MTL - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad-Chapter 2 my daughter?

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The middle-aged man looked at his wife who had recovered as usual, and thanked Qin Haodong with gratitude: "Dr. Qin, thank you, thank you for saving my wife..."

"You're welcome, the doctor is willing, this is what I should do!"

Qin Haodong said.

"Dr. Qin, I don't understand a little. I obviously have a stomachache. How can it be a heart disease?"

The middle-aged woman asked doubtfully.

This is also a question in Ma Guoqiang's heart. The middle-aged woman is clearly a symptom of acute gastroenteritis. Why did he get a heart attack?

Qin Haodong said: "The heart is connected, the heart and the small intestine are in the table. This is a simple truth, which is generally known to doctors."

"Doctor Qin is really amazing. So young, there is such a high medical skill!" When it comes to this, middle-aged men turn their heads and look at Ma Guoqiang. "Unlike some people, the chief physician, the **** does not understand, hey! Quack!"

After he finished speaking, he thanked Qin Haodong again with the middle-aged woman and then left the emergency room together.

After the patient left, the atmosphere in the emergency room suddenly fell into a shackle. Two little nurses looked at Ma Guoqiang and involuntarily brought a strange look.

I just boasted about how the medical skills got, but in a blink of an eye, I was beaten in public. Ma Guoqiang’s old face was red like pig liver, which made him put the following.

In his opinion, all this was brought by the intern in front of him. After a while, he was angry and shouted: "Qin Haodong, an intern who actually treated the patient, seriously violated the hospital regulations, I will go to the dean. Report, you just wait to get out!"

"Do you dare?" Qin Haodong smiled and looked at Ma Guoqiang. "I am just an intern. It doesn't matter if I leave Jiangnan Hospital. I will find another internship at a hospital.

what about you? A chief physician mistakenly misdiagnosed heart disease into acute gastroenteritis, which almost caused serious consequences. Can you guess if your chief physician knows about this, can your chief physician's hat be saved? ”


Ma Guoqiang suddenly became speechless. If the matter was passed to the top of the hospital, his chief physician's hat could not keep it, even though his teacher was Zhang Tianhe.

Just now he was only impulsive, and now calm down and restore his reason. Just as Qin Haodong said, he really did not dare to report upwards.

Qin Haodong was too lazy to look at Ma Guoqiang, and ignored the eyes behind him. This little person is like an ant in the eyes of his Aoki emperor. Who cares about the emotions of an ant?

Ma Guoqiang ironed his face and pulled a chair to sit next to him. According to reason, he should thank Qin Haodong. If Qin Haodong did not correct his mistakes in time, he would make a big deal today. But he didn't think so. In his opinion, Qin Haodong was deliberately humiliating himself. He was secretly worried and must find an opportunity to repair the intern.

Qin Haodong did not speak, Ma Guoqiang did not say anything, the two little nurses naturally did not say anything, the emergency room was caught in a strange silence.

At this moment, a shrill brake sound came from outside the emergency room, and a business van slammed in front of the door.

The door opened and four or five bodyguards in black suits jumped out of the car and then lifted a woman who was covered in blood.

"Save people! Where are the doctors? Save people!"

The head of the bodyguard headed in a hurry and the other four bodyguards followed him and rushed into the emergency room.

"what's the situation?"

Ma Guoqiang immediately greeted him. He saw that these people were not too small and did not dare to neglect.

The head of the bodyguard shouted: "Hurry up and save people. If our president has three long and two short, you can't eat it."

At this time, Ma Guoqiang saw the badge on the collar of the bodyguard suit, which was written with a small line of words, "Linshi Group Security Department."

He suddenly scared a spirit, Lin's group is Jiangnan's leading consortium, the chairman is the famous Lin Zhiyuan, so the injured is Lin Zhiyuan's daughter.

The Lin Group not only has strong assets, but also has a very strong background. Every year, Jiangnan Hospital donates a lot of medical equipment. After understanding this, Ma Guoqiang quickly told the small nurse next to him: “Hurry to send the patient to the intensive care unit for examination, I will contact you immediately. teacher."

For the special person hospital, the efficiency of the hospital is extremely fast. In less than 20 minutes, all the results of the injured are placed in front of Ma Guoqiang.

Looking at the results of the inspection, Ma Guoqiang was shocked. The situation of the injured was too serious. The comminuted fractures of the legs, the ribs were broken four or five, and a piece of broken bone had been inserted into the lungs, which can persist until now. Is a miracle.

"How is the situation of the president?" asked the head of the bodyguard.

"The situation is very serious and must be operated immediately."

"What are you doing? Don't you hurry for surgery?"

The head of the bodyguard was angry.

surgery? I also have the ability to do that. Ma Guoqiang is still very aware of his own weight, and such a serious injury, even Zhang Tianhe has only a maximum of 20%.

However, of course, he did not dare to say these words. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said: "The patient is too wounded and the operation is extremely complicated. I am afraid that the chance of success here is not great. I suggest to transfer."

“Transfer?” The head of the bodyguard was almost crazy. He blinked with red eyes. “You are the best hospital in Jiangnan, where are you going?”

"The hope of the emperor should be bigger."

Ma Guoqiang said with awkwardness.

"Emperor? Are you **** stupid? How far is Jiangnan to the emperor? You don't know?" The head of the bodyguard is thundering. If you don't expect Ma Guoqiang to save people, I am afraid it will be done.

Ma Guoqiang said quickly: "Don't be excited, I have already informed my teacher. He will come right away and there will be a way."

At this time, his heart was complaining, and luck was very bad this evening. How come it was unfortunate.

After he finished speaking, the security chief had just calmed down. At this time, the injured person on the bed suddenly began to cough sharply, and then spit out a large mouthful of blood from his mouth, followed by a harsh alarm from the monitoring instrument.

Qin Haodong has been watching quietly beside him. At this time, he also frowned. The woman in front of her eyes was extremely hurt. The anger of her body has begun to decrease, and her vitality is slowly dissipating. If she does not pay attention to treatment, she will inevitably disappear.

At this time, a woman dressed in business attire rushed in, holding a four- or five-year-old girl in her arms.

The little girl grows a white jade, wearing a white dress. The delicate little face is like a princess in a fairy tale, with a pink little bag on her back, which looks extraordinarily fascinating.

The woman is the assistant to the president of the Lin Group, An Biru, and the little girl is the daughter of the injured Tang Tang.

An Biru called the captain of the bodyguard: "Zhang Desheng, why haven’t you rescued the president? What are you doing?"

"An assistant, the president is too hurt, the waste doctor here is unable to operate, and is waiting for an expert..."

"I still wait for a fart, and then wait for the president to die!" An Biru was furious.

After seeing the injured person on the hospital bed, the little guy first glimpsed, then cried, "Ma Ma, you are getting up, ah, hug the candy..."

She often sees her mother's death on TV, leaving a little baby's scene. She thinks that she may have no more mothers, and the more she cries, the more she is sad. An Biru rushes to appease.

Seeing the crying little girl, Qin Haodong’s pupils shrank fiercely, and his **** was powerful. At this time, he felt a kind of **** intimacy from the soul of Tang, which is more accurate than DNA.

"This... is this my daughter?"

Qin Haodong looked at Tang Tang’s excited and couldn’t speak, how could this be? How do you have such a big daughter?

Suddenly, he thought of the night before leaving the earth.

At that time, Tang Long, who had worked hard for the emperor, hit the wall one after another. He went to the bar to drink alcohol in disappointment. He met the only drunken Lin Momo who was also frustrated in this life. As a result, two people had a night of love.

In the middle of the night, Lin Momo took the lead to wake up and hurriedly left the hotel. He woke up and went to the hotel to find someone, but was taken away by the real person.

This incident has always made Tang Long depressed, lost the virgin body but did not know who the other party is. I did not expect to see my daughter very unexpectedly today. It can be seen that the injured person lying in bed was met at the bar. Woman.

Knowing the identity of the injured, Qin Haodong could no longer calm down. He refused to go to see his daughter, and quickly walked to the bed of Lin Momo, and reached out to start the pulse.

"Qin Haodong, what are you going to do?" Ma Guoqiang cried in horror. Now that this woman has not lost half of her life, this little intern has dared to go to trouble. Who can be responsible for the accident? This is the big lady of the Lin family!

"Director Ma, the patient must be operated immediately, otherwise there is danger to his life." Qin Haodong shouted.

Ma Guoqiang is angry in his heart. Isn’t this nonsense? Laozi knows that surgery is necessary, but who can do it? You?

Unexpectedly, Qin Haodong said: "I will do the surgery, don't bother me."

It’s a matter of the child’s **** life and death. He has no time to talk nonsense with Ma Guoqiang and push Lin Momo to the operating room.

"You stand for me..."

Ma Guoqiang immediately ran up to stop, Qin Haodong still has time to talk nonsense with him, and slaps back and pulls him out.


Qin Haodong did not use much effort in this slap. Ma Guoqiang quickly climbed up from the ground and wanted to rush into the operating room. Suddenly, his heart stopped and stopped.

In his opinion, Miss Lin Jiada is a lot of fierce, really because he did not die in time to rescue him here, he is absolutely difficult to escape the anger of the dean and Lin family. But if you die in the hands of Qin Haodong, then there is no longer a relationship with yourself. From this point of view, it is a good thing.

Thinking of this, Ma Guoqiang no longer stopped in the past, but symbolically stood in the same place and shouted: "Qin Haodong, you have to be responsible for something..."

Qin Haodong certainly ignored this and returned to close the door of the operating room.

An Biru was blinded by everything in front of him, and asked strangely: "Who is he? Is your hospital doctor?"