MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1812 Lion's big opening

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Chapter 1812 Lions Opening

The lawmakers smiled and were splendid.


Who said ‘fog’ is our enemy?

Should the enemy of the enemy not be a friend?

They are too familiar with this operation.

This is especially true when there is a target of ‘God of War’.

After all, compared to them, the ‘fog’ that is almost the true God is more concerned with having become a true God, and ‘occupying’ the ‘God of War’ of Aitenburg.

"But we have to pay a lot of money."

“And, such negotiations are more likely to be more dangerous.”

"Gerssac, is he willing?"

The impatient MP said with a brow.

Although the character is impatient, it is definitely not a fool to be a member of the legislature.

"He will definitely be willing."

"He won't easily give up everything now."

"Because he is like us."

"Whatever he thinks, we all know."

"The same, what do we think, he also knows."

The gentleman of good tone said slowly.

“So, do we need to give more ‘support’?”

The gloomy member asked.

At this time, the other party's words are calm and there is no anger.

Everything is nothing but disguise.

Some people choose a red face, naturally someone needs to choose a white face, of course, you need a role that can be reconciled.

As for the rest?

The distribution has already been done, and the speculation will do.


"it is necessary."

"After all, Gersak needs to be desperate."

The tone of the good and good, the first legislature.

Other Members followed and nodded.

At this point, the secret contact is over.

The people returned to the Chamber of Deputies again.

"Gerssac, don't worry."

"We will not let you go wrong, we can provide more assistance, and you can use this aid to convince the ‘hunter!’

The tone of the good and good, said the MP.

“Convince the ‘hunter of the devil’?”

"are you joking?"

"If those guys are so convinced, things will not happen that year."

The upper evil spirit sneered.

"Things are artificial!"

"The demon hunter was the 'wolf pie'!"

"And now..."

"It's a 'snake faction!'"

"The difference between the two styles of action is doomed to us, and, do you really have the heart to give up everything now?"

Asked the gentleman of good tone.

The upper evil spirits kept silent.

Such silence made the southern parliamentarians present laughing at the bottom of my heart.

They know that Gersac is tempted.

What to do now?

It is nothing more than a price.

And this, they are not worried.

Just as a civilian can hardly imagine the income of a lord, a leader who secretly dominates the extraordinary forces in various parts of the South is beyond imagination.

However, they also underestimated the ambition of the evil spirits.

"I need at least three hundred magic items and equipment."

"To be good!"

"Don't mess with me!"

The words of the upper evil spirits made the breathing of the surrounding members of the South a stagnation.

They are ready for major bleeding, but they did not expect that Gersac would have so much.

Three hundred pieces of fine magic props and equipment, not a Chinese cabbage.

In fact, three hundred ordinary and excellent props and equipments are already very large expenditures in the eyes of most people. As for the enchantment? A lord with a Sika collar can't get it.

Only the lord who owns the trading port can consider it.

But even if it is taken out, I will wait for bankruptcy.

Therefore, these members refused to speak in the next moment.


"This is impossible!"

"Too much!"

The lawmakers are screaming.

The upper evil spirit is sitting down on his shoulders and sneering.

"You are fourteen people, not one."

"What are the three hundred pieces of fine magic props and equipment?"

"Don't think I don't know what you are doing in Cheka Bay."

The upper evil spirit finger tapped the table.

Suddenly, these southern parliamentarians were silent again.

They have no doubt that Geer Sark will know anything, just as they know some of Golssac’s activities. This is mutual, but let them make up three hundred pieces of fine magic props and equipment. It’s too too much.

Subconsciously, the southern legislator’s line of sight is unconsciously focused.

As the principal of the Cheka Bay, the gentle and kind member felt these gaze. He indulged for a moment, and then said: "Gerssac, a little more! One hundred and fifty is a limit! ”

One hundred and fifty!

The upper evil spirit blinked.

This is more than it imagined.

Its psychological price is one hundred.

but now?

"Two hundred and eighty pieces!"

"Exactly you are twenty people!"

The upper evil spirits are dull and seem to be discussing two biscuits, not enough to gather wealth in several territories.

"Impossible, Gersac!"

"You are like this..."

"Then don't talk!"

"I am going to the border Morse immediately!"


"Give it to you!"

"If there is still a chance to meet in the future, I will respect you a cup - thank you for the stupid people who have caused the current situation, but also to be alive, and I am glad that I am still alive."

After that, the upper evil spirit got up again, and without any stop, he went outside.



"and many more!"

The call from behind, the upper evil spirits turned a deaf ear.

Do a full set of tricks.

It knows this truth.

Therefore, at the moment of stepping out of the Chamber of Deputies, it closed the door.

Then, walked to Hallerka, who had already packed up the items.

The gift of enough to fill a carriage is placed in the quiet night town, which is naturally very conspicuous.

Many members of the 'Quiet Night Secrets' gathered here, and looked at Holleka unclear.

Because of the hierarchy of the ‘Secure Night Secrets,’ these ordinary members dare not speak freely, but they know that everything has changed since the previous ‘Members’ Meeting’.

At this time, the upper evil spirits came.

They are even more eager to see what is going to happen.

The upper evil spirit went to his own salute. He stepped forward in a slight pace and turned his head. He looked at the members of the surrounding subordinates, and his expression was unsettled and unwilling.

After hesitating, the upper evil spirit sighed and opened.

"I am sorry, you."

"We had some life-threatening crises before, and it was about everyone and the whole organization. Therefore, I, Corribo started a meeting of parliamentarians, but the accident happened, which made us very passive."

"More passive is the unauthorized actions of the members of the southern parliament, making our passives more deadly."

"I decided to leave Fort Aitin."

"Everyone wants to leave, please leave on your own. I assure you that this is not a betrayal, nor will it be hunted!"

"Whether you go to the north, to the south, or to hide your name, you are with you."


"Live it!"

The grief on the face of the evil spirit can no longer be suppressed, and its voice is even heavier.


With a hint of whimper.

"Members, what happened?"

"Yeah, Member, what happened?"

“Why leave the quiet night town?”

The people around me asked.

People, they are social animals, especially for the ‘home’, they have a feeling of being difficult to give up.

Suddenly someone said to them that it is unacceptable for anyone to leave home.


This reason is caused by outsiders.

Yes, it’s an outsider!

Members of the South, in the eyes of these quiet night towns, are outsiders.

They are not responsible for their lives, they will not protect their safety, and they will cause great trouble to them. Is this not an outsider?

Subconsciously, many people have seen the murder of the Chamber of Deputies.

It is the kind of killing that hates the bones!

The home is gone.

It is the individual who will desperately.

What's more, the people in Jingyue Town are not so irritating.

Every one has more than ordinary people's physical qualities, fighting skills, and many others have mastered the secret technique.

The breath is naturally different from ordinary people.

At this time, a little gathering, let Wuft and other southern representatives numb the scalp.

They know that if the quiet night town is really scattered, they can't live.

Because the people in Jingyue Town will definitely swallow them before they leave.

Instinctively, these representatives looked at their own members.

Those members of the parliament face each other.

They did not have the determination to go to Gersac.

Even one step is not allowed, no, let's take a step.

But that step is really too small.

"How to do?"

Asked the impetuous Member.

"Things are more serious than we think."

"Gerzac’s attitude made me feel that he was deliberately embarrassing us, and then, naturally, left Aitinburg."

"Listen to his voice, make it artificial!"

The shameful Member replied.

"I know!"

"I asked, what should I do now?"

"And, did you order your men to be upset?"

The impatient MPs waved their hands.

Such an inquiry made the guilty members very angry.

When he left under his own hands, he did say something similar. Therefore, he did not know whether his men really got trouble for Gersac.

After all, people are dead.

Who is he looking for?

But in the bottom of his heart, he is recognized.

His man must have found trouble for Gersac.


Damn guy!

Why don't you know how to distinguish things?

At the bottom of my heart, the sullen MP cursed.

And on the surface?

His voice is getting darker and darker.

"That's what everyone agrees with, including you!"

He responded like this.



"Do you want to let us bear your mistakes?"

The impetuous member of the suspicion asked.

"You have to pull out now?"

"Do you think you are running?"

The shameful member of Parliament sneered.

"Do not try, how do you know?"

The phantom of the impetuous member of the parliament stood up, although the illusion only showed itself, but the action of the other party must be to kick the table in front of it.

The shameful parliamentarian sat there without moving, but the breath of his body was distorting the shadow.

Both sides are on the verge of exploding.

It is a temporary alliance in itself.

Where is the stability of the conditions, not to mention the two sides in the South for all kinds of interests, intrigue, secretly rubbed, this time directly broke out.


The kind-hearted member of the council spoke up.

The other party at this time is hard to guarantee goodness.

Because, he is very clear, what these guys want to do.

Nothing just doesn't want to take on more 'support'.

I want to make him big.

The quarrel in front of you?

Nature is false.

Everything is for the benefit.

Gersac is.

These guys are.

He is also.

He really wants to spit on the faces of these people and tell them that they are delusional.


He can't do this.

An unknown god.

A guy close to the gods.

This is an unexpected thing. He has to deal with it. Even if he can't handle it, he has to hold on to each other's footsteps. Therefore, he needs Gersac.

Cheka Bay can't be lost!

That is his key.


Take a deep breath.

The member of the parliament spoke up.

"I am out of 20% of them, and the rest is left to you?"

"Don't think about it any more."

"This is already my limit."

After hearing the words of the Honourable Member, the remaining Members were relieved while they were relieved.

Sure enough, is it too straight?

I should twee some more.

It’s blame for Gersack, it’s too fast.

There is not even a little room.

The lawmakers who were in the heart of the heart began to command their own men.

Wolft immediately ran away.

In many bad eyes, he ran to the top of the evil spirits.

"Mrs. Gersak, the lawmakers have agreed to your terms."


The upper evil spirit pretends to be a glimpse.

This kind of reaction made the southern lawmakers who watched the gaze through the gaze of the sneer.

Sure enough, just to find a way to run by the head.

You can't run away!

Once again, the Southern Congress has already had a belly case.

They won't drag!

Immediately send 280 pieces of magical items to Fort Aitinburg, and now, immediately, you will see representatives of the 'Snakes' hunting demon and conduct negotiations.

Under the gaze of everyone, the upper evil spirits returned to the Chamber of Deputies.

There was nothing in the expression on the face, but the Southern Congressman saw a glimpse of the evil spirits.

Therefore, there is no hesitation.

The gentle-minded members of the House made a wink at their own team, Wolft.

Wolft finally walked in and did not close the door of the Chamber.

"I agree with your terms, Gersac."

"We will use 280 magical items in exchange for the forgiveness of the "Snake" hunter."

"Now, we need to see each other."

"Can you tell the snake-hunter to tell the demon?"

The tone of the good and good, said the MP.

The sound is very high.

The residents of Jingyue Town outside the door can hear clearly.

"What I want is a boutique!"

The upper evil spirit reiterated.

However, such discourse in the eyes of the Southern legislators is dying.

Inexplicable, some of the unwilling Southern legislators became comfortable at this time.

"Of course, I promise."

Members of the tone of kindness said this and looked at other members.

"We also promise."

These members also echoed.

"it is good."

The upper evil spirit gnashed his teeth and waved at Holleka.

This attitude made the Southern MPs more comfortable, and they sat quietly in their chairs one by one.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion