MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1838 spread

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Chapter 1838 Spread

Gino is sleeping in a busy schedule.

He is really too tired.

Even if I received the training of the Cavaliers from an early age, it is still extremely difficult for one person to take care of nearly a hundred people.

Several priests standing in the shadows outside the warehouse looked at it silently.

As a guard.

They faithfully perform their duties.

As for the infected plague?

Being able to come here proves that they will not.

With the experience of 'black disaster', the Temple of War is easy to distinguish who will be infected with the plague, and those who are powerful do not need to consider these, for example: the level of sabre priests.

In the last ‘black disaster’, no one priest was infected with the plague, even if they stayed in the affected area for a long time.

Therefore, several priests here are at the priest level of Sabre.

The Sabre priest is already an absolute middle and high level in the Temple of War, and there are only bishops, Privy Bishops, and archbishops who have been vacant.

Usually there are not so many sabre priests gathered together.

In fact, the average sabre priests have their own parishes and it is difficult to get together.

Opportunities are rare, and the sabre priests who are stationed in the area around Fort Attenin naturally interact with each other.

From the mundane chores to the hidden secrets that are unknown, they are in this category.

At the beginning, it was still warm, but as time went on, all the priests of the Sabre were silent.

Their attention was placed on the young man.

"I hope he won't have anything."

What I wanted to say before, the younger Sabre priest really prayed for the young man this time.

He has never seen such a straightforward young man.

Even if compared with the characters in the biographical novels, it is not inferior.

No, even better!

Because this young man is real.

"My Lord will bless his followers."

"If I can, I hope he can come to my parish."

Another older sabre priest whispered and said very sincerely.


"With such a young person, we will save a lot of things."

"However, the Privy Bishop must not let go."

"As long as he has been baptized, he is a bishop... No, it is a good candidate for the Privy Bishop."

Another sabre priest spoke up.

The sabre priest apparently looked farther.

All the sabre priests nodded and agreed with the colleague's words.

How can such a good young man, the Priest Bishop, give up?

I am afraid that this time I have already requested to leave the ‘asylum’ party.

The sabre priests guessed.

Then they looked at them behind their heads.

Step on and step on.

In a footstep, a group of people appeared in front of them.


The sabre priests have been saluting.

Kabbio, responsible for the bishop of the ‘the dark hall’.

Although the reputation of the foreign world is not obvious, but it is the inner voice.

Almost every middle and high level is known to the identity of the deputy director of the other party’s “Sanctuary”.

And what is the ‘the sacred sect’?

The people present are well aware.


Carbio nodded coldly, glanced at the sabre priest in front of him with such sharp, uncomfortable gaze. When some of the saber priests showed uneasy expression, he was satisfied with his eyes.

Your majesty, you need majesty!

And he is the most important defense line to guard the majesty of his majesty!

Kabbio is convinced of this.

Therefore, he is ‘public and selfless’!

Even to the extent of ruthlessness.

Anyone who makes a mistake will fall in his hands and will suffer the punishment he deserves.

No one is an exception.

Raised his hand and waved, followed by Kabbio, on the bright side of the ‘the dark hall’ deacon, in fact, all members of the ‘Sanctuary’ backbone held the firewood and went to the warehouse.

The sabre priests looked at the firewood in the hands of the deacons, and they jumped one by one.

As long as it is not a fool, you know what Kabbio wants to do.


No one dares to block it.

That is Kabbio!

Cruel and cruel Kabbio!

These sabre priests watched the firewood piled up on the door of the warehouse and on the wooden wall.

A can of kerosene was poured on the firewood.

A torch was handed from the hands of the deacon to the hand of Carbio.

Looking at the torch that was about to be thrown, the younger Sabre priest couldn't help but speak.

"The bishop is..."


The words have not been finished, Kabbio has thrown out the torch, and the torch touched the wood filled with kerosene, and suddenly a burst of fire rose from the sky.

Standing by the flames, Carbio turned his head slightly.

"what happened?"

He asked like this.

The scorpions under the light of the fire are darker, deeper, and without temperature.

The younger Sabre priest looked at the warehouse surrounded by the fire, his mouth opened and he did not say anything.


Gino had a nightmare.

He dreamed of those who were burned to come to him.

Each one is burning with flames.

The scorching flame burned his nose and mouth, making him breathless and his eyes stinging.

"I did not do it on purpose!"



Gino, who couldn't tell the difference between reality and dreams, apologized, and then smoke entered his mouth and irritated his lungs.

Cough and cough.

The intense cough made Gino wake up instantly.

Then he saw it...


Fire from outside!

"Wake up!"

"Everyone is awake!"

"Fire broke!"

After Gino’s glimpse, he shouted loudly.

The gods, knights, deacons, and priests of the infectious plague were awakened one by one.

They looked at the burning flame, and they struggled to get up and prepare to escape from the sea of ​​fire.

"It's useless."

"Can't escape."

At this time, a sizzle sounded.

Everyone looked back subconsciously.

A middle-aged man dressed in a robes of the priest sat there with a look of despair and despair.

"This is someone who set fire, not a fire."

"As for why?"

"Do you still understand?"

Under the gaze of everyone, the middle-aged priest said with a smirk.


Like a five-thunder, the people who just struggled to stand up, several of them stood up directly and fell to the ground.

The rest that can stand is also the six gods without the Lord.

Of course, there are still a few that are completely unbelievable.


"The Privy Bishop does not do this!"

These people shouted and rushed toward the door.

Hey, hey!

An arrow of rain came in from the window near the gate.

Immediately, these few people who had not rushed to the front of the gate, the arrow fell to the ground, and there was no more sound.

Dead and dead.

The people in the warehouse looked at the dead body in such a dull manner, and there was only the sound of ‘啪啪’ when the flame burned wood.

“Why are you doing this to us?”

A young deacon cried.

Many people followed and wept.

This is the idea of ​​everyone.

Why treat them like this?

Are they not believers in God of War?

"Your Majesty, beg you, save us!"

The young deacon continued to cry.

The sound was in the night and it was far away.

Unfortunately, there is no response.

"It's useless."

"We are destined to be abandoned because of the infectious plague."

"We live only to threaten other people. Only when we die and are burned to death can we let some big people sigh."

The priest spoke again.

The sound of sorrow, the look of despair, affects everyone around you.

Many people are soft on the ground.

Death is terrible.

No one can ignore death.

Gino looked at the people around him, and his emotions became more and more intense.


"it's all my fault."

"it's me……"

The abrupt apology sounded in the burning warehouse.

This apologizes, at this time, it is such an anachronism.

People who fell into despair looked at the young knights.

The embarrassment on the other's face made them feel trembled.

Is it because I can't help us?

Everyone’s heart has raised such an idea.

The deep feelings are on everyone's heart.

Mixed with warmth.

After being abandoned by the Privy Bishop, this warmth is especially precious and rare.

Even the priest who was first desperate was warmed up.

He stood up, walked over to the young knight, and placed his hand on the shoulder of a young knight who was half-squatting.

"you're not wrong."

"The mistake is ours."

"It's because we can't see what kind of guy we believe in. It's because we deceive ourselves and think that the guy will be us, and we should be abandoned!"

The middle-aged priest said loudly, tears streaming from his eyes and sliding over his cheeks.

His voice is full of unwillingness and resentment.

Such unwillingness and resentment quickly infected people around the same situation.


What do we expect now?

If we can really be saved, will we still be here?

Will you still see such a fire?

There is no crying.

Everyone is crying silently.

The words of the middle-aged priests continue.

"We will not go to the guy's arms after we die."


"Even our souls will not exist."

"After all, the current thing is not to let those who have been simple believers know."

"But I am not willing!"

"I am not willing to be burned to death. I am so obscured. Even the soul is gone. I am still called back to the guy's arms."

The words of the middle-aged priest attract everyone in the warehouse.

Then he looked down at the young knight.

"Gino pleases you one thing."

"I will tell everyone about what will happen here."

The middle-aged man prayed for the young knight, who nodded unconsciously.

Then the middle-aged priest looked at everyone present.

"Are you willing to fight for this young man who really helps us?"

"No return."

"No appreciation."

"Only death."

"It's like he doesn't ask for a return, doesn't ask for appreciation, and faces the help of death!"

The middle-aged man asked.


After the voice fell, the young deacon immediately spoke, and as if it were a domino effect, the people present were opening.


"We are willing!"

People stood up and struggled one by one.


"You didn't disappoint me like a coward."

The middle-aged priest nodded and then shouted in a louder voice.

"He shouldn't die here like us."

"just now!"

"Let us spell a way for him!"

When the voice fell, the middle-aged priest turned his head and rushed toward the warehouse door.

This kind of action, Kabbio naturally saw it.

The bishop sneered.

"Dragonnly struggling!"

"Put the arrow!"

With one order, the arrow is raining.

But when it was different from before, these arrows were stopped by the middle-aged priest. The other figure was swift, the palms were sensitive, and the shadows of the roads were taken. It seemed to pick flowers and put all the arrows. Hug in my arms.

Not only that, but in the next moment, these arrows were thrown out by the middle-aged priests, and they returned with a sharper sound!


Puff puff!

The deacons who opened the bow and archery fell to the ground.

Kabbio escaped the arrow that was shot, and his eyes were full of surprises.

The priest in front of him is familiar, but he can't remember the other person's name.

But one thing he can be sure of.

It is impossible to be just a priest with the strength of the other side.

At least it is a sabre priest.

The priest of the Sabre is unlikely to be infected with the plague.

A lot of thoughts rose in my mind, but I didn’t wait for Kabbio to think clearly. The door to the fire was opened by the middle-aged priest.

The cracked door rushed over with the flame.

The knights, deacons, and priests of the sacred sects evaded.

The middle-aged priest rushed to Kabbio and shouted.

"Everyone runs!"

Immediately, people infected with the plague in the warehouse rushed out.

They may be weak and not even stable.

However, the people who blocked it were dodging.

No one wants to be infected.

The former Sabre priests seemed to be shocked by the sudden scene, completely overwhelmed, even if these people passed by, they were motionless, like a clay sculpture.

"You **** it!"

Kabbio saw this scene and he immediately gnashed his teeth.

He vowed to make these guys look good.

After he got rid of the guy in front of him.

A layer of sharp light shrouded his fist, and when the fist waved out, the layer of light came out of the box and pierced the body of the middle-aged priest.



The body of the middle-aged priest was directly blown into pieces.

Although the other side seems to be a bit doubtful, but this time Kabbio will not be holding hands.

No one here can run!

With such an idea, he turned around.

The light of the road was shot from him.

One escaper was smashed apart.

The deputy director of the ‘the sacred sect’ did not notice that the corpse that had been broken into pieces was disappearing silently, and his attention would not be attracted to a dead person.

He needs to control the situation at hand.

Soon, in the face of the powerful strength of the deputy director of the ‘Sacred Court,’ the situation is about to be once again in control.

But at this time -

Cough, cough!

An extremely intense cough rang from the mouth of Carbio.

Then a sense of weakness rising from the depths of the body spread.

A glimpse of Kabbio.

Then, the face changed suddenly.

how is this possible!

He is screaming at the bottom of his heart.

The body is crumbling.

The fierce attack stopped, everyone looked at the wrong state of Kabbio, and the look on each face became weird. Then, the knights, deacons, and priests of the 'Sanctuary' followed with coughing and weakness. .

Plague, spread.


(End of this chapter)

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