MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 217

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After the white old man said this, the other players did not listen to him, but personally checked the body one by one. In the group of Tang Mo, Fu Wen was quite familiar with this kind of thing. He went to the front to check the detailed inspection. He said to Tang: "It took about an hour to die, and he died."

There is no doubt that this woman is really dead. Like the virginity that Black Tower sang, it was drowned by the "flood".

Everything is developed according to the lyrics of the nursery rhymes. In the quiet and empty castle, I only hear a bang. Everyone immediately looked down from the stairs, only to see the center of the long table, a small puppet dangling away. It went down to the edge of the table, went to the extreme edge, and suddenly looked back at the strange, wood eyeballs staring at the sixteen players on the stairs.

In the next second, the little puppet fell off the edge of the table and fell to the ground, torn apart.

Bai Ruoyou smiled and said: "Wow, is this meant to die one by one?"

A young white-skinned man said: "Handle the body, it's not a problem. I observed it when I came in yesterday. Although the castle has two floors, there is a loft above. Put her on. Let's go there."

Tang Mo remembers this person, he is a player in the European region, called Kru Stark. The first player in the European zone to clear the fourth floor of the Black Tower.

Everyone has no objection to this proposal.

A strong man picked up the body of a black woman and put her in the attic.

Sixteen people went downstairs together.

The black woman had a seat alone, so after she died, her chair was empty, leaving only eleven chairs. Everyone sat in their seats, and the old white man said: "Her name has been taken."

The crowd immediately looked at the chair of the black woman. I saw that on the back of the long wooden chair, the name of the black woman was sharply cut with a sharp weapon. Her name was twisted and twisted with a knife. Now, after being scratched, I can't see the original handwriting.

Mu returned to the snow and raised his eyebrows: "It is not necessarily the person who is drawn, or it may be the black tower. It is like the little puppet just now." The little puppet who fell off the table has been picked up by the player, after inspection. Nothing unusual. "The puppet was gone under the eyes of all of us. The puppet on behalf of the player broke, and the name of the player was crossed out. This is logical."

Andrei stood behind Mu Xuehui, his voice was dull but powerful: "Lena Choco was killed."

Lena Choco is the black woman who died. She is the first player in the United States to pass the third floor of the Black Tower.

When Andre’s words were finished, Bai Ruo’s words were “oh” and everyone looked at him. The face of the baby face is serious, and the righteous words say: "There is only one truth. Last night, she must be one of the three players who can leave the room. So... Who killed her?"

The long table is silent.

Bai Ruoyao is bored: "Hey, are you not talking? There are three people out every night, except for Lena, there are two people."

The blonde woman named "Li Xia" said coldly: "They won't say it."

Bai Ruoyao looked at her.

Li Xiadao: "It's very simple. It must be one of those two players who killed the woman. Even the possibility of 90%, he is a monster. If you get the qualification to go out last night, you and me..."

"I don't have it, you don't want to pull me." Bai Ruoyao pretending to hold his chest in exaggeration, a pair of protective innocence.

Li Xia frowned, and she looked at Fu Wen, who stood behind Bai Ruoyao: "Assume that the three players who came out last night were Lena.

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Joe Cluj, I, and the most powerful player in China, Fu Wen. I and Fu Wen will never say it. First, when we say it, you will know for sure that one of us has killed her. Second, I know that I didn’t kill, so it must be Fu Wen’s killing. But I can't prove it. You will only swear at me. I can't refute it. ”

After a pause, Li Xia raised his blue eyes and looked at the sixteen players at the table: "In addition, today I made a request. From today, we not only have to spend two days at the table. Hours, to avoid the opportunity for players to have private contact. Second, each of us must speak and speak the same number of times."

As a Chinese player, practicing Yu Zheng for a moment, said: "You don't want to attract attention."

Li Xia asked: "Do you want to?"

No one is snoring, but everyone knows: no one wants to.

Although no one said, no one asked, but everyone knows that on the white ticket that was voted for the first time yesterday, it was impossible for someone to write his own name.

The white ticket is refreshed every day, and the person who is thrown out is not dead, but will be blocked by the black tower.

After entering this game, the player is restricted from using the item and blocks some of the abilities. If you lose your ability completely, the player's strength will be greatly reduced (except for Bai Ruo Yao's garbage ability). The black woman is not dead under the black tower, she is most likely to be killed in the case of blocked power.

So why is her ability blocked?

Because she was too eye-catching yesterday.

For the first vote, everyone must vote, but everyone does not know each other. So when you have to write a name, many people will subconsciously write the names of the people who are more concerned. For example, Bai Ruoyao, he wrote the name of the old man. But the most talked about yesterday was the black woman.

Everyone speaks the same number of times, which means that there are no more eye-catching people.

Tang Mo was silent for a long while, the first one said: "I agree."

Bai Ruoyao raised his hand: "I agree."

After all sixteen people agreed with this point of view, Li Xia sighed and stopped talking. The blond man sitting next to her was very conscious and said: "I don't have to say anything about it. I want to remember the memory of everyone in the room. The names of each of us are definitely in my heart. I am American 7 District player, Bell Fosker. I don’t know the black woman. I didn’t know which two people went out with her last night. I don’t know, don’t care, anyway, I care about you and won’t admit it.”

It was the white woman next to him who spoke. This is a cold short hair woman. She wrapped her hands around her chest. When it was her turn to speak, she just looked up and looked at the ice back to the opposite side of her face. She said the words three words: "Mu returned to the snow."

Mu returned to the snow and looked up at her.

Short hair woman's tone is cold: "Lina Jopjos, Europe, District 1, I am the same name as the dead woman."

Just shouting out the name of Mu Huixue, Lena did not speak again, but the strong hostility and disdain could not be ignored. If this is not a Black Tower game, she seems to be able to kill her with the snow back now.

Mu returned to the snow and smiled: "Do we know?"

Lena still didn't speak. The young man standing behind her smiled: "Of course I don't know. Don't care about her, she is like this. She hates anyone better than her. What is Fuxia in China? What else? Tang Mo, and the world's first one on the third floor of the black tower," he pointed to Andre after the return of the snow. "This is a man. You are a woman, better than her, Lena is everyday. I want to kill you."

The man smiled cheerfully, but when he talked about killing, the face smiled.

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Please inform the novel users: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The volume has not changed.

There are too many people who want to kill the snow, but everyone is killed by her. She looked at the short-haired woman with great interest and smiled and said, "Welcome to kill me."

Lena snorted and opened her eyes.

Next, everyone will tell you what happened last night.

No one admitted that he was one of the three players who came out last night. In their description, they all quietly stayed in their room, and did not hear any movement outside the door. The next morning, when they left the room, they saw the body of the black woman.

Tang Mo: "I take the liberty to ask, if I am not wrong, here are a total of six district players?"

Bai Ruoyao held his chin: "We have so many Chinese people, seven people."

A player in the US area is dissatisfied: "What do you want to say, players in the same area, you must know? It is obvious that the two Europeans know each other, they are sitting in the same chair. You guys are also I know, I am sitting together. But I don’t know any of these guys in the United States. If you insist, except for the woman," he pointed to Li Xia. "Apart from her, do you know all six Chinese players? When the flood occurred, it was Mu Xuehui who pulled all three of you up."

Tang Mo: "I didn't mean this."

This brown-haired American player is called David, and the name of the returnee who was killed by Tang Mo. But he looks tall and mighty, with a sturdy scorpion meat, unlike the David, who is more mentally motivated to play games.

However, no one is able to come here, no one is stupid.

During the day, everyone is not happy.

No matter who, I would not admit that I was one of the three players who qualified to go out last night, and no one admitted to knowing the dead black women.

There are only five minutes left before the end of the day, and Bai Ruoyao is bored to play his own white ticket. He turned back and his tone was casual: "Then I will write about the individual? Tang Tang, Major Fu, what do you think? If you want me to write, do you want to write the name of Tang and Tang, you see how much you have just made people Suspect, that man will definitely write you."

Tang Mo did not care for him, and turned to look at Fu Wen: "Who do you think you should write."

Fu Wenjue: "The black woman is an American player."

Bai Ruoyao: "So?"

Fu Wenjue: "Write an American player."

Bai Ruoyao whispered: "Master Fu, I did not expect you to be so patriotic, you must write them Americans at this time."

Fu Wen faintly said: "The woman has no trace of struggle. Even if she loses her ability and can't use the props, her physical quality will definitely not be too bad. She will not be killed by a single blow. Her people, she knows. At least 'the skin that is draped' is the person she knows."

There is only a 50% chance, but this probability is worth taking risks.

Bai Ruoyao thought: "When the player is thrown out, he will be blocked by all the abilities. The monster is thrown out... Hey, what will happen?"

While thinking about it, Bai Ruoyou looked at the four remaining American players and looked back at Tang: "Tang Tang, that David just bullied you, I wrote his name." The tone is childish, it seems to be talking about children. It is necessary to curse the villain.

Tang Mo: "Have you gone out last night?"

Bai Ruoyao’s body.

Tang Mo directly said: "I didn't, Fu Wen did not. So... Bai Ruoyao, did you go out last night?"

Bai Ruoyao smiled and said: "No."

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---This is a gorgeous split--

Br />

Tang looked at him with certainty.

Bai Ruoyao slowly narrowed his eyes and repeated it again: "I said, no."

"Hey! The next day's voting time, please ask the player to write the name of the player you want to vote on the white ticket."

Tang Mo bowed his head and saw Bai Ruoyao write a line of words on the white ticket quickly.

"David Anders"

I actually wrote the name of the man.

All players voted over and the white ticket was reversed on the table. In the second day, no one still wrote a name on the red ticket. When everyone chats and votes, Tang Mo has been carefully observed. Eleven of the players sitting in the chair, no one looked at the red ticket, and there was no extra behavior. Probably only except Bai Ruoyao, he feared that the world would not be chaotic, like a child with ADHD, moving around the chair.

But it was Bai Ruoyao, and did not touch the red ticket.

At this time, whoever touched the red ticket, who has the suspicion of "going out last night."

There is no doubt that Lena Choco was killed by a player who went out last night. Lena is dead, and there are two left. One of the big probabilities is the monster, and the other is definitely the real player. Others don't know who the monster is, but the player knows it.

If he now takes out the red ticket and writes the other person's name on it, it confirms his suspicion of going out last night.

A player who doesn't go out can't believe it. He doesn't kill Lena. He's not a monster.

So he chose to hide himself and not write down his name.

Moreover, if the person is not a monster, he writes the name of the other party and loses the chance to grab the sixth. Even if he finally cleared the game, he couldn't get a clue on the seventh floor.

The wall clock on the wall of the castle slammed, and the sky suddenly turned black.

When everyone walked back to their room, Tang Mo suddenly said: "The player who is selected to go out is not forced to go out."

In the crowd, seven or eight players stopped and looked back at Tang Mo. There are still some players who are still moving forward, as if they didn't hear this.

Tang Mo three walked into his room. Before closing the door, he and Mu Huixue, Andrei, and Fang Yuzhen had a look. Several people nodded and entered the room.

As soon as the door closed, the baby face smiled and walked to his bed. He had not taken a few steps. Fu Wen grabbed his hand and stopped him.

Bai Ruoyao turned back: "Fu Major?"

Fu Wen took a coveted look at him: "Have you gone out last night?"

Bai Ruoyao raised his eyebrows: "I said, I don't."

Tang Mo came from behind Bai Ruoyao: "I can kill the black woman, and the other party can't struggle at all. Besides the people she knows, there is still a possibility... the person who killed her, the strength is crushed on In this game, all the players' abilities are suppressed, and the black women are more likely to lose their abilities completely. And for you..."Donton, Tang Mo is calm: "Bai Ruo Yao, your difference Even if it disappears, it will have no effect on your strength. You are strong, you can kill her before she resists."

Listening to these words, the smile on Bai Ruoyao’s face slowly froze.

For a long time, he gently smiled: "The black tower gives me the ability limit is that my ability can only be used three times in this game, and can only see one person. Tang Tang, you know that I see Who is it?"

Tang Mo is a glimpse.

Bai Ruoyao put his index finger on his lips: "Hey, I see you. A black gas, no bottom."

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