MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 220

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Two days and three nights, with a time flow rate of six times, only ten hours left for the player.

When Mu Huixue finished this sentence, the long table was silent.

The twelve players present, each of them are advanced players who have experienced countless black tower games and are alive and dead. Even the old man, George, who seems to be in a weak position, has already cleared the five floors of the Black Tower.

The powerful strength makes these players should be able to find the monsters hidden in the player more accurately, but also because of the powerful strength, causing all players to hide and guard each other. Until now, Tang Mo did not dare to say that he knew the strength of everyone here. Everyone is hiding too well, which also makes this game more difficult.

The more you hide, the less you expose.

The same is true for the Black Tower monster.

East Asian player Yamamoto Xiaofu thought, "I don't think of customs clearance now."

Practice Yu Zheng to look straight at him. "You mean, I don't think of it now, you will think of it later."

Hiroshi Yamamoto gave her a deep look at her eyes, her eyes lowered, and her tone calmed. "That method, I think all the players here know."

Lena Qiaopujos sent a ridiculous laughter, and her companion, Tang De, smiled and looked at Yamamoto. Southeast Asian player Abdullah still arms around his chest and does not participate in the discussion. The white old man and two American players frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with the words of Yamamoto.

However, they haven't spoken yet, and the sound of laughter from the snow echoes "There is something, I think I can think about it. This thing is still what Fu Wen said." She turned to see Fu Wen and took a look.

Mu Huixue smiled and continued. "The two players who died the next day, the bodies were destroyed seriously, and it was impossible to confirm whether they had had a fierce battle with the murderer during their lifetime. And the white robes who died yesterday, his body can I found out that there was a struggle. In addition, there was only Lena who died on the first day." Suddenly, she added, "I am talking about Lena Choco."

There is no trace of struggle in Lin Yuzheng.

Mu back to the snow nodded, "Yes, so privately, Fu Wen said two possibilities, I think it is very correct. First, the murderer is too strong, so Lina can not resist, it is killed by the other side. Second The other person is a person familiar with Lena, at least, knowing. So she did not take precautions and was directly killed by the other party."

Although all players agree to spend the daytime at the long table, every word they say must be heard by everyone. But in private, players will definitely find opportunities to communicate. For example, six people in Tang Mo, they have had a simple exchange with six Chinese players. Mu Huixue knows Fu Wen’s speculation that Tang Mo also knows that in the past three days, none of the five people who survived have had the opportunity to go out at night.

Hiroshi Yamamoto nodded lightly. "I agree with this speculation."

Mu Huixue said, "If you only rely on the death of Lena Choco, I can't confirm it. The two kinds of guesses are more likely. But the next day, two people died. One of them is also the United States. Player, David Angus."

The voice just fell, the blonde American player directly squinted "What do you mean."

Mu Huixue looked up at him. "I just said that the next day I also died of an American player."

Belversk sneered, "The returnees admire the snow, you don't have to act here, I think everyone here understands what you want to say. You want to tell us that Lena, who died on the first day, is either strong. The player can't resist when he hits the commandment; he or she meets an acquaintance. The two people who die the next day, they are two people, or two players who seem to know that they are very powerful at first glance. Want to kill them at the same time. How difficult is it? The more likely way is to join one of them and kill their companions."

Andre faintly said, "Berversk, you said it yourself on the third day, you know David Angus."

Bell slaps the table angrily. "I just said that I heard about him. I probably learned some of his intelligence information from others. Didn't you guys in China never collect intelligence? Do you know each other? Even you are still a cooperative relationship. It is you, Mu Xuexue, you put the three players in that chair on Noah's Ark."

Mu Huixue raised his head. "So you now admit that you really know David Angus, not just heard of him."

Bell is very angry with you.

"Enough, stop here. Mu back to the snow, what do you want to say?" Bell's side, his companion John Bruce interrupted. "We do know David, not a teammate, but not an enemy. But we Didn't kill him. As for Lena, we heard about that guy, she is in the western United States, we are all Eastern players, and she is too far away from her.

Mu returned to the snow and slowly raised his head. "Do you want to kill Bai Ruo Yao?"

John frowned. "I said, we don't."

"Actually, I hate this guy very much, but you probably don't know. I have known him for many years. We are the same companions of an organization, and there are very few meetings, but in any case," when the snow brush is raised, at the same time A black concealed slammed the air and shot at John. "He is my companion."

John shunned the hidden weapon, and he looked back and saw that it was a piece of a small puppet.


The red whip came to the sound.

Black Tower prohibits the use of props, so the player's weapons can not use the original prop effect, but does not affect the use. John may have never thought that Mu Xue will suddenly shoot, and he shunned the whip in a wolf, not fast enough, and he was still hurt by the back of his hand.

Bell immediately pulled out a pistol and quickly shot at Mu Xuehui.

The blond man and the brown-haired man have a tacit understanding and entangled with Mu Xuexue. The rest of the players are still sitting on the seat and staring at their battle. The battle started very suddenly, but it didn't last long, only two rounds were played, and the whip that went back to the snow was caught by Andre.

"It doesn't make sense." The dull voice sounded, Andrei said, "They may not be the ones who killed the white."

Mu Huixue looked at her companion. After a moment, she closed her whip.

Since entering the castle, Mu Huixue has always been very friendly, even if she is facing the provocation of Lena Jopjos, she is not angry. Everyone has forgotten that she is actually a returnee, and is a returning person with tens of thousands of lives and 260,000 rest time.

In the world of returnees, killing players with the game is the most common thing.

Returnees are different from Earth survivors.

Seeing the performance of Mu Huixue, Lena Qiaopujos shot in the eyes and eager to try.

After sitting down, Mu returned to the snow and changed her face. She smiled. "Sorry, make a joke. Everyone, I didn't think of any customs clearance method. Do you have it?"

Just a simple shot, it shocked other players. Everyone saw it, and Bell and John added up and could not kill Mu Huixue. The strength of this woman is extremely horrible.

At this moment, a laugh sounded. "I understand now. You just shot, not really want to avenge the so-called companion, but want to tell us that even if you meet you at night, you can't kill you. Or Say you want to threaten us, don't do it to you at the last moment of the game."

It is the European player Don Deswick.

Mu returned to the back of the chair and looked at the other person with a slight smile. "You guess."

Tang De smiled even brighter.

A whole day, not happy.

Before leaving, Tang Mo stood behind Fu Wendeng and calmly said, "Although I think it doesn't make sense to say this, I still have to ask it. Excuse me, some players admit that they got a chance to go out last night and touched it outside the door. Go to my companion."

There was a silence in the castle. After a long while, Lena Jopjos sneered at the "idiot" and got up and left. Then, the players left the lobby one by one and went to the second floor room.

Tang Mo’s sentence was very meaningless.

From the beginning to the present, and even in the future, no one player will admit that he has left the door at night. Because as long as the player who goes out to die, he will be unconditionally suspected. At this time, even if you are not a Black Tower monster, you will be resisted by other players and even killed.

Tang Mo and Fu Wen took back to the room. Before the two closed, they quietly said a few words with Mu Huixue. Combining the strength of five people, Fu Wen took the road. "If it is you at night, practice Yu Zheng, don't go out. Others can go out and try."

As Bai Ruoruo speculated the day before, the player who was voted to limit his ability today is Andre, not Tang Mo. This means that Tang Mo can also use abilities.

Practicing Yu Zheng for a moment, saying, "If I don't go out, will it affect the plan?"

Tang Mo "The five people here, the probability of no one going out for three consecutive days is only 0008. This probability is already low enough to say that our five people are very bad luck. The black tower will not let us go out again, this is too Fair. If I am correct, I will definitely be able to go out tonight, and tomorrow, there will be."

As night fell, the pendulum clock in the castle rang loudly and made a loud sound.

A crisp child’s voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Tang Mo’s “getting out of the door once.”

Tang Mo’s heart glimpsed, and he subconsciously looked up and looked at Fu Wen’s on the opposite bed. He could clearly hear that Fu Wen was still talking to himself, and in the next second, he even heard his own voice. The tone of speech, the habit of using words, and even the way of thinking, this "Tang Mo" is exactly the same as the real Tang Mo. He and Fu Wen said for three minutes, Fu Wen took no abnormalities.

Tang Mo has a deeper understanding of the Black Tower. He is now a transparent person, and he opens the quilt and walks to the door. Then straight through the door panel.

At the moment he passed through the door panel, the dialogue in the door suddenly disappeared.

In the quiet, dark corridor, the clock creaked and the sound slammed between the walls of the castle, forming an echo. Tang Mo quietly stood in the middle of the corridor. He calmly observed the surroundings and did not see a person. He thought for a moment and turned to the attic.

His footsteps stepped on the stairs and stepped into the three-story attic.

When Tang Mo’s foot stepped on the top step, he suddenly pulled out the pistol, his movements swayed smoothly, his wrists moved, and the cold gun’s muzzle pointed straight into the darkness next to the attic staircase.

In the dimly lit stairway, the young blackhead turned his head at the darkness. He didn't look at it at all, but he seemed to know someone there. After a few seconds, a white-haired figure came out of the darkness.

George Anthony didn't panic, he calmly said, "The person who can come out is you."

Tang Mo did not put up the pistol. "When did you come, why come here."

The old man said, "My room is closest to the attic. I am only one step ahead of you."

The two words have not finished yet, and it is a footstep, gently stepping on the stairs. Tang Mo and George Qi brushed and turned and looked at the people. At the corner of the narrow staircase, a pair of cold eyes came out of the cold darkness, staring blankly at Tang Mo and George Ansoni standing in the attic.

The three looked at each other. After a moment, George said, "It seems that the three people are coming tonight. I, Tang Mo, and Abdullah."

Read The Duke's Passion