MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 178

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In May, the sun has not yet illuminated the earth, and the cool evening wind blew through the long East Third Ring Road. The sky gradually became a little white, and soon, the sky was bright, but the sun did not appear under the horizon.

Tang Mo chose a commercial building north of the East Third Ring Road.

Xu Yusheng is not a simple opponent. Half an hour ago, Tang Mo asked Fu Wensheng to hide in the distance and not to be close. Chen Hao was hiding in another building in the distance, trying to separate from Tang Mo and Fu Wen. Because Xu Yusheng's goal is them, or all the returnees hidden in the East Third Ring Road, the only thing they really want to kill is Tang Mo, Fu Wenzhao, Yu Wang Shu and Lian Yu Zheng.

Tang Mo’s patience was great. He was kneeling on the roof of the building. For an entire hour, he did not move.

Time passed by, and Tang Mo lowered his voice: "She should have arrived long ago."

On the roof of this building, only Tang Mo and Fu Wen took two people.

Fu Wenjue: "Someone saw Xu Xiaosheng's companion appear in Xicheng District yesterday. They came from the west. Chaoyang District is the base camp of the election. They will not choose to enter the East Third Ring from Chaoyang District. So she should Appeared to the south and ambushed on the south side."

So Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the hour to the building one hour earlier, almost all of their attention in the south.

The sun shattered the horizon and shot at the land. The heat wave that belongs to the summer is inevitably sprayed from the surface. Tang Mo waited quietly. After a while, he slammed the railroad: "She will not appear recklessly." Xu Yusheng will go to war, but will not be stupid enough to appear alone. Tang Mo turned to look at Fu Wenzhan, he clenched the small parasol: "We act separately, I go to the north side, you go to the south. Fire eggs contact."

Fu Wen took a light nod.

Compared with other players, Tang Mo and Fu Wen have the fire eggs.

This is more than just an archiver, it's a liaison.

The two quietly looked at each other and did not say anything extra, their eyes were trusting. However, just as Fu Wen took one hand to the ground and prepared to leave the platform at the fastest speed, suddenly, a crisp crash came from the south.

Fu Wen took the body and quickly crouched down.

The two looked at the south at the same time.

On both sides of the elevated road, there are more than a dozen players who are straight and straight, looking at the south with a horrified look. This sound is actually very light, the sound of the ball hitting the ground. This ball is very elastic, and it bounces on the ground and on the car, and then returns to the owner's hand.

The sun is faint, at the end of the elevated road, a black shadow is stretched by the sun. She patted a strange red ball rudely and walked forward step by step. Suddenly, she used a force to force the ball to a high-rise residential building on the left side of the elevated road.


The window was smashed, the ball smashed through the three walls, and the cracks in the cobwebs instantly covered the wall. In the next second, the ball bounced back from the broken building and was firmly held in the hands of Xu Weisheng.

From the southernmost side of the East Third Ring Road to the northernmost side, hundreds of players on both sides of the elevated road, all the hundreds of players startled, unbelievably looking at this gloomy girl.

"Xu Yusheng?!"

Chen Yu looked through the window and saw the man with a telescope. She was shocked: "How is it possible? How dare she appear so blatantly." The short-haired girl's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly. However, in just one second, she calmed down. Chen Hao put down the telescope and said quickly: "It won't be so simple. Xu Yusheng is not a smashing person. She suddenly has a reason to appear. It is 4:56 in the morning, and there are four minutes to five. She is specially selected. This time appeared, she dared to appear directly not afraid of others, her dependence is..."

Chen Hao picked up the telescope and stared at the red ball in the hands of Xu Yusheng.

At the same time, Tang Mo saw the ball.

"what is that?!"

what is that?

Everyone has flashed this problem at the same time.

Under the bright sunshine, Xu Yusheng slowly opened his mouth and revealed a cold smile. She held the red ball firmly in her hand and stood on the southernmost side of the East Third Ring Road, looking at the narrow road at a glance. The next moment, she opened her mouth and shouted out four names: "Fu Wenzhe, Tang Mo, Yu Wang Shu... practicing Yu Zheng."

Because the whole road was quiet enough, the sound went through halfway.

Xu Xiaosheng laughed, she laughed. Then she read the four names again and then suddenly lifted the red ball.


"--Games start."


The red ball was punched in her hand and then slammed into the ground.

She used ten to ten strength. The power of Xu Yusheng's 10% shot the ball directly through the road, broke into the earth, and pulled out a deep pit 10 meters deep. An unpredictable hunch surged into Tang Mo’s heart, and this hunch was even stronger in Chen’s prediction. But everything is too late.

As the ball smashed through the ground, it shattered, causing a violent explosion, and the sky was suddenly dark.

A crisp childish voice rang -

"Hey! 'Schrodinger's Dodgeball' has been triggered, please ask the player to choose the map."

Xu Xiaosheng gave a laugh in the throat. She stepped on the ground and stepped on the road: "This elevated road!"

"Hey! The map has been confirmed, loading..."

"The player information is loading..."

“The East Third Ring Road Elevated Road in Huaxia District 1 has been completed. At 4:59 am on May 25, 41 official players, 28 stowaways and 56 returnees officially entered the map.

The black tower had no ups and downs echoing over the entire East Third Ring Road. Tang Mo's eyes widened and looked straight at the road in front of him. On the dark ground, I saw a layer of faint red film slowly climbing up from both sides of the road. It is like a shell, which covers the entire East Third Ring Elevated Road and the buildings on both sides of it, including the building where Tang Mo and Fu Wenzhao are located.

This layer of film climbs higher and finally converges in the sky to form a dome.

When the eggshell is completely formed, a bright red glow flashes in the center of the eggshell.


A fireworks exploded in the sky, and countless ribbons fell from the red light. At the same time, the cheerful music sounded, the children's voice sang together, and the happy song was over the East Third Ring. In this extremely enjoyable background music, the mechanical sound of Heitana seems to be vivid too -

“Hey! The large-scale personal game ‘Schrodinger’s Playground Avoidance Ball’ is officially open.”

"game rules--"

"First, the game time is one hour."

"Secondly, all players can only touch the ball with their elbows (and below) and knees (and below)."

"Third, those who were escaping from other parts of the ball failed to go out and must leave the field with a leapfrog in one minute."

"Fourth, friendship first, competition second."

"The great Master Schrödinger hates people saying that cats like to play with the ball, so he made a magical red dodgeball. You like to play the ball, your whole family likes the player!!! - Schrödinger said, The exclamation point is also."

The sound of the black tower came to an abrupt end, but in the sky, the ribbons were swelled and kept falling.

Several exclamations sounded on both sides of the elevated road, and soon a sound of one or two fights sounded. But both the scream and the fight are ending very quickly.

The players who dare to come to the East Third Ring, whether they are surviving players or returning, are among the best, and have confidence in their own strength. But no one can think of it, they were actually counted by Xu Weisheng alone!

No wonder the last hour is not just a way out for yourself, but also for this limited-time one-hour game!

No wonder the request is in the East Third Ring Road, because this elevated road is not easy to hide, it is easier to play dodgeball game!

The music is still playing, and the ribbons are constantly drifting. In this fierce and cheerful music, Tang Mo's face gradually became difficult to look. He looked at Fu Wenwei silently, and Fu Wen took it to him. The two looked at each other and stood up together, no longer hiding. Because of their heads, a red spherical ray is constantly flashing.

In the dark night, the red ball of light is incomparably obvious.

One red light after another is from the southernmost side of the elevated road, as if the lights are on, and the lights are shining.

Red **** of light are scattered all over the sides of the elevated road.

A recent red ball of light is in the building next to Tang Mo. The man hid in the middle of the 17th floor of the building. He found that Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the look of them with a sigh of relief. Determine that the other party is two people, and they have no chance of winning. He turned and ran, without hesitation.

Tang Mo looked at the red ball of light on his head and looked at Fu Wen’s head.

The glare of light penetrates all the material on the wall and is dazzling in the night sky.

... was actually calculated by Xu Yusheng!

After a while, Tang Mo was extremely angry and laughed: "I am afraid that even the shackles can't think of it. Xu Yusheng will have such props."

However, Tang Mo is not in a hurry. This dodgeball game includes all the players on the elevated road, and he and Fu Wen’s skill are not necessarily lost. And Xu Yusheng does not necessarily find them. There are so many people, the game time is only one hour, and the enemy is clear that I am dark.

"Xu Yusheng is there." Tang Mo turned his head and stared at the black dot in the distance.

Fu Wen took the wrist and moved his right hand into a black weapon. "Sneak up."

"it is good!"

Another good thing about darkening the sky is that it is easy to hide the figure. Tang Mo found Chen Hao and asked her to go to Fu Wensheng. They found a place to hide. Suddenly opened a dodgeball game, everything is beyond their expectation, Tang Mo does not intend to let Chen Yu intervene. This is obviously not a game suitable for Chen Hao.

The red ball of light is very conspicuous. At the beginning, everyone still dare not move at will, and seeing the ball of light is far away.

After Tang Mo sneaked for two kilometers, he found a low-rise building to hide. At this time, he was only five kilometers away from Xu Yusheng, and his vision could clearly see Xu Yusheng's closed eyes.

Tang Mo: "What is she doing?"

Fu Wen took a quick look: "Is she in the hand to avoid the ball?"

Tang Mo noticed the red ball in Xu Weisheng's hand.

This ball fell from the sky and fell into the hands of Xu Yusheng, not the one she shot at the beginning. Instead of throwing the ball, she stood still, closed her eyes, raised her hands, and leaned back against the sky, not knowing what she was thinking.

"What is she doing?" Li Miaomiao said nothing.

In the middle section of the elevated road, there were fourteen vehicles in succession, and the steel car crashed into a ball of iron. In the middle of the ruin of the chaotic car accident, three red **** of light were quietly waiting in it.

Li Miaomei said in a depressed way: "This Xu Yusheng actually has such props. She is so, the position of all of us is violent. Dew. What do she want to do, holding the dodge ball and standing there? Move, don't throw the ball." Although anxious, all of his own people were pitted by the 16-year-old girl, Li Miaomiao remembered to lower the voice. "Head, don't we really change position? This ball of light violently exposes the position of all of us."

Lookout Shu: "Is the location useful?"

Li Miaomiao was dumb.

Practicing Yu Zheng cold and cold road: "You can't hide anywhere you hide. This light ball can penetrate all the substances and be seen by others. Now what we have to do is to wait and see, we are three people, and most people don't dare to do it."

Li Miaomiao: "Head, then what do we do next?"

Yan Wang Shu said the same words as Tang Mo: "The enemy is in the Ming, I am in the dark. Everyone has been drawn into this game, we are indeed calculated by Xu Yusheng, but her situation is really bad. We... "The sound stopped abruptly, and I looked at Shu's face and looked to the front.

I saw a middle-aged man running in front of the ruins in a stiff posture. He widened his eyes and stared straight at the three red **** in the middle of the ruins. He breathed hard, and he breathed very strangely, as if the dying man was trying to gasp and pumping his lungs out of his chest. The heavy gasp is very abrupt in the dark.

Practicing Yu Zheng turned his hand and took out a silver knife, waiting indifferently for the person to get closer.

Just as the man walked completely to the side of the three people, he leaned over and saw the three people looking at the ruins. The red bloodshot eyes surrounded his eyes, his mouth twitching strangely, and the whole body was shaking. He slowly opened his mouth and smiled in amazement. The vocal cords shook stiffly: "Find, come... you guys..."

A silver light illuminates, and the knife that exercises the kite is cut to the artery of the middle-aged man. The blood spurted the floor, but the man was still laughing.

In the next second, Xu Weisheng, who had been standing in the middle of the road, suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a cold, bloodthirsty smile.

"Look at Shu, practice Yu Zheng."

She looked ahead and grabbed the air with her left hand.

Tang Mo was hiding upstairs and was surprised: "What is that?"

I saw two of the buildings around Xu Yusheng. Two players with red **** of light suddenly fell to the ground, and their bodies twitched twice. When they got up again, their posture became very stagnant. They ran out of the building together and ran straight to the ruins of a car accident three kilometers ahead of the elevated road.

At the same time, Xu Wei was angry and gave a sigh, his right hand slammed, and the red dodge ball was forced forward by her.

Fu Wen took the same tone with Tang Mo: "Is this a dodge?!"

A red dodge ball smashed the air and slammed into the ruins at a frightening speed.

Three kilometers distance, six seconds!

Five hundred meters per second!

The ruins were directly smashed by the ball, and the steel flew around and made a harsh sound. The dodge ball was wiped from Li Miaomiao. She fell backwards and roared: "What is this special thing to do to avoid the ball, the bullets are not so fast!"

The voice has not yet landed, avoiding the ball hitting the overhead guardrail. The ball bent out of a curve, reflected and then shot at Li Miao Miao, as if looking for her.


At the same moment that the red dodge ball slammed into Li Miaomiao, four players flew. The four people seem to be manipulated puppets, the action is stiff, but the action is incomparable. They neglected Li Miao Miao in a brush, and rushed directly to Yu Wang and Liu Yu.

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