MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2067 La Silla-Sherlock Holmes

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"Is the Havoniva Kingdom attacked... Damn, the beasts have actually landed in this world, and they know that they should be wiped out!"

On the White Bird City, Li Yalin, who just got the news, was frowning and slammed the information on the table. It was obviously very angry.

It is no wonder that the Kingdom of Havoniva was suddenly attacked by the beasts. It was something that he had not expected before. According to the information, although the kingdom of Havoniva immediately counterattacked, it still caused A lot of losses.

At least casualties can't be avoided.

Fortunately, Li Yalin has stationed a number of Shengji troops there. Under the hard work of the saints, the beastists did not really capture the Havoniva Kingdom. Even so, Li Yalin should be here as soon as possible. The troops will be mobilized. Otherwise, it is difficult to resist the full-scale attack of the beasts by the stationed Sanctuary.

Because this time, there are at least two arks in the world, carrying at least a million animal beasts, not to mention that there are a large number of super-beasts and a large number of beasts will be copied. body.

"Is it really going to catch up with this world? It’s really a group of stalking beasts."

Li Yalin is angry at this side. As his young fiancee, the only heir to the kingdom of Streiyu, Lachara is very calm.

Came to him to pick up the information, carefully read the above content, and sighed softly.

"We have to send reinforcements as soon as possible. Otherwise, I want Keiya to lead the team?"

In the case of the attack on the Kingdom of Havoniva, it is impossible to see how to die. In this case, Lachara quickly made an opinion to Li Yalin.

"No, I don't need Kayya to lead the team. This time I personally went to see the kingdom of Hawaniwa! I want to destroy all those **** beasts!"

Normally, there is Latella's most trusted female guard, Kay, who personally led the attack. It is completely no problem to fight against the beasts. After all, Li Yalin has not been idle in this world in recent years. All the holy people are After meticulous transformation, it has now become an epoch-making combination of magical sciences, the power can be said to be beyond imagination.

The only pity is that, with the power of the holy man, it is impossible to fight in the space. Otherwise, Li Yalin can use the holy man as much as possible, and even the power is stronger!

When fighting with the enemy of the fantasy plane, the world's holy pilots did not help Li Yalin, and even the girls had amazing results in several major battles.

For this reason, Li Yalin will pay more and more attention to the world, and at the same time, he will cherish his sacred pilots.

Therefore, nowadays the holy pilots have been reborn under the training of Li Yalin, and with the transformation of the holy machine, even if they are on the king of the demon king, they will not have the power of a battle.

Of course, since it is a war, the number will be too small, and it will definitely suffer. Now the kingdom of Harvoniva needs support. Nothing is that the quantity is not cheap, and it is difficult to fight back.

Otherwise, people really don't necessarily need help. After all, there is Xueyin leading the Saint-Jitsu army, and there is a rear seat in Maria. The most important thing is that there is Fulula, the hidden ultimate boss. Lose it right.

As for why Li Yalin must personally lead the team to the Kingdom of Harvoniva, the reason is also very simple, because he really looks at the animal beasts very uncomfortable, up to the beast **** will go down to the ordinary 喽啰, one counts one, absolutely It is to kill the innocent rhythm!

To ask him why he has such a great hatred with the Beasts, it is natural to start from the war with the fantasy plane.

The battle of that year was caused by the war between Li Yalin and the Burning Legion. In the later stage, the war was no longer a simple battle between the two sides. With the breakthrough of one plane after another, more from fantasy. The racial race is involved in this battle, and the war is getting worse!

It is true that Li Yalin has a lot more enemies, but his friends are also quite a lot. After all, there is oppression, and there is resistance. Li Yalin not only has sufficient combat power, but many of his allies also have very strong strength.

For example, the beast **** will be Akafil, he is a very good partner.

Yes, when Li Yalin and the beastist army clashed, the beast gods led the beasts to leave the earth and ended, but after that, he was unexpectedly met in another world.

It was also because of that encounter that Li Yalin met with the top commander of the Beast Chemicals, Akafil. After a conversation, the two sides reached a consensus.

It turns out that the reason why Akafil made a large number of beasts, the purpose is also to fight against the fantasy plane, although the practice is more difficult to accept, but his idea is still good.

For Akafil's approach, Li Yalin did not comment, but at the time of the war, it was a good thing for one of his allies to be good to him, so the two sides quickly reached an alliance.

Unfortunately, this alliance has not been able to last for too long. After several wars, the animal squadron unexpectedly suddenly launched an attack on Li Yalin’s troops. For this reason, Li Yalin paid a lot of losses.

At that time, Li Yalin, who was inexplicably attacked, was naturally furious and immediately retaliated against the army and vigorously eliminated a large number of beasts.

It was not until later that he realized that Akafil had suffered a shameful betrayal, and that one of his beasts would be controlled by a certain existence of the fantasy plane, causing Akafil to be killed and all the beastized units to be taken over.

Not only that, after the beasts of the beasts were taken over, the beasts, the super-beasts, and even the beasts were actually copied in large numbers.

Although as a replica, the strength certainly does not have the power of the ontology, can not stand the number of people.

Just like now, when two arks landed, nearly a million beasts were hiding inside, and this is only the first wave of attacks. I believe that there will be a second wave, the third wave and even more attacks in the future. appear!

This is not a fact that Li Yalin is alarmist, but a fact, so he has a good reason to rush to the Kingdom of Harvoniva.

"Do you bring the team yourself? Is this really okay?"

Li Yalin’s determination to eliminate the beastly soldiers was sufficient. After hearing his words, Lachara’s brow was unstoppable and wrinkled.

"What problems can I have?"

Lachara is so frowning, Li Yalin is wondering, what is the situation? Is it still a problem to bring a team to help Hawaniva?

"No, you must have no problem with the team. In fact, no matter who is leading the team, as long as there are enough holy people, it will not be a problem to eliminate those beasts."

In the face of Li Yalin's doubts, Lachara gently shook her head, and did not know why, her present expression always gave people a feeling of deep feeling, as if she had noticed something.

Just... What can she perceive?

"The real problem... is you!"


When La Silla's gaze was locked on Li Yalin's body, but he could not help but stunned, subconsciously pointed to his nose, Li Yalin's face still filled with doubtful expression.

"Yes! It's you! From the beginning, Yalin seems to be very excited. Isn't it? I know that you hate the beasts, but the appearance of those beasts, are you not going to take the shot?" ”

Without paying any attention to the doubts on Li Yalin's face, La Silla's mouth showed a smile that had already seen everything, and reached out and pointed forward, she had already seen everything!

"So say! Your excitement is not for the beasts! You just want to go to the kingdom of Hawaniwa! So what is the attraction of the Havaniva Kingdom? Maria? Snowy No! No!"

"What really attracts you... is Aunt Flora, right?"

Lying in the trough!

Lying in a big slot!

When did Lachara become Holmes?

In the face of his fiancée's reasoning, Li Yalin was really shocked. He never thought that his intention would be seen.

How can this be?

Yes, after the Beast Chemicals came to this world, I heard that the kingdom of Havoniva was attacked. Li Yalin was so excited that there was a reason, and the real reason was just like Lachara’s saying, it was for Fuluo. Pull!

The problem is that his relationship with Flora is considered to be very good, and he will never be found by outsiders. How does Lachara know?

No way, Flora is the mother of Mary and Lama's aunt, and Maria and Lachara are now Li Yalin's fiancee. This relationship is too complicated.

In this case, there are some things that really can't be placed on the bright side. They can only be secretly carried out in secret. At least in the past few years, Li Yalin has been pursuing a secret shot and is determined not to expose the target.

But now it’s good, it’s actually discovered by La Charle.

"Hey! Do you think that you and Aunt Flora's aunt can really hold us? Innocent! Too naive! The two of you who rolled the sheets in the storage room have long been me and Mary. Ah saw it!"

Seeing Li Yalin's face stunned, La Sala's face suddenly showed a smug expression, and she saw her hands on her hips, as if the whole person had become taller.

Although she is still very short.

Was it seen? And Maria?

Ok, now isn’t really a question of whether Rashara is high or short, and what really makes Li Yalin’s jaw-dropping is what she just said.

The thing that she said in the storage room to roll the sheets seems to have been a long time. Hasn't she and Maria already knew about their relationship with Flora?

My God...the two of them really can bear it, but they have only said it until now...

At this moment, Li Yalin said that he was completely speechless.

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