MTL - The Dragon Emperor-Chapter 98 Fierce battle

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Step by step, rain and sorrow never felt as scared as it is now. If the clock is killed, then the Baihua Palace is finished. This black robe and Zhao family are not good for themselves. Now they can rely on it. Only know a few days!

If you rely on Zhao, then you will fall into the hands of Zhao Wuhui, and even the rain will not save! Step by step, this rain has never been so worried about a man, although his motivation and starting point are selfish.

After the bell was shot, it was found that the strength of the black robe was much stronger than before, and the speed increased. The pain from the flesh is so exciting that Zhong Li is very excited!

Yes, it’s exciting, the clock is slightly mad, the reason for excitement

It is a black robe that is good at melee attacks, and he is a dragon, and the body is strong, and the melee attack is extremely powerful. Now it is so good to have such a good man in black robe!

"It’s a melee fight! I like it!" Zhong Li screamed and threw the Yuhua sword into the small universe, then quickly moved the spirit to the whole body, pinching the fist that was not a big fist, and rushed up!

Black robes see the clock from the momentum, when the first punch to the top of the clock, the speed, the strength, have reached the level that makes you satisfied!

He believes that if he punches his fist into the head of the clock, he will smash his head like a watermelon, and then smash his soul!

The bell lifted his arm and greeted the punch. a bang,

The body shape of Zhong Li was smashed by three feet, but it blocked the punch! Then the right hand quickly gripped into a fist, and the spiritual power in the small universe was transported to the right fist. The body slammed high and punched in the belly of the black robe!

The black robe is strong and resists the pain. Is this kid a cow? It is not high, and the strength is not small!

The black robe swayed in the right arm, and the rounded fist slammed into the back of the bell. With a bang, the clock was broken into the ground, and a standard herringbone hole began to appear!

After being punched by a black robe, Zhong Li only felt that the internal organs were quickly displaced, and a trace of blood was sprayed in his mouth. By, Laozi killed you this dead body! In the middle of the madness, there are gold in the eyes flashing, and the body also emits a strong golden light, illuminating a large piece of the back of the Baihua Palace!

The black robe is also beginning to appear black and white, like a beam of light rushing into the sky! The bell slammed out of the ground, smashing one leg to the black robe, with golden light on the leg, and breaking the sky! The black robe's right hand danced wildly on the chest, and a shield made of black gas appeared in front of him. When the clock slammed into the shield, it only felt a strange force along its legs to the body, destroying its veins all the way, and there was a strong sense of nausea and vomiting in the heart!

The black robe saw the shape, and the fists were swung, and a huge fist composed of black gas was firmly hit on the back of the bell! The bell was hit by this punch, and the body fell like a meteor. However, before he fell to the ground, the figure of the black robe appeared strangely under his body.

Then one leg hits his abdomen and smashes his falling body into the sky!

"Sister, what should I do, is he okay? Step by step, look at the way of the clock, ask worried." Wait a minute! "Step by step, I watched the clock like a ball, didn't talk, but my eyes occasionally showed a burning gaze, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

The clock is as scattered as the whole body. The attack of the black robe is really strange. This corrosive black gas actually destroys its own veins. It is difficult for you to mobilize your spiritual power!

In this case, then the bell screamed and introduced the black spiritual power in the body into the small universe, and then mobilized the spiritual power to repair the damaged veins. Fight hard, right? What Laozi is most afraid of is a long-lasting battle! The clock left the air in the air to stabilize the body shape, and then the right fist slammed out, hundreds of spiritually composed dragons began to appear in the air, and then with the sound of dragons, hit the black robe!

Hundreds of dragons will be surrounded by black robes, then violently

s attack! The black robe wrinkled the rotten brow, the left hand was gripped in the air, and a black light curtain appeared around, letting the dragon shadow blame how to attack, it is impossible to break through.

The clock slid quietly to the top of the black robe, and the right hand was quick and assembled. Then he shouted: "Golden Dragon Boxing!" Then he saw a golden dragon shadow that appeared several times from the fist of the bell, and then like a tear. The space is generally drawn to the black robe!

The black robe saw it, feeling his hands on the top of his head, and a shield-like thing appeared in his hand. Jinlong hit the shield and gave a dazzling golden light, illuminating all the surrounding Sanli, and the earth shivered slightly!

This scene has already alarmed everyone in the Baihua Palace. The disciples of Baihua Palace rushed to the back hill, and then they saw the scene that surprised them!

The light dissipated, and the shape of the black robe appeared. At this time, his appearance was a bit wolfsome. Although the shield offset the power of Jinlongquan, most of the leaked spirits still cut his clothes into pieces. !

"Imperial!" Zhong looked at the small shield in the hands of the black robe, murmured to himself, this breath has no thick artifacts of artifacts, no spirits of fresh, it is obvious that the fairy.

The black robe has already discovered the arrival of everyone in the Baihua Palace, but he did not pay attention to it. These people are only a group of small fish and shrimp in his eyes, and they cannot enter their own eyes! The black robe was also sacrificed from the mace, but this time he did not take it in his hand, but smacked it and used it to control it!

Under the control of the black robe, the mace is turned into a hundred-meter-long giant rod in a moment. The barb of a root is not exposed to any luster under the illumination of the moonlight. It seems that he can swallow even light!

Under the control of the black robe, the 100-meter-long mace is smashing into the air, and the sound of the mace through the space, such as the ghost, makes it scalp! The clock looked closer and closer to his own mace, no hurry.

The gas field produced by the mace has crushed all the gravel on the ground, and a gust of wind blew through it. The bell's hair is also dancing in this wind, revealing a smooth forehead, standing there in a cool and unrestrained position.

Zhong Li also sacrificed the Yuhua Sword. When everyone in the Baihua Palace saw the Yuhua Sword, they all saw it. Then they thought of a possibility. Has this person become our uncle?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is that if you know what they think by the clock, it is estimated that you will not hesitate to clean up those who have long thoughts!

After the bell leaves the rain flower sword, the sword in the "Devil's Sword" is transported, accompanied by a seal, and the Yuhua sword also becomes a hundred meters!

The impact of two huge weapons smashed together, and a horrible sound was heard. A violent explosion began inside Baizhang, and a deep pit with a diameter of 100 feet appeared in front of the two! "Come back!" Zhong Li and the black robe at the same time drink, the giant weapons are flying into the sky, squatting together! The sound of snoring is endless, and the nearby aura is violently violent. The air machine leaked by the two masters has already cut off a small hill from a distance!

The black robe gradually became irritated, and it was a shameful shame for himself that he had not killed a person who had been cultivated by his own level.

Injecting the spiritual power of the whole body into the mace, the spikes

The bar slammed into the bell with the sound of the wind and thunder, and at the same time he squeezed a complicated and strange

诀印. Then he saw strange fluctuations around him, and then his body suddenly appeared in front of the clock, a boxing head to the clock!

The clock was seen, commanding the Yuhua sword and welcoming the mace. At this time, the figure of the black robe appeared strangely in front of oneself, and the arms were raised subconsciously to protect the head.

Black robe sullen smile: "You are fooled!" Then the black robe with his knees, slammed into the belly of the bell, and hit the clock firmly! The bell only feels the pain of the abdomen, and the eyes are a little bit of Venus!

However, everything has not stopped. The black robe is a black elbow sticking out of his arm, and he hits the back of the bell! Then, black

The robe-like attack began. The black robe constantly attacks the abdomen and back of the clock, the violent attack, and the rapid movement, which has made the clock no longer able to fight back, and can only be beaten passively.

Step by step, rain and sorrow, watching the clock away from the trepidation, the eyes are full of deep sorrow, the attack of the black robe is almost invisible, only to see a moment of afterimage, it seems that he has thousands of The hands attacked the clock together.

The sound of snoring is endless, and it is the sound of the blow on the body.

"End, Xiaowa, I want to eat your flesh and blood one by one, die!" After the black robe was finished, suddenly a white spur of one meter long grew from his knee!

The white spurs shimmered in the cold light and stabbed to the dantian where the bell left. "噗嗤" sounds, white spurs already

Pierced the belly of the bell, and then stretched out from behind his back with red blood!