MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 222

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"No, this way of death is different from the virginity."

When Mu Huixue and Andre opened the door, they heard a loud female voice. The two looked at each other and walked downstairs together.

I saw the corner of the stairs on the first floor. Chinese female player Li Xia and two European players were around the armrests. I don’t know what I was looking at.

Wen Yan, Lina Qiaopujos sneered, "This murderer has arrogantly told us brazenly that it is not the black tower, the black tower monster that kills people, that is, human beings are too lazy to hide even hiding."

When they heard their conversation, the rest of the players went downstairs.

Two American male players went downstairs together, followed by East Asian player Yamamoto Takao, followed by white man George. After a few minutes, Tang Mo and Fu Wen took down the building.

When the old man of the white saw Tang Mo, his body was slightly stunned, and soon he concealed the past, as if he did not know Tang Mo, and he did not leave the room last night. Tang Mo’s gaze has been staring at him, his mouth slightly twitching.

Mu returned to the snow and bent over to check that Abdullah’s death was “suddenly pierced by a sharp weapon. He should fight for a long time, and there are many traces on his body. At the same time, look at the walls and stairs around us.”

Everyone looked down at the sight of the snow.

Mu Huixue "When Bai Ruyao and the murderer fought yesterday, they did not leave traces of these claw marks and round holes. Therefore, these claw marks and small round holes should be left by Abdullah and his murderer last night. If I didn't guess wrong," Mu returned to the snow and grabbed Abdullah's finger. He saw his fingernails on his ten fingers dark, and his right hand had three nails that were broken and bloody. "The claw marks are left by Abdullah, and the rest are left by the murderer."

Hiroshi Yamamoto thought for a moment, "Abu Dura's nails are obviously not ordinary, and it is very likely that this is his ability."

Lena Jopjos looked at everyone around her with disdainful eyes "So, who killed him?"

Mu Huixue is preparing to speak, and suddenly she seems to think of something, looking at Tang Mo and Fu Wen.

Three people look at each other.

Tang Mo nodded gently, and Mu Xue was surprised for a moment, then transferred the topic, "I only died this night last night."

Abdullah’s body was right next to the stairs, and everyone thought about it and went to find another body.

They rummaged through the three floors of the entire castle. When they arrived at the attic, everyone found that the body of Bai Ruoyao was gone.

Li Xia clenched his fingers. "Sure enough, the murderer is going to take everyone's body. What do he want to do?"

"Wait, I seem to find his body."

The crowd immediately looked at the voice.

I saw Mr. Yamamoto standing on the stairs outside the attic and looking down in the direction of the stair railings. "Is that his body?"

Everyone went down the stairs again.

As they walked to the corner of a staircase, they walked back and walked behind the stairs, and a body that fell to the ground immediately caught their eye.

Tang Mo’s lips were opened and closed.

He did not expect that the other party actually hid the body of Bai Ruoyao in such a place. At night, the light behind the stairs is dim, and you can't see things without looking at the lights. Moreover, Tang Mo has been here to search, so after he killed Abdullah last night, he went to the second and third floors to find it. He did not find the body, and he returned to the room. He did not expect that the body of Bai Ruoyao would be hidden here.

American player John frowned. "What does this mean? The murderer did not take the body last night."

Why didn’t you take the body away last night, and the bodies of the first two days were taken away?

Is the murderer still picking people?

The practice of Yu Zheng is about to speak, and a low laugh sounds. European player Don Deswick smiled and smiled. When he saw him strangely, he smiled softly and said, "I really care about it. Before today, for three consecutive days, these two Chinese players are Tang Hefu, you have been leaving the room very early, and even rushed to the crime scene in the first time. But today, you have been in the room for a long time."

Tang De looked at them curiously and smiled. "I am a bit curious, what are you doing in the room?"

As soon as this sentence is exported, the players have changed their faces.

If a sentence looks very peachy, at this time, no one will have extra ideas.

Tang De added, "Is it wrong, who are you injured and want to take time to heal?"

At the time, Yu Yuzhen also understood who killed the murderer of Abdullah. She immediately said, "If I remember correctly, your three American players will come out very late."

The two young players directly replied, "What do you mean, we came out a little later, but it didn't take long. Our room is in the innermost, is there something wrong with your slow movement?"

Practice Yu Zheng "that he?" She refers to the white old man.

The old man said, "I have a little personal deal to deal with. I tried my ability in the room to see if I can use it normally, so it was late."

Lena "There are plenty of reasons, then you guys?"

This cold short-haired woman sneered at Tang Mo and Fu Wen, and the tone was so violent, as if they saw them killing themselves.

Mu Huixue’s three-faced face was unpleasant, but what they didn’t expect was that Tang Mo smiled “Yes, I left the room last night.”


All the players looked at Tang Mo wrongly.

The smile on the face of Don Deswick disappeared, as if he noticed something was wrong.

In the next second, Tang Mo said quietly, "By the way, he killed me."

Mu Huixue "Tang Mo"

Two American players immediately pulled out their weapons and watched Tang Mo with vigilance. Lena and Don are also serious.

Tang Mo went to the body of Abdullah and said, "We started from the attic. I jumped upstairs," he said. He also chased it. Then we went from the table to the fireplace, and he kicked it. I smashed the fireplace, and then I pierced his head with a weapon. If you want to find traces, you should be able to find a complete route to prove that I am right."

Lena "So you admit that it’s all you killed. You put the three bodies in front of you."

Tang Mo "I have said that the people before I killed me? Last night, he attacked me first, I only counterattack. At that time I thought he had killed another person, so I will shoot. But soon I I knew that I was wrong, Abdullah did not kill another person, and Bai Ruoyao’s body was also hidden by that person. His purpose was simple, misleading me, or misleading Abdullah, let us doubt each other, So I made a big fight and finally died."

Andre "who is another person."

Tang Mo directly pointed to the white man "He."

The old man looks calm. "I don't understand what you are talking about. I didn't go out last night."

Tang Mo smiled. "The blood on the attic door is what you got."

The white old man’s eyes flashed and asked “What bloods.”

Tang Mo took everyone on the floor, and he squatted down and touched a completely dry reddish-brown blood stain on the attic door. "You are very clever, and the blood is placed in such an unobtrusive place, so that when the blood is found, it can be disguised as the murderer did not notice, leaving the blood. But you know deeply, or say You believe in the strength of me and Abdullah. You know that no matter who is the first in the attic, we will definitely find this blood, thinking that you have been killed by the other side, and the other party has also stolen the body of Bai Ruoyao."

The old man "You can do this, I can do it. Your reasoning looks very seamless. But in fact, I didn't go out, I don't have to do so many things, so what good for me?"

Tang Mo "The benefits have come out, Abdullah is dead."

The old man frowned. "What good is this, what is it that he died?"

Tang Mo "You have lost a competitor."

The eyes of everyone lingered between Tang Mo and the old white man.

The old man of the white man stared at Tang Mo tightly. For a long time, he smiled. "Although you are quite right, I really didn't go out."

Tang Mo did not refute him, but took a bottle of reddish brown liquid from his pocket. After he opened it, he handed it over to Fu Wen, and Fu Wen took it over and handed it back to Mu Xuexue. Everyone will pass it in turn.

Seeing that Tang Mo took out such a bottle of things, the white old man showed a skeptical look. He took the bottle of brown liquid and looked down at the "red wine"

"Yes, it's red wine." Tang Mo calmly said, "On the first day, I poured out some of the red wine bottles on the table and put them in the small bottle that I brought with me. The red wine was left in the air for a long time. It’s faded. The taste of this small bottle of red wine is so low that we can’t smell it, unless it’s close to smell. So when I went out last night, I brought it, and by the way, I found the opportunity to be on the two players I met. Sprinkle a little."

The white old man stared at him with amazement and looked down at himself.

Tang Mo smiled, "Don't look for it, behind you. I touched you when I closed the attic door last night."

Bell immediately walked behind the white man's old man, and it wasn't enough. After he wore a beige suit, he found a brown trace of a finger. Bell got together and sneered, "It really is red wine. Last night, you were one of the three players."

The old man was silent for a moment, and he was not flustered when he spoke. "I didn't expect that you prepared so much. Yes, I went out last night, but I didn't do anything last night. I denied it before. It’s because you don’t want to get in trouble, let you doubt me. And you also heard it. He just admitted that he killed Abdullah and it doesn’t matter to me. You know very well, I actually know that fighting ability, I am the weakest of the seventeen players. So after I searched the castle last night, I went back to my room. I was afraid of being killed by him," he pointed to Tang Mo. "Fortunately, I am back." Otherwise, I must be a corpse like Abdullah."

Tang Mo "You don't admit that you have removed the body of Bai Ruoyao and deliberately left blood."

The old man of the whites asked "Why should I do this? What good for me? If you are all dead, I can't pass the customs."

A low male voice rang "The reason you just said it has not been said."

The old man turned his head and looked at Fu Wen.

Fu Wen grabbed his mouth and slightly tilted "because you are weak."

Mr. Yamamoto, Mr. Yamamoto, can you please tell us that during the day, when Mu back to the snow asked if you thought about the customs clearance method, what was the method you said?

Hiroshi Yamamoto silently, he looked at Tang Mo, and finally decided to say, "When Noah came, I didn't really need to find the monster, and gave it to Noah. We only need to live. Other players can do it for a long time. Heita said, if Noah can't eat the barbecue monster, he will eat all the players. Then if that day, when Noah eats people, we will burn that person, total There is one, he will eat real monsters."

He concluded, "So, the only thing I have to do is to live and live as long as possible. But this can only be said to be alive, customs clearance game, we have not found a monster, can't write a name on the red ticket. It is also impossible to complete the rush to the sixth mode and get the clues of the seventh layer." But he wants to live more than the clue.

In the last sentence, Hiroshi Yamamoto closed his mouth and did not say anything.

Andre looked at the white old man. "This method, all of us actually know. So, you must be the first human to be eaten by Noah."

The old man's face was dark and black, and he quickly recovered. He sneered. "Maybe you are right, but I am the weakest. I can't kill anyone. Last night, I didn't participate in your battle. That was the first time I got a chance to go out. Five dead. No one is killing me."

John thought, "He is right. Don't say David and Anatoly, who were killed the next day, even Lena Choco, who died on the first day, he shouldn't kill."

Mu Huixue suddenly smiled. "It is not that he killed."

John turned to look at her.

Mu returned to the snow with both hands on the chest, seemingly helplessly laughed softly, gently said "the abnormal brain circuit, sometimes very different. This is what my colleague said. He is a very sick person. But he is actually not a metamorphosis, so he guessed something, but he didn't guess enough. For example, in this castle, several people thought of a way to really get through the six modes from the beginning."

Li Xia was surprised by "what method"

Mu Huixue "I can't write a name on the red ticket because I don't know who is a monster. Even if I finally let the black tower eat the monster, it is too late. So if you kill everyone except yourself, the monster is hidden. No matter how good it is, it will be disguised and always different from human beings. You will understand at the moment you kill it by hand. It is a human or a monster." It’s a pause, and the sound of the snow is calm. "This is the game of metamorphosis." The real way."

Mu Huixue’s voice fell, and Li Xia’s eyes showed a sudden realization.

Hiroshi Yamamoto also frowned, he thought about the feasibility of this method, and finally sighed "it can still be like this."

During the day when Bai Ruoyao died, Tang Mo and five people gathered together. At that time, they understood the meaning of the last words of the baby face youth.

The abnormal brain circuit is sometimes very different.

Bai Ruoyao vaguely guessed this method, but he was not so perverted after all, and would not kill all the players in the game to win his own victory. So his ending is to die in the real metamorphosis, not able to return to the room.

John "You just said that several people have long thought of this method, so they killed other players."

George Anson stood in the cold, no snoring.

Tang Mo looked at him, everyone knows that this seemingly weakest white man is actually a killer player. But apart from him?

Tang Mo sent a laugh from his nose. "I can find a way to steal the body and not be discovered by us. This magical method can be hard to come by anyone. It is impossible for two groups to think together. It can only be the same. The gang. The person who stole Lina’s body and the one who stole David and Anatoly is definitely not him.” He pointed to the old man, “If he thinks of that method, he will not leave white. If you are away from the body."

Li Xia clenches his dagger "Who is it?"


The next moment, a silver flashed, Fu Wen grabbed his wrist and lifted it. A small dart shot from his hand and shot straight to Lena Choco. The powerful European female player turned her head and extended her fingers, and gripped the dart with her fingers.

Don Deswick laughed, "What do you mean, Fu Wen won"

Fu Wen won "They don't know, but we know the strength of Bai Ruo Yao. That person is very powerful. He is especially terrible in the case of restricting all people's abilities. If I only shot and killed him without mercy, The probability of his death is only 30%. Mu Qihui shot, the possibility is not 30%. In this castle, no matter who, as long as he is alone, want to kill him, the probability is only less than half. He died, so in addition to him that night, two other players joined forces to kill him."

Tang De reluctantly argued, "My friend, not only me and Lena are teammates in this castle. Your two friends are also oh, let's say, there are these two Americans."

"Damn guy, don't you want to talk nonsense," John and Bell dismissed dissatisfiedly.

Mu Huixue "You thought why I suddenly shot them yesterday."

Tang De’s eyes narrowed and his smile disappeared.

Mu Huixue "Because I have to verify, do they have that strength, killing fox"

The voice fell, and the snow fell suddenly. The red whip pierced the air, like a fierce cheetah, rushing to Lena Choco. On the other side, Tang Mo also attacked Don Deswick.

Li Xia, Yamamoto Takao and two American players hesitated for a moment, did not do it.

For a time, Mu Huixue and Andrei went to Lina, Tang Mo, Fu Wendeng and Lian Yu Zheng on Tang De.

Seven people struggled on the first floor of the castle, smashing the tables, chairs and tiles.

When it was really hands-on, Tang Mo knew why Bai Ruoyao would die in the hands of these two people. Why did these two people become the world's first players to clear the fifth floor of the Black Tower.

Their close combat ability is very strong, no worse than Fu Wen

The cooperation between the two people is also very tacit, even if a few people in Tang Mo deliberately separate the two, want to break through one by one. The two can always join hands and help each other to form an effect of one plus one greater than two. However, they only had two people after all, and they quickly fell into the wrong wind.

At this time, Lena turned back and yelled at other players. "Damn, you are not coming up to help. George, you are an old guy, you don't want to win. There are three places. I only have one with Tang De. Now we have There are three bodies on it. If the monster is among the three people, we are both dead. Can you find the body and pass the customs?"

Li Xia four people heard this, his face flashed, and eventually did not shoot.

The white old man weighed again and again, and suddenly his heart stunned.

No, he can’t get a reward for the six mode.

I saw the old man screaming and screaming. A wonderful wave of volatility passed through the air and spread to the surroundings, affecting the body of Tang Mo and others in the castle.

White old man "My ability is limited by the black tower, only three minutes"

All the players in the game did not know what the old man's ability was, and he was able to pass through to the sixth floor of the Black Tower. But then, Tang Mo raised a small parasol and wanted to block Tang De’s sudden attack. He can't open the small parasol to use, but this umbrella is a good props after all, and it is also very good to use shields.

But when Tang Mo raised the small parasol, he saw Tang De's knife just on the handle of the small parasol, but his shoulder suddenly hurt.

Tang Motton felt bad, and he slammed to Tang De, and he retreated. He touched his shoulders and blood stained the palm of his hand.

The same thing happened in the back of the snow.

Muhui's whip was clearly and accurately wrapped around Lena's arm, but after a second, she watched Lena not tied her.

After a few rounds of play, Fu Wen took the loud voice. "His ability is to hypnotize your vision and delay your visual presentation. The delay time is within 03 seconds."

Everyone's face sank.

That's right, this old man's ability is now exposed to visual hypnosis of the enemy.

In the eyes of Tang Mo, he clearly saw Tang De's knife pointing to his chest, but in fact, what he saw was 03 seconds later than what happened. Masters fight, a little difference, a thousand miles. The old man itself does not have much combat strength, but his ability is a horrible auxiliary combat ability than the hope of gravity suppression.

Three minutes seems to be short, but enough to change the situation.

In the first minute, Tang De and Lina seized the opportunity to counterattack. But in the second minute, Fu Wen took the first one to adapt. His horrific combat experience made him quickly hypnotize himself, pushing the scene that occurred in front of him to 03 seconds, and generally can follow the actions of Tang De.

However, for a long time, Mu Huixue and Tang Mo have also adapted to this horrible ability and started counterattack.

If at this moment they are not two people, Donde and Lena, and two more opponents, or even one, the outcome will be very different.

Lena and Don are suppressed and retreat, and the power of the white old man is coming to an end. He was sweating and suddenly felt that he had chosen the wrong teammate and should not believe the two **** Europeans.

From the beginning to the end, Lena and Don are not using any abilities. Perhaps their abilities are the same as Fu Wenshou. Two days ago, they used it once when they killed Bai Ruoyao, and now they have entered the cooling time.

Finally, the old man in white looked pale and put his hands on the ground, and the whole man collapsed to the ground, and the power suddenly stopped. Fu Wen took advantage of a chance, his right hand turned over, and the dark triangular sharp weapon stabbed straight to Tang De's heart. On the other side, Andre’s fists were like a tiger, violently blocking Lena’s way, and she returned to the snow with a whip and tied her to her body.

In order to avoid Fu Wen’s black weapon, Tang De exposed his heart to Tang Mo.

Tang Mo doubled his eyes and pulled out a small silver butterfly knife to stab Tang De's chest. But at this moment, Tang De and Lina's face showed a sinister smile.

Time suddenly stopped at this moment, Tang Mo holding the butterfly knife's hand stopped in the air, admiring the snow and returning to Lina's whip stuck in the air.

Only Lena and Don, the bodies of both of them moved quickly. Time is running out, sweat dripping from the head of Tang De, falling on the ground, making a loud noise. He detoured behind Tang Mo, raised his knife and slashed.

At rest, the river flows again, but Don and Lena have detoured to the rear, killing Tang Mo and Mu Huixue.



Two piercing gunshots sounded, and Lena and Don Deer Qiqiu bowed their heads and looked at their chests unbelievably.

I saw a huge black blood hole across the body on their chest. The blood rushed out, Tang Mo still back to Tang De, his left hand holding a silver butterfly knife, his right hand quietly stretched behind him, holding a pistol, hidden behind the waist, and pulled the trigger. Similarly, Fu Wen’s gun shot through Lena’s heart accurately and without error.

Tang De opened his mouth and the blood spouted from his mouth.

"For why, you know, there is precaution"

Tang Mo put away his pistol. He looked down at the silver butterfly knife. "When I first met this guy, I forced him to cut his right arm. He always wanted to kill me. He has always wanted to kill me. He I know what my abilities are, but he doesn't know why I can kill him in the end, and I can know his name." The secret of the fire egg is only known inside the squad, Tang Mo and Fu Wen are very conservative. Never disclosed it to anyone.

Tang Mo put away the silver butterfly knife and turned his head to look at the desperate Don Deswick. The voice was calm. "But he is very smart. He must know that I have the ability to trace back the time. So, he is dying. I suddenly cut off my right arm before, but you don’t really understand why."

Two days ago, Noah's Ark Castle.

Lena and Don have never met such a powerful enemy.

Their luck was very good this evening, and three of them were eligible to go out, and both of them were among them. The two of them joined forces and killing a player is a breeze. But they did not expect that they almost overturned the car.

Fortunately, Lena's ability is similar to the rest time.

The original baby face youth almost killed Lina, but also escaped, but at that moment, Lina launched the power. I slammed into the guy's chest with a slap in the face, and the other person's sinful look, Lena, had seen countless times on other players' faces, but every time I felt very delicious.

She rubbed the blood on her lips and pulled out her knife.

"Idiot, die."

The moment when lucky is always useful, no matter who sees it, she and Tang De won. This Chinese player who claims to be very lucky and who can't kill is definitely dead.

However, at the moment before the other party’s death, he suddenly did not know where to come from, and cut his right arm with a knife.

Lena couldn't stop it, but she and Tang De didn't feel anything wrong, and thought that the other party had anything to do with the shell. After waiting for a while, I didn't wait for the abnormality to confirm that the other party was really dead. The two were planning to clean up the body and came to the day.

No time to deal with the body, the two can only rush back to the room to deal with their wounds.

The right arm fell behind the stairs to the ground behind them, and the dull landing sounded like two gunshots that shot through Lena and Donde's chest at the moment.

"The climax is always coming very fast, I believe that guy, so I specifically left this ability to you."

Put the butterfly knife into the pocket, Tang Mo put his hands in his pockets, looked up at the corner of the stairs, and looked at the position where the baby face died.

"Actually, he has returned the human condition to me."