MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 227

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Huaxia, Shanghai, Nanjing Road.

The heavy chains dragged on the long pedestrian street, as if there was a giant, dragging something hard and carrying weight on the ground. When the ironsmith tied the two players with an iron lock and passed a specialty store, he turned his head and looked at the store.

There is silence inside, there is no movement.

The iron shoemaker looked at it suspiciously for a while, which continued to drag the two players in the direction of the Black Tower.

Behind him, in the specialty store, the little fat man Zhao Ziang and Jakes clung to the wall and heard the sound of the lock disappeared, and then he sighed.

Zhao Zi said with a sigh of relief that "Dr., that is not the actual copy we have heard of. The iron shoemaker in the copy of the ironsmith. I remember that Tang Ge and Fu major seemed to have entered the game and cleared the customs. How did he appear, can he say that he It is the tower guard of the black tower in Shanghai."

Luofeng City Road "Look at the situation, it should be like this. We don't have any clues about the Black Tower now. Fortunately, Tang Mo and Fu Fu have clues on their side, there are squats, they probably have found a treasure black. Tower. "Thinking for a moment, Luofeng Chengdao" Jakes, you are here to observe the movement of the iron cobbler. Little fat man, you go to the base, call Tang Qiao. Next we will attack the black tower together."

After experiencing so many black tower games, even the first Chinese player to receive Eve's reward, Jacks knows a lot about the Black Tower world. He said, "Dr., the iron shovel is very strong. Although it is not the level of wolf grandmother and Santa Claus, we have to deal with him. It may take some effort. We don't have any clues about the seventh floor. You are sure that this is Shanghai. Is the tower one of the treasure black towers?"

Luo Fengcheng looked up at him "not sure."

Jakes a "doctor"

He is accustomed to believing in Luofeng City, so even if Luofeng City says "unbelief", he also believes that the other party must have its own reasons.

Zhao Ziang pondered a bit, and even figured out a little truth. "Dr., you think that the five towers selected by the Black Tower are definitely special black towers. You can't just pick five towers and let the players go to the Raiders. Players, even the Black Tower, must have important significance. Hey, do we have any special significance in this tower in Shanghai?"

Little fat man made a lot of progress, Luo Fengcheng laughed. "There is something Tang Mo did not say, but later through some means, I know this information. On the 7th of the month, the player in the 2nd district of China, Tang Mo successfully cleared the difficult pattern of the Black Tower. This is the first difficult mode in the world, you said, is this a bit special?"

Jacks and Zhao Zi nodded and nodded.

Luo Fengcheng looked out the window, and in the distance, the back of the iron cobbler became smaller and smaller.

"Even if there is only a trace of possibility, we can't just let go of this black tower."

At the same time, China, Guangzhou.

When Heita announced the "return to the Earth", the players in Guangzhou, like the players around the world, could not wait to go to the black tower above the small waist of the center of Guangzhou at the fastest speed. And when the little ponytail girl holding a giant match appeared at the tip of the Xiaoman waist, everyone did not respond, and she saw her laughing and said "a lot of fuel that can be burned", then she forced The ground was fired and the fire burned the entire Guangzhou center.

This flame is very different, spreading very fast, and it can't be extinguished at all.

Players have fled, but many people have no time to escape, surrounded by this flame, and some weak players are ignited by the flames. They can't put out the flames, they can only cut off the parts that are ignited by the flames to prevent the fire from spreading.

Among the trapped players, there are many leaders and members of several senior organizations in Guangzhou. When Black Tower announced the rules of the seventh floor, they had already planned to find a chance to attack the black tower in Guangzhou. They could not let go of any black tower that might become a black tower of the treasure. It seems that this little girl is the guardian of the Black Tower in Guangzhou.

Several leaders looked at each other and Qiqi said "on"

For a time, dozens of black figures slammed through the air and rushed to the little girl who set fire everywhere. Some players whispered a sigh of "the underground people holding a big match everywhere, I seem to have heard it." Without waiting for him to think of it, several players have successfully subdued the little girl.

This little girl is incredibly weak, and the second level of the Black Tower is not enough for the elite players in Guangzhou.

The crowd grabbed her arson-stricken match and was about to tie her up. The little girl with a thick mosaic on her face suddenly ran like a fish. She ran over and over and cried, "You bully me, you bully me, I want to tell my mother, you are waiting for me."

Probably never suffered such aggrieved, the little ponytail girl cried and went farther and farther, and finally ran into the center of Guangzhou burning the fire.

Players want to chase again, or give up.

A player frowned and said, "The girl with a big match everywhere arson and a mosaic on her face, where I have heard it. I really heard it."

The next moment, a heavy female voice directly answered his question. "Who is who beat my daughter to play the dog and still have to look at the master, do you damn, dirty humans don't understand?"

The mosaic is hiding behind her mother and making faces to the players in Guangzhou. Suddenly listening to this, her body was stiff, her face was smeared with a mosaic, but she also knew that she was depressed. "Mom, I am not a dog."

My mother snorted, "The little girl who doesn't love to learn, it's better to be born than the dog."

Mosaic ""

Mom bully

Seeing this fierce and violent female werewolf, the players finally remembered who the little girl with the mosaic was. This female werewolf is the most common black tower boss on the third floor and the fourth floor of the Black Tower. It is very strong, but she is strong in terms of the value of force. When she passes the game of towering that she guards, as long as she can use clever tricks, Successful clearance.

But the value of this female werewolf is really high.

The leader of a player organization in Guangzhou was once beaten to death by the other party. Now I think that he was almost hurt by the other half of the stomach. But now, they are not their own, and they are not afraid of the female werewolf.

The war between the two sides was on the verge of death. I don’t know who first moved, and dozens of Guangzhou players and wolf mothers fought together. This female werewolf is extremely hot, and each claw almost splits the player's body in half. But after all, she lost her four hands and lost her four hands. Soon her right arm was cut and only a layer of skin was stuck on her arm.

The mosaic was not good, and I turned and ran.

The wolf mother sighed "I am not as good as a dog." Then she glared at these Guangzhou players "You give me a wait"

Guangzhou player ""

No, how do you feel a bit familiar with this sentence, as if you have heard it.

Three minutes later, when the lady wearing a lace skirt and a pink parasol slowly walked out of the center of Guangzhou, lifted the green beast, and licked the sharp teeth against these players, the Guangzhou players brushed the ground. With wide eyes and straight back, the cold sweat dampened the whole piece of clothing.

Under the glare of the sun, the wolf's grandmother smiled slightly. "Who is, I just hit my daughter. I have to watch the owner when I hit the dog. Well, don't you understand?"

Guangzhou player ""


I went to your mother to play the little old, and I finished the old ancestors.

Around the world, such situations happen everywhere. The only difference is that the black tower guards in some areas are very weak, just the level of big turkeys and big moles. After just half an hour, there are players who have Raiders. Black Tower, but unfortunately this is not the black tower of the treasure. In some places, the tower guards are extremely strong.

For example, the head of the Guardian Troupe of Beijing’s Changping District, Grea, and the guardian of the Guangzhou area, the wolf grandmother.

Berlin, Germany.

In the hustle and bustle of snow, a petite silver-haired woman with her head down, holding a black rifle in her hands, stepping on the deep snow, heading for the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Berlin. Black giant tower.

In such a heavy snow, she is the only one who is against the snow. She walked all the way, and there were many bodies on the ground. They seem to have been killed by something, and their eyes fell to the ground, and the blood was stained with white snow.

Finally, she went under the black tower.

Yelena Ivanovna looked up and quietly looked at the Santa Claus under the Black Tower who was driving a sled and circling around the Brandenburg Gate.

In the snow, three players were not dead, and they were exhausted by Santa and his reindeer.

Santa seemed to notice a gaze. He turned his head and saw the short woman who came in here.

He laughed "stas, my lovely child"

Yelena looked at her eyes. She raised her two long guns and shot straight at Santa Claus.

India, New Delhi, India Gate.

Similar to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, a black giant tower is suspended above the gate of India. But the difference is that under the tower is the **** sea. A short red-haired loli opened his mouth and revealed two small tiger teeth. She has a lovely face, but her hands are covered with blood.

Countless Indian players rushed to her, punching her with one punch and crushing the internal organs.

But no one gave up.

The angry Indian language sounded on the horrible corpse sea. "She is the Queen of Red Peach. This is definitely a treasure black tower. After seven days, she died and died. Now she is dead. Kill her."

Around the world, under more than 10,000 black towers, players in every place are struggling to attack the tower.

And Huaxia, Changping District.

When Wang Xiaotian finished speaking, she walked down from the chair and gracefully walked into a yellow plaid in front of her. At the moment she stepped in, a golden name appeared in front of her. The words "Wang Xiaotian" floated in the air, and Tang Mo looked around again. In front of the players trapped in the plaid and pale, there was also an identical golden name.

But the name in front of them is not Wang Xiaotian, but their own.

"Come to a new partner, then let's pause the game first." Wang Xiaotian raised his hand, and the giant yellow exclamation marks suspended above the player's head all stopped. She clap her hands and a thin book suddenly appeared in her hand. The cover of the booklet reads the words "Happy Guest Quiz Show Guest Invitation". Wang Xiaotian opened the booklet and moved his wrist to the Tang Mo.

"Write your name on it, don't write it wrong. If you make a mistake, you can't change it."

At this time, the black tower sounds

“Please write your name on Wang Xiaotian’s booklet and mark it as a guest column.”

Everyone looked at each other and wrote the names in the booklet. When they wrote their names, their names flashed a golden light and seemed to be branded in this booklet.

Tang Mo looked up at the top of the next booklet, the line is

Show host Wang Xiaotian

Wang Xiaotian clap his hands and the program goes back to her hands. After seeing the name on the booklet, Cinderella smiled sweetly. "Okay, let's start the game. Six guests please come into your own, let's get started."

“叮咚 Successfully triggered a happy quiz game for Cinderella, a massively multiplayer copy game.”

"game rules"

“First, in answering questions in a happy quiz game, you must answer the correct answer. The answer is wrong and you go straight out.”

"Secondly, the player and the host answer ten questions in order, and all ten questions of the player are correct, and the pass can be cleared. The host's question is raised by the player. If the host answers incorrectly, the host is eliminated and the player can pass the customs. ”

"Third, you can't ask questions like customs clearance and so on."

"Fourth, take charge of your name, that is the pass for the show."

"I don't know why, the ratings of happy question and answer have fallen sharply in recent days, and have fallen below the minimum line last week. Why do viewers like to watch the new program of the wolf's grandmother? How to cook human beings will be better to eat, this is Wang Xiaotian. I understand that I want to bald my head and I don’t understand."

Wang Xiaotian was angry and blushing. "I am not bald. I am a little bit. I am not bald at two o'clock."