MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1831 Wolf skill

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Chapter 1831 Wolf Skills

When Littel and Valentin left the old aristocracy, the face was as heavy and complicated as the Privy Bishop.

They never thought that there was a **** hidden inside Aitantin.

"Little, what do we do next?"

Valentine asked worriedly.

“Strongly standing on the side of the ‘fog’ church.”

"If the heirs of Aitantin are not the heirs of the snakes, we can still choose the snakes, but now?"

“Besides the ‘fog’ church, we have no choice.”

Litle said with great certainty.

Valentine nodded.


Are there any choices besides the ‘fog’ church?

It is completely impossible for the Aidandin royal family to think about it. The sixth generation is like a wolf.

Temple of War?

The same is true, even more frustrating than the Sixth World.

And ‘quiet night secrets’?

Valentine will never be mixed with the guys who have experiments with the living.

To know……

He and many of Litle's relatives died in the plague.

Therefore, the ‘fog’ church is the only choice.

Not only is the teachings moderate, but the strength is not bad.

Really the first choice.

Valentin sighed like this.

"So, do we need to invest?"

Valentine continued to ask.


"Do not!"

"We have to do everything!"

Littlel laughed.


A look at Valentine.

But then the count carefully thought about it.

He believes that Little will never be targeted.

Well, doing so naturally has its own reasons.


He can't think of it, but since Little thinks that the ‘fog’ church is worth doing, let's do it.

"Listen to you."

Valentine answered.

Littlel nodded slightly, sitting in the carriage, his eyes slightly fascinated, and he once again thought of the girl before.

The girl who passed by in memory.

She, how are you now?

Little couldn’t help thinking.

The silent effect is like subtle influence.

Seeds have been planted and time is the best nutrient.

It will always take root at a certain moment, and then, the result will bloom.


"Boss, the last channel is also open."

"Your income, this time worry-free."

The upper evil spirit laughed and said to Qin Ran.

It takes so much effort, not only is the clue that the parties from all sides search for the ‘hacker’, but also guarantees that the compensation of the Southern Secretaries of the Secret Night Secrets will be sent here, which is also a top priority.

Even to a certain extent, it is a component parallel to the ‘hacker’ leaving clues.

It is clear that I know the character of the Boss is the evil spirit of the upper body.


"It's still a little bit worse."

After Qin Ran nodded, he said this.

"You mean...hunter?"

Asked by the evil spirits.


"Hunting the devil."

Qin Ran sighed, then, walked outside the tent.

The upper evil spirit did not follow.

It knows that it is best not to intervene in relation to the demon hunter.

Those who are born with evil things are terrible.

Not only strength, but also intuition.

Even if it is good at camouflage, it is worried that it will show its feet.

At this time, once you show your feet...

That is not a simple predecessor.

Instead, the world is enemies!

At the thought of such terrible results, the upper evil spirit could not help but take a deep breath.

It needs to return to the palace.

His Majesty the Sixth World, you need to appear, show the sense of existence.

Otherwise, it will be too suspicious to disappear for a long time, even if the usual Sixth World is a simple residence, the same is true.

However, when the upper evil spirit was ready to leave, it heard familiar footsteps.

It was the Baroness Irene Sika.

"What's wrong, Irene?"

Because of the relationship between the two sides, the upper evil spirit thinks that he should stay temporarily and ask.

The new Sika leader led the tent into the tent.

The genius was keenly aware that the baroness not only changed her new clothes, she was very beautiful, she also sprayed perfume, which was a rose flower with a silky musk.

The former cannot explain anything.

The latter is unobstructed.

In Aitantin, musk always has a special meaning.

I think about the difference that the new lord usually shows to himself.

The upper evil spirit felt a tingling scalp.

It is an evil spirit, not a gender!

Still have no freedom!

Even if there is Mary and Assassin's career in the memory, it is essentially it!

Of course, when necessary, it can be said to be her.

But this does not mean that it can accept the love of a lord.


Must be euphemistic, does not hurt the rejection of the other face.

The upper evil spirit quickly thought about it, and the mouth was subconsciously speaking the words of compliment.

"Irene, your clothes are good."

"very beautiful."

In fact, this is not a compliment.

It is really beautiful.

Whether it is clothes or people.

There is no need to doubt the genes of the Aidin nobles, even if the first generation is not very good, after a hundred years of blood, it will become handsome and beautiful.

After all, their ancestors will not marry an ugly woman.

Of course, if there is a problem with aesthetics, it is not like this.

"Thank you."

Irene Sika’s face was reddish and thanked. Then she handed the letter in her hand to the evil spirit.

After receiving the letter from the upper evil spirit, the new lord blushes and turns and ran away.

Looking to a house girl to confess?

too naive.

Being able to appear in front of the evil spirits is already the greatest courage of the lord.

The upper evil spirit looked down at the pink envelope in his hand and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"so far so good!"

"I thought I had to use illusion to get out."

The upper evil spirit looked at the pink letter in his hand, and did not open it. It was so complete in his arms.

Then, disappeared.

As for tearing open the envelope to see?

The upper evil spirit did not think about it.

That is impossible!

This life is impossible!


"What is it, Colin?"

Edson looked at Qin Ran, who was suddenly distracted, and asked without concern.


Qinran, who was concerned about his entourage, was very disappointed. After shaking his head, he quickly turned his attention to his eyes.

"Can you tell me the person you always care about?"

Qin Ran asked.

In the description of Edson and Horuf, there is a person who is very concerned about two or two people.

According to Qin Ran's speculation, that person is likely to be another scorpion of the hacker, or it is a hacker's disguise.

In the previous inquiry, the two were not willing to talk more.

Obviously there are considerable concerns.

The demon hunter is not afraid of power, it is money like dirt.

But such a demon hunter is not without its shortcomings.


Every hunter is very stubborn.

Especially in the face of people who have a relationship with themselves, this stubbornness will reach an unprecedented level.

Family, friendship, and love will all be their embarrassment.

Even if there is a betrayal, it is the same.

They will deal with themselves rather than trouble others.

Even doing this will make things worse and the same.

Even if you are catching up with life, it doesn't matter to the demon hunter, but now, it's different!

It is not only because the real culprits have emerged.

Moreover, this culprit is likely to threaten the entire Aitantine.

This is about the vocation of the demon hunter!

In the vocation and stubbornness, the demon hunter will hesitate.

Qin Ran believes that the old demon hunters in front of them will make more appropriate choices.

After all, at this time, under this premise, the one who asked him was also a ‘hunter man,’ a hunter-hunter who was tirelessly chasing behind the scenes.

"I told you that he is an ordinary person."

"When we save him from the evil mouth, I can be sure that he is an ordinary person."

“But the talent is really good and glamorous.”

The old hunter demon emphasized.

Qin Ran nodded silently.

These similarities are one of the basis for his judgment of the other party as a 'hacker'.

"I remembered his appearance."

"The voice I remember."

"Every time I talk, it’s not too slow. It seems that everything is under control. Maybe it’s like this. It’s easier for him to get everyone’s good feelings.”

"first name?"

"It seems to be...hey!"

The words of the old hunter were just ready to be exported, and a pain spread from his head, which made him have to stop.

"How, Edson?"

Qin Ran raised his hand and asked each other's shoulders.


"My memory is too bad."

"I can't remember more."

"Sorry, I can't help you."

"I have now begun to wonder if my state is deliberately - it's a **** guy!"

The old hunter said apologetically.

"No, enough."

Qin Ran said this.

It’s not a customer, it’s sincere.

The brain is complex.

The stronger the strength, the more Qin Ren agrees with this.

At this moment, the spirit of the V-order can not see the whole picture of the brain.

Then you want to delete someone's memory in a targeted way, but not everyone can do it.

But ‘hacker’ can!

The strength of the other side should be comparable to that of him, but there are so many props. This is what Qin Ran admits and is the most taboo.

Another point is that...

Great city!

The unique title of ‘hacker’ made Qin Ran have to calculate the huge city.

Although this will definitely pay a huge price.

But if his previous speculation is correct, ‘hacker’ must do it.

Regardless of the point, among the ‘players’ that Qin Ran knows, only ‘hackers’ can do this.

Grab your tail!

Qin Ran thought of this and continued to ask.

"Edson, do you have a message from Horuf?"

"Horoff has summoned the man's hand and rushed to Fort Aitin."

"It should be possible soon."

Referring to the old friend who has not seen for a long time, the old hunting demon immediately showed a smile, even if the headache is still there, but there is no stagnation in this smile.

He is looking forward to reuniting with his old friends.

I look forward to fighting side by side with my old friends.

He believes that in the future of Aitenburg, this experience is not lacking.

"If the honey bait and Tantek can be better, then."

When referring to the other two friends, the old hunter could not help but sigh.

"How are they?"

Qin Ran asked.

"Tandek's intelligence is still the same as that of children."

"And honey bait?"

"More bad."

"The worst thing is that I can't find anyone who can heal them now."

The old hunter devil frowned.

"Maybe I can help."

"Since the snakes are not good at treatment, there are still many good doctors in the palace."

"The royal doctors of the court came back to check them both here."

When Qin Ran said, he stood up.

His basic purpose has been achieved.

No need to stay anymore.


Naturally, his followers get it.

However, what surprised Qin was that when he was about to leave the tent, the old demon hunter actually stopped him.

"Colin, do you want to learn more?"

"I don't have any other meaning, nor do I degrade the skills of the snakes."

"But I think the skills of the wolf school are also unique."

"If you want to learn, I will give it to you."

The old hunter said, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

He is really looking forward to someone who can inherit the skills of the wolf.

Although he has made up his mind to rebuild the wolf school, it will take at least three to five years until the new wolf-hunter demon appears, which is still all right.

If not, the decade is a basic.

As for the teacher in advance?


The mentoring relationship of the demon hunter far exceeds any blood.

The teacher absolutely does not allow his disciples to die without cause.

And, more importantly, the old hunter feels the sense of oppression.

A big battle is likely to break out again.

In this battle, casualties are inevitable.

And he?

It is not guaranteed to survive.

Then, the hope of leaving a line of rise for the wolf is a must.

Is there anything more suitable than Colin?

As the heir to Aitandin and the snakes, in the eyes of the old hunters, it is the best wolf heir.

It is powerful.

The power is strong.

This is the guarantee of security.

What happens when the identity of Aitandin, the Snake, and the Weir of the Wolf appear on one person?

The old hunter does not think so much.

In his view, Colin has inherited Aitantin and the snakes, so there is not much more wolf.

In the face of the old hunter's gaze, Qin Ran indulged for a moment.

Not wanting to learn wolf skills.

He is considering time.

In the end, he nodded.

"my pleasure."

"Just, we don't have much time."

Qin Ran said this.

"Do not worry."

"With your talent, learn quickly."

The old hunting devil laughed.


The river is hot and cold.

There are many rivers in huge cities. Each river has tributaries, and some also meet each other. Coupled with the constant 'expansion', no one can say clearly, what is the name of each river.

However, ‘hacker’ is an exception.

He is familiar with everything in a huge city.

Climb out of the river, wring out the top, pour out the water from the shoes and put it on, slightly discerning the surrounding buildings, and he knows he is close to the Morinton Trail.

As he walked through the familiar road, he took out a black robe.

When entering the trail, several players walked out of the shadows to stop him.

“This is a private territory and we don’t welcome others.”

One of the players said.

The ‘hacker’ did not answer, but just erected his right hand.

Then, flip it.

A weird crying face jumped into it and fell into the eyes of these players.

"Rebels, they will win!"

When I saw this crying face, the players around me shouted in unison, letting the hacker drive the way forward.

(End of this chapter)