MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 4 Gunshot

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Half a box of cigarettes appeared in the hands of Qin Ran.

[name: cigarette]

[Type: Sundries]

[Quality: Normal]

[Attribute: There is a small chance to avoid fear and anxiety]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: In the face of true fear and anxiety, it is slightly equal to nothing! 】

There is also a lighter that comes with the cigarette. The attribute is not the same as the one that Qin Ran got before. The type is classified into the sundries and the quality is damaged.

Looking at the cigarette in his hand, Qin Ran, together with the newly obtained lighter, was placed in the pocket of his shirt.

Qin Ran does not smoke.

One is because of the body, the other is because of financial resources.

The genetic virus and a box of cigarettes equivalent to the value of two meals are destined to be far away from Qin Ran.

However, in the game, Qin Ran does not mind.

Of course, now is not the time.

Qin Ran bent down and once again searched the body in front of him and determined that there was nothing worth carrying, and then he got up and left.

The night has already arrived, and Qin Ran does not want to wait for the arrival of hordes of thugs in such an obvious building as the house.

He needs to find a more hidden and safe hiding place for himself.

Then, think carefully, what to do next.

After walking through the empty corridors and halls, Qin Ran stood by the door leading to the outdoors. He carefully looked out his head and looked at the scene outside the house.

Collapsed buildings, gravel and rubble.

Ruins in general!

Qin Ran’s evaluation.

After confirming that there were no other people, Qin Ran took the waist and walked away from the house in a small step, and came under a collapsed wall.

This wall should be the load-bearing wall of a house.

Look at its length, at least a three-story house is right here.

However, there are only half a tall wall, as well as gravel, bricks and rotten wood.

Qin Ran's body shrunk in the shadow of the wall, his eyes glanced around.

Even if it became a ruin, according to the judgment of the location and shape of the remaining buildings, Qin Ran was able to conclude that it should have been a residential area.

Moreover, it is still a residential area for the rich.

In such a community, facilities such as gutters and sewers are inevitable.

Even there will be separate underground space.

This is naturally good news for Qin Ran.

Because, this means that he does not need to face more survivors.

Under the premise that the survivors become violent at any time, Qin Ran believes that the less contact with these people, the better.

Qin Ran continued to carry the cat forward.

He was looking for a manhole cover and a door valve that could enter the ground.

This kind of search took Qinran for about thirty minutes.

In the 30 minutes, Qin Ran found two manhole covers.

But unfortunately, the first one was concealed under the rubble of the masonry. Although Qin Ran could see the shape of the manhole cover, it was impossible to open the manhole cover and drill it into it.

Because, it is not only necessary to clean up the masonry stacked above, but also can not make a sound.

Once the sound is made, it will inevitably lead to other survivors and thugs who come out to search in the dark.

At least, Qin Ran saw two people armed with weapons, lingering around.

The other party did not see Qin Ran, and Qin Ran did not plan to be one-on-two.

Therefore, Qin Ran was very careful to hide, and after the other party left, this continued search.

The progress of this search allowed Qin Ran to discover the second manhole cover to the underground.

However, it was the same as the first manhole cover.

There was also trouble in front of me.

Even more trouble than the first manhole cover before.

In the sight of Qin Ran, two people are divided into right and left.

One person holds a wooden stick in his hand, and the other one is in the middle of a steel bar with a cement block.

In the middle of the two, Qin Ran was looking for a manhole cover to the underground.

The appearance of Qin Ran did not attract the attention of two opponents.

Apart from the fact that Qin Ran is light enough, it is more natural because the attention of both sides is completely placed on the other side, and it is difficult to notice the other.

Looking at the two people facing each other, Qin Ran frowned.

He does not intend to participate in it, nor does he intend to take advantage of the fishermen.

Unless one of the two parties can kill another person silently.

Otherwise, the screams before dying, in such a slightly empty place, are enough to attract the thugs around.

At that time, it is not a two-person who needs to face, but a group of guys armed with weapons.

As for one of the two parties, can you really kill another person without a word?

If this is the case, Qin Ran is more than happy to leave.

After all, people who can easily get rid of an opponent in face-to-face are definitely not the objects that can easily be provoked.

When the mind turns, Qin Ran will soon have a decision.

He leaned down and stared at the two men squatting, leaning back and forth, trying not to let himself make a sound.

But such caution, but in the Qin Ran stepped on a piece of wood and became useless.


The crisp sound made Qin’s body stagnate.


Qin Ran cursed in his heart. He did not remember the broken wood on the road when he was able to be crushed and screamed, but it is useless to say anything now!

For the two of you, you have already looked at it here.

Be alert and inquisitive.

In order not to further deteriorate the situation, Qin Ran came out from hiding, and raised his hands, indicating that he was not malicious.

"It's you?!"

A sudden voice of a person in the shackles, the slightly hoarse voice, so that Qin Ran instantly recognized the identity of the other party.

There was a lady who had a side before.

With the voice of the lady, the other person holding the steel bar suddenly retreated.

Just as Qin Ran does not want a pair of two, the other party obviously does not want to face such a situation.

Although the other party can't understand more.

However, the lady’s words have already indicated some things: the lady and Qin Ran know each other.

This is enough to be the reason for the other party to leave.

Looking at this scene, Qin Ran is shrugging.

Qin Ran has 80% of the grasp, and the woman in front of her eyes is deliberately making a sound, in order to solve the immediate troubles in a more relaxed way.

It is like being in the previous house.

The lady is undoubtedly the first to discover the existence of Qin Ran.

However, in order to be able to kill opponents more simply and effectively, not only did not sound a reminder, but also with Qin Ran, with a more pitiful appearance, attracting opponents into the trap.

So, this is a smart enough lady.

In the face of such a woman, Qin Ran does not want to be hostile to the other side.

Plus the goodness of the bottom line that the other side showed before.

Qin Ran believes that it is an object that can be 'talked'.

He didn't mind, took out some supplies and exchanged some more valuable news from the other's mouth.



When Qin Ran was just about to say something, he was interrupted by sudden gunshots.

The head of the man who just retired was like a watermelon crushed by a car tire, and it burst like this.

At the same time, two people with a sly smile came out of the night.

Qin Ran’s gaze looked down from the fallen headless body to the two men who were ready to raise the gun again. The whole person was trembled and quickly retreated into a wall, and then curled up and tried to prevent himself from being exposed to each other. Shooting within the field of view.


Like Qin Ran, at the moment the gunshot sounded, the lady was similarly shrunk in the wall, and this time she was constantly cursing.

“Why are the people of ‘vulture’ appear here? This group of Bichi!”

Qin Ran can clearly see hatred and fear from the other side's face blocked by dust and smudges.


Qin Ran recited this term.

Of course he wouldn't be naive to think that this is a real vulture.

It should be a nickname.

Being able to have such a nickname, Qin Ran does not think that the other party is a kind and kind person.

After all, in the animal world, vultures are known for peeping through bodies and engulfing carrion.

If someone is holding such a name...

The subconscious Qin Ran thought of the fallen, headless body, and the whole body became a little stiff.

"calm down!"

Qin Ran told himself this way, trying to get rid of the fear, and then handed the kitchen knife in the backpack to the lady next to him.

At this time, one more combat power is also good.

Moreover, kitchen knives are significantly stronger than wooden sticks.

The lady clearly understood the meaning of Qin Ran. She took the kitchen knife silently and held it tightly. There was a firmness in her eyes.

After four months of war, the lady experienced too much to survive.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, it is much more than Qin Ran.

So she knows what to do.

“One person attracts attention and one person attacks!”

The lady said this.

“A person attracts attention? A person attacks?”

Qin Ran a glimpse.

Obviously, under the premise that the other party has a gun, the person who attracts attention must bear considerable risks.

One bad is: dead!

Qin Ran absolutely does not want to die like this.

Therefore, subconsciously, Qin Ran will reject such a proposal.

However, the woman has continued to say that Qin Ran refused such a proposal.

"I am going to attract their attention! You are good at using daggers, and I am good at avoiding - this is the best division of labor!"

Step, step, step!

The voice of the lady fell, and a footstep sounded, without any cover, apparently not putting Qin Ran in the heart.

"Do not kill me!"

Not hesitating, hoarse, but able to distinguish the scream of the female voice, shouting out from the lady's mouth.

Then the lady ran to the opposite ruins.

Read The Duke's Passion