MTL - The Dragon Emperor-Chapter 78 Oh, don’t say anything, just two of us.

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The forest war is dark, you look, you look, you think this boss is so well recognized!

His old man does not care about his face like other super-beasts. Our boss has a thick face and is a super iron cock. You have a sin behind you!

Calling you to be like a rape, pressing me under my body, now killing you! How do you say that you should call my second brother, the second brother, the third brother, but normal, although your strength is stronger than me!

Well, it was so decided. Later, I asked the boss to teach me the Optimus hand, and the old twenty-seven wounded fists and the stack of blasting daisy fingers, Laozi specializes in breaking your martial arts!

Hey, I’m too rude, but I like it so much!

If you are not good, you will not be surprised! Bi Yuan's infinite painful chasing up, have been on the thief boat, forget it, and go to the kiln to find two girls to vent their fire, call this man pay!

For a moment, the three had already flown under the gate, then landed on the ground and walked in. I saw that the city wall of the city is about 30 feet high. On the top of the city gate, there are three big characters flying in the dragon and phoenix dance: the blood city!

Good and domineering name! It makes people feel like a **** feeling.

The three are the first to come into contact with such a big city, so be prepared to walk around, after all, all three are young people, curiosity can kill nine cats called spring!

On the wide streets, there are frequent pedestrians coming and going. There are some shops on both sides of the street. There are many kinds of goods, including weapons, medicinal herbs, snacks, clothing and cosmetics.

Some of them have never been seen by three people. The three are like the townships entering the city. The eyes don't know where to aim.

This momentum and scale are really not comparable to the remote cities of Qianming City! The bell is so faint.

Suddenly, Zhong Li decided to buy some clothes in consideration of the frequent destruction of his clothes. Once the idea was raised, he immediately got the approval of Lin Zhan.

The universal currency of the heavens is Xianshi. This clock is very reassuring. The same city owner as the pig was still a bit of a fairy stone.

Zhong Li took the city owner a clean, and the fairy stone is naturally a lot. I bought a lot of clothes in the small universe, in case of emergency, to avoid the crime of streaking.

"Boss, where are you going now?" Lin Zhan looked at the candied fruit

Zhong Li, weak and asked.

This is what he just bought. Do not understand, a big man, even like to eat sugar gourd that is not a woman should eat? The boss is really different!

"Hey? Wait, I have finished eating the things on my hand. I haven't eaten it for a long time. Bi Yuan, can you eat or not? Don't eat? Don't eat it, don't eat it, don't give it!" Zhong Li shrinks his head. I ate it with relish, and said vaguely in my mouth.

Bi Yuan is already on the verge of violent walking. I really can't stand this cheap boss. Don't you care about your image?

Ok, you don't care about the image, but I still have to pay attention. Don't put the candied haw like a dog in front of me in two circles!

It’s OK to wrap around in front of me, but please don’t let the little girls around you see it. You don’t see a few pretty little girls.

Already staring at me!

Huh, God is on, the mood of the children is a little fluctuating!

"Now we have to inquire about the whereabouts of Loy." Zhong Lie threw away the candied fruit sticks and wiped his mouth without any image.

"Hey! You stand, you throw the dirty stick on me!" At this moment, a pleasing sound rang in the ear of the bell, and the scared clock jumped away.

"Nonsense, my stick is not dirty. If you don't believe it, do you come to see it? Yes, hey, don't say anything, just two of us!" When Zhong Li looked at the looks of the people in front of him, he smiled. Huh? Celestial chick? I like!

After a few passers-by heard this sentence, they laughed loudly. This immortal is really rare. If you say such a hooligan, you can tell that his cultivation is not very low. I really don’t know how such a person cultivated into a fairy. .

I saw a very pure girl with a hand on her waist and a red face with a biting teeth and an angry look at the clock.

The girl is only 18 or 9 years old, and she has a tailored purple palace dress that adorns the pretty body. The **** chest is constantly undulating, and it seems that the anger is at its peak. "You! You, you are shameless!" The girl bit her teeth and said, "You have to apologize to me!"

The clock was a bitter smile and scratched the ear that was a little itchy. It was just that this girl was shocked.

"Hey, boss, it's a pepper!" Lin Zhan's clock smiled. "It's very suitable for your taste. Hey, such a sly girl, you are eyeing, but unfortunately!" Going aside, it seems to be a pity!

Lin war, you have kind, look at how I will be you! Bell away from hate

The teeth tickle, then smiled and looked at the girl: "Little sister, are you asking me to apologize to you?"

"Yes!" The girl glared at the clock and squeaked her teeth. This person looks at the Qing Xiu Xiu Xiu, how to behave a little bit and no demeanor! It is too far from the standard deviation of Prince Charming. After blessing him, he will never find a wife!

"Then why should I apologize to you?" Zhong Zi was on the three-way three-way road and scanned the girl. The mouth of the mouth was flowing, and the figure was really good! The woman in the heavens is good. The standard of development is that I don’t know how it feels.

"Because you throw a small stick and throw it on me!" The girl lifted her foot and stepped **** the cane of the candied fruit.

"Oh? But the little sister, why didn't you avoid it?" Zhong Li's eyes stared at the plump chest, and yes, the chest is so big, it will definitely block the line of sight, sure!

"Crap, I am not seeing this!"

"That blames you! You think, this person comes and goes, I throw a little stick--oh, I am not a small stick! I threw a big stick and threw it on your body? That is your own I bumped into this stick." Zhong Lixiao is very evil!

"You!" The girl's eyes are about to come out, and there is such a scum in the heavens!

"Moreover, little sister, where are I willing to throw a stick and yell at you!" Zhong Li saw that the girl was really angry, and said without hesitation: "You are so beautiful, dressed and so beautiful. How can I be willing to deliberately put the stick Throw it on you. Smudge your beautiful clothes, don't say it, be seen by your flower protectors, don't let me live!" A dark horse fart shot, sure enough, the girl's face The child eased, and there was a bit of shame between the eyebrows. This girl is really *** good!

"Then, then you should pay attention to it next time, don't throw it any more!" The girl said with a low head. Hearing that someone praised his beauty, the little girl's heart was jumping, or for the first time someone was so straightforward. The faces of people in the street boast of themselves! Xiao Shantou’s shy and delightful business will leave behind the apology.

Lin Zhan and Bi Yuan stunned and looked at their boss. The two men erected their own thumbs, and the technique of picking up girls was really high! Thick, the thickness of the skin is really thick! In this sentence, the little pepper in front of me was given no temper.

The clock smiled disdainfully in the dark, joke, the woman did not like others to praise themselves? Moreover, in the presence of so many people, even if she does not believe this ghost, but the heart must be happy! Besides, I praised her. If she wanted me to apologize, it would be quite unreasonable.

"Yu Xi, what are you doing? My sister urged us to go quickly, and after we handed it over, we immediately set off for the door."

There was a woman’s call, the voice was the same sweet, but it was a serious taste.

"Oh, nothing, I will leave immediately!" The girl seemed to be very afraid of the master of the voice, secretly spit out the tongue, turned and ran away, and did not see the clock at a glance. Zhong Li smiled and looked at the beautiful back in the crowd. After a few moments, it seemed to be nostalgic.

"Boss, people are gone!" Bi Yuan looked at the look of the clock and looked straight away, holding his arm in front of the clock away from the eyes. Boss, this is the bustling street where people come and go. You look at the pig brother statue, call us, let us be the face of the younger brother!

"Know it! Don't I see it?" Zhong Li didn't have a good voice. It’s hard to meet a girl who looks pleasing to the eye and walks away, but unfortunately!

"Are you not interested in it?" Lin war asked doubtfully.

"What happened to the intentional person? Can I still see it?" Zhong Li despised Lin war, wiped the residual saliva, and then said: "Moreover, a woman is like a dish, you can only eat this dish. For a lifetime, you can also eat two dishes, three dishes or even n dishes. It’s up to you to be greasy or not greasy. It’s up to you! Hey, hey, what do you say about the two of you? I’m treating it with appreciation. There is no low-level fun that meat **** desires contain!"

Lin Zhan and Bi Yuan have been speechless for a long time. The boss's face is thick and there is nothing to say. If this is not a cultivation of one body, it should be a sinister shackle on the street. At the same time, the boss's words are also right, women are like dishes!

"That boss, what did you think of her chick just now?" Bi Yuan asked.

"What else can I do? If I don't eat it, it is called ingredients. When I can really eat it, I can eat it. Besides, I told you, I have already appreciated it." Look at the girl's eyes.

It’s not as embarrassing as you think. You look at my face, do you have the words Cory? no! - But then again, the girl's body is really good, the front convex back and up, it must be very cool! Hey! "The clock is shrinking from the head, squinting and smirking, obviously thinking of something embarrassing."

Lin Zhan and Bi Yuan stood there, feeling a little cold in the back. This b person is really the best in the best!