MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1806 The next game!

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Chapter 1806, the next game!

Looking at the noise in front of me, the evil spirits sit silently on the throne and calculate the time.

It does not mind such noise.

Even, to a certain extent, it likes such noisy.

It is also the first time for a ghost to participate in a party. The feeling of being noticed, worshipped, and respected is very fresh and tastes good. You must know that it is not beheaded or divided on weekdays. The corpse, sometimes it is still incomplete, how can this treatment.

It would be better if there were no next tasks.

Thinking about everything that might be faced next.

The upper evil spirit could not help but sigh.

Why is it not separated?

If you can split it into two, let the avatar go busy, stay here to rest and enjoy the scenery that a king should have. How good is that?

"His Majesty."

The sound of the near minister was sounded.

The evil spirit turned his head and looked at Monte, who had a charming smile.

"His Royal Highness is just not used to it. As time goes by, everything will be fine."

Monte blinked and said that he was so relieved that he couldn’t do anything in his heart. When he was in time, he couldn’t do anything. Most of the time, the so-called time was solved, and it was only time to smash one’s life to the end, another person. After feeling helpless, most of the time, it is just to mark yourself a 'do not care' label.

Because, it will be very incompetent to care about the dead.

And alive?

It's as hard as a steel cast iron, and it sticks.

So, this caused the dissatisfaction of Marquis Wharton.

After the old Marquis took a look at this well-known charming villain, a serious opening.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness has a knot."

"Only by untie this knot, it will be fine."

The old Marquis said sincerely.

As the most loyal subordinate of Aitante VI, the old Marquis was extremely surprised by the scene before the palace.

He knew that there was something in Aitantine VI that was hiding him, and he didn't care much about His Highness, but he never thought that His Highness Sphinson was just a blind man.

However, after knowing this, the old Marquis was not surprised.

On the contrary, there is a relief.

This is the means of his loyal king.

How could his king put such a big weakness on the table and let others attack?

Naturally, because this weakness is false, the real weakness has already been hidden and placed in a safe place.

What better than a secret snake?

Think about it again. When I heard the snake-hunting demon person, I left my kind of strange look mixed with worry and anger. Everything is more logical.

Worry is naturally worried about the involvement of His Royal Highness Colin.


Apart from the ‘God Temple’ that has made all this, there is naturally no other object of anger.

Moreover, this time the recognition...

I am afraid that His Royal Highness Colin also knows the truth of the matter from his teacher, and this is the big fight against Sfinson's counterfeit goods.

Especially when a counterfeit goods is called ‘identity’ when facing a real heir, any one will be angry, not to mention a young man who has left his family and father for more than 20 years.

Even the demon hunter is no exception.

Even better.

Because this proves that His Royal Highness Colin did not forget his identity.

Therefore, anger is also a good thing at this time.

It is the most indifferent.

But the heart of His Royal Highness must also be solved.

Otherwise, there will be something that everyone will not be happy to see sooner or later.

Those guys are staring at the throne of the king!

For those who are like weeds, but the wind and the wind, the old Marquis is generally preventive.

"There will naturally be the right thing to do."

"You don't need to remind you!"

Monte is not yin and yang, holding the old Marquis.

This is the convention.

The old Marquis did not pay attention to Monte, but looked at Aitante VI.

The old Marquis is very clear, who is the ruler and the decider here.

"Wharton, do you have any suggestions?"

"In other things, I have a lot of methods, but in the face of... Colin, my inner sorrow and apology make me unable to calmly judge what is good, what is bad, I need to Give your wisdom to help me."

Aitantin VI asked in a low voice.

On the face of the king, there was a very rare look of hesitation and worry.

At least, the old Marquis has never seen it.

But what is strange about this?

The old Marquis is also a father, he understands his feelings.

Even, he is not a good father.

"I think the things of young people are best solved by young people."

"My son, Kur and Colin, have a good relationship. I want to come out by Kur, and it is a good choice to hit the side."

"Your son?!"

"My Marquis, don't think I don't know what you are thinking!"

"Your Majesty, because His Highness will suffer, but there will be no wisdom!"

When I heard the words of the old Marquis, Aitante VI did not speak, and Monte on the side screamed.

It is screaming and it is also very good control.

Only the surrounding three people can hear it.

However, people who have been quietly watching here are enough to see some abnormalities.

Monte nature knows all about it.

In fact, he was deliberate.

This is his role.

The role of a 'bait' is to distinguish some things that are difficult to distinguish for the person holding the bait.

The person holding him is Aitante VI in front of him.

What does Aitantin VI want, he can't wait until his Majesty the King says it, and he needs to plan ahead, this is a qualified close minister.

The old Marquis swept Monte and did not speak.

For the role of this near minister, the old Marquis also had some guesses.

Otherwise, how can the enchanting martial arts of the martial arts be able to tolerate a real charming villain.

Of course, he introduced Chur and he is also selfish.

There are some things that don't need to be said.

The evil spirits have been indulged for a moment.

In fact, I am contacting my own Boss.

‘Chur? ’

‘Yes. ’

Qin Ran thought of the aristocratic youth with good moral character and similar hobbies, and could not help but agree.

"Go to the small meeting room."

"Monte, I will hand it over to you."

"Wharton, let Chur come to see Colin."

The upper evil spirit stood up like this, and the tall body attracted people's attention. Under the gaze of everyone, he went to Qin Ran.

"Colin, can you come with me?"

The voices of the words disappeared at this moment, and even the court musicians tried to slow down the instruments in their hands, and the people around Edintin VI could hear them.

The slightly asked questioning tone was first seen at the venue.

Suddenly, the last bit of doubt in my heart also dissipated.

Who can let Aitandin VI do this, except for a father who is full of ambitions?

More importantly, in the face of such Aitantin VI, the snake-hunter is still indifferent.

In the same way, everyone is more and more convinced that the Sphinx is a shield. If you don't see Sfinson facing Aitantin VI, what would it look like?

Where will it be as calm, graceful and decent as the Highness of Colin?

The power of the blood is different after all.

False, then true and false.

Really, even if it is buried for a while, it will bloom with brilliance.


Qin Ran nodded slightly.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the evil spirits and Qin Ran disappeared side by side.

This privilege of walking alongside the king made people once again admire the tolerance of Aitante VI to his heirs.

Monte stood up with a glass of wine.


The silver spoon, knocking on the wall of the cup, has a crisp sound that attracts people's attention.

"Everyone, today is a special day."

“It’s also a day worth celebrating.”

"Of course, I hope that everyone will remember their identity."

The nearest minister said a discourse that was very much in line with his identity.

Faced with such words, many nobles face contempt.

They are very clear, if they can be embarrassed, this close minister will certainly not hesitate to squat down the shoes of His Royal Highness, unlike them, at least think about it, hesitate, and then go to the final dignity.

Similarly, these nobles also noticed the temporary departure of Marquis Wharton.

But when these people did not want to understand what the old Marquis was doing, they saw that Monte went to the new Sika lord and bowed his knees.

Some people are at a loss.

Some people are puzzled.

But very quickly, most people become confused.

His Royal Highness Colin seems to be from the Sika collar.

damn it!

It was taken over by this shameless guy!

The aristocrats who knew the hindsight gritted their teeth.

Then, indiscriminately, rushed toward the baroness.

Looking at the aristocrats who came in, Monte was sneer at the bottom of his heart.

A group of idiots.

Monte is such an evaluation.

He did this only to give the old Marquis a cover and not to discover the arrival of Culw Wharton.

This is what his aunt is willing to see, he has to do.

Just thinking of the old Marquis...

Old fox!

Think of this Monte is a sudden heart.

Why did he not have such a forward-looking vision, and he knew that he should get married early.

Time passes by one minute.

Inside the small chamber.

The upper evil spirit sits on the high back chair of Aitante VI, such as a needle felt.

Its gaze moved with the movement of Qin Ran in the Chamber of Deputies.

If it weren't for his own Boss that he had to comply with everything about Aiting VI, it would have stood up and let his Boss sit down.

There is no direct dialogue.

By borrowing the power of the contract, the communication between the two is even simpler than imagined.

"The bell of Jingyue Town is about to ring."

Qin Ran’s voice rang in the bottom of my heart.

A very simple statement.

But the upper evil spirit knows what Boss wants to express.

"I understand."

"Maximize the benefits!"

The upper evil spirit is guaranteed.


Qin Ran nodded again, then looked at the bookshelf.

The information that a person's bookshelf can reveal is too much.

In addition to the simplest preferences, there are many people who hide something in it.

Some are private money.

Some are the lover's letter.

Aitandin VI did not have such a habit.

However, some of the materials he read were more of a concern to Qin Ran.

After reading it a little, he recorded the events of Aitante I.

Small to clothing, food and shelter.

It is as big as war to destroy the country.

Not an exaggerated novel, but a biography.

"Follow your ancestors?"

Recalling the life of this Attendin VI, Qin Ran, who read the information, secretly guessed.

But very quickly, he was attracted by the horizontal lines drawn by the pen in his hand.

Before he met the ‘prophet’, Aitantine I never thought that a broken aristocrat would become the founding emperor.


The former is the words of the annotation.

The latter was written by Aitantine VI himself.

The question mark represents the question of Aitante VI.

Obviously, what the king also found.

However, it is a bit late.

Qin Ran shook his head.

It is not to deny this ability, but the other party has stepped into the trap of ‘hacker’ and biting the bait of the hacker. Then, the person with the ability, the ending is also doomed.

The ‘hacker’ will not give people a chance to turn over.

Just like the ‘hacker’ is good at hiding.

Is it a ‘hacker’ to create a ‘Xie’s’ army?

It is not that this singular army is not strong enough.

On the contrary, swallowing these evils, not only his five major sources have grown several times, but only a trace of the chaotic darkness in the body has been driven away.

Even the [Mist of the Mist] has received great benefits.

Changed directly from IV to V!

V is a qualitative change.

For Qin Ran, it is also to [Mist of the Mist]!

[Name: Lord of the Mist]

[Type: strange things]

[Quality: V]

[attack power: no]

[defensive power: V]

[Properties: 1, fog control; 2, toxic fog invasion; 3, freezing gas invasion; 4, rain and snow invasion; 5, plant communication; 6, animal appeal; 7, concealment]

[Special effects: 1, the leader of Sika; 2 the border of Aitinburg; 3, response; 4, blessing; 5 fraudulent contract;

[Requirement: You have made the perfect hunting]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: When the black disaster occurs, the accidental birth is different from the rough use of the former. It is in your hands, it has already shown its ability, a perfect 'hunting', let it start to be thoroughly Take control, and in the perfect 'hunting' after that, it becomes your only one. When you use it, you will become like an arm, and you will feel the respect of it. At the moment, after starting to expand into new territories, it has become unable to leave you - you have completely possessed it, it will be your arm, your legs and feet, you can use it arbitrarily, it is also happy to be you using】


[Fog Control: Summons a fog with a radius of 1000 meters, covering the position within the field of view; 4 times / day]

[Toxic Invasion: In the fog, the spread of the physique is judged as the entry level of the toxic fog, which requires three judgments. Those who fail three times will be dealt a fatal toxin. Two losers will bear a strong level. Toxin attack, a loser will be subjected to a strong level of toxin attack, and those who pass the three judgments will be protected from the poisonous fog, but still in the fog.

[Frozen gas attack: In the fog, you can launch a weak, general, strong, powerful, and extremely strong level of freezing gas attack, and the frozen gas cannot leave the fog range]

[Rain and snow invasion: In the fog, you can lower the ordinary rain and snow, or the weak, general, strong, strong, extremely strong level of acid rain, hail, acid rain, hail can not leave the fog range]

[Plant communication: In the fog, you can communicate and control plants, the number can not exceed the upper limit of the spirit (the number of steps is 100, each increase of first order +25)]

[Animal Inspiration: In the fog, you can communicate and control animals, the number can not exceed the upper limit of the spirit (the number of the order is small 150, medium 75, large 30, super large 3, each increase of first-order small +25, medium +10 , large +5, super large +1) (small class, such as mice are considered small 3 times the number)

[Hidden: In the fog, your trace will be invisible; effect: sneak level +3, sneak class advanced skills +1]


[The leader of Sika: In the scope of Sika collar, the name of 'Mist' has become a unique existence, and you who hold the 'Mist of the Mist' can arbitrarily mobilize the fog that appears in the Sika collar, and Add poisonous fog, freezing gas, acid rain, control plants, animals (not to exceed toxic fog, freezing gas, rain and snow damage, plant and animal control equivalent +1), but will consume your physical strength depending on the situation. 】

[Aitinburg: In the border of Aitinburg, the name of 'Mist' has begun to be recognized. You who hold the 'Mist of the Mist' can move the fog at will and add poisonous fog, freezing gas and acid rain. Control plants, animals (not beyond the scope of toxic fog, freezing gas, rain and snow, plant and animal control equivalent +1), but will consume your physical strength depending on the situation. 】

[Response: You have been treated as a 'fog god', you can use the ‘Mist Lord’ to respond in detail to the prayers of believers, which will consume your physical strength】

[Blessing: Within the scope of Sika collar and Aitenburg, when your followers pray to you, you can consume physical strength and give a foggy blessing (fog blessing: clearly visible in the fog, and able to withstand toxins, Cold, acid) or give a partner a blessing (short-time communication, plants or animals) or a bloodthirsty blessing (in a short period of time (depending on the devoutness of the believer), the power of the blessed person increases by 120% , the damage reduced by 65%, and can absorb the enemy's blood, to supplement their own life), or hidden blessing (depending on the devout of the believer, the sneak level will be increased by 1-3)]

[Fraud contract: You have been treated as a 'fog god', you can use the 'Mist of the fog' to accept the large offerings of believers, and then give a little reward (the type of reward is not limited to the real thing, when choosing the real thing, You can keep an attack or defense level +1 attribute, you need to consume a lot of your physical strength)


All-round enhancement.

Moreover, with Qin Ran's idea, [Mist of the Mist] no longer needs to be hand-held, it is suspended in front of Qin Ran, and then rotates around him with the idea of ​​Qin Ran.

The brilliance of the scorpion also became introverted with the thought of Qin Ran, just like an ordinary palm-sized crystal.

In the end, when [Mist of the Mist] fell into the pocket of underwear, Qin Ran began a desire from the bottom of his heart.

No stranger.

In the face of [Judgement Balance], he had a similar desire.

Can be very weak.

Far from being as pure as [The Lord of the Mist].

And according to his constant speculation...

A smile appeared on Qin Ran’s face.

He seems to have found a shortcut to VI.

Of course, this shortcut is not so good.

Need to make enough preparations.

at least……

not now.

He still needs to confirm some things.

Hey, hey!

The knock on the door sounded.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness, Marquis Wharton, and the Kurd Wharton Knight arrived."

The voice of the royal guard came.

"Come in."

The upper evil spirit sat up straight.

The door opened and the old Marquis and the aristocratic young man came in.

"His Majesty."

Both of them salute at the same time, the etiquette standard is impeccable.

However, Culw Wharton has been unable to resist the sneak peek at Qin Ran.

The eyes are weird, surprised and unbelievable.

Tonight, Qin Ran has seen too many such eyes.

Can be Kurd Wharton different.

The other party is a friend of Qin Ran.

In the face of friends, Qin Ran has considerable patience and friendliness.

Therefore, after seeing the aristocratic youth quietly looking at the eyes, Qin Ran smiled at each other.

There is nothing to hide.

Qin Ran thinks it is not needed.

But the aristocratic youth was inexplicably red-faced and bowed his head.

The old Marquis on the side showed a smile and gazed at Aitante VI.

The upper evil spirits that did not come into contact with all the memories of Aitandin VI can only be quietly squinted at this time, and they are undecided.

After seeing the appearance of Aitantin VI, the old Marquis must have a heart.

"Cough, Cul, can you act as a guide to take a turn with Colin's Highness?"


"It's time to confess your secrets."

The old Marquis said this.

Culw Wharton subconsciously wanted to refute.

But after seeing Aitante VI, the young aristocrats could only sigh with a slight sigh and agreed.

"Okay, father."

He said this.

Then go straight out.

Qin Ran followed.

Did not say hello to the evil spirits, but slightly bowed to the Marquis of Wharton.

"The heart of your Highness still needs time."

The old Marquis looked at his majesty and explained it again.

"Ok, I know."

"Wharton, I am a little tired today."

"I want to rest - I gave it to Monte in the hall, but there are some things that you need to pay attention to."

Aitantin VI nodded.

Looking at his own bloodshot eyes, the old Marquis immediately bowed.

Although the body is good, the necessary rest is a must.

Of course, because of the appearance of His Royal Highness Colin, his majesty is naturally in need of adjustment.

And this is definitely not something that people can see.

Which king is willing to let people see their weak side?

Therefore, the old Marquis immediately retired.

The door of the small chamber was closed again.

There is only one evil spirit left.

It stood up, full of a king's manners, and went to the bedroom on the hidden side. It seemed to be resting, but there was a vague word in his mouth.

The sound is vague and light.

Only when you stand very close can you hear it, then the words are -

"Catch the field! Catch the field!"

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion