MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 257 Love me

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Ning Hao did not move, the snow slipped into the neck along the neckline, and he suddenly felt the coolness. The vain monk said that if you use your heart, you will not notice anything else. It seems that today, he has no intentions.

Sighing and looking up to save money, he said: "Yan Xiu is a worldly person, naturally guarding the worldly ceremonies, do not want to be close to the next."

Moneyer snorted: "Are you a worldly person?"


"Then why are you guarding the worldly ceremony?" Qian Er raised his eyebrows, standing in the distance with his hands on his hips, and said with a funny smile: "You have kept the worldly gift, is it not a secular person?"

Ning Yi a glimpse, bow down and meditate.

Qianer stood outside the three steps and smiled: "The gift of the world, men and women should avoid three steps. Later I will consciously stand in a place three steps away from you, you will not be hiding from me?"

Ning Yu slightly frowns: "Why will Yan Xiu be attached?"

“What is it about you?” Qian’s eyes were reddish: “Read your Buddha and say it!”

The three-step ceremony, she really obeyed, he looked at it, he could not say anything. The two are the same as before, he is acquainted with the Buddha, she is accompanied by, but separated by a little more than <="con_l">.

In the capital city, the Qixi Festival, the money did not pull him. The street was very lively, and the jewelry on the side stalls sold very well. Many sons bought them one by one and took them to please the girl.

When Qianer and Ninglu passed by, there was only the last raft on the stall, which was probably low-quality and unpopular. However, it looks good, a plum, like someone's eyebrows.

After watching it for a while, Qian took the purse and bought the hairpin.

"Hey, the show is special. Do you want to buy the son who is there?" The old lady who took the stall was very good: "All the sons bought it for the show. You are the last one today, but it is the other way around."

Qianer drums up and drums: "Can't you?"

"Haha, there is nothing wrong with it. If you like it, you have to ask for it. This kind of nephew is elegant and can be used by men. It is quite suitable for the son of the head. I wish the show is a good thing." The old woman took her back and smiled and left.

Qian's face was red and red, and the scorpion stood in a place three steps away from Ninglang and called him: "Hey!"

Ning Yu turned back from the lantern of a river. The pedestrians in them kept walking. The money stood in a place three steps away from him and extended his hand to him: "This is to send..."

The passing person smashed her hand, and the humble plum blossoms fell into the crowd. The money was shocked, and he quickly looked down and tried to find it. Ning Hao frowned: "Stand up straight, there are many people here, and will be stepped on."

The money was a glimpse, and some looked at the crowd with regret. Is she so unlucky, likes to personally focus on the Buddha, even want to send a donkey can not send out.

"What is it?" Ning Yu asked her.

"Nothing, little things." The money waved his hand: "Let's go, look elsewhere."

Ning Hao nodded, quietly walking through the crowd, just took a few steps and looked back at the place where they just stood.

Put a lantern, guess the riddle, and ask for a marriage. The two were always separated by three steps. When they went back, Ning Yu also sent her back to the food bank. The voice calmly said: "Early rest."

The marriage sign of Qian Erqi is the next sign, a face has long been smashed, and no matter what, he will go back to rest. When Ning Yu saw that she had entered, she returned to the original road and looked for it along the road she had walked. When they stood there, they found a raft that had been stepped on.

"Is this the case?" He looked up and washed it in the river, watching it for a while, and put it back in his arms.

The hand was still holding the marriage sign, and the money was very much wanted to see it. He didn't give it.

Her next sign is to say "I can't help but become a monk", and his is a blank.

It was originally two people who would not be possible.

There is still a big robbery in Jiman’s life. After three years, there was a serious illness and he was almost dying. Ning Yu has been waiting for her day of catastrophe, after helping her to spend, he should go back to the mountains.

Staying in the world for six years, can your own cultivation be really refined to the extent that the monk does not say? Ning Wei does not believe, but the next day, he is still concentrating on Buddha.

Money is still with him.

A big tree in the yard was green and white, and the three reincarnations were three years. The money stood in front of him, and the little girl in the past finally grew into a girl, and the sorrow between the eyebrows and the more <="con_l">.

"He arranged a marriage for me. The other party is a young master. I heard that I haven’t had a room. I am married and I want to be a big house." Qian Er sat in a place three steps away from him and said with a smile: Doesn't it sound very good?"

He stopped the rosary in his hand and stared at her and said, "It is quite good."

Qianer smiled and nodded: "Yeah, that young master is still a good temper, as long as I will hold a house."

Ning Hao still nodded.

The expression of strict money saving finally faded down and looked at him side by side: "Do you know what it means to marry?"

"Nature knows." Ning Yu hangs his throat: "It is to sit on the sedan chair and marry someone."

Qianer smiled with tears in his eyes: "You really know, if you marry someone, I can't stay with you anymore, you know?"

Ning Yiyi, the rosary in his hand was stiff for a long time, and began to move slowly: "I will have such a day sooner or later, but fortunately I did not delay you."

Fortunately, I did not delay you.

Qianer smiled and bent down, tears falling down: "What does the Buddha say?"

Ning Yu reopened his eyes and whispered: "Buddha said: ideal, free, forget me."

"Then why don't you listen to the Buddha?" Qianer wiped his tears and looked up at him. "Are you not the Buddha most?"

"How did you not listen?" Ning Xiao smiled: "The Buddha said these things, I remember them in my heart, and follow them."

The money giggled twice and laughed more ugly than crying: "You come and follow me."

"Hmm?" Ning blinked.

"Buddha said." She took a deep breath and straightened up to look at him.

"...the Buddha said." He followed.

"Imperial." She took a step in his direction.

"...only ideal."

"Free." She took another step.


"Love me." In the third step, she came across to him and looked at him with a pair of eyes.

"" Ning Yu frowns: "The last two words, when it is forgotten."

"I don't care, love me!" Yan saved money and stared at him: "I heard you say that the Buddha for six years said, how could it be wrong?"

Ning Yu was shocked, and some unclear emotions in his heart turned, but in the end he just calmly said: "Amitabha."

Qianer wants to have a good life. Don't always cry at him, but he can't help it. He cried in front of him: "You are a stupid monk, who has been reading Buddha for so long, but never understands. What the Buddha is saying. Let you follow your own heart, the most important thing is your own heart, but you still value your Buddha!"

Ning licking his lips, thinking that this should be his catastrophe. If you pass it, it will be better than <="con_r">.

"In two days, the sedan will come." Qian Erhong said: "I don't want to marry!"

"I have been married, how can I not marry?" He stood up, opened his leaves and turned to leave.

"The marriage contract is not what I want. If you are willing to take me away, then I will not marry." Qianer looked at his back with a burning look: "Even if you want to study Buddha for a lifetime, I will follow you and accompany you." Read a Buddha for a lifetime!"


Are the emotions in the human world so absurd? Ning Xiao smiled, and when it was time, he should go to Houfu.

Mrs. Houfu was seriously ill, and Ning Yuxuan was sitting on the edge of the bed anxiously. Ji Man in the bed squinted, tears continued to flow down: "To be broken..."

"What is going to be broken?" Ning Yuxuan took her hand with a distressed heart: "No matter what, I let people take it for repair, nothing can be repaired."

"Dream..." Jiman has more and more tears, crying so sad: "How to repair dreams?"

Mo Yu Hou stunned, Ning Yu hurried in, will always be prepared to repay the Jiman.

Jiman blinked at him for a moment, then closed his eyes and slowly slept.

"What did you give her?" Mo Yuhou asked with a deep face.

"The soul of the mother is pulled by another thing. If you eat this, it will be fine." Ning said: "I am coming down the mountain, that is, to repay the parents and save her life."

Ning Yuxuan stunned for a while, and explored the breathing of Jiman, everything was normal, and this was laid down.

After three days of care in Houfu, Ning Yu also pondered for three days. After three days, he should go back to the mountains.

Money has already made a good family, this red and mundane thing, after all, is not what he should be.

He chose to leave Houfu at dusk. He didn't tell anyone, only left a letter to his parents. If this is a fairy, he will continue to protect his family.

Maybe, you can also protect her.

While walking down the street, there was a greet flower car that was blown and beaten, passing by him, all the way to the other side of the street. Ning Yu stopped to look at it, no expression, turned and went away.

Above the sedan chair, the money covers the hijab and thinks of the tree many years ago.

"What is this doing?" he asked.

"This is a close relative." She replied: "Take the people you like to go home and carry them with a red sedan chair."

After waiting for six years, her heart was not dead, but in these three days, she was turned into ashes. He will never come, just like never following her, saying a love for her.

The savvy teenager went back to the mountain and shaved. The vain monk is happy to hold his thigh and cry: "I finally waited until this day."

Ning Yu is no longer called Ning Yu. He called the Buddha to say that the name of a Buddhist scripture was used to make a law.

"Buddha said: idealism, free heart..."

Love me. <="_r">

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