MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 183 People who are unwilling to take care of themselves will always get hurt.

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"Don't you have to go back and look after the county owner?" Ning Yuxuan looked at Ning Mingjie and asked.

Ning Mingjie shook his head and said: "Some are far away, it is better to go back to find them tomorrow morning."

There is nothing in the Chenghuang Temple. There are only some dry wood and straw left by the travellers. Ghost White has been tidying up for a while, and a few people can barely stay here for one night.

"What is on your face?" Ning Yuxuan asked in a calm voice.

Jiman licked his lips: "In order to escape from their hands, they tore."

"What do you do when you go back?" Ning Yuxuan frowned.

"Only find someone to do it again." Jiman reluctantly said: "Fortunately, I have the last time to make masks, as long as there are craftsmen who can do in Beijing."

"I have a craftsman who knows, just happens to be good at this thing." Ning Mingjie whispered: "You can find a house for a few days when you return to Beijing, wait for the mask to do well and move around."

Ning Yuxuan glanced at him: "When the cousin returns from Jinzhou, should he go to the holy place first? There are still some issues to be handed over to the military department. Her affairs will not worry about cousin."

Jiman followed his nod: "Thank you for the general."

Ning Mingjie laughed: "It’s also that I have more control. I don’t mind if I want to."

I don't mind, he has any good intentions. Ning Yuxuan sat down on the pillar and glanced at the unharmed Zyman, faintly turning his head.

This road is coming from the capital city, and it is also very tired.

Jiman looked down at the straw on the ground and stared at Ning Yuxuan quietly. He only talked to her and asked her what happened today. Jiman was casually answering.

This person did not know what his mood was. Ning Yuxuan sneered a sneer and felt sleepy. He fell asleep on the pillar. Ning Mingjie and Ghost White also each found a place to sleep, only Jiman kept his head down and thought about things quietly.

Surrounded by silence, Jiman looked up at Ning Yixuan and sighed long.

"Love can't, can't wait, can't ask, can't even die..." Someone sighed softly in her mind: "How much better than me?"

"Don't laugh at me." Timman whispered back to her: "I won't go to your step."

Will not.

Tian Gangxiao, a few people did not rest well, Ning Yuxuan took Jiman to continue on the road, and Ning Mingjie went back to pick up Kangyuan County. When they were separated, Ning Mingjie was very worried about seeing Jiman for a long time. He couldn’t help but swear by Ning Yuxuan: "You have to hide her."

Because of this sentence, Ning Yixuan did not give Jiman a good face all the way, took her to the other hospital, and went back to her room in Houfu to find drawings.

The human skin mask had to be made for two full days. In these two days, Changjun Wang safely returned to the fief, and the new emperor who had a cold war with the queen was said to have re-entered the Queen's Palace. Ning Yixuan seems to be very busy, did not see her, but always will give her some delicious.

Two days later, I finally got a protective umbrella. When I was out of the hospital, Jiman was crying and grabbed the sleeves.

"Jifuzi, go to the house to see the lady, miss her..."

A face crying and five senses are wrinkled together, and it is impossible to see who it is. It is only after a long while that Jiman has reacted. This is Zhu Yurun's close-fitting pearl.

Zhu Yurun had an accident. In the two days, the six-month-old child was gone, and the whole person almost never recovered.

Jiman was so scared that he was eager to follow Pearl: "How could this be?"

Pearl cried and said: "It is the one who is responsible for the harm, it is him, it is simply a beast! It is obvious that the young lady is pregnant, and regardless of the young lady, she will push the lady down the stairs of the restaurant."

Jiman listened dumbly, and his heart was a bit heavy, but he still said with a slap in the face: "I have told her that she gave up earlier, and the children who come to it, the man will definitely not accept it."

"Do you see the lady like this?" Pearl looked at her eyes and looked at her crying even more fiercely: "Everyone misunderstood the lady. She didn't know how many things she had. How do you guys know, they don't know of!"

She was a little excited, and Jiman quickly calmed and said: "Go and see."

What will Zhu Yurun do? The big fat girl who laughs silly, there is no rule without a measure, seeing Qian Yingchen, no matter what, no matter what...

Thinking of her chubby face, Ji Man felt that his heart was very uncomfortable.

Is it a destiny for a novel, she is uncomfortable?

The stillbirth has been brought out. Zhu Yurun has never slept in a night. He leaned his eyes against the bed, and there were deep dark circles under his eyes. The whole person looked stunned and had no pearls and jade.

"How did the Master come?" Zhu Yurun saw her, took her hand and tears down, and laughed and laughed: "You can be considered free, my child is gone, don't drag you to give it to my child." It is."

There was even a faint **** smell in the room. The rest of the people were not there. I didn’t know what to do. Zeman sat at the bed and looked at her and said, “Why didn’t you?”

Zhu Yurun barely lifted his mouth and smiled. It was really ugly: "He was joking with the same person. He probably didn't see me. He accidentally pushed me down the stairs. If there is no child, I can still go down." Wounded, the stairs were not too high, but I rolled down and my stomach hit the steps..."

Jiman slightly tightened his hand.

"Nothing, I have been worrying recently. I don't want to marry someone when I see him, but he doesn't want to marry me. What should I do?" Zhu Yurun's nephew was a little dumb, and his smile slowly faded: "Now finally Don't worry about it."

The heart hurts a little, and Ziman looks down and looks at it. Nie Sangzhen is really kind. When I meet such a thing that doesn't matter to her, how can it be so sad?

"You have to raise your body." Jiman whispered: "When the body is raised, maybe there will be a better man waiting for you."

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Yurun waved his hand: "The girl like me, no one dares to ask, I don't want to marry."

Jiman didn't know what to say, only took her hand and sighed silently.

"Your hand is really slippery." Zhu Yurun smiled and touched the back of her hand and said: "I am tired, I have to sleep, you first go to the same class and say, cancel your marriage, and avoid dragging you."

Jiman stood up and covered her quilt for her: "Let's talk about marriage, you should rest first."

Next to the pearl biting his lips, he dragged him out and looked at her in the hallway: "The master must not dismiss my lady. My lady is a very good woman. She and the negative heart are at the very beginning. Not what she said..."

"Zifuzi." Zhu Shilang's voice rang in the distance. Jiman looked back and saw Zhu Shuyou standing at the moon gate and waving at her.

After looking at Pearl, Jiman went to Zhu Shilang first: "Zhu Daren."

Qian Yingchen also stood behind, with no expression on his face, but his look was a bit embarrassing.

"Zifuzi is still willing to marry Yu Yurun?" Zhu Shilang opened the door and asked such a sentence.

Jiman nodded without hesitation: "I am willing."

The woman of this era, pregnant, unmarried, and dying, is a series of devastating blows. Ji Man feels that a woman like Zhu Yurun is very rare, even if she is a little bit stunned, the smile on her face is also worthy of trying to retain.

Next to Qian Yingchen was a little embarrassed, Zhu Shilang sneered and looked at him: "A thousand people can hear it? The little girl is still someone, please come back."

Qian Yingchen frowned and looked at Jiman: "She doesn't love you at all, but the husband is not for the sake of fame and fortune, can he be desperate?"

Jiman looked at him and smiled: "What does she care about if she doesn't love me? I love her, and Yurun has suffered a lot. For the rest of his life, when someone has erased all these scars for her, I feel that thousand Adults are not suitable."

Qian Yingchen licked his lips and wanted to say that Zhu Shilang directly tore his face: "Come, please go out to thousands of people, Zhufu does not welcome thousands of people."

There was a slave at the back, but Qian Yingchen straightened up and went out first.

Zhu Shilang was too angry and his body shook slightly. Jiman groaned and whispered a question: "Why aren't the adults wanting to let the thousands of people marry Yurun?"

"Let him?" Zhu Shuyou sneered: "He was rushed by Hou Ye. Didn't see the reluctance of this face? Give Yu Run to him, what better ending?"

In the tone, there is also a sense of anger to Mo Yuhou.

Qian Yingchen is a friend of Mo Yuhou. Some of the marriage contracts are also set by Mo Yuhou. Nowadays, Qian Yingchen has a miscarriage of Miss Zhu, and the child of Qian Yingchen is still a child. Can Zhu Daren be angry?

Jiman appeased him two times and turned to find someone to send a message to Wu Yong.

Although Changjun Wang left the capital, he left Wu Yong to be the principal in the ritual department. The forces of the DPRK Kings are still there, but they have been lurking for a long time. As a minister of the Ministry of Housing, Zhu Shuyou is naturally a good ally.

The key is to see how Wu Yong is getting behind.

Jiman returned to Houfu, and he did not see it for a few days. The eyes of Jingjingjing finally made her feel better.

"Before the bed, the moonlight, the suspect is the frost on the ground. Looking up at the moon, looking down at the hometown." Holding her leg, she carried a poem and shook her tail to please.

Jiman touched his head and picked him up and yelled: "It's heavy again."

I giggled and pulled her and pointed to Ning Yuxuan not far away.

Mo Yuhou had a lot of troubles recently. After sweeping the side, he looked at the flower garden in the house again. Jiman took a good walk and looked at him: "Hou, Zhu Shilang seems to be very angry."

Ning Yuxuan looked at her and frowned. "Have you been to Zhufu?"

"Yeah." Jiman smiled: "I just saw a thousand people being driven out by Zhu Shilang."

I thought that listening to this, Ning Yuxuan would change his face, and he was relieved: "Alright."


The next chapter is half past six

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