MTL - The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss-Chapter 11665 Cold seven 3

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Finally, Su Luo returned the topic.

"So you are here this time?" Su Luo looked at Leng Qi: "Is it for Ning Yixing to seek justice, or for your eighth princess?"

Leng Qi smiled: "In your eyes, will I only be fair to them?"

Su Luo wondered: "What do you say?"

Leng Qi: "You are so smart, don't you understand this?"

Leng Qi said, staring into her eyes seriously.

His gaze was too hot, Su Luo avoided the sharp edge, and only said lightly: "So are you here to catch me this time? Will you give me to Emperor Xuanyuan?"

Leng Qi sighed, he deliberately deviated in that direction, but this girl is deliberately serious every time...

OK, I'm afraid of you, OK.

Leng Qi was helpless, and finally sighed: "How can Emperor Xuanyuan matter to you? How can I help him?"

Su Luo's eyes lit up: "So are you willing to help me?!"

Leng Qi's eyes sparkled: "So you have become a queen, can I be the king's husband?"

Su Luo glared at him, stood up and left.

"Hey, wait, you wait." Leng Qi also felt that this sentence caused Mao Su to fall, and quickly stood up and stopped her to apologize: "It's just a casual joking, you can't make a joke now. Are you up?"

Su Luo stared at him: "It's not that I can't afford it now, I can't afford this kind of joke before."

Leng Qi lowered himself and coaxed her: "Well, you have the final say, I won't make this kind of joke, all right?"

"Since I know it's you, how could I help Emperor Xuanyuan?" Leng Qi poked Su Luo on the shoulder, "I'm naturally helping you."

Su Luo: "I don't believe it."

Leng Qi: "I am definitely helping you, for you and me... You say, who else can I help you besides?"

Su Luo proudly said: "That's not necessarily true. You are the seventh prince of the Xuanyuan Empire. What if you are lucky and become an emperor?"

Leng Qi laughed angrily: "You can pick it up as the emperor? Who do you think the emperor is? A person like him, hey, by the way... the emperor had killed..."

Su Luo glanced at him: "Are you trying to say that the emperor once killed Nangong Liuyun?"

Leng Qi: "You know?!"

Su Luo sneered: "How could I not know?"

Leng Qi looked at Su Luo carefully: "But you are not Nangong Liuyun is not dead. Nangong Liuyun told you about this?"

Su Luo smiled faintly: "He really is not dead."

Leng Qi sighed: "I knew, with his wit, how could something happen... Sure enough, a peerless genius is a peerless genius, who can survive the killing formation."

Su Luo stared at Leng Qi solemnly: "Did you participate at that time?"

Leng Qi smiled helplessly: "At that time, I had just passed through my soul and my body was not good enough. How can I participate? What's more, the emperor is the one who killed me, so would I help him?"

Su Luo thought, and it was true: "Then I won't doubt you."

Leng Qi was speechless: "You shouldn't have suspected me, you little bad girl, hey, don't deny it. When Nangong Liuyun is mentioned, you become eccentric, not cute at all!"

"By the way, where is he now, how dare he let you run around alone? Don't you worry about something wrong with you?" Leng Qi squeezed a cold sweat for Su Luo.

You know, Su Luo's enemy is Emperor Xuanyuan.

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