MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2043 蔻蔻 team's brushy frenzy

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“Where is it here? Chiaki? Why are you here?”

Uncle Rem didn't know how he was comatose. After he woke up, the first thing that caught his eye was the strange ceiling.

As a war-torn warrior, Uncle Rem's first reaction was to get up and touch the gun, but unfortunately, instead of touching the gun, he saw a very familiar face.

It is also because of this familiar face that Uncle Rem will come to be very surprised, subconsciously looking around, he found that his companions are around, and also wake up one by one, just the environment nearby...

Uncle Rem swears that he has never been to this place, absolutely not!

"Hey, Uncle Rem, are you awake? How do you sleep?"

On the occasion of Uncle Rem’s doubts, Li Yalin came to him a few steps and smiled at him.

"Lin... are you bringing us here?"

When I saw Li Yalin, Uncle Rem finally remembered what happened in the snow.

I still remember that Lin said that I would like to bring myself and other people to play real rpg games. Is it hard to be here?

"Bingo, Uncle Rem, you guessed it, that I brought you, wait a moment, everyone will wake up, I will explain it to you."

Uncle Rem’s reaction was so fast, Li Yalin also smiled and nodded. This time, everyone will be brought to the world of sao. Naturally, it is his purpose, but now everyone has not fully recovered, and the weaker guy is still sleeping. .

This is not a good time to explain everything.

"Sure enough, as you said, this is really an interesting place."

For the time being, regardless of the doubts in Uncle Rem’s heart, look at the big sister of Qianji, because she was the first to wake up, and naturally the first person to observe the surroundings. For the buildings in the sao world, she reported it quite. interest.

To be honest, Qian Jizhen will promise to follow him, which is quite unexpected to Li Yalin, but if you think about it carefully, this is not an unacceptable setting. After all, Qianji’s sister has been guarding the sea. The Kemeidian family, first of all, is to protect the embarrassing old man, and then to protect his elder brother, and finally to protect what is wrong, is also a matter of reason.

What's more, the narrative in Li Yalin's mouth has also succeeded in her interest.

"The next step will be more interesting, I am a big sister."

After smiling and responding to a thousand words, Li Yalin waved to the side of the summer, and gestured to her.

Although he did not speak, the intelligent Qian Xia had already understood what he meant, and soon left the room. After a while, he took back some weapons and armor and piled it up in the room.

"Very good, now everyone is awake, I will take this opportunity to explain to you, see the weapons and armor in the room? Pick your favorite equipment."

Just when the weapons were transported in the summer, the members of the team were almost awakened. When the time was ripe, Li Yalin was not wasting the incident. He pointed out the weapons and armor and told everyone to pick it up.

"Cold weapon? Lin... You don't really let us play the medieval knight to play the game?"

Listening to Li Yalin, everyone said that everyone was dumbfounded. All these weapons were cold weapons, swords and swords, and armor and armor. If you look closely, there is really a taste of medieval knights.

"You can think so."

Can raise this kind of question at this time, needless to say, it must be Luz this guy, for this guy's doubts, Li Yalin is not a little accident, directly point his head.

But it is because of his nod that everyone will be more dumbfounded.

"Isn't it? You made such a big squad, but also gave us all the faintness, just to let us play the game?"

Before Li Yalin said that it was a game, everyone must be preconceived. I think this is a real role-playing game. The reason why I fell into a coma was naturally a small trick that Li Yalin made in the dark.

Perhaps all of this is to make this game more real.

The question is, is this too overdone?

"Game? Do you really think this is just a game?"

Just when everyone thought that this was the so-called game prepared by Li Yalin, the thousand summers on the side suddenly sneered aloud. Two steps forward, I picked up a long sword, and the next moment, the tip of the sword pointed to everyone in the room.

"Yes, for the owner, this may be just a game, but for you, if you don't take this game seriously, then the price you pay is death!"


Thousands of summers suddenly came like this, but everyone was shocked. This week, there are not so many words. Although everyone knows that her personality is not normal, the sudden rhythm is still difficult for everyone to adapt. .

"Well, a thousand summers, don't go to your home field and scare people casually. Although the world is very dangerous, it is not as exaggerated as you said."

At the time of everyone’s mistakes, Li Yalin had already reached out and took a small head of Qianxia, ​​and took the sword in her hand.

"the host……"

Li Yalin took the long sword, and Qian Xia suddenly lost the prestige of the moment. The little mouth twitched and began to scream at Li Yalin.

"Although there are some people who are scaring everyone in the summer, but she is not necessarily true. This is indeed a real game, but it is also a game that can enhance everyone's strength. Now, no matter what I say, everyone is afraid. It's hard to understand, let's just test the truth directly with facts."

Turning his gaze to everyone, Li Yalin knows that even if he explains too much now, it is not useful. It is better to let everyone see this real world.

"So... wear the armor that you think is right, take the weapon that you feel is right for you, and see me about this interesting world!"

After saying this, Li Yalin took advantage of Qianxia and left the room with her sister. There was no more words.

And everyone in the room is after picking up the weapons and equipment in the first time, although I don’t quite understand what Lin is saying, but since he said it, it must be true!

In line with this idea, everyone did not question anything at all, just as Li Yalin said, or use facts to witness the truth.

At this time, Li Yalin took the place where everyone is, and was the resident of the Rebirth Guild on the first floor of Ain Grant. Because most gamers chose to return to the original world, this is the first of Ain Grande. At the same time, the game player's figure can no longer be seen, so the appearance of this pedestrian, in addition to the aborigines will feel curious, but it does not cause any waves.

However, the Aborigines did not respond, and the guys on the team were surprised, because the first floor of Ain Grant was completely unseen.

If all this is for a game, then this hand is too big, right?

Building a town for the game?

Is it really exaggerated?

"Not bad, everyone has chosen the right weapon, now, I will give you the skill book for your chosen weapon."

Out of the guild's residence, Li Yalin turned back and saw the well-armed people, and could not help but gently nodded.

Seeing everyone's choices, they all have their own characteristics. For example, Grandma Falle, she chose two long daggers. It should be the weapon she is best at using. After all, this is a real world, and there is no restriction on the use of weapons. As long as you can pick it up, you can use it, even if you use dual weapons.

In addition to the big sister of Falme, Uncle Rem chose a big sword with both hands. Ugo chose a one-handed sword and a big shield. Luz took a long gun and the east hand held a knife. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

It is a pity that everyone is only holding weapons now. Even if they have some experience with these weapons, they are limited to this.

If you want them to play the true power of these weapons, they must rely on the skills book in the hands of Li Yalin.

"Skill Book?"

When everyone sees the skill book in the hands of Li Yalin, it is naturally a dumbfounded eye. Is this game so real? Even the skills book has it?

However, after everyone followed Li Yalin's explanation, after learning this skill book, they all stayed directly.

Because everyone did not think of it anyway, after learning this skill book, the skills in the book actually printed in their heads, subconsciously using the skills, found that all this turned out to be true!

Is this not a game?

Why is it a reality?

It is a pity that Li Yalin did not explain for everyone, because next, he will lead everyone to the wild and carry out a real upgrade experience.

In the true sense of killing the monsters in the wild, I got the experience of upgrading, and after feeling the changes in the body, the elites in the team, I don’t know how to describe my mood at this time.

As long as you can learn the powerful skills, you can improve your strength by killing monsters. Here... it is a paradise for them!

Here, as long as they are willing, they can grow without limit, what is killing monsters? Isn't this easier than killing?

Yes, yes, after understanding this point, these guys in the team are all caught in the madness of the brush, after all, this is a rare gift for them.

They are not ordinary people, but warriors who walk on the death line. They are very familiar with these killings, and it is naturally very fast to grow up.

I believe that with their speed of brushing, and soon, you will have the absolute power to protect you!

Ps: I went to the hospital today to check, the chest and the abdomen are still full of gas and effusion, whether the problem of surgery or not is determined, it is simply an egg 呐quq

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