MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 226 I don’t dare to be deep, I’m afraid of a big dream.

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The cloak shook open, and the cedar on the top was still alive, with a woman's wish, very warm.

"Good." Ning Yuxuan gently sighed, let go of the saddle, turned and walked to her.

The civil and military officials are there, and the emperor is standing on the top. Jiman thinks that there may be too many people, so she has some hands shaking.

"You said that the wish of Mulberry is to listen to me, 'I love you.'" Ning Yuxuan gently said in his ear through the movement of her cloak: "I said now, can you leave?" Here?"

"Yeah." Zeeman squinted, slowly pulling his hand around his neck and pulling the strap to the front of his placket.

"Does Nie Sang will become a body?"

"It should be, or maybe not." Jiman slowly gave him a bow: "The soul of Mulberry seems to be weak, and may not hold this body."

Ning Yuxuan’s eyes suddenly became a bit sharp, and she reached out and held her in her arms. The voice was a little anxious: “No matter what, you can leave, isn’t it?”

"Of course I can." Jiman didn't know what happened to him suddenly. He was so quick that he was broken, and he couldn't look back.

"That's fine." She heard Ning Yixuan's voice, with some relief: "I love you."

When Ji Man was shocked, there was suddenly a feeling of incomprehension in his heart.

A gust of wind blew over and the cloak flipped slightly. The cedar above is also alive, emitting some light. He held her naked and did not let her turn back, but kept whispering: "I love you, Zeman."

She heard her heartbeat, and the sly image was broken and jumped very quickly. There was more and more light in front of me, and my consciousness gradually became blurred. I suddenly seemed to drift into the air and suddenly saw the scene behind me.

This is the soldier who wants to go out. Suddenly, he will make a hook and squat in advance, and step by step toward holding a personal Mo Yuhou. And he has been holding Nie Sangyu, whispering in her ear, but his eyes are looking at the soldiers.

Jiman was shocked, and this finally found out what was wrong with the expedition.

Among the civil and military officials who came today, there is no Ning Mingjie, no Nie Qingyun, and there are no six people who are familiar with it. Xiao Tianyi stood beside the emperor, surrounded by Xiao family.

Only Ning Yuxuan is alone, standing surrounded by hundreds of people.

"Don't..." Jiman wanted to make some noises, but no one could hear what she said. The woman in Mo Yuhou's arms also fell slowly like she died.

"Thank you." The tired three voices said the last three words and finally disappeared into my mind.

Jiman squinted and shouted: "No-"

She should not go, at least should not go at this time, what should Ning Yuxuan do? How can he step into such a terrible trap? !

There was a thunder in the sky, but Zyman was flying farther and farther. He reached out and grabbed it. He wanted to stay here, but it was also in vain.

A sense of weightlessness came, and Jiman slammed his eyes open and saw the ceiling of the apartment. The alarm clock continued to linger, and the calendar next to it showed August 27, 2014, and she took home to prepare a bunch of reports to the company tomorrow.

There is no complicated patina embroidery, no **** intrigues, no Rong Rong Yu Run, and no Wen Yi Ning Yu Xuan.

She sat up and looked around, the world has been going on for a few years, but it was just a dream she had slept all night?

Sitting dumbly, reaching out and licking his thigh, Jiman laughed.

It turned out to be a dream. There is no woman or woman. There is no such thing as a stranger. After so many years of struggle, I have lived with care and struggled. It turned out to be a dream.

In the blink of an eye, it is still peaceful and peaceful, and the gender equality is monogamous.

How good, Jiman laughed twice. I just felt that my face was itchy and I reached out and found that I didn’t know when the tears had flowed out. I had already done a lot of work on my face.

Why are you crying? She didn't want to understand her head. However, it is a dream. The people inside are the fictional people in the dream. How can she make her cry?

I washed it up, took the report, stepped on the high heels, and went out to work. The air in a city is still annoying, and it is crowded when people take the subway. The air is full of breakfast buns, but the subway is much smoother than the carriage, and it won't be as bumpy as a tractor. It can span half a city in a blink of an eye.

When Jiman came out of the subway, he still thought, if Ning Yuxuan also came to take a subway, it is estimated that no matter how calm the man is, he will be squeezed.

“Early.” He greeted the people in several compartments of the company. Jiman sat down as usual and was ready to start work. The colleague next to me stole the webpage and suddenly sighed: "This sentence is very good."

Jiman didn't listen. She always pays attention to work efficiency. Although she looks at the report in her hand, she is already very upset, but she must adapt quickly.

The colleague next to me has already read it out: "I don't dare to count it, I am afraid of the impermanence. I don't dare to be deep, I am afraid of a big dream. Hey, Jiman, are you particularly interesting?" ”

When he opened the computer, he turned his head and looked at her.

I dare not count, and I am afraid of impermanence. I don’t dare to be deep, I’m afraid of a big dream.

Isn't she a big dream? Fortunately, there is no love.

"What happened to you?" Colleagues were shocked by her, and quickly took a paper towel to her: "Hey, don't you cry, what's wrong with it, I saw you still good yesterday, is it a broken love?"

"How can I fall in love, I have never talked about love." Ji Man also stunned, took the paper to dry the tears on his face, and smiled: "Most of the novels were too late to watch yesterday, and the eyes were tired."

Colleagues looked at her with a look of face: "Don't pretend, I talked so much about love, but I don't know what it is like to be in love? You, too strong, don't know how many people behind you call you extermination teacher too. Occasionally Be gentle, dress up and go out for a meeting. There are so many men, don't care about one or two."

"Yeah." Jiman sighed and smiled. "Nothing, I don't care."

What do you care about, the man who is so romantic. Reaching out and touching the phone, I found that I had forgotten it, and suddenly remembered that there was a novel she had read, and she had not seen the ending.

I don't know what the final ending looks like. When she left, Ning Yuxuan was surrounded by the army.

After thinking for a while, Jiman still opened the webpage, and the novel that Baidu saw yesterday turned to the last chapter.

"Mo Yuhou was trapped in the army, and it was really designed by Zhao Wei. It is necessary to remove Mo Yuhou from this. Seeing a long gun will penetrate Ning Yuxuan's chest, but there is a message outside the school..."

After the ellipsis is the content of the next chapter, Jiman holds the next chapter of breathing, however, the display resource does not exist!

I opened the cover page of the book and looked at it. The last update was actually half a year ago!

The author is pitted? Jiman was furious and looked at the author's name, which turned out to be anonymous. Open the website customer service qq, Ji Man can not help but a burst of arrogance, the customer is very sorry to tell her, the author can not be contacted after updating here, the book has only been pitted.

No ending? Didn't even end? Ji Man laughed, turning over the chapters he hadn't seen before, and he looked at it.

The second woman did not die as she saw it at first, but returned with a scam. Afterwards, her behavior was exactly the same as her. She gradually took back the heart of the man and pushed the woman into the altar.

The original author estimates that it can't be written anymore. This book has long been changed to a female owner. How can I write it? You change the male master, there are also readers, the female lord has changed, the reader still sees an egg?

Jiman looked at it for a while, and his shoulder was suddenly patted by the people behind him. Looking back, my boss is looking at her computer screen with a black face.

"Sorry." Jiman closed his eyes and turned to try to close the page, but at the moment he was shut, he seemed to hear who was calling her: "Jiman."

"Do not go to work to do things that are not related to work." The boss is still behind the scenes: "Now the company is in a downturn, ready to cut people, if you don't want to do it, how many people are waiting behind..."

"I am not willing to be..." This time it was not Nie Sang's voice. When I listened carefully, it turned out to be Ning Yuxuan.

"You still don't turn off this mess?"

"In fact, you also love me, why do you always lie to yourself and say no feelings?"

"Timan?" The boss was a little angry.

Jiman was stupid, staring at the page and looking hard. At the end, I remembered what it was like. When I got up, I rushed outside the company.

"Timan!" The boss roared behind him: "You are fired!"

Expelled and dismissed, and truly returned to modern times, she discovered that her favorite was originally the ancient feudal place. Although many places are not as modern as they are, they are not so equal, but she just likes it.

If it is a dream, let her keep dreaming. She is not reconciled. Why can't she help a woman to turn over into a woman, and she doesn't even have a list of actors? It’s just the words that Asan sang, “It’s a movie of three people, but I can’t have a name at all”!


"Don't shout." Jiman ran fast on the eight-cm high heels: "The old lady will definitely be back!"

The high heels suddenly fell short, and the whole man of Timan fell out and fell into the boundless darkness, but he woke up suddenly.

Open your eyes, this time is the top of the antique account.

"What happened to the girl?" Hou Fuli’s slammed the door and looked at her. "You should get up, Hou Ye is also prepared to be almost there, and I will go to the school."

Go to the school? Ji Man was stupid and stared at her: "Today is the day of Hou Ye's expedition?"

"Yes." He looked at her eccentrically: "The girl will get up first."

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