MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 10 It’s just a soft heart, definitely not a loli control!

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"Get up!"

On the morning of the next day, Li Yalin was still enjoying the warmth of the hotel and doing a sweet dream. A heavy object suddenly fell from the sky and fell on Li Yalin's stomach, instantly awakening him from his sleep.

what's the situation?

The stomach was hit, but Li Yalin hurt for a while, and he still hasn't figured out, how come he is still in bed, suddenly attacked?

"Who are you?" When Li Yalin saw the object attacking his stomach, it was a glimpse.

The short hair of linen is tied into a pair of ponytails behind the head, with a little playful face in the cute, it is a super small Loli!

The key to the problem is that Li Yalin simply does not know this best little Lolita. How did she enter her room?

"I didn't see you in the evening, did you forget me?"

"It's you?"

The opposite Loli had an opening, and Li Yalin suddenly reacted. Isn't this the girl who was told by her last night? Although I have long imagined that her age will not be large, it seems that it is too small, right?

How old is this? Twelve or thirteen?

"Do you really forget me?" Li Yalin's hesitation made the opposite Lolita surprised. It is a normal reaction to say no, you are so surprised to be prepared?

"Would this be the first time in the true sense?" Li Yalin scratched his head in a speechless manner. He is still confused. After all, this is a little cute Lolly, and if it looks like it, It’s so familiar.

This hairstyle seems to have seen it anywhere.

"That's also true, then let me introduce myself first. My name is Cilika. Please ask for more advice from today." Li Yalin's words made Xiao Loli react, and then he was very formal. Introduction.

It turned out that she was called Cilika... Wait a minute! Cilika?

correct! No wonder she is familiar with her, she is not one of the women in the sword!

Until this time, Li Yalin completely reacted. I didn’t expect that I could meet the supporting actress in the original plot.

The reason why I didn't recognize it right away, first because it is the real world, the shape and face of Cilika are very similar to anime, but it is not a plan, it still looks different.

The second reason is that in the original plot, Cilika's appearance is really small, mainly describing her story is just an episode, and Li Yalin has not made up for a long time, and forgetting for a while is also reasonable.

"What are you staring at? I have already said my name. Should you introduce yourself?"

Cilika was very puzzled. After she introduced herself, Li Yalin did not say a word. She just stared at herself and could not understand what he was thinking.

"Oh, your name is Cilika, my name is... um... you call me the devil."

When Cilika called, Li Yalin suddenly woke up from the memories and introduced himself? Although it is the real world, after all, this is still an online game, and sure enough, you should give yourself an ID.

Li Yalin can be named for a while, but he is a bit worried. The ID used in previous games seems to be unsuitable for use here. What do you use?

At this moment, Li Yalin’s mind appeared in the words of the devil, but when the name was exported, Li Yalin regretted it.

I rely on this name for a good second, and if I am called, I am very ashamed.

"Devil? A strange name."

Sure enough, when Cilika heard Li Yalin’s name, she suddenly burst into laughter, and then she couldn’t help but sway her shoulders.

But now Li Yalin can't feel the smile of Cilika's cute face, and he sees him grabbed Cilika's shoulder and his expression suddenly becomes serious.

"What are you doing?" Cilika was shocked by Li Yalin's sudden move, and his expression was slightly flustered.

"Miss Cilika, please be sure to forget that name. My name is Yalin. You call me Yalin."

"Oh...oh... I know."

Perhaps it was scared by Li Yalin's serious expression, and Silika nodded after hesitated twice.

"Very good, then please advise." Cilika's performance made Li Yalin very satisfied, but when he said a lot of advice, he suddenly remembered, just after Cilika said in self-introduction What is it? Please advise me from now on? What is the situation from today?

"Wait! What do you mean just now? What is starting today? Are you ready to follow me?" Li Yalin squinted, although it was really good to know a girl in the original plot, but he never thought about letting Cili The card has always followed itself.

It’s already obvious from the words of Cilika. If you are prepared to do so, why should she come up with such a sentence?

"Of course, I thought about it for one night last night. Sure enough, like a new gamer like me, I need a master to bring me." Cilika nodded, but it didn't mean to hide it, but for this situation. Li Yalin said that the pressure is great.

"That... I am not ready to team up with people, and now this situation, it does not matter to the game novice?" Li Yalin's mouth twitched two times, what rhythm? Was it taken?

"Yalingo, do you think I am tired?"


Cilika looked at Li Yalin with tears in her eyes. The expression was a pitiful, pure little face and a small eye that could not be refused. Li Yalin was captured.

Sure enough, I still have a soft heart.

After the compromise, Li Yalin sighed and was pleaded by such a poor little girl, and she really couldn’t agree.

Well, it’s just a soft heart, definitely not a Lolita control!

In this way, Li Yalin, who had always been ready to go alone, started his own team life. Although he was very reluctant at first, but after several consecutive days of contact, Li Yalin discovered that it is not a bad thing to have a companion around him. .

Cilika is a very smart child, not only looks cute, but also helps Li Yalin to help him at a crucial moment.

For example, the two went out together to form a team to blame. At first, Cilika was a little bit messy, but like Li Yalin, after the initial confusion, Cilika also found her own existence.

If you are too strange, you can make up the knife next to it. When you have nothing to do, learn the fighting skills. The most important thing is that Cilika began to learn life skills, which is very important for Li Yalin.

Although Li Yalin can't learn the sword skills of the world, he can learn life skills and have a sub-professionality that belongs to the world. However, this sub-professional has restrictions, and one can only get a kind of sub-career inheritance.

In this way, the role of Cilika is highlighted, and it is important to know that life skills are equally important in this world.

Just like the current Cilika, she is currently studying sewing. She can sew and combine some of the materials obtained after the fight to create some relatively advanced defense equipment.

Only Cilika's skill level is still low. At this stage, only some leather and cloth can be sewn to make simple primary equipment.

But this is very important for Li Yalin. He has a lot of materials in his hands, but if it is only materials, there is no value at all. Only when these materials are made into finished products, is it really worth the money.

After discovering this, what Li Yalin did every day was to take Cilika out to practice leveling. After noon, Cilika went back to the city to practice sewing, and Li Yalin continued to brush and collect materials.

It is also said here that when the world becomes a reality, the level of the game player is also canceled, and the increased experience after killing the monster can only be used to upgrade the skill level.

However, as more and more monsters are killed, players will become stronger and stronger, just like Li Yalin.

Although I don't know what is going on, there is at least one point to understand.

If you want to become stronger, pick up the sword in your hand and keep fighting!