MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 194 Always have a bit of pursuit of diamonds 2500 plus more

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Jiman went with Ning Yuxuan, and Wen Yu was handed over to Liu Hanyun.

"It’s very good for the Queen to like it." Ning Yuxuan licked his lips: "You don't have to worry too much about him."

The empress and the new emperor have no sons, and the four emperors in the palace are not allowed to see the new emperor. Therefore, they can hold a small baby, and the palace is also a lot of fun. I know that Nie Sang-soo’s pro-son is close to the two points when he stays in the moon, and the new emperor personally gives his name. The days in the palace are also very good.

Only Ji Man listened, his brows still did not loosen. After her son is still in the palace, she always has to be personal. She always has to worry that if the emperor sees the emperor, he will not be pleasing to the eye, and the first one will suffer. But she is at most a wealthy grain merchant, and she has no strength to fight with the emperor.

Mo Yuhou has enough strength, but he is loyal to the emperor, and he can’t fight if he can’t fight. It’s worse than her. Jiman sighed, the man couldn’t stand it, and he had to rely on himself.

"Can I go to the palace to see him?" Although it is not possible to know, Jiman still asked such a sentence.

Ning Yixuan did not want to shake his head: "You have better hide yourself recently, don't talk about entering the palace, even Hou Fu do not come often. I will go to find you."

Jiman hangs his throat and faintly responds. Except for good things, she really didn't want to see him again.

After Wen Hao woke up, she was quiet in the house for many days. There was no movement. The memory loss seemed to be true. She had to rely on sandalwood to remind her who she was and what to do next. Occasionally there is a headache, but I don’t think of anything.

Jiman also did not pay attention to Wen’s news any more. Anyway, she lost her memory and she was under house arrest. If she was released by Mo Yuhou one day, she could look at it again. However, this odds are small and small.

The grain bank began to expand the storefront, and the signboard was also launched in Beijing. Ji Man was happy, and the result was still an accident.

Someone ate the rice of Ji's, and died of illness. The family's piece of paper slammed Ji's court. (Marshmallow novel network) Then there are many people who have claimed that Ji's rice has problems.

Just kidding, this Mijman himself eats, how can he eat dead? It is clear that someone is watching the scenery of Ji's, and it is not pleasing to the eye.

Jiman ran a few homes to collect evidence, and secretly invited the Tuen Mun official to eat. After a shout, the official squatted the weight of the gold in his sleeve and smiled and said to her.

However, on the day of the opening of the church, the official of the case was changed, and a person was sent to comprehensively check Ji’s rice. Because it is Gongmi, I have to report to the palace.

If this matter is too big, it is absolutely no good for Ji's. Ji Man gritted his teeth, but the shopkeepers of several food shops outside the hall were watching the fun, and they laughed and comforted her: "The body is not afraid of the shadow, As long as there is no problem with Ji's rice, it is not afraid to check."

Let's not say that there is no problem with rice. It is that a large number of officers and men are going to check the rice, and the impact of itself is not good. Jiman looked at the man in the hall and decisively let people know Zhu Shilang.

Gongmi is recommended by him. If there is a problem with Ji's, Zhu Shilang naturally cannot blame. So when I heard the news, Zhu Shuyou let Qian Yingchen go to see it.

As the mainstay of money and food, Qian Yingchen was black with a face to the door. He did not look at the people who were going to check. He went directly to the official. After a whisper, the official said: "Look for someone to go back. Two bags of rice are back for inspection."

Jiman sighed with a slight sigh of relief and took people back to the food bank. He was arrogant and arrogant: "The two bags that were sent for inspection are estimated to be unrecognizable and lose one or two dollars."

After that, I chose two bags of rice for them to check back.

"Liu treasurer, Rong treasurer, do not leave a few." Checking the results will take some time, the official said that the case will continue to be heard tomorrow, Jiman will greet a few to see the lively food shopkeeper .

Liu’s treasurer turned and smiled. “Ji’s has trouble, we can’t help it, can we not only go first?”

Rong treasurer also nodded and agreed: "The season boss is too much trouble. (good-looking novel)"

"This is not a big problem." Jiman smiled. "I haven't seen a few shopkeepers for a long time. Today, I am a little idle. It is better to go to the Yanta Tower together. How do you feel?"

The grain line is now big, Liu Ji and Rong Ji. It was originally inconsistent, but there was a Ji’s in the middle. They were pushed to the counter together, and they became Gongmi, watching the business do it. It’s getting more and more prosperous, and it’s the leader of the Food and Industry Federation. The two sides have long been dissatisfied.

When there are common enemies, the original enemy is also a friend.

So Liu Ji and Rong Ji are united to see Ji's jokes.

Ji's treasurer is a weak scholar, although people are good, but it does not give a sense of threat. Liu Ji and Rong Ji’s shopkeeper thought about it, go and go, what can you do with a meal?

The case of Ji’s food bank was pushed to tomorrow, but there are counts in the hands of the shopkeepers. This time, Ji’s has to be layered, and they have already done a good job. They will not let him go.

Jiman’s attitude was very good. They invited them to the top of the Yanta Tower. It was the time when the dinner was used. There was no shortage of Shanzhen seafood. Everyone looked at it and thought that this season’s boss was really generous.

"This one is still empty, but who else?" Liu treasurer asked curiously.

Jiman smiled and looked over the stairs.

Everyone followed and looked back, stupid, turned out to be Zhu Shilang of the Ministry of Housing?

Didn't it mean that Ji Shi wanted to marry Miss Zhu and was married? How will Zhu Shilang come here?

"Zhu Daren." Jiman smiled and stepped forward, "I am very grateful to have the opportunity to come."

Zhu Shuyou smiled very harmoniously, patted her shoulder and said: "You treat, can I not come?"

In this sentence, I heard the people in the room playing drums. I thought that the marriage was not successful, and Ji’s and Zhu’s family should not be able to climb any relationship. How can I see this today, is Zhu Daren still so kind to this season?

It is also that Shiman will be a man. Although the marriage is blown out, due to the heart of Zhu Shilang, Jiman has not moved to Zhufu. The relationship between the top is done well. What kind of storms can come underneath?

Both Liu’s treasurer and Rong’s treasurer wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to be close to Zhu Shilang. They only hated that they had come out in a hurry today. They did not bring the heirloom out one or two pieces, and they only carefully toasted on one side.

I know that Zhu Shilang has been talking to Jiman. The two are sitting together, ignoring the person next to a table, carrying a glass of wine and coming to me, like the end of the year. Let the shopkeeper next to him only laugh with him.

"Oh, how to forget everyone else." Jiman smiled and said: "Come here, drink together."

"Oh, drink and drink..." The faces of several shopkeepers were stiff. Looking at Zhu Shilang’s look, he was only connected with the season, and his heart was shocked and annoyed.

Zhu Shilang’s work efficiency is still very good. The next day, the official of the opening ceremony was changed back. He checked that the rice said that there was no problem, only a few households ate other jealous things while eating, causing the disease. , has nothing to do with Ji's food.

Jiman took a long sigh of relief, not only sent a gift to Zhu Shilang, but also gave Zhu Yurun two sets of good brocade skirts.

As a result, Zhu Yurun came to the door in a new dress in two days: "Full... Ah, Mr. Ji!"

Seeing her eyes bright and bright, the days are definitely good. Jiman went out to eat food and took her to eat the snacks of Fumanlou: "How can Mrs. Qian find time to find it today?"

"I just went back to the door and came to see how you are going." Zhu Yurun blinked and inadvertently swept her earlobe, squinting, and then smiled and said: "Mr. is not jealous, is it better than a lot?"

"Miss Zhu said this." Jiman sighed: "Under the lonely family..."

The two were in a wing, and Pearl stood outside. Zhu Yurun couldn’t help but curiosity. He simply asked: "Mr. said that he would not raise it. Is it because he is not lifting, or is it because he is not a man?"

"Hey." Jiman scented the osmanthus cake, and looked at Zhu Yurun with some surprises: "How do you know"?

Zhu Yurun's stupidity is a little bit, but it is also very careful. Seeing her such a flustered reaction, she knows, and whispered: "I won't say it, I always feel curious."

Jiman cleared his throat and emphasized: "I am a man."

Zhu Yurun’s eyes swept her throat and nodded. “Well, why is it to be a man?”

"...all said that I am, not to dress." Jiman's face is a little red. So many smart people didn't see through her, but they were dismantled by this stupid and stupid little fat girl. It feels like the martial arts master lost to the street to sell pork, it is too bad!

"Hmm." Zhu Yurun still looked at her with a curious baby.

Jiman lost: "Nature is a man to be more convenient, I have something to do."

"This way." Zhu Yurun suddenly nodded, and then looked confused: "Women can do something big to do? Since I marry into Qianfu, I feel that I have nothing to do."

Zeman looked at her silently: "A thousand people love you very much?"


"He started to change for you?"


"Is it yours in the house?"


Zhu Yurun laughed happily: "You don't even know if I don't know. I still have so many things left."

Jiman turned helplessly with a blank eye: "You have to find a goal for yourself and move on, it will not be so boring."

"But." Zhu Yurun laughed and said: "I can feel lucky to marry him. I don't want anything else. What can I do?"

Jiman stayed.



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