MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 174

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Darwin test, a total of twelve questions. Answers are added, and the answer is not deducted.

At the beginning, Wang Xiaotian did not say that there was any punishment for answering the wrong question. In theory, pressing the responder in advance had no problem, but it seems to be a little risky. This does not meet the discreet character of Tang Mo. However, when Tang Mo retracted the hand on the responder, Fu Wenzhe and Chen Yu on the side also quietly took back their hands.

"How about getting the problem, I don't necessarily answer it, that is, after the dog has been transported, I will answer the mistake and not punish." The young man whispered.

Tang Mo faintly swept the man.

Wang Xiaotian returned to God and looked at Tang Mo with a strange expression. He continued, “Okay, then I will continue. First question, after the Earth is on the line, Black Tower divides the Earth into several areas. Please answer”

As soon as this words landed, all three returnees were stunned. Fu Xiaodi opened his mouth in amazement, and the young man shouted out "so simple"

Wang Xiaotian turned a blind eye and naturally asked "this is the first question, what difficulty do you want." She looked at Tang Mo, impatiently "Hey, no answer to answer questions, please answer, you guys. Stinky people are really annoying."

Tang Mo quietly evokes the corner of his lips. "A total of ten districts."

Wang Xiaotian nodded. "The answer is correct. The player Tang has a point."

Three returnees ""

Without such a play

The three returnees looked a little more envious and jealous in Tang Mo's eyes. Only the young woman frowned at some suspicion, but did not say anything. With Tang Mo as a precedent, Wang Xiaotian did not report the second question, and all the hands were placed on the responder. This time Tang Mo is not particularly nervous, he calmly looked at Wang Xiaotian, as long as the other party opened him would press the answering device. He has already got a point, leading others, and other people need to be nervous.

The young woman secretly looked at Tang Mo and whispered to herself, "Is it a coincidence?"

It’s really so clever, there is no penalty for answering the wrong question. The first question is still so simple.

No one gave her the answer.

Soon, Wang Xiaotian said the second question. When she failed to speak the question, she was pressed by the responder. This time, the young man grabbed the subject. Wang Xiaotian complained and said, "This is a trick that is not fun." Then he said the second question in a depressed way. "Please answer the second question. Who is the favorite player of Black Tower?"

This question is simply a sub-question. Earth survivors may think more about the answer. The returnees don’t think about it, “Mu Huixue”

Wang Xiaotian slaps his clapper in the absence of "Congratulations, right, got one point."

The young man showed a smug expression.

In this way, the seven people answered questions by their own skills. After eight consecutive questions, Chen Hao and the young woman reacted slowly, and did not grab the title. It was zero. The young man robbed twice, only answered one question, and scored one point like Fu Wensheng. The middle-aged man and Tang Mog answered two questions and scored two points. Fu Wen won the three questions and scored three points.

There are still four questions left.

Wang Xiaotian is preparing to speak. Suddenly she seems to have heard something and exclaimed that "the ratings are so low."

When everyone saw it, they saw Wang Xiaotian slamming down from the carriage and pacing back and forth. After walking for a while, she ran to the front of the seven players, with both hands on her hips. "You forced me. It’s that you, the stupid humans who forced me, Wang Xiaotian, to host a happy question and answer for so many years, the first ratings, you guys, I have to increase the difficulty. I have to take out the problem at the bottom of the pressure box and mad at me." The beautiful girl slammed hard and the ground trembled fiercely. No one expected that this seemingly soft and soft Cinderella actually has such a strong strength.

At this time, a calm voice sounded "The next answer will be punished."

Wang Xiaotian didn't react, and he turned to Chen Hao. "No, this is the rules of the game of the Black Tower."

Chen Yu’s tone is calm. “Oh, then you should increase the difficulty.” Anyway, I can’t answer it and I won’t die.

Wang Xiaotian ""

Why is she going to open this show live?

Sure enough, the four questions asked by Wang Xiaotian were greatly increased. Seven people answered in turn, and finally only one question answered the correct answer. In the end, Fu Wen won three points, Tang Mo, middle-aged man two points, Fu Wensheng, young man, Chen Yuyi, young woman zero.

Wang Xiao sweet ran into the carriage with an angry skirt. She opened the curtain and roared. "I don't want to see you guys anymore. You will give me a clearance game and get out of my room."


The pumpkin carriage drove out of the door, and the door slammed shut, leaving only seven players in the room.

Fu Wensheng, "Darwin has just tested how to change our small ball."

Did not let the children puzzle for a long time, I saw seven small **** flying one by one from the players' pockets. Seven small **** floated in the air and gathered together. In the next second, the ball turns in the direction, re-orders and flies to the front of different players, and gently kisses the number on each player's cheek.

After a kiss, the number of Fu Wen’s face turned into 4, Tang Mo and the middle-aged man became 3, Fu Wensheng and the young man became 2, Chen Yu and the young woman became 1.

Tang Mo reached out and grabbed the ball. He turned to look at his teammates. "Go to the room first and see the clues inside."

Everyone nodded "good."

Tang Mo four directly into the room to see the clues, the three returnees also looked at each other, each returning to the room.

Tang Mo shut the door, he did not open the ball for the first time, look at the clues inside. He found the pen and paper from the table in the room, wrote several names on the white paper, and then connected the names one by one.

"The ball is in my hand, the whisper is the ball of Xing Siqi, and Fu Wen won the ball of Du De"

Fingers tapped on the seven names, and after a long while, Tang Mo took out the ball and slammed it open. He took out the small note inside, flipped over, and read the above text, "Tang Mo finally became the man standing at the top of the food chain." The eyes widened, and Tang Mo looked at the words on the note, he carefully I saw it three times and my eyes were getting brighter.

Five minutes later, the knocking of the door rang.

Tang Mo opened the door and the short hair girl stood outside the door. Chen Hao looked up and said, "Tang Mo Ge, optimistic about the clues."

Tang Mo nodded, and he lifted his gaze and found that Fu Wen took the standing in the middle of the hall waiting for him. Soon, Chen Hao knocked on the door of Fu Wensheng and brought Fu Xiaodi out. Four people found a hidden corner, and the three returnees have not yet come out.

Chen Hao looked at everyone and said, "This time, four of us took all four levels of the food chain. When the seven **** flew into the air, I observed two small balls. The ball I got now is Don. Mo Ge, he got my ball."

Chen Hao’s physical fitness has not improved, and she can only observe two **** at a time with her dynamic vision.

Fu Wen added that "the whisper got the woman's ball."

Chen Hao nodded. "Good. Except for the whisper, we can now roughly talk about the clues we got."

You can't say your own clues explicitly, but you can mention one or two sentences a little. Chen Hao’s clues are simple and don’t have much value. Fu Wen took a moment to sink, and he whispered "According to my clues, I really should be in a certain food chain, located in the third level of the food chain."

Chen Hao immediately recorded this clue as "the fourth level, and at the same time the third level."

Tang Modao "My clues are important."

The people turned their heads and looked at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo thought about the wording, and stared seriously at Fu Wen, "I am not in your food chain."

Fu Wen dazzled his eyes and stared quietly at Tang Mo.

"Not in his food chain," Chen Yu said. The short-haired girl's pen stopped on the book, and the round tip of the pen gently rubbed against the white paper, leaving a shallow trace. The next moment, Chen Hao suddenly looked up at Fu Wensheng, his face showed a happy smile, but his eyes were extremely serious. She said in a word, "Small voice, now I have a question to ask you, you have to answer it carefully. When you answer, you must forget the sentence on your little note, concentrate on answering my question, and complete that sentence completely. Throw it behind your head."

Fu Wensheng sat down straight, "Okay, sister, you ask."

Chen Hao "My problem is"

Five minutes later, Chen Hao took a long sigh of relief on his book.

"Cinderella participated in three parties, we had three nights, but Darwin only tested twice. The next Darwin test is our last chance to change the ball. But this time Darwin test I have something, I hope everyone will do a bit."

The four people approached, Chen Hao lowered his voice and whispered, "The second Darwin test, I guess the title will be harder than the first. On this test."

Tang Mo listened to Chen Yu’s words and nodded gently. When she finished all, Fu Wensheng carefully remembered what she was going to do. After a moment, he remembered one thing, saying, "My sister said that with the character of Cinderella, the second Darwin test she will deliberately make the problem difficult, so that we can hardly answer, so that can improve her. Fortunately, there is no penalty for answering the wrong question, or we will definitely be finished." After a pause, the child thought, "Oh, right, Tang Ge, you are lucky, you are the first to answer, if there is Punishment is not good. Fortunately, the topic is simple, and there is no penalty. What do you use to look at me with this kind of look?"

Fu Xiaodi swallowed his mouth and suddenly felt wronged.

"Wait, what am I saying wrong? Big Brother, Tang Ge, Sister Sister, why do you want to use it?" Look at him with this kind of pity.

Fu Wen took a look at his silly younger brother and stopped looking at him, lest he look angry.

Chen Hao has a good temper and patiently said, "Small voice, Tang Mo brother is not just pressing the answering device. If he does not press, I will press with Major Fu. I ask you, you think that among the seven players, we are four people. What level is the level?"

Fu Wensheng subconsciously wants to say that they are of course stronger than the three returnees. There are brothers and Tang Mo, how could they be worse than the three people, and Chen Hao. But he remembered that he seemed to have dragged his legs and the children probably estimated it. I felt that even with myself, the three teammates also took the initiative.

"We are strong"

Chen Wei, "Yes, we are stronger. There are only 12 questions in total, but there are seven positions. This shows a problem. At least half of the questions are answered by us. Otherwise, assuming many people are zero, this position How to allocate it and then press luck, random draw allocation level so the so-called Darwin test loses its meaning, it is better to draw another lottery."

Tang Mo added that "Darwin test is an evolutionary test, and the weak meat is the key to evolution."

Chen Hao "Yes. This test has little to do with luck, but it is more personal, because it is urging players to evolve. So even if it has punishment, it will not be a fatal punishment, otherwise the position is not well distributed. Secondly, short hair girls look at one. The boy with a slap in the face, smiled, "Small voice, even the questions that none of us can answer. Do you think the three returnees answered the 80% probability? They can’t answer. So Wang Xiaotian asked the first question. There are nine or nine questions that we can answer. One point for white delivery, do you want to"

Fu Wensheng ""

Just when Fu Wensheng doubted his life, he only heard a bang and a door was opened.

The young woman saw Tang Mo and four people gathered in the hall. The first thing was a glimpse, and the expression changed. She pondered for a moment, first called out two other smugglers, and then walked to the side of Tang Mo. Young women did not hesitate to directly "share the clues"

Tang Mo looked up and smiled "Okay."

An hour later, when Wang Xiaotian returned to the room with a pumpkin carriage, she jumped off the carriage. The first sentence said, "You let me out, I am Wang Xiaotian, the gold medal host of the underground kingdom, first. It’s your fault that the ratings are not over 1 and you are waiting for me. I will definitely have very difficult questions this time. It’s hard to die.”

The three returnees heard this change and their faces changed slightly.

This is exactly the same as Chen Yu said.

Wang Xiaotian angered his hands on his hips. This time, he did not broadcast live. She did not call the camera again, but jumped directly onto the roof of the carriage. "I don't want to talk to you guys who are not popular, you hurry to end the test, hurry out of my room. You are all bugs, all rubbish, all useless stinky guys listen, my number One question"


The young man pressed the responder with excitement. Wang Xiaotian was prepared, and his mouth slightly twitched. Two small tiger teeth were released. "Okay, this time you grab it, then you can give it to me. My question is Who is the smartest person in the underground kingdom?"

The smile of the young man is stiff on his face.

Wang Xiaotian suddenly laughed and said, "Say fast"

The young man hesitated for a long time and tentatively said "Wang Xiaotian"

I really don't know the answer. It should be true that the flattering is right. This subjective question is not like a standard answer, and young men take a risk. Who knows that he just finished, Wang Xiao sweet grinned and patted the giant pumpkin under his body. The huge pumpkin suddenly opened his mouth and screamed against the young man's face.

"Ah, ah"

The voice was sharp and ugly, and everyone quickly covered their ears. The young man actually felt that he had tinnitus, and he couldn’t help but keep his ears. He looked up in a sluggish look at Wang Xiaotian on the roof of the car. The beautiful girl's mouth was a bit, but he couldn't hear it. Almost shocked ears could only hear the buzz.

Wang Xiao sweet said, "Yes, there is no punishment, I will not hit you." Maybe I still can't beat it. "I just let my baby carriage hit a full meal. It is a good thing to eat. It is normal to fight. I only Did not punished you. Come on, continue to answer, continue to answer the wrong and no punishment, so grab it casually, anyway, the ratings are low and you have nothing to do. Come, answer."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but anger. "You can't punish it because the rules of the Black Tower stipulate that there can be no punishment."

Wang Xiaotian "I didn't punish you, I just let my baby pumpkin fight, how?"


Although the black tower boss is sometimes bullied, it can't bully too much.

The middle-aged man did not understand at all. This Wang Xiaotian was still good at the last round of Darwin's test, and he didn't worry about it. How come this time? In the Ming Dynasty, she was more angry with her. She didn’t rush to Tang’s anger, but it wasn’t him who was unlucky. It was the young man. The young man’s physical recovery is extremely strong, and the slow tinnitus disappears. But he couldn't tell, and he could only smash his teeth and swallow his stomach.

Now they are playing Cinderella's game. Wang Xiaotian is going to bend and bully them. They don't even dare to say anything.

Wang Xiaotian saw that everyone did not speak, and cut a "give me, can you say that all seven of you don't know the answer to the big fool"


Wang Xiaotian turned to look at each other.

Fu Wen took a calm look "Schrödinger."

Wang Xiaotian’s eyes stopped, and in the next second she snorted angrily. “Congratulations, you answered correctly, add one point. The second question”

With this embarrassment, everyone no longer rushed to answer. No one knows what Cinderella will use to punish the player the next time. This little punishment is fine, just tinnitus. In case she has any special means to carry out the punishment of terror within the scope allowed by the Black Tower, it will not be worth the candle.

And players have gradually found that the Darwin test is much more difficult than the previous round. The probability of answering a question is not always high, so everyone is no longer so desperate to rush.

Wang Xiaotian didn't have a good spirit. "Tenth question, you better not commit it to me. The happy question and answer just was a special part of the location. The real happy question and answer is a punishment. How horrible the punishment is, ask you. Fu Wen took it, he knew that he almost died inside."

The young man looked at Fu Wenzhe and said, "You have already had experience."

Fu Wen took his hands in his pocket and did not answer.

Wang Xiaotian is not angry. After making a face to Fu Wenzhan, he continued to talk about his own problem. "Tenth question, among the seven players present, Wang Xiaotian wants to eat the black tower." I am concerned about "Wang Xiaotian stayed and spit out his tongue." It turned out to be like this. Wang Xiaotian wants to eat who is the most problematic."


Seven players simultaneously pressed the responder, Wang Xiaotian looked at the lights in front of everyone, and finally looked at Tang Mo. "You come to answer."

Tang Mo retracted his hand and fixedly looked at Wang Xiaotian. "I want to ask a question before I can answer the answer. Can you answer it?"

Wang Xiaotian squinted and looked at Tang Mo. "What do I have to answer you."

Tang spreads the hand "You are free, I just want to ask a question. You once said that Darwin test only changes the position of everyone, does not change the food chain"

Wang Xiao sweet looked at Tang Mo suspiciously. She thought about it. It seems that there is no trap in this question. It is also the rule that Heita asked her to tell the player. “Yes, the Darwin test just changes the position of each of you in the food chain and does not change the original food chain.”

Fu Wensheng whispered, "Which has changed position. If you are slow to respond and you can't get the title, you can't score at all. You can only be at the first level forever."

After listening to this, the young woman looked at her and looked at Fu Wensheng.

He is right in his words. Even if the title is difficult, everyone will not be so desperate to grab the title, but young women, Chen Yu and young men still have not answered the same question. The young men answered the mistakes, but they did not grab the right to answer. After the earth is on the line, everyone's physical fitness is improved. Young women are not able to improve their responsiveness because of their special abilities. Therefore, she always can't grab others.

In this way, her probability of staying at the first level is extremely high.

The young woman's face sank and there was no buzz.

"Is the problem underneath more difficult?" Chen Hao suddenly asked.

Wang Xiaotian, "Why, you still want to be more difficult."

Chen Hao nodded "No longer difficult, I may be difficult to score. And I also want to know, the last round of Darwin test, I, whisper, and him," she pointed to the young man, "all three of us are one Points, but they are the second level, I am the first level. Why do you randomly draw lots?"

Wang Xiaotian "Of course not random, Darwin test has nothing to do with luck. Who makes you evolve late, of course you are behind."

Chen Hao "That is to say, we still have three people who are zero points. I, Du De, Xing Siqi, we are three points. There are three questions. If we have someone in the three people, we can follow the correct order. Get the ranking. If none of the three people answered correctly,"

Wang Xiao sweet opened his mouth and revealed the cute little tiger teeth. "According to the last round of Darwin's test points."

Chen Yu understands the nod.

It’s really fair, just look at strength and never look at luck.

Fu Wen said, "This is the last chance to change the order. You must cheer for your sister, or you will always be in the last place." The children went over. "I am still a point this time, maybe it is the first. The second level is still this position. Sister Jie, I don’t know anything about this food chain, but you can rest assured that I will not eat you. You are the first level, I am the second level, I can’t eat it. She, I am still alive if you are wrong, you still have a chance."

The young woman brushed her head and looked at Fu Wensheng.

The child was scared and jumped "You, what do you see me?"

The young woman fixedly looked at Fu Wensheng. After a moment, she sneered, "You guys on the earth, the relationship with his teammates is quite good."

Fu Wensheng is arrogant and strong. "My sister and I are teammates. I am not good to her. Is it good for you?"

"Your ball is the ball I took before, her ball is the ball before you. She is in your food chain, you must be sure that you are eating. Are you stupid?"

Tang Mo’s voice sounded “but you haven’t been 100% sure that he’s in your food chain, but the probability is high.”

The young woman smiled. "If Fu Wen won't take the knife against my neck, I have already eaten the boy's ball. He will live to the present."

Fu Wensheng's face rose red, and the next second he looked at the young woman. "I won't eat my sister, I will only eat you."

The young woman looked at the boy's angry look. After a long time, she opened her eyes and didn't care. "You are free."

Chen Hao has a bright eye.

Tang Mo raised his mouth and he raised his head and found that Fu Wen was watching himself.

The two tacitly made a mouth od job.

Wang Xiaotian said to Tang Mo, "Hey, you still have to answer the answer. Hurry up and answer the question."

Tang Mo "Wang Xiaotian wants to eat Fu Wen."

Wang Xiaotian licked his lips and quietly watched Fu Wen take a look at "Hey, answer correctly. The eleventh question"

Sure enough, Chen Yu guessed that the twelve questions ended, she, young women, young men, all did not get points. Wang Xiao sweet touched his chin "a stupid human." Then he did not intend to pay attention to them, jumped directly into the carriage and prepared to go to his own dance. But just as she was about to enter the carriage, a male voice sounded "I have to wait for you to leave, will our ball change for ourselves?"

Wang Xiaotian stopped and looked at Tang Mo. "You can change the ball now." Wang Xiaotian didn't think too much. She clap her hands, and Tang Mo felt his pocket move. The ball slammed out. However, at that moment, one hand slammed the ball.

"What are you doing?" Wang Xiaotian looked at Tang Mo in surprise, and looked at Fu Wenzhe, Fu Wensheng and Chen Yu.

The three returnees also looked at Tang Mo, and they quickly became alert.

Tang Mo firmly grasped the ball that was constantly beating in his hand. He touched the number on his face and smiled. "If I didn't make a mistake, this ball should still belong to me. I am still the third level."

In the previous Darwin test, Tang Mo has the highest score, and this time he should get the fourth grade.

Wang Xiaotian didn't understand Tang Mo's meaning. "Yes, your ball hasn't changed yet, of course it's the third level."

Tang Mo "that is to say, the four of us are still just the position, the grade just now."

"Yes." Wang Xiaotian "What do you want to say?"

Tang Mo slowly raised his head and his tone was calm. “The player can find a complete food chain of his own and win. Is it necessary to tell the food chain in public, or you can tell you privately.”

Wang Xiaotian "With you, you can tell me privately." The voice stopped abruptly, and Wang Xiaotian opened his eyes. "What did you say?"

"He just said"

The low-sounding male voice rang, Fu Wen took the position behind Tang Mo, and he leaned down and lowered his chin slightly to the shoulder of Tang Mo. This posture made him look like a spokesperson for Tang Mo. He didn't feel that he was narrow and intimate, and everyone didn't feel anything wrong.

The warm breath sprayed on the ear of Tang Mo, Tang Mo picked up his eyebrows.

Fu Wen took a low smile and said, "He said, we decided to clear the customs now."

Read The Duke's Passion