MTL - The Dragon Emperor-Chapter 63 Wars

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The bell looked at the place where he disappeared, panting, without any slight relaxation, he could not die so easily!

Sure enough, at the time of the three-interest, I saw a behemoth flying fast in my direction, it was the ghost horn!

At this time, the ghost horns were a bit wolfsome, and the body was covered with mud, and the head was a little black, as if it had been burnt.

Ghost **** sinister smile: "Yes, I didn't expect your strength to be able to fly me! Well, now warm up is over!"

When I finished talking, I saw that it was screaming in the sky, and then there was a dark green spiritual flow on the body, and the body began to shrink, almost the same as the clock.

But the momentum on it has grown geometrically!

Suddenly, the bell felt a burst of pressure, and his chest was so fast that he couldn’t breathe. The bell centrifuge clearly understood that this was his momentum. He was so much stronger than me, so I could press it with imposing manner. Uncomfortable!

The bell screamed long and flew above the sky, then swooped down to the ghost corner below. The four claws shone with golden light and grabbed the head of the ghost horn, seeming to shatter its head!

However, just as the clock was about to approach it, it looked up and looked away from the clock, cracking the big mouth, it was laughing! Then I saw that his body lit up with green light, and then surrounded by a spherical green light. At this time, the four claws of the clock also caught the spherical light.

The sound of gold and iron strikes came, and the body of Zhong Li was shaken off.

Hit, no effect!

The ghost horn figure suddenly disappeared strangely, and the clock slammed back. Suddenly, the clock flickered through a dangerous feeling.

Before I waited for the figure to find the ghost horns, I felt that the sky was black. Just looking up, I saw the ghost horn falling from the sky, and suddenly jumped to the back of the clock, and then hugged hundreds of feet. The body of the clock, no matter how hard the clock is, can't get rid of it!

Then, I saw the ghost horn open his mouth, sticking out a mouth-like thing from the mouth, that is its mouthpart! The mouthparts are transparent, about one foot long, filled with green liquid!

The light from the corner of the eye saw this breath, shocked!

The whole body broke out with violent golden light. To break the monster on the body, the ghost horn is also very difficult. The dragon talent is different, even if his cultivation is lower than himself, but it is not to destroy him. What simple thing!

The two beasts were so deadlocked.

Whenever the clock leaves him to break away, this guy doesn't know where to come from, and he holds himself tightly, and every time he holds his tight self, he can break away!

Zhong Li took a deep breath and then moved the spiritual power to the limbs. Then he screamed and rushed, and suddenly he broke the ghosts on his back!

Then I turned over immediately, and the fifth claw hidden in the abdomen began to stretch out! I saw the fifth claw sticking out, then violently stretched, and I caught it in the chest of the ghost horn, and the fifth claw was directly

Crush the crustacean on the chest and pull it down with the flesh and blood!

Ghost horn screamed: "Ah! You turned out to be a five-clawed golden dragon! You have to die!" After that, he refused to take care of his injury and quickly swooped away from the clock!

Zhong Li had just broken away from the ghost horns. Before he could recover his physical strength, he saw it rushing to himself.

The clock slammed and then twisted his body and turned it to the side, but the ghost horn was already playing hard.

I saw that the hard and bulky body wrapped around the bell, and the clock slammed the fifth claw into his body, then grabbed it, then stabbed it into the body, and violently grabbed it!

In the sky, the **** scales of the horns are like the rain, but

Ghost horns seem to feel no pain, still wrapped in the body with the clock, the more Le!

Then, he raised his huge head, and the sharp mouthparts slammed into the neck of the bell! The clock has not yet reacted, and the sharp and venomous mouthparts have pierced the scales and penetrated through!

Then the ghost horns released their bodies and smirked and slowly fell to the bottom of the swamp.

Zhong Li felt that his body began to become dull and slowly fell to the bottom. On the muddy ground of the swamp, the clock lay on it and suddenly felt a slight vibration on the ground.

I haven’t had time to look carefully. Suddenly dozens of horns of different sizes jumped out of the ground. Dozens of ghosts smothered the scales of the scales lying on the ground, although there would be one from the heart. The feeling of surrender, but this five-clawed golden dragon is not killing


The clock twisted away from the body, hurt! That liquid is really poisonous! Zhong Li can feel that the poison is destroying his own body. The veins are under the erosion of it, and the stock is breaking, and the soul is slowly paralyzing. This poisonous end is strange and vicious! Is it going to die?

Zhong Li’s mind only flashed this thought. I didn’t expect to come to heaven. I still haven’t found someone I love, and I will die in the hands of a group of beasts!

Dozens of mouthparts flashed a faint green light, slowly approaching the clock, and surrounded by a round clock.

I can't die, Zhong Li suddenly has a desire to survive, Luo Yipei they have not found them, Lin Zhan is also in my small universe, if I die, it is estimated that they will be trapped forever

inside! So, I can't die!

The survival of the book can make his mind begin to wake up gradually, and also begin to stimulate his body's potential.

Zhong Li opened his eyes, swaying into the sky, opening a little heavy eyes, looking at the dozens of ghost horns under his head, he looked at them in a world-wide attitude. Even if you are in danger at this time!

Dozens of ghosts saw it, and they all screamed and rushed to the clock. They were able to see that he was now running out of light.

Then all the claws of the claws fluttered toward the clock, and the bells of the dragons slammed, and then the spiritual powers of the ordinary universe, such as the small universe, were all adjusted.

I saw the clock from the body began to shine brightly, the large amount of sludge on his body fell to the bottom of the swamp, the whole body exudes the golden light of him, such as the **** of heaven, can not be defeated!

Then I saw only the bells that went to the underground and rushed to the ground, like a tiger into the wolves! Ghost horns are excited to pick up, and there is a rebellion to have a thrill!

If the clock rushed to the top of a young ghost horn, the four claws caught the head of the horned horn, and violently tore it!

With the broken sound of the bones, the head of this ghost horn is torn open! Green blood and white brain splashes are everywhere!

Then this ghost horn fell down straight from the sky, and after a few tumbling on the muddy ground, there was no more sound, and it was impossible to see it!

The bell left the wreckage on the claws, and before the clock left other movements, the remaining ghost horns swarmed up, and the death of the ghost horns aroused the fierceness of other ghosts, all the crazy attacks. Clock away!

An adult ghost screamed and screamed into the back of the bell, and then stretched out, the hard thorn was on the back of the clock, and the mouthparts slammed into the back of the bell!

The bells and sorrows of the sky, the conditioned reflexes, the fifth claws came out from the abdomen, and then grabbed its mouthparts, the claws violently contracted, and even broke its mouthparts hard. The green liquid and red blood in the mouthpiece are floating in the air, and the red blood is clocked away!

The clock did not stop, then the fifth claw was stabbed into its chest, and then the remaining four claws caught on its head, fierce

Tore to tear on both sides!

In the sound of the tearing of the cloth, this ghost horn was torn into two halves!

In the sky, there began to be full of flesh and blood, and more of the horns and mouths of the horns plunged into the body of the bell. The dragon scales began to peel off, and the dragon's blood also swelled in large pieces. The mind is not awake, it is caused by severe pain.

The muddy ground has been stained with blood, and two ghost horns are lying on the ground, and the residual limbs scattered around the ground are broken.

The clock is now fighting by instinct, the dragon's pride is violated, the dragon has a counter-scale, and it is angry! Opened a big mouth, a dragon spurted out, and reached the head of a ghost horn, and the ghost horn immediately fell to the ground.

Look at it, you want it!

Zhong Li slammed down and slammed it. When it didn't react, a golden dragon punched out and Jinlong boxed to the body of this ghost horn.

The sound of the explosion immediately remembered that the muddy water and the wreckage flew, and the ghost horn had been blown into a powder! At the same time, the empty door on the back of the clock has been opened, which is the battle taboo!

I saw those ghost horns above the top of the head, and we began to attack violently! More than ten heads of horns pierced the sharp and poisonous mouthparts into the muscles of the bell!

Hundreds of feet also scratched the body from the scales, and even worse, two or three heads of the horns also opened the blood bowl and bite on the back of the bell, and then tore!

The back of the bell is already scarred, and even the white bones with blood can be seen!

The clock screamed from Yang Tian, ​​and then fell to the ground! The longan of the bell has been blurred by the blood, and I can't see the scene in front of me, but I can still see the movements of the ghosts in the sky.

I saw that the corners of the ghosts became a circle, facing the clock, and the head of each of the ghosts began to gather the energy of dark green. The energy group is getting bigger and bigger.

The aura between heaven and earth gradually rioted, which was caused by the leaking energy of the dark green energy.

Light is violent because of the leakage of energy. It seems that the power of these dark green energy groups cannot be underestimated.

Zhong Li can easily feel that this dark green energy group has exceeded the range he can resist, and it can even hurt the master above the Xuan level!

The clock shakes the numb head, can't die here, must not! A burst of golden light flashed, and the bell became a human figure.

It’s just that the state of others is even worse, the body is full of flesh and blood, and the muscles in the body are even rotted, and then rolled up outside, a lot of blood is flowing down the legs, making the mud brown!

The bell stretched out his right hand, and then the golden light began to appear on his hand, and then a golden dragonfly appeared on his hand. This time it was a real open sky, not a magical illusion!

I saw the clock detached from the hand, and slowly rose to the sky, in a state of confrontation with the group of ghosts. At the time of the clock leave

Waiting, those ghost horns felt a stagnation of breathing, and there was a sense of horror in my heart.

When they saw the golden enamel in the hands of the clock, there was a fascinating light in the eyes. This cockroach is definitely not a product, and the dragons are rich and have heard!

Now as long as you kill this little dragon in front of you, this is what we are! So hatred and greed, these factors make this group of ghosts more crazy!

Then every ghost horn has sacrificed its own magic weapon, a mouth-like awl, a hook-like foot, and attacked in the direction of the clock.

The body of Zhong Li’s body exudes a faint golden light, and the blood of his body is arrogant and **** and evil. Like the **** of war in hell, this **** of war has slaughtered countless


The golden line on the forehead began to open, and the third mullion appeared. The winds between the heavens and the earth began to change, and the sky slowly darkened. In an instant, it was lightning and thunder, it was going to rain.

The clock then shot a golden light about three feet wide and nine inches wide, and then thought about the group of ghosts slamming. At the moment of Jinguang’s shooting, the whole space began to violently oscillate, and the muddy land began to collapse.

Jinguang shot out, the space began to break, and the swamp could not withstand the pressure to separate the two sides, the soil flew, revealing a crack of width!

And this crack is still expanding continuously, and in the air, where the golden light flies along the way, the space is like a piece of glass broken, revealing the gap of black paint!

Jin Guang ran into those magic weapons, and saw that those magic weapons were directly hit into powder, and then the momentum was not reduced to those ghosts.

The ghost horns were shocked and hurriedly gathered the dark green energy into a larger energy group in front of them.

The three-foot-long golden light looks so small in front of the three-meter-diameter energy group, but the power is like a world apart!

The three-foot-long golden light broke through the dark green energy light group without any pause, and the dark green energy became the aura between heaven and earth, disappearing.

Jin Guang then shot at the speed of the lightning speed, the biggest ghost corner, Jinguang beat the part above the head, the body was weak and fell in the air, but it was not on the ground. Inhalation of cracks, such as being completely twisted

It became a piece!

Jinguang still did not dissipate, but still shot upwards, and continuously shot four ghosts into pieces!

At this time, with the lessons of the past, other ghosts are rushing to hide from both sides.