MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2037 You are indeed a fancy guy.

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"You... really married again? Or with that Asuna?"

On the battlefield of gg0, a blue-haired girl with a sniper rifle behind her back was looking at Li Yalin, who was standing on the united front with her.

"Do you even know it? Ok, yes, I am married again."

For the girl's mouth, the key words of Li Yalin are very helpless. His marriage with Asuna is not a big deal. Even the friends in the game know very little. Basically, they are important members of the guild. Will be informed of this news.

But the result is good. He really wants to keep a low profile, but he didn't think that the news was more and more widely spread. Even Shino knew it. He had specifically wanted to hide it before he lost.

That's right, standing next to him is the heroine Shino in the Ghost Bullet, and has become his friend in the game.

The reason why she can understand Shino is actually thanks to Tongzi. It is because she first entered ggo and met Shino before she introduced her to Li Yalin and his party.

Here, it is still true that the inertia of the plot is still strong.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the deadly gun incident in the original plot still happened in this world. Although according to common sense, the initiator of the original gunshot incident has already died in the hands of Li Yalin. None of the members of the coffin can live away from the world of sao.

As a result, Shinkawa Kyouji, the same classmate of Shino, the helper of the deadly gun incident in the original plot, has become the mastermind of the new deadly gun incident, and it must be noted that this guy is quite capable and has gathered. Many of the same parties worked with him.

At that time, the number of game players who died due to the death of the gun, but more than ten people, caused a panic incident, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of players in ggo.

Tongzi, just to investigate the deadly gun incident, will enter ggo.

It is reasonable to say that Tongzi should not be exposed to the death of a gun. But when the gunshot incident occurred, Tongzi thought about using his power and game technology to make some extra money because of the lack of funds in various senses.

Therefore, under the accident, I received this investigation into the shooting of the dead gun.

Who thought, with the investigation of Tongzi, found that this deadly gun incident became more and more confusing, even if he met Shino in the game, got the help of Shino, and could not investigate the identity of the dead gun.

In the end, thanks to Li Yalin, with his help, the real identity of the dead gun was finally exposed, and in the end, he also deliberately shot in the real world to save the Shino gun incident mastermind Shinkawa Kyouji failed in the confession of Shino. After that, it was killing the heart. If the truth was not revealed in time and the identity of Shinkawa Kyouji was exposed, Shino’s final ending was really not very good.

It is also because of this, Shino became a good friend with Li Yalin and Tongzi, and often teamed up in the ggo game, which has been so far.

For the ggo virtual game of fps, Li Yalin still likes it very much. In particular, he also likes remote sniping. In the team with Shino, the two often have a combination of doubles and have never encountered an opponent. The cooperation is quite tacit.

In reality, everyone also often meets offline, and under the advice of Li Yalin, Shino also established an account in alo, and occasionally teamed up with everyone in the guild to play games.

For Li Yalin and her marriage by Lie, Shino had known it for a long time, and she knew more clearly that Li Yalin had too many girls who liked him, but she did not expect that he would still marry another girl for the second time. .

Reasonable, when she knew the news, it was shocked for a while to recover.

Even now, she still doesn't believe it.

is this real?

Is he really married again?

"Who is this telling you? Tongzi?"

To say that in Ggo who has the best relationship with Shino, whoever is most likely to tell Shino this news, after Li Yalin thinks about it, the only conclusion that can be drawn is Tongzi.

However, when he raised this question, he did not believe it, because he knew the character of Tongzi and knew that she was not a gossip girl. According to reason, she should not tell Shi Nai the news.

What is the situation?

"It’s Lifa..."

After still reading Li Yalin for a while, Shino finally said the answer. The original telling her was not the Tongzi in Li Yalin’s imagination, but the game id Lifa, the real name of Tonggu Zhiye. Sister!

"alright, I got it."

When I heard Li Fa’s name, Li Yalin suddenly became speechless. It turned out to be her... It’s no wonder.

"You are in conflict with Lifa..."

Seeing that Li Yalin was silent at once, even the expression on his face was not very good. Shino opened her mouth with some care.

It makes sense to say that Li Yalin’s marriage once again has caused a very big impact on her, but in fact, this is not an unacceptable thing. After all, after knowing it for so many years, she has some understanding of Li Yalin. I know that he is not an ordinary person, and he should be very rich and powerful in the real world.

Since there is money and strength, even if you are a second wife, it is not something you can't imagine. Like this kind of plot, is there still less in the TV series?

However, the contradiction between Li Yalin and Li Fa, Shino is very concerned, although not often playing together, but she and Li Fa can be regarded as friends who can chat.

Shino clearly knows that Lifa actually likes Li Yalin. Compared with his own good feelings and silent admiration, Li Fa’s mood often shows without hesitation.

Of course, as a party, Lifa herself is unaware of her. She really likes Li Yalin, but she never said it. All her feelings are bursting through movements and expressions.

She thought it was a good cover, but in fact, even a stupid can see through her mind.

This time, Lifa and Shino said that Li Yalin and Asuna were married, but the teeth of the teeth were itchy, and there was a big meaning that they no longer met with Li Yalin.

After such a big thing, Shino felt that it was really impossible to persuade him not to persuade him.

"It is not a contradiction to say that it is not... In the end, I am too frustrated. Ordinary girls like Li Fa, certainly can't accept a friend like me."

Asked by Shino, Li Yalin is actually very helpless. He met Lifa. There is no accident. After all, his relationship with Tongzi is also good. The future will only be more and more. That is just a matter of reason.

The first time I met Li Fa, everyone still met in the alo, Li Fa is still like Li Yalin's memory, the image is a blond goblin.

I still remember that Li Fa and Li Yalin met for the first time, and they showed curiosity. After all, she knew her sister very well. She knew that Tong’s character was indifferent and it was difficult to have any male friends.

As the first male friend of Tongzi, Li Fa would like to know how the boy in front of him was attacking his sister.

Even said that at the time she was in the presence of everyone, subconsciously asked this question, and directly put the scene cold.

In fact, is this guy a natural stay in a certain sense?

Looking at Lifa, who made the scene cold in the face, Li Yalin’s idea at that time was to laugh and cry. Fortunately, Tong’s reaction was fast enough to directly touch her sister’s ear and pull her to the corner to learn the lesson. come.

Just after that, Li Fa had a variety of curiosity about Li Yalin, because she really could not understand why her sister's personality would become so fast.

Li Fa does not know the crossing event of Sao. She only knows that her sister is like a foreigner, and she is no longer as indifferent as before. She will smile when facing her friends. The most important thing is that She even had a male friend!

This is simply incredible!

Can make a girl make such a big change, after experiencing Li Fa's hard thinking, she believes that only love is the real reason for all this, so she takes it for granted that her sister is in love with Li Yalin.

And this misunderstanding has continued to this day.

It makes sense to say that Li Fa does not know that Li Yalin is married to Lie, but the problem is that there is not much time for Lier to land in the game, and it is not very likely to appear in front of everyone, which leads to Lifa. There is an illusion that subconsciously believes that Li Yalin is still not married.

In the past few years, misunderstandings have continued this way. Even if Li Yalin explained, the effect is not great.

Moreover, Li Fa did not realize that when she mistakenly thought that her sister liked Li Yalin, she actually fell into the trap.

This time, Li Yalin’s marriage with Asuna directly became the fuse that ignited Li Fa. Li Yalin certainly did not know about the real thoughts in her heart, but one thing he knew very well was definitely not that simple. solve.

"What a heart... You are indeed a fancy guy."

When she heard Li Yalin’s sigh, Shino shook her head and said that she was very uncomfortable when she heard the news of his marriage. She did not know whether it was his heart, or whether the bride was not herself.

However, Shino does not want to consider more now, because there are still many more distressed girls than her, even if she is in line, she will not be able to play.

Therefore, it is true that you are still a good friend and can stay with him with peace of mind!

It’s just... it’s still very uncomfortable!

After saying this, Shino raised the gun in her hand subconsciously, and burst into the head of an enemy in the distance without hesitation.

Li Yalin, who saw this scene in his eyes, was subconsciously chilling, although he knew that this was just a game, and even in reality, a counter-equipment sniper rifle could not harm him. But he still has to sigh a man who is so eager to always be alert to the end of the boat.