MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 231

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Current position: > > > 231, Chapter 231

Tang Mo grabbed the eyes of Fu Wensheng, who was closest to himself, at a very fast speed. At the same time, Mu Huixue also covered Chen Yin’s eyes.

Tang Mo felt a hot and humid palm, and the boy in his arms trembled, and the tears could not stop flowing.

Chen Hao is much calmer. She pulls down the hand that goes back to the snow. The voice is hoarse: "...nothing." The voice was dumb when the little girl heard it and was silent. After a while, Chen Yu looked at the ruined Beijing city and spoke again. This time, her voice was firm: "It's really okay."

Everyone did not speak.

In this way, in the face of this extremely shocking and magnificent death, six people have silently stared for a long time.

Finally, Fu Wen grabbed his hand and pulled the curtain up. Everyone returned to God.

Fu Wensheng wiped his tears, and his heart was still a bit uncomfortable. He knows that Heita said that in these seven days, more than 2,000 black towers will disappear every day, and together with it will be the city and humans in that area. but……

"It’s not that hard to beat the head of the circus. It’s really not that hard to join four big brothers. But why, why..."

Why did he understand how cruel this game was when he saw the collapse of human civilization.

Can they save a few people?

Every day, more than 2,000 black towers disappear. They have only six people, and there are five black towers in the world.

Andre suddenly stood up: "I am going to Berlin."

Everyone understood what he meant, and Mu Xuehui also stood up subconsciously: "I am with you."

Andre looked at her in darkness, his voice dull: "You stay."

Mu back to the snow to live.

Andrei looked deeply at Mu Xue and gave no reason. He picked up his smock that had been taken off because of the healing and turned and walked out of the building. The tall and strong Russian brawny walked on the desolate road. The Changping District was full of players who fled from Beijing. They all fled to the north.

In this crowd of people, only a tall figure against the crowd, firmly toward the West.

The place he is going to is Europe.

Even if he could not get there in seven days, even if he could die at any time because of the disappearance of the Black Tower, he must go.

Fu Wen took the standing on the high building and looked at Andre's back. After a while, he said: "Go to Beijing first to see if there are any surviving human beings. Tomorrow we will also leave for Guangzhou."

"it is good."

After the black tower of Beijing City disappeared, it became a ruin of no one. Everything is clear, there is no change at one end of the same road, and one end has become a cement chip.

Tang Mo stood in the middle of the road and extended his hand to the intersection of the two districts. He turned to the head: "It's okay. It seems that one way to live now for seven days is to find an area that has disappeared, and you can survive in it. Most people should think of this method, and they will soon return. Hiding here for a safe and secure seven days."

The people went to the 80th.

Unfortunately, they did not find any elected members. I do not know if they died in the city of Beijing, or escaped smoothly.

The broken bricks of the tall buildings piled up hills on the ground. When modern buildings collapsed, people discovered that the civilization built by humans on this land has already surpassed nature itself.

Beijing, Chaoyang District.

Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the opportunity to find surviving humans, and some ruins, looking for information about the disappearance of the Black Tower. Chen Yu and Fu Wensheng are resting in it. Fu Wensheng was greatly shocked tonight. He was the one with the worst psychological endurance among the six teams. Recalling his own gaffe in the evening, the children felt guilty.

He quickly became strong.

He can do a lot of things, only to spend as much energy as possible, to make more advanced treatment of mineral water.

Chen Yu wrote and painted on the book. She looked up and looked around, and suddenly found that Mu Xue was gone. The little girl frowned, thought about it, got up and went looking for the other.

The bright and bright moonlight sprinkled on the ruins of the city of Beijing, surrounded by empty and lonely, could not find a trace of people.

Chen Hao naturally did not know that the snow she was looking for was lying at the top of the ruin hill beside them. She rested on her right hand and looked at the white moon. For a long time, she extended her left hand and narrowed her eyes. The moonlight sprinkled through the gaps in her fingers, and the mottled shadow shone on her face.

In this way, the world's most powerful returnee basks in the moon and looks at the moonlight.

Five minutes later, Mu Huixue smiled and said: "Since it is here, why not do it. I thought we were friends, or ... teammates?"

A dull footstep sounded from behind the ruins.

Wrapped in a thick coat and buried his face in his hat, only a pair of green eyes. Andre stepped on the broken masonry glass and walked to the top of the ruin hill. He didn't talk, didn't say why he went and returned, just quietly watching Mu back to the snow with a calm look.

Mu returned to the snow and looked at the moon and said, "Why are you coming back?"

Silence for a long time, Andre’s voice was low: "I went halfway, I decided to come back and kill you." The voice slammed, Andrei looked at the camera and looked at it, then continued to turn his head. Said: "I'm sorry, but we all know... you must die."

Mu Huixue: "Are you afraid of death?"

Andrea: "Not afraid, if you don't want to, I can commit suicide after killing you."

But you must die.

Later, Andre did not say anything.

Mu Xuexue certainly knows what he meant. She looked at the moon and smiled. "In fact, I am not afraid of death. Since you are not living for yourself, then you killed me, for what. You still want to resurrect your daughter, or wife?"

"I won't resurrect Valentina. I promised you, you killed a total of 78 people, that gamble I lost, so I won't kill you to resurrect Valentina. But the world is still alive more than three million. Humanity, this world is where Valentina lived. Even if more than three million people are dead... I don't want to let the world disappear. So, you know, I want to be resurrected."

"Even if the truth is not like that, killing me and resurrecting him, we may not be able to find the last tower?"

Andrea closed his mouth and didn't say anything again.

Mu returned to the snow and held up his arms, watching the moonlight smiled: "But only one percent of hope, can not give up, is it?" The next moment, she said: "How to hide, come out."

A few seconds later, Chen Hao came out silently from behind the ruins.

When Andre and Mu returned to the snow, they used Russian. Mu Huixue turned to look at the children and said in Russian: "Do you understand?"

It is normal for such a small child not to speak Russian.

However, she is Chen Hao.

Chen Yu silent for a moment and replied in Russian: "The teacher taught me."

Mu back to the snow for a moment, then said: "You are the smartest child I have ever seen. I know this is your ability, but I am very curious, just now I talked with Andre, you know us What are you talking about?" She blinked in dismay. "If you guessed it, I will give you a secret, how."

Chen Hao would like to say that she did not want to admire the secret of snow, but she did not say anything, but closed her eyes and recalled the conversation between the two people for a while. When she opened her eyes again, the voice calmed: "Kill the first place in the time list, you can resurrect a player who died in the game. Andrei went back because he was not sure if you would Suicide, kill yourself to resurrect this person, he is worried that you are afraid of death, so he came back and wanted to kill you personally."

Listening to this, Andrea showed a surprised look, the first time I looked at Chen Hao so seriously.

This is not the first time Mu Huaxue has played against this little girl. She is holding her knees and sitting on the ground, looking at Chen Hao with great interest: "Continue."

"Andrei said that he killed you not to resurrect his wife and daughter. It seems that he has been chasing you to kill you before, in order to resurrect his wife and daughter. But now he does not want to do this. For the sake of his loved ones, he still wants to kill you, and his determination is more prosperous. It can only be a reason... The person he wants to resurrect is related to the towering game of the seventh floor of the Black Tower." Dunton, Chen Hao looked up, tone Sure: "The man knows where the last tower is."

Mu returned to the snow and laughed. She applauded: "You really are the smartest kids I have ever seen. No, you are probably the smartest player I have ever seen. Your answer is ten-eight | nine is right, Except for me and Andre, I am not sure if that person can find the last black tower. But you can guess who the person that Andre is going to be resurrected. Friendly reminder, that person you still know."

Chen Hao pinched his fingers and looked at Mu back to the snow.

"……is it him?"


Chen Hao almost blurted out: "Why!"

Mu returned to the snow and asked: "The reason you don't know, only he knows where the last tower is."

Chen Hao opened her mouth and soon she calmed down. The little girl looked at Mu Xue and looked at Andre again.

In the ruined city of Beijing, the black woman with a high ponytail sits on the highest hill and smiles at her. The moonlight sprinkled on her body, and it looked deserted and lonely. And her side, the brown bear-like Russian player stood silently beside her, his eyes were not murderous, but his attention has always hit the woman in black.

As soon as she ran, he would catch up with her and then kill her with all the methods.

Mu returned to the snow and did not escape. When Chen Hao turned and left, she said: "Let her kill me."

Chen Hao stepped forward and turned back.

Andrea looked down at her: "She?"

Mu back to the snow stalls: "Since all are dead, who killed me is different? Compared to this guy, I want to die in the hands of children. She is much more lovely than you."

Andre looked at Mu Xue seriously. He found that Mu Hui was still laughing, but her eyes were firm and she was determined to die.

They are never afraid of death.

"it is good."

The Russian brawny went down the ruins and stopped talking about killing the snow.

For the first time, Chen Hao felt helpless. She stood on the ruins and saw Muhui returning her hand and taking out a small and delicate compass. She said: "In fact, I asked Fu Wenzhe and Tang Mo to kill me together. I said that I want to die. In fact, I still want to live. Don't misunderstand, I am not afraid of death, I don't want to live. But in fact, as the head of the circus today said, he can't kill me, no one can kill me. Because... I have this compass."

Take out the public opinion compass, and Muhui returned to the other hand to take out a dagger. She pointed the tip of the knife at her heart and slammed it in.

Chen Hao was shocked: "You?!"

"Nothing, even if there is no such a crime, I can't die." The dagger brought out a trace of blood, and the snow returned to wipe the blood on his lips, and the blood on the dagger was painted on the compass. She patiently used the blood to dye the red pointer of the compass, and said: "Speaking of your child is so smart, that long time ago, I cleared the fourth floor of the Black Tower, that is, the time that the two worlds merged, you I can guess why I have clearly cleared the four floors, but suddenly the customs clearance failed. After ten days, the customs clearance was successful?"

Three months ago, Black Tower suddenly sang a song for a stranger. The always indifferent Black Tower praised the player with great enthusiasm and expressed his love for the player without any disguise.

At that time, Mu Huixuan passed through the fourth floor of the Black Tower, and almost immediately opened the Black Tower 4.0 version. Suddenly, her customs clearance came to an end and the update of the Black Tower was temporarily suspended. After waiting for half a month, she officially cleared the customs again and started the Black Tower 4.0 version.

Chen Yisi said: "Because of the public opinion compass?"

Mu Huixue: "Wow, you are a fine road."

I didn't understand this Cantonese, but it didn't prevent Chen Yu from understanding the meaning of this sentence. She explained: "You just said that because of the public opinion, you can't die. Then ask this question. Obviously, your failure to clear the fourth floor is definitely because of the public opinion."

"You finally guessed wrong."

Chen Yuyi.

"Not because of the public opinion compass. At that time I attacked the tower, just to let the black tower boss kill me and die in the game. I don't want any returnee to kill me, resurrect others, and don't want to take a rest for 260,000. Time gave a murderous returning person, so I chose to enter the Black Tower's fourth floor attacking tower game. But unfortunately, I cleared the game. When I cleared the customs, I saw the public opinion compass..." Mu Xuexue’s blood was completely stained with the pointer of the public compass. She smiled and said: “The ordinary black tower monster can’t kill me, then the paradox? So at the moment I cleared the customs, I started to **** this compass.”

Chen Yu's eyes are wide, she thought a lot of possibilities, but never thought that Mu Xuexue actually tried to **** a rare prop, and suddenly terminated his black tower four layers.

The blood drips to the ground along the pointer of the paradox, and when the blood falls on the ground, a squeaking sound is heard in the throat of the snow. Her face turned pale in an instant, as if something had disappeared from her body.

Mu Huixue threw the public opinion compass to the earth. This little compass showed a parabola and slammed to the ground. But when it flew halfway, it disappeared into the air.

Mu Huixue: "The head of the circus said yes, this kind of prop should not be owned by the player. This is a bug, because my abilities are causing bugs. Now everything may be the revenge of the Black Tower. ""

Chen Hao’s brain is running fast. She guessed three or four possibilities, but she was not sure.

After processing the paradox compass and returning the stolen things to the Black Tower, Mu back to the snow and patted the clothes and stood up. She went to Chen Hao and smiled. "Okay, now you can kill me. I won't resist."

Chen Hao looked up at her and finally couldn’t help but ask: "...why is it me?"

Mu back to the snow slightly, it seems that I did not expect the children will ask this question.

She looked down at the girl who was always calm and strong and terrible. For a long time, she reached out and gently touched Chen Hao’s head: "Because, the one who was resurrected by me and later killed by me." People, really like you."

Mu Huixue’s face was a helpless and nostalgic smile. Chen Yu looked at her like this, her lips were open, but she did not ask for it.

After a few seconds, Chen Hao said calmly: "Since you have decided to die, then I want to let Tang Mo brother kill you."

Mu returned to the snow because he had misunderstood: "What?"

Chen Hao looked seriously and said: "You may have guessed it. Tang Mo's brother's ability is to collect other people's abilities. But this ability is too much against the sky, so the stronger the ability, the difficulty he collects. The bigger the fact. If he wants to get your level of power, it's only a way to kill you.” The simple face of the little girl is a very serious look, she said very rudely: Since you decided to die, it is better to let Tang Moge take your abilities."

Mu Huixue: "..."

I screamed and laughed, and I went back to Xue Xue’s fingers and slammed Chen’s forehead.

The little girl’s head was red, and she reached for her forehead.

Mu Huixue: "You and she are a little different from this. I am going to die, you can't say something nice? Children, you can't do this, you know."

Chen Hao looked up and was confident: "Can I call Tang Moge?"

Mu Huixue: "..."

"Go, go, I am here waiting for you."

Chen Hao: "Good."

Chen Hao turned and ran, and Mu returned to the snow and looked at her back. After a while, she lay down again, basking in this beautiful moonlight, as if every second of the sun would be less than a second, this life will never see this again. view.

And she didn't know that the short-haired girl turned and ran down the ruins, pinching her fingers. The nail is deeply embedded in the palm of the hand. This sensible to the horrible girl, in the face of life and death, can also make a lasting use of the last resort, and the girl who has cleaned her life value, her eyes are wet.

But the moment before the tears fell, she raised her hand and wiped her tears clean. It was still a cool look.

Tang Mo and Fu Wen just returned to the ruins of the hill and met Chen Hao.

The little girl looked at Tang Mo with no expression and told the other person. Tang Mo slammed, and he turned to look at Fu Wen. The two nodded lightly, then walked up the hill together and soon saw the snow falling on the top of the mountain.

I found them coming, and Mu Xue returned a stretch and stood up.

She walked over to Chen Hao, bent her fingers again and bounced her skull.

Andrei had been hiding in the dark for a long time. Seeing Tang Mo and Fu Wen took it back. He also came out and stood aside without snoring.

Mu returned to the snow and smiled softly: "I have told you everything? Actually, I don't feel anything about death. I am not afraid of death. Sometimes it doesn't make much sense to live. I may be more valuable if I die. Andre. That's right, the third clue given by Black Tower is doomed to die. If you don't do it, Andrea will do it, even I will do it myself. My suicide is a waste, I can't make you different. Yes. So it is better to use it, you killed me, Tang Mo."

Fu Xiaodi learned the truth from Chen Yin’s mouth. He said: “No, Ms. Mu, you really want to...”

The child can't say the word. He didn't understand at all. When you understood the sky, everyone also attacked the Black Tower and cleared the game. How suddenly it became like this.

Mu Huixue had an unexpected patience with the child. She knelt down and touched the head of Fu Wensheng. "This city is gone." She touched the head of Fu Wensheng and took him to look at the devastated land under his feet. "Not suddenly, when I saw the clue from me and Andre, we understood the meaning of the Black Tower. I know that there is this day, but we have been until now, when Beijing City disappeared, we will face it. ""

Fu Wensheng clenched his teeth. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say anything.

Fu Wenzhe: "Do you really have to be like this?"

Mu back to the snow raised an eyebrow and looked at him: "Master Fu, I have thrown the public opinion compass and gave it to the black tower. You only told me this now?"

Fu Wen did not answer, he was not there again.

Tang Mo also said: "You don't have to be like this now, not yet at the last moment. Maybe there is a turn, there are other ways to find the tower."

"Then I watched six days, every day, hundreds of thousands of people disappeared with the black tower." Mu Huixue smiled. "Since the black tower gives the clue, it means that it is the only way. Today, when Grea said that Black Tower wanted to retaliate against me, I suddenly understood something."

"Tang Mo, obviously the guy has been lucky, why he suddenly became unlucky, and met two teammates to go out together. As long as they are not the two powerful players, or even any of them, he will not Dead. But he is dead. Now think about it, this is not the Black Tower revenge him, this is the Black Tower is retaliating against me."

"Maybe it's not just him who can find the black tower, or maybe only him, to attack the black tower."

"So... Tang Mo, kill me."

Tang Mo clenched his fingers and fixedly looked at Mu Xue. After a long while, he took two silver butterflies from his pocket.

Mu Huixue looked at Chen Hao and waved at her, showing a bright smile: "I will use the sun instead of the sun. I just said, if you guessed it, I will tell you a secret. I have no secret, just A long time ago, when I hadn't resurrected someone who was very similar to you, she said that she wanted to go back to Earth and wanted to see the moon. The world of returning people has no moon, only the day. This baton is now handed over to you, you will have more Sun drying."

Chen Hao looked calm, but she did not speak.

Mu Hui Xue smiled and said: "Well?"

Chen Hao: "...good."

At this time, Tang Mo has already come to the face of Mu Huixue.

Mu Huixue put away a smile and looked at him seriously: "then start..."

She raised her eyes and looked firm. She said in a word: "Tang Mo, kill me, resurrect Bai Ruoyao."

The refreshing female voice drowned in the evening breeze, admiring the snow and opening his mouth, revealing a calm and optimistic smile.

Two days ago, the sixth floor of the Black Tower, Noah's Ark.

Tang Mo and Fu Wen did not notice that when they opened their own red note and saw the twelve words behind them, Mu returned to the snow, Andre also opened his own paper and saw the above written. The word.

There are only three words, but these three words are enough to make the two powerful Black Tower six-layer players squat in place, and have not returned to God for a long time.

At the moment of seeing these three words, they suddenly felt extremely ironic.

Mu Huixue and Andre looked at the clues, and the paper turned into fly ash and disappeared. But the three words were branded in their hearts, stabbed their eyes and could never be forgotten. The three words are -

Bai Ruoyao

"The moonlight of today is actually very beautiful."

The silver knife flashed past, and this moment was even more tidy than the moonlight.

The author has something to say: The first place in the time leaderboard and the start of the flag are for the present.

Originally, Xue’s sister had already died, she should not get a public opinion compass, she would be killed by the public opinion. But she survived, and then this cause and effect has been tossed to the present...

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