MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 25 Demons (1)

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The red-winged, black-winged butterfly falls lightly on the flower.

The ash ash smoky in the flower buds, the hot sun in the midsummer, the sun was flushed, and the sweat soaked the thin collar. He has always worked hard, not as speculative as a general palace servant, but only five or six points. The northeast corner of the Royal Garden, which he manages, has always been the cleanest and most elegant area.

After ten years in the Xiyin Palace, the children who had dried lentils were already a teenager in the city. The garden is not comparable to his stunning look.

Carefully put the rotten bark into the big basket, just turned and picked up, crossed a hand to steal his basket. The tall and honest teenagers are a little shy, and the look is not to be discerned: "This is too heavy, I will help you back."

If in the usual days, Yang Shiyan will not owe a favor for this little thing, but today he has other things in his heart, it is rare to give the other side a good face: "Jiang Jing, today is the three-day period, you Have you seen the sixth temple?"

Jiang Jing, like Yang Shiyan, is an orphan who was rescued from Beifeng during the time when the lower reaches of the Sixth Hall of the Western Yin Dynasty. Xiyin's national strength is strong and strong, and the old, the weak, the sick, the sick and the widow will be taken care of by the welfare home.

Compared with Beifeng, Xi Yin is really like a fairyland.

The luck of Yang Shiyan and Jiang Jing is better than that of other orphans. The Western Yin Dynasty will select a group of intelligent children from the Welfare Institute every year, enter the court for special training, and later become the palace servant to serve the royal family, or become a secret explorer.

Jiang Jing knows that the juvenile in front of him pays special attention to the Sixth King of the Western Yin, but he is unable to see him because of his despicable identity. His daily work is to sweep the area outside the temple, but he often meets the royal family and the people in the court.

His heart crossed a trace of sorrow, but still honestly said: "Today, I still haven’t seen the Six Dynasties, so it’s been more than a month. It seems that those rumors are true. I am sick..."

When he didn't finish his words, he was interrupted by a loud drink: "What are you talking about!"

Yang gray smoke covered with frost, grabbed the basket from his hand, and ran away without looking back. The honest young boy looked at his back and couldn’t say what he had left.

Yang gray smoke returned to his home, still breathing heavily, the chest violent ups and downs, not tired, but angry. How can the man curse the six His Royal Highness, and the kind and generous person of His Highness, should be blessed by the gods of the heavens, live for a long time, Antai Taitai.

If... If such a beautiful person is so easy, then those who are sinful and sinful will not die, what is the truth in this world! This reverses black and white, regardless of the world of good and evil... simply destroy it!

He lowered his head, and the beautiful peach eyes were filled with dull twists. The long, white fingers clenched tightly and the blue veins burst.

A slight slamming sound came from the threshold, and the Yang ash smoked up the expression on his face. When he turned to open the door, it was the appearance of everyday softness and moderation.

The person outside the door is actually the general manager of the court. On the peak of the upper peak of the peak, his little palace servant can not see the big man several times a year. The eyes of Yang Shiyan were slightly enlarged, and there was a hint of fear in the astonishment: "Hey, the general manager, whatever you want to do, drive a small voice."

The general manager is a majestic old man who is more than fifty years old. He went into the house and looked around. He saw the window cleaned up in the room. There were a few books on the wall against the wall. There was a white chrysanthemum with a pot of daisy to be placed. Satisfied.

They all say that they are born by heart, and that a person’s residence can reflect the secrets hidden in his heart.

He looked back and saw Yang gray smoke pale and white, seemingly strong, knowing that this boy must have been scared: "Don't be nervous, I am here, there is a good thing to tell you."

Good thing? The word is a bit subtle. Yang Shiyan is very aware of the troubles that his appearance will bring, and his heart is secretly vigilant: "The general manager has told him."

The general manager sat down and said gently: "You have been in the palace for nearly ten years. It is also the child I grew up with. I know you about it. You are now 18 years old and you have cultivated it." Ten layers of gas, the qualification is even better. So this time the above instructions, I first thought of you."

The more the ash smoke is heard, the more it is wrong, but the face is not revealing half.

The general manager observed his look, and the voice gradually lowered: "Her Majesty has to pick a few waiters. This is a good opportunity for the squid to jump the gantry. Would you like to go?"

Yang ash was shocked and immediately spread a strong sarcasm. They all said that the Western Yin Dynasty chose the Taoist to be very cautious. Once they became married, they were loyal and loyal.

Waiter, hehe.

His heart was filled with disappointment and anger. All said that the six halls of the temple are not sick, Her Majesty does not want to do the best to cure the only baby son, and actually have to choose what kind of waiter! Really... not worthy of being a mother!

He suppressed his inner anger and bit his lip and said: "Thanks to the general manager for raising the villain, but the villain has self-knowledge, I am afraid it is difficult to dissipate this darling."

He did not think about it. If he refused, what will happen in the future will not matter to him. He does not value life and death like ordinary people.

The look of the sergeant’s sorrow was mixed with a hint of admiration, and he was not angry when he was rejected. The waiter is a bit of a point, and it is a male pet who is a color waiter. He originally thought that Yang Shiyan was like a woman, and he was born to eat soft rice. He did not expect three-point arrogance in his bones.

The three generals of the 裴 还 还 还 还 , , , , , , , , , 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三

Yang gray smoke changed his face and almost suspected that he had misunderstood: "What do you say? Sixth Highness... Is it the sixth imperial to choose a waiter?" He stared at the general manager with his eyes burning and his heart beat like a thunder. The general manager is a bit puzzled. How did the boy get excited? Is he not clear? However, no matter who is serving, it is a low-sex male pet, and there is no difference.

"Her Majesty has a Taoist priest. This time, the choice of the prince is sent to serve the six princes. You should have heard that the six princes have recently been seriously ill... I heard that the folk management is called Chongxi!"

Chongxi? The ash of the ash is almost dizzy by the two cockroaches, and there seems to be a blossoming fragrant flower in front of the eyes. The old hoarse voice of the singer is sounding like a sound of nature.

Is this the Buddha of Heaven who heard his prayers? Xinnan is willing to eat for 100 years!

Yang gray smokes a pair of legs, knees go forward, tears look up at the front of the head of the general manager: "The only person is the little man to listen to, did not understand the meaning of the general manager. I did not expect such a big good thing, actually will Falling on the head of the villain! If the villain can really become the patron of the Sixth Highness, you will never forget your great grace in this life!"

Saying, "噗噗噗" licked three rings and listened to the sound and felt very sincere.

Director of the Department of Health: "..." Is he old enough to keep up with the thinking of young people now?

Yang Shiyan also knows that his attitude has turned blunt, his face has a hint of ruddyness, and his shameless swearing: "Don't dare to bully the general manager. The villain has been greatly swayed by the six princes. He has already made up his mind that he will repay the six princes in this life. Sixth Highness, but there are instructions, the little man will die."

The general manager looked at him for a while, and his expression was difficult to distinguish: "It turns out."

Yang Shiyan did not know what was in the mind of the general manager at that time, but in the near future, he did have a wish, and moved into the Chaoyang Palace with joy and became one of the six pets...

The Queen chose two male pets for her baby son. In addition to the white lotus flower, the poor Yang gray smoke, and another young bird screen selection, the shape of the Qingxu-like beauty of Ye Zhiqiu.

The Sixth Highness is like the appearance of Yang Shiyan's memory. It is beautiful and gentle, gentle and generous. He has a gully on his chest, knows the astronomy, knows the geography, and teaches them to these people. When he arbitrarily dials two sentences in the process of comprehension, it is often fascinating. Perfect is like a fairy from the altar. .

It’s just that the body is more sick than the previous years. Even if you take a panacea every day, you can’t save it.

During the day, he was lying in bed for most of the time. Only in the early morning, when the weather was good, he could barely support the sitting in the garden pavilion and read the book. Her Majesty the Emperor had long dared not let him work again in the state, only two waiters who are like flowers and jade must be careful to serve and get his favor.

In order to compete for favor, Yang Shiyan almost made all the effort to sell it, but the result was exactly the opposite. Sixth Hall of the King seemed to appreciate the fact that he was not humble, and that Ye Zhiqiu, who was doing a good job, was quite cold to the Yang Fengyan who was flattering.

For Yang Ash, the saddest thing in the world is this.

Looking at the opposite Qingjun elegant green shirt boy, he smiled like a flower, a brother called, but his heart is hateful blood. He even got a few hairs from each other, and in the dead of night, he kept hiding in the room and kept the little man.

Unfortunately, he is still weak, and he does not understand the technique of cursing. The effect is minimal.

Unable to count, he came up with a second poison, and he was in the tea of ​​the other party. After several successful attempts, Ye Zhiqiu, who was harmed, could not get up in the morning and missed the time to serve the Sixth High.

More times, Ye Zhiqiu also noticed that something was wrong and he was alert to him. On the city government, ten Ye Zhiqiu can't get a Yangshi smoke, but he wants to go to the sixth temple to complain, but he can't find evidence of the other party's medicine.

Ye Zhiqiu is not a person who is good at patience. Finally, one day, he blocked the Yang gray smoke, and the angry face revealed the matter: "Why do you want to beat me three times?"

Yang gray smoke is full of grievances: "What does Ye Gege say?"

Ye Zhiqiu sneered: "You don't have to use it again. Six of His Royal Highness doesn't like you!"

The lethality of this sentence is too strong, and it will break the mask of Yang gray smoke camouflage for many years. His smile gradually faded away, and he said with a blank expression: "Ye brother does not care too early, and the Sixth Highness does not invite you to sleep. It is not known who we are dead."

I heard two waiters, Ye Zhiqiu looked strange: "Don't you know that we are actually the stove that was chosen by the Queen, and the Sixth Hall does not invite us to sleep. For us, it is a very lucky thing!" ”

Furnace Ding? Yang ash smoked.

The author has something to say: Yang gray smoke (hand fist): Gongdou, I am full level!

Yin Li (the amount of support): This is a revision of the text, not a palace fight.

A night: A Li, it is useless to say anything about the snake's disease in love. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: very good 3;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Stop 12 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion