MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 150

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A burst of mechanical bang sounded fiercely.

When Tang Mo opened his eyes, his first reaction was to cover his ears. After adjusting to the harsh sound, he slowly released his hands. He looked around, observed the surroundings, and quickly looked up and looked at the red-colored "moon" on his head.

This is a very strange black steel forest. Up to tens of meters of dark trees stand in the sky, covering the sky, leaving only a small circular mouth, the center of the small mouth is a red moon. On the surrounding black trees, a layer of slimy liquid ran down the bark. The pungent smell of oil made Tang Mo frown, and he turned his head back, and his eyes quickly caught up with Fu Wen.

The two looked at each other, nodded lightly, and turned their eyes to the other three.

I saw that in the dark red moonlight, in the black steel forest, three players slowly opened their eyes and looked at Tang Mo and Fu Wen.

One of the players is Li Miaomiao, who stands silently next to Tang Mo, which is looking forward to her.

The other two were not surprised after seeing the situation clearly, and apparently also participated in too many games. Their reaction was the same as that of Tang Mo, and immediately observed the surrounding environment. After determining where they were, the five people gathered together. Tang Moe looked at the two men calmly and looked carefully. This is a man and a woman, the man looks very calm, the woman's face is a little pale, but still calm. After watching it for a long while, Tang Mo’s eyes finally fell on the man wearing a suit hat.

At the beginning of the game, everyone carefully reviewed teammates and did not speak.

After a while, the short woman couldn’t help but open her mouth. The tone was easy: "It seems that this is a multiplayer attacking tower game... I have participated in similar games before, and your expression should be the same. Then we are teammates for the time being. Now, everyone first know each other?" She said, her vigilant eyes swept over the faces of the people, and when she saw the hat man, she showed a hint of caution.

Tang Mo picked up his eyebrows: this woman and the man did not know.

Before entering the towering game, Yu Wang once said to Li Miaomiao. In this game, she must listen to Tang Mo and Fu Wen’s words. Tang Mo did not speak, Li Miaomiao stood on the side with his arms coldly, did not take care of this short woman. The woman sees no one to answer her, and the look is hard to look.

This woman is right, they are indeed teammates now, need to know. However, when Tang Mo was ready to answer, a pleasant voice sounded -

"It makes a lot of sense." The people turned their heads and looked at the man who spoke. Under the faint red moonlight, a strange man with a cane smiled and extended his left hand to take off his hat, revealing a golden head. He made a gentleman's ceremony, then raised his head and chuckled: "my 1ady, what do you want to know?"

Tang Mo squinted and stared at the golden man who suddenly spoke.

Even the short woman was shocked by his strange reaction. After a long while, she said strangely: "...Introduce yourself?"

The golden man smiled uncontrollably. He glared at his head and smiled at Tang Mo and others. The smile on his face seems to be measured with a ruler, elegant and accurate, and the angle at which the lips are raised is just right. The blue eyes were full of smiles. He said: "According to this lady, my name is Grecia."

Li Miao Miao took a look at this person, whispered: "Foreigners?"

Gray's gaze swept to Li Miaomiao, Li Miaomiao stood up straight and coughed, looking at Tang Mo and Fu Wen. After getting the approval of the two, she put her hands in the white coat pocket and said: "My name is Li Miaomiao."

Fu Wenjue: "Victor."

Tang Mo: "Tang Ji."

Li Miaomiao was not surprised by their use of pseudonyms. After all, these two people are quite famous in China. In the case that Black Tower does not announce the player's name, using a pseudonym is more conducive to completing the game.

When they heard their answer, the golden man did not change his face. The short woman cautiously stared at Tang Mo and Fu Wen, apparently knowing that they used a pseudonym. "My name is Zhao Xiaofei."

After knowing each other, everyone became a teammate for the time being.

In this case, a temporary captain is required to decide what to do. It is reasonable to say that this kind of thing should be handed over to Tang Mo and Fu Wen. However, Li Miaomiao waited for a long time and did not wait for the two to speak. She looked at Tang Mo strangely, who expected Tang Mo to see her. The two looked at each other for a while, Li Miaomiao's eyes were straight: ... I am the captain? !

Tang Mo nodded.

Li Miaomiao: Wait, let me listen to you before I go.

Tang Mo: So we let you be the captain.

Li Miaomiao: "..."

Li Miaomiao is not very reluctant. In the past, when she and Yu Wangshu and others entered the copy, she didn't have to use her brains to do things with the big forces. When the sky fell, there was a look at Shu in front, and it was impossible to practice Yu Zheng and Qi Heng. Now, she cooperated with people outside the election for the first time, and she fell to the point where she was going to sell her brains.

Li Miaomiao was depressed for a long while, and his face changed slightly when he looked up. He said calmly: "Everyone should have heard the words of Heita, we are now in the steel forest of Schrödinger. It is useless to stay here. We should try Going out of this forest, you can't sit still."

After all, it is the core member of the election. Li Miaomiao is not stupid. Her words are endorsed by everyone.

The forest is dimly lit, with only red moonlight. Tang Mo and Fu Wen took out a flashlight and prepared to stand alone in front of the team. After standing in the team, they tried to walk out of the forest. Fu Wen took the station directly to the front of the team. Tang Mo was about to go to the last side. One person stopped in front of him: "How can the woman be broken?"

Tang Mo’s body: “I am a man.”

Grecia shook her head: "In the eyes of a gentleman, everyone is a lady who needs care."

Tang Mo: "..."

Tang Mo did not take care of him and stood at the end of the team. Grea smiled at the situation and did not stop it. Dare to love this guy

Just talking about it, I didn’t really want to break it. After turning on the flashlight, Fu Wen took the opportunity to find the road. Tang Mo stood at the end of the team and well received the four people in front.

Fu Wenzhan stood in the first place, the second was Zhao Xiaofei, then Li Miaomiao, Grecia.

In addition to Fu Wenjue and Li Miaomiao, the other two strangers, the most strange thing for Tang Mo is this Gray.

Tang Mo has encountered several foreign players, such as Jacks. After the Earth is on the line, the Black Tower divides the game area by region. As long as the humans who live on the land of China in front of the Earth are all Chinese players, they may come across the Black Tower game in China. However, Tang Mo has seen several foreign players, but I saw it for the first time... so inexplicable.

Graya's right hand was holding a black short stick and walked gracefully behind Li Miaomiao. His walking posture is very smooth, without the phenomenon of kicking legs and breaking legs. A few golden heads occasionally pulled out the top hat and loomed on the back of the head. The man wore a crimson dress, a top hat, and a pair of small leather boots on his feet. How to see how it fits in with the other four players.

However, Tang Mo also saw more geeks. After the Earth was on the line, many humans were forced to change their character by the cruel Black Tower game. Even the murderers who eat people, this kind of like to wear strange clothes is not incomprehensible. But he wears such clothes to participate in the Black Tower game...

Tang Mo cautiously stared at the man's top hat and short stick.

Two possibilities. First, this man is a wonderful person who likes to play cosp1ay, so he only said some messy words on his mouth, and his behavior is so strange. Second, this is actually his disguise. Under what circumstances does a human need to pretend to be like this, still wearing such a weird? The clothes on his body and the top hat on his head are very unsuitable for fighting, but he is wearing such a suit to participate in the towering game. unless……

This is his prop.

Tang Mo looked at the back of Grecia and looked calm.

Five people found an hour in the steel forest and found no exit.

Time passed by, Zhao Xiaofei said: "This will not work. These steel trees grow exactly the same, the light is very dark, it is not good to mark. We don't know how big this forest is, the black tower still does not give us Prompt. Let's find it separately, or else it will be a waste of time."

Tang Mo: "I have two flashlights in total."

Zhao Xiaofei: "How about splitting into two teams?"

Li Miaomiao got Tang Mo’s eyes suggesting: “Yes. So, I and Tang... Tang Ji’s team, and you. We have three teams. Victor, Grecia, hey, you are all foreigners. You two teams are good."

The foreigner Fu Wen heard the words and talked to Tang Mo. Tang Mo has a single hand in his pocket: it is better for you to stare at him.

Fu Wen took the pick and raised his eyebrows.

The crowd quickly divided into two teams, looking for the exit of the forest, and agreed to gather in situ after an hour. When he left, Tang Mo looked at Fu Wen: Be careful of the man.

Fu Wen grabbed his mouth and looked up: OK.

Tang Mo was wearing a flashlight and was looking for two women in the steel forest.

The sound of the rumbling sound that they just entered the forest was the sound of the wind blowing the trees. Ordinary trees are blown by the wind, and the sound of the leaves of the rust is coming out. Every tree in Schrodinger's steel forest is made of black steel. When the high-altitude hurricane blows up, the steel leaves collide, and there is a regular metal impact.

Tang Mo three walked in the forest for a long time. Probably because they are all women, Zhao Xiaofei has always kept a distance from Tang Mo, and Li Miao Miao is very close, and she always wants to talk with her. It is best that the two can reach an alliance. However, Li Miao Miao is very cold and does not want to have a close relationship with Zhao Xiaofei. Zhao Xiaofei tried twice and could only give up.

Tang Mo was silent in his heart, and when he reached the middle of two huge steel trees, he stopped. Tang Mo: "Time is coming, we can go back."

The two women nodded.

Just as the three were ready to turn back, suddenly a beam of sparks slammed into the sky from a distance. Tang Mo immediately stunned, and the three looked at the signal flare in surprise. The next second, they stepped away and spent twenty minutes finding Fu Wenjue and Grecia.

Tang Mo directly asked: "Is the exit found?" He observed all around, and everyone was still in the forest, not seeing the so-called export.

Fu Wen took the lead and shook his head. He nodded again and he lifted his finger to the west.

Tang Mo looked at the direction of his fingers. He didn't understand the other party's meaning at first. He slowly changed his face and stared at the distance. After a long time, even Li Miaomiao and Zhao Xiaofei saw the thing. Zhao Xiaofei said: "What is that?!"

No matter what it is, now the five-person Black Tower game is deadlocked, they must go to see the situation.

The people were careful to get close to the strange thing, and they were even more surprised when they approached.

Zhao Xiaofei widened his eyes: "What the **** is this..."

This is a huge round tray.

When I saw it from a distance, everyone saw only a small black circular object floating in the air, like a ufo. But when they approached, they are not floating in the air. Below it is a tens of meters long, thick steel bar supporting it underneath, connected to the earth.

In short, it is like a black plate held by chopsticks and placed in midair. It’s just that the plate is huge, and Tang’s look at it feels that the thin steel bar can’t hold it and should be crushed by it. But it was supported, and the hurricane in the forest was blown, and the steel bars and pallets were not shaken.

At the beginning, everyone also carefully stood outside the tray and looked at the steel bars and pallets.

They watched for a long time and there was no accident. Tang Mo and Fu Wen took a look at each other. Fu Wen took it to the front and entered the shadow of the tray to observe the steel rod. When he walked ten meters to the steel bar, suddenly, a crisp child’s voice rang in the steel forest –

"Hey! Touch the quest line 1: Enter the steel fortress of Schrödinger."


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