MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1798 optimus pillar

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Chapter 1798 Optimus Pillar

Because the Red Dragon Army controls the most tyrannical force in Dragon City, except for the extraordinary.

In order to avoid friction and even conflict with the extraordinary armed forces loyal to the nine super companies, they have always been silent and conservative.

However, there are a large number of young and strong officers in the Red Dragon Army. In the past decades of fighting, they have gradually mastered important positions from the grassroots to the core.

These young military officers are all war orphans raised by the "War God" Lei Zongchao, children from poor families who have been funded, and proud students who have been personally mentored.

The "War God Temple" initiated by these young men can, to a certain extent, replace the Red Dragon Army to seek the benefits they deserve, as well as the power they long for and must get.

Meng Chao is also a member of the Temple of Valkyrie.

Through the Temple of Valkyrie, Chaoxing Group has also reached a strategic cooperation with the Red Dragon Army and has become one of the most important logistics contractors of the Red Dragon Army.

In just a few years, Chaoxing Group can rise from an ordinary harvesting team like a volcanic eruption to an emerging force that can be compared with the nine super companies. The strong support of the Red Dragon Army is indispensable.

Escorting the corpses of Lu Zhongqi and Yun Feidian all the way, Meng Chao, who returned to the ground, stayed with "Train Cannon" Long Feijun and other young officers with dual identities of the Valkyrie Temple and the Red Dragon Army until dawn. , discussing the new pattern of Dragon City after the "Blood Alliance Rebellion".

Both of them welcomed the three statements made by the nine super enterprises.

But in the near future, what form should the nine super companies take? They are still firmly controlled by a family of cultivators. In the place beyond the reach of the Dragon City, occupy the mountain and become the king, and establish your own family.

Still use the strict "Anti-Monopoly Act" to restrict and divide, split the nine super companies into dozens or even hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises, and prevent all individuals, including the powerful in the gods, from owning too much The possibility of resources, strength and power, even if a brand new super enterprise is to be formed, the enterprise should belong to all Longcheng citizens, and at most be managed and operated by a peerless powerhouse.

This decision is too important, it is not the new generation, young men like Meng Chao and Long Feijun, who can make the decision in just a few hours.

However, there is some consensus that the two can represent their respective forces and have reached it now.

—No matter how intricate differences or even contradictions there are among the various interest groups in Dragon City, they should not use force to solve problems among themselves.

Dialogue and cooperation are the unanimous demands of all levels and major forces in Dragon City.

How the road to rise in the future will be taken depends neither on the older generation of god-level powerhouses who still have great power, nor on the unstoppable new generation of masters like Meng Chao who is like the rising sun.

Instead, it is necessary to listen to the voices of all citizens, and even hold an unprecedented town hall meeting to decide.

As for the caller and host of the citizen meeting, or, at this moment, the only person who has enough strength and prestige to be accepted by all forces to stabilize the situation in Dragon City is not Meng Chao who has just returned to Dragon City.

It was the name they mentioned many times just now—"War God" Lei Zongchao!

Since the destruction of the Blood League several decades ago, Lei Zongchao, who is the number one expert in Dragon City, has unexpectedly chosen to give up all power, live in seclusion, devote himself to research, and do his best to expand the world. The path of spiritual cultivation.

At the beginning, some people suspected that he was hiding his strength and biding his time, trying to establish a huge interest group in addition to his unparalleled personal combat power, and then seize the control of Dragon City from the nine super companies when he was full-fledged.

However, it took Lei Zongchao nearly half a century, or more than half of his life, to prove that he was really not interested in fighting for power and profit.

At this moment, Lei Zongchao, who has come to the end of his life, has spread the fire of cultivation to thousands of households because of his painstaking efforts. In addition, due to the outbreak of old injuries, he suffers from the backlash of psychic energy all the time, and he can no longer appear like a normal person. Under the public, accept the erosion of fierce sunlight and air rich in impurities.

He can only live in the "Valkyrie Temple" built with special spar materials on the top of the Chaofan Tower. Occasionally, he has to wear a medical suit like an ancient heavy armor when he wants to leave the Chaofan Tower.

Such Lei Zongchao obviously wouldn't pose too much threat to the major interest groups in Dragon City.

And because of this, he has won the respect from the hearts of all parties, and has become the "greatest common denominator" acceptable to each other.

Meng Chao also felt that it was the best choice to let the "God of War" Lei Zongchao come forward to help Longcheng get through the most dangerous period of chaos.

—In the Doomsday Nightmare, because he did not have his own help, Lei Zongchao's old injury relapsed and unfortunately fell.

Without the check and balance of this "war god", the nine super enterprises will develop uncontrollably and deformedly, and even become too big to lose, and turn their backs on customers.

This time, Meng Chao believed that the secret method from Turanze would help Lei Zongchao to continue his life, so that he could continue to **** the Dragon City civilization until he saw the dawn of victory.

As for Lei Zongchao's own wishes, Meng Chao and Long Feijun agreed that this was not a problem.

You must know that the dignified Martial God loves his homeland and compatriots very much, and has been fighting for the civilization of Dragon City all his life.

In the past few decades, he was reluctant to go out of the mountain, just considering that "one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers", and he did not want to conflict with the nine super companies.

But at the critical moment when the building was about to collapse, both Meng Chao and Long Feijun believed that this respected teacher would never sit idly by.

As long as there is still a breath, even if the cells are enduring the pain of burning spiritual flames, the "War God" Lei Zongchao will step forward and cast his flesh and blood into a giant pillar supporting the Dragon City.

Long Feijun has been stationed in Longcheng for the past year and has been with Lei Zongchao all the time. He knows the current situation of the "War God" better than Meng Chao, so he volunteered to go to the Chaofan Pagoda to report to the respected master what happened in the past night, and on behalf of the entire Martial God Hall. Members, invite Lei Zongchao to preside over the overall situation.

At this moment, Meng Chao waited for news from Ai Lei.

Although it's just a tabloid reporter with an unremarkable appearance.

Ai Lei and her colleagues played a vital role in yesterday's contest.

Sneaking into the Internet to spread the news of Meng Chao's thrilling adventure in Turanze and his splendid return is just one aspect.

More importantly, through the capillary-like network nodes, the tens of millions of citizens in Dragon City have the most authentic attitudes towards the current situation and the future!

Read The Duke's Passion