Awakening Capsules gradually become popular among the people, the first folk users, especially those with obvious veterinary characteristics, will of course attract some strange eyes.

"However, compared to the insignificant slander, the benefits brought by the increase in strength are more real.

"At that time, the Dragon City civilization had already formed an alliance with the Turan civilization, and was involved in the magnificent war against other worlds. As the war became more and more fierce, the sphere of influence of the Dragon City civilization continued to expand, and it needed powerful extraordinary people in all aspects.

"It can be said that as long as the extraordinary power is awakened—whether it is practicing in a regular manner or taking awakening capsules, it can immediately take on important tasks, climb to a new level, and have broad prospects.

"The power of role models is infinite. Even at the beginning, there was some criticism and discrimination against those brave men who dared to eat crabs, but as they got promoted and raised their salaries one after another, they earned real money and were stationed in the newly occupied areas. On the job, criticism quickly turned into envy, and discrimination quickly turned into imitation.

"Soon, the mainstream opinion among the people became - those who dare to take Awakening Capsules are those who follow the trend of the times, and those who truly love Dragon City and are willing to fight for their homeland; If you are willing to contribute to Dragon City, you are a coward who is selfish and only wants to 'free ride'!"