MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1836 change!

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Chapter 1836 changes!

After leaving the scope of the cathedral, the upper evil spirit was really relieved.

It wipes the sweat that does not exist on the forehead, and the corner of the mouth is tilted.

Everything is easier than it is supposed to be.

It originally developed five backup plans, but none of them were used.

The high-level ‘God of War’ is more than the imagination, and it’s sent to it.

That's right!

Its, no, is that its Boss goal has always been the top of the ‘God Temple’, and these high-level believers have more value than the lower, lower-middle believers.

Although they are all believers of God of War.

Although the Temple of War has also preached equality in life.

Although the Temple of War always preached that they would eventually die, returning to the arms of God of War.


After all, it is different.

Whether it is the resources accepted or the attention received.

Especially the latter, enough to make the upper evil spirits cautious.

Then, it found that he not only thought more, but also had good luck.

"The one who really cares about is 'catastrophic'!"

"But, is Cabio?"


The sin of the upper sigh sighed, and then the eyes showed a narrow smile.

When you are a bystander.

When you are high.

You are arrogant.

You are ruthless.

You decide the fate of everyone.

just now……

Change your admission.

Don't be too ugly!

The evil spirits with their own malice disappeared.


Cough, cough!

The violent cough made Kabbio's waist straight.

He wants to maintain his own majesty.

However, under the cough, he bent on the waist and only wanted a shrimp.

Especially at the side of the fire.

This shrimp seems to be cooked soon.

Kabio's eyes swept over the few priests who were far away. He always felt that the silk was maliciously appearing on the faces of these people.

go away!

Must leave!

Can't stay here again!

This idea appeared in the heart of Carbio and then expanded rapidly.

He can't stay.

As for seeing Motor?

It's useless!

He is infected.

Does Motor dare to see him?

Only left!

He is looking for a quiet place to kneel and pray!

Thinking of this, Kabbio no longer hesitated.

He can feel the feeling of weakness in the body, and if he does not act, he will not have to leave.

What are the consequences?

Do you still think about it?

Carbio glanced at the warehouse that was still burning.

He can burn others.

But he does not want others to burn him!


As soon as the figure was turned into a shadow, Kabbio disappeared into the same place.

It was not until the disappearance of Kabbio that the priests who had watched returned to God.

They looked at the members of the sacred sect of the sacred sect, and the heart of the heart involuntarily raised a strange feeling.

"Is sanctions for fate?"

The younger priest spoke up.

Such a voice, under the flames, is very awkward.

However, after these priests met each other, they were silent.

It’s both thinking and...


They are still thinking about the scene just now.

They did not stop those poor guys.

Kabbio blocked.

Then, the strength of their more powerful Kabbio was infected with the plague, but they were unscathed.

This looks like a strange feeling.

But there is such a strange sense of resonance.

"Maybe there is a fate?"

"He may not look down."

There is no such thing as the "God of Destiny" in this world.

But the oldest priest in the crowd said this. The surrounding priests did not openly refute. When the older priest finished speaking, he looked up at them and the priests nodded.

Then the priest continued.

"We need to report to the great Motoll and report everything here."

Suddenly, all the priests nodded again.

Yes, truthful.

The important situation is meticulous.

It is not important, naturally it is to be hidden.

For example: their pity.

Or, it’s not merciful, just a hint of compassion.

Brought the heart of good luck.

Can not be made public, naturally to be hidden.

The hidden can be there after all.

It was buried silently in the bottom of my heart.



As time goes by, it will inevitably take root.

This process may be long, but it will definitely come.

If someone pushes for it?

Nature will speed up this progress.


A few minutes later, Motor got the news.

After a few seconds of sluggishness, he slammed his fist on the table.



In the dull percussion, the Privy Bishop cursed.

It is not a venting in spoken language.

The Privy Bishop is really expecting Kabbio to die.

He has never been so disappointed with a person.

Kabbio is definitely the first!

The very simple task is messed up and the whole thing is complicated and countless times!

Motto can fully think of what he will face next.

When those who have been infected with the plague say everything that happens here, their followers will become fearful!

It is very likely that the faith will be shaken!

Do not!

He is not allowed to do this!

Thinking of this, he directly ordered.

"The announcement is made that Bishop Cardio is the shadow of the ‘devil'.”

"It was he who released the plague in the cathedral."

"It is also his self-assertion to burn those lords who are infected with the plague."

"Everything is his fault!"

Suddenly, the Privy Bishop added.

"Mobilize all forces to hunt down Gabbio."

"No need to arrest."

"Kill innocent!"


After the old phoenix priest solemnly replied, he turned and left the room.


The door behind him was closed.

As the sound of the door closed, the old priest could not help but sigh.


He looked up at the bright moon, and couldn't wait to get away from the room behind him, as if there was something in the world that was the most dirty and disgusting in the world.

Under normal circumstances, a door can not hinder the perception of Motor.

He can clearly hear everything outside the door.

However, he was communicating with the ‘God of War’, but he did not find the sigh outside the door.

And this is destined to change something.

Lost a horseshoe nail, lost a horseshoe; lost a horseshoe, folded a horse; folded a horse, damaged a king; damaged a king, lost a war; lost one In the war, an empire died.

Initially, the origin of everything was just the little knight who wanted to live.

And now?

The little knight, with the people around him, is running outside of Aitinburg.

There are already less than half of people.

Although the plague came in time, half of the people fell to the door of the warehouse.

remaining people?

They help each other.

After the young knights carried a weak person to the ground and put another person on the neck with a belt, all the people helped each other as much as possible.

Looks like a wolverine.

But in the eyes, there is a flame that is completely different from the past.

Clear and bright.

"People insist on it."

"It’s coming soon."

"The smog will definitely help us!"

The young knight said this.

He is not aimless.

It was the voice in his heart that told him.

The ‘Mist’ church will be his last place of salvation.

Until now, the young knight still does not know where the source of the sound is.

He is not sure if the other person is malicious.

He even guessed that the voice was from a messenger of ‘He’.

As for ‘hi’ himself?


He does not think that a small person like him deserves a ‘god’ to pay attention.

A messenger of the other party is the limit.

Of course, he knows that such attention is not a good thing.

The other party must have a purpose.


This voice has never deceived him!

More importantly, the bishop of the 'Mist' church.

When I think of the gentle-minded bishop, the young knight can't help but feel a little more power.

If it is that of you, it will definitely save us!

Inexplicably, the young Cavaliers ‘Simon Bishop’ has strong confidence.

When did this confidence emerge?

The young knight does not know.

Maybe he had waved his sword to the other side in front of the city gate, and the other side had not flashed away from his sword, and he still appeared with a smile.

"Maybe this voice is the messenger from ‘He’!”

"But Simon Bishop must have a way!"

The affirmative thoughts of the heart made the young knights a little faster.

Suddenly, the surrounding people were infected by the confidence of the young knight and the speed was faster.

Not everyone on the way noticed this group of people.

However, the costumes of the Temple of War are enough to allow them to safely reach the lower city.

With the advent of ‘fighting’ and ‘fog’, the glory of the **** of war has become bleak, but it is not without it.

No one will be irrational to provoke the people of the Temple of War.

Of course, except for the God of War Temple!

In fact, Gino has been worried about encountering chasers.

But until they saw the camp of the 'fog', no chaser appeared.

"Thank me……"

A deacon prayed subconsciously.

The words can only be exported, and the deacon is left with a smile.

Is he still sheltered by the sire?

When the flame ignited, everything changed.

What else can he say?


forget it.

There is a more thankful person in front of me.

"Thank you Gino."

The deacon said.

"Thank you Gino."

"Thank you Gino."


After a gratitude, many thanks to the exit, the young knight bowed his head slightly.

He did not dare to look directly at those sincere eyes.

He can only help these people as much as possible.

Reduce sputum.

This will make him feel better.

Therefore, after just nodding his head, he silently carried the people to the camp of the 'fog'.


The guard stopped the young knight and his party.

But it did not stop further.

Because the upper evil spirit has already come out, not only the upper evil spirit, the old hunting demon and Siwarka and so on.

Looking at the young knights, Sivalka had a strong vigilance in his eyes.

Not for the young knights themselves, but for the plague on them.

Sivarka, who has experienced the 'black disaster', has a fear beyond the imagination of the plague itself.

In other words, people who have never seen the entire town die overnight, can not understand the fear of Sivarka.

Therefore, when the upper evil spirit walked toward the young knight, Sivarka immediately stopped the road.

"Bishop, plague."

The sound is not loud, but it is clear.

The guards’ faces immediately appeared terrified.

They subconsciously retreat.

Even if they face the fiercest enemy, these guards will not step back, but face the plague?

Those who are brave can't overcome the invisible enemy.

This kind of action made the young knight tremble.

Their face of expectation is a stalemate.

Will the last place fail?

Hope is about to burst.

Despair rises again.

That kind of taste is really uncomfortable.

Without realizing hope, I don’t know how terrible despair is.

Even the young knights are clenching their mouths at this time.

He was worried that there would be a scene that he could not accept.

He is worried that he will fall into the abyss.

Fortunately, this has not happened.

With a gentle smile, the upper evil spirits did not have any pauses towards them.

"I know."

"But I am willing to bear for them."


"Includes death."

Speaking of such words, the upper evil spirit stood in front of the young knight, and raised his hand to touch the head of the young knight.

“Is it tired?”


"You can take a break for the time being, everything is me."

The radiance of white emerged from the upper evil spirits.

In this night, such brilliance is dazzling.

Everyone is subconsciously blinking.

When the vision is restored, the brilliance of white has disappeared.

But the shocking scene has appeared.

The people who were crumbling before stood up.

Those who are in a coma wake up again.


Was cured!

Was it cured? !

Everyone is incredibly watching this scene.

"Great, everyone?"

The young knight stuttered.

"I am no longer weak."

"me too."

"And I!"

In the sound of one after another, these people who escaped from the War Temple warehouse were pleasantly surprised.



The young knight whispered.

The tears that can no longer be suppressed are coming out.

Self-blame, jealousy, remorse.

In the past, I almost crushed this young man.

And now?

He finally got a little better.

at last……

After experiencing despair, I will know how precious hope is.

The young knight who was crying on his face rang the sound of armor and cloth rubbing. When he removed his hand covering his face, he saw the people kneeling in front of him.

Everyone has a firm look and a solemn expression.

"We can't express anything in words."

"But we will follow you with action."

"We swear."

Everyone said in unison.

"Not me, it is the Bishop of Simon... What happened to Bishop Simon?"

The young knight waved his hand again and he looked at the bishop of Simon, and until this time, the young knight discovered that the bishop was pale and crumbling.

"I, I am fine."

Difficult to speak the words of comfort, the upper evil spirit fell directly to the ground at the moment when the voice fell.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion