MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2085 Female savior is trustworthy

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All that Wah Lisa did was not obtained by Li Yalin’s command, but entirely out of her own will.

For this reason, when Li Yalin saw sixty savior-sisters appearing in front of himself, he could imagine how rich his expression was.

"What is this? Why are the saviors you selected are girls?"

At the same time that the various ministers picked out the candidates, everyone gathered in Sakamoto and came to Li Yalin. After all, it is impossible for Li Yalin to personally pick up and pick up people.

For this reason, Li Yalin quickly turned his attention to several ministers behind him. He wanted to see if these guys were ready to engage in moths!

"It is such an adult of Yalin. Our Huaxia branch has undergone heavy screening. The best savior has been selected. These ten children in front of the adults believe that their performance will not disappoint Yalin adults."

At this critical juncture, Lu Zhishen from the Huaxia branch was the first to stand up. According to the regulations, he and Li Yalin were considered compatriots. Although they did not have much confidence, they would at least not be discouraged.

But what he said, that is a serious nonsense, even if it is to say that this is a coincidence, then it is not so smart, right? Ten of China's best saviors, all girls?

Even if you lie, give me some help! Where do you put my great Chinese man?

"Yes, my French has also selected the ten best and the youngest saviors, these children in front of Yalin."

Following Lu Zhishen’s, it was the branch of the French branch, Charlie. This guy’s caliber remained in stark contrast with Lu Zhishen’s, and it made Li Yalin’s spit.

Then look at Edward, Junhe Anton and several other ministers, Li Yalin took a forehead, he knows that from these guys there is no real answer.

"Wah Lisa, what is going on here?"

No way, in desperation, Li Yalin can only focus on Wah Lisa. He knows that this time, sixty female saviors have been selected in one breath. It is absolutely the ministers who have discussed this.

And more crucially, he also saw it, the opposite of the other is to want to please yourself!

Look, who are the selected saviors!

Huaxia and France didn't say much about it. Li Yalin didn't have much contact with the white knights there, and there were few acquaintances.

Let me talk about the team in the Russian branch. The leader of the team leader is Elena Alsavina! This is not clear, is Wah Lisa deliberately arranged!

I know that even if I don't arrange Elena into the team, the last training Li Yalin can't forget her. Now she has a hard place to occupy a quota. What is going on?

Well, if you take a step back, this may be an accident. If you look at the team on the side of this branch, there are more acquaintances.

Jing Nai and May did not say that the peach school sister Baidi Chunlu, the deputy female vice captain Kanzakizaki, plus several sisters in the Li Yalin team, are basically acquaintances!

The most important thing is, why are there four sisters who will appear here in the four gates? What exactly does the Junhe Anton guy want to do?

Not only that, but the leader of the US branch is also the teammate that Li Yalin once knew - Sophia Meltizaka. Although it is not particularly familiar, I can often talk at least on weekdays. Li Yalin does not know when she is. Was transferred, and also elected as a candidate for the US branch.

As for the British branch, let alone the leader who can be selected by Edward, there must be only Angela. That is to say, Li Yalin’s familiar sisters in this world have basically expired, and they have all been selected this time. Training staff.

If there is no ghost, who can believe this?

What a few meanings, explain it to me quickly!

"It is such an adult, I think that only the selection of female saviors is the best for the interests of adults. After all, if the male savior is trained, the future will not be useful, and it is not worthy of our trust."

The idea of ​​Vahirisha is very simple. Only a sister can become a person. That is because Li Yalin is a man.

Men, destined to conquer women, as long as they successfully conquer these women, then they can give them enough trust.

On the other hand, if it is a man, it is not so simple. At least Li Yalin is not interested in conquering men, nor can he report too much trust to a man.

This is very reasonable!

I have to say that after listening to some explanations of Wah Lisa, Li Yalin suddenly became very open, because he found that this woman is really right, he can trust a sister, but it is difficult to fully trust a man.

At least a woman like Wah Lisa who has been completely conquered, he can fully trust.

If you change to a man...

Forget it, the example of the guy in the Yajiki tree was not put up until now, **** example!

So, if you think about it, you can understand it all at once.

Just like this, will you be misunderstood? For example, what was misunderstood as a hungry wolf...

Li Yalin can see clearly. Jing is still looking at him at the moment in May. His eyes are not good, because they just heard it. Li Yalin called these young and beautiful girls in the name of this minister.

If this is not given an explanation, can they be willing to give up?

It is impossible to make it clear!

Ok, sure enough, I should explain it to everyone.

"Cough, I believe that the choice of the ministers, since the people have arrived, I will say the first two sentences."

"I believe that everyone will definitely be confused about this call now. Without my consent, the ministers will definitely not tell the truth, so let me tell you everything that is going to happen now!"

With a light cough, Li Yalin brought everyone together and began to tell you about the upcoming disaster.

It is a matter of course. When he finished everything, the scene suddenly became a mess.

It is no wonder that even the chief ministers who are S-level saviors have been flustered after hearing the news, not to mention these young girls.

"Stop! Now everyone listens to me!"

Although panic is a normal phenomenon, Li Yalin does not intend to let this panic continue. After all, he still has something to say.

"The enemies we are about to usher are very powerful, but they are not invincible. In fact, today, when we gather everyone here, we are ready to tell you one thing. The people present will soon be the last hope of the world! ”

As the minister of the White Knights, Li Yalin is certainly very prestigious. Although these young girls may not know what happened when Li Yalin unified the White Knights, they must know the name of Li Yalin.

It can be said that Li Yalin has become the idol of many young saviors in the White Knights. After all, worshipping the strong in this year is a normal thing.

Having said that, the power of Li Yalin’s next sentence is still too great. Even if he retains these girls with his prestige, he can’t avoid panic.

It is no wonder that anyone who hears that he will be the last hope to save the world will not remain calm enough.

You know, if this is the case, then these savior girls will really want to be veritable saviors.

"be quiet!"

Although Li Yalin said, these girls will become hopes of saving the world, but how to save the world, he has not yet said to everyone, seeing the scene is about to be chaotic again, he suddenly snorted, the scene instantly solidified.

No one knows how much Li Yalin’s strength has reached, but with his coldness, the chill that swept the whole body was a chill that made everyone unable to help.

Including those S-level saviors!

It is precisely because of this that when everyone's eyes turn to Li Yalin again, it is full of fear and deep respect.

This is the strong, even the real strong who can't catch up with the poor life!

"Everyone's mood is very exciting, I can understand this, but what I want to say is, don't think that you are being selected. It is really a gift that can be chosen. It is actually your luck, even without you. I can also choose another group of people to replace the world to save you!"

It can be seen that after Li Yalin finished the sentence, many girls across the street showed a proud look. This is not a good phenomenon. Therefore, Li Yalin wants these girls to know that they do not have any proud capital because they only need them. If you don't work hard, you can be replaced at any time!

They are not the only choice. They will only appear here because they have been chosen. If Li Yalin is in a bad mood, he can be replaced by another person in minutes.

Although this statement is strict, it is a fact. Perhaps the young saviors who are opposite can't understand it, but the S-level saviors behind Li Yalin are one-of-a-kind.

Because from the beginning to the end, Li Yalin did not participate in the selection process, they now choose these savior sisters, in addition to talent, to a large extent are rushing to the value.

Didn’t see these girls being a beautiful one, it’s just to please him.

Especially Junhe Anton, the guy is even more clever, even with Li Yalin's convenience in Sakamoto, he has chosen his familiar teammates. Since they are all acquaintances, Li Yalin will definitely take care of one or two, so that said The guy's abacus is ringing.

Like this kindness, how can Li Yalin not laugh?

Read The Duke's Passion