MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 21 Descendant

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At the entrance to the county, there was a notice posted to attract passers-by.

A veteran of the book and ink, looking up, whispered in a word: "The imperial city of the nobles wants to visit the relics of the cypress, now the number of guides, need to know the route into the royal tombs of the royal family ... bounty three hundred two..."

Onlookers have been talking about: "Three hundred and two, really fake?"

Some people sneered: "Imperial Mausoleum, don't give me three thousand two. For a hundred years, no tomb thief came back from the emperor's tomb..."

Someone echoed: "There is more money to spend on life..."

There are many survivors of the Lanzhou country in the county, and they all know the existence of the emperor's tomb. It is said that the emperors of the emperors have very rich funerary objects, and they will make a fortune when they are slightly reversing. There have been many tomb thieves for hundreds of years, but all have gone.

The outer dynasty of the Emperor's Mausoleum is shrouded in a strong defensive array. Unless you know the law of breaking the line, the trade rushes into it, and it is a dead end.

There were many people in the crowd who looked different and saw the news and quickly left. In the corner of the street not far from the bulletin board, a few well-dressed young men and women will see all of this.

A beautiful and beautiful woman with a sleek gauze dress, Qiu Bo Yingying looked to the tall and handsome man around him: "Cousin, it seems that they already know my mother's treasure, should we start with strong?"

The handsome man caressed the jade in his hand, and he was not in a hurry: "No matter, let them open the way ahead and clear the obstacles for us. We will be cheaper in the back."

Another delicate woman wearing a pink pearl shirt heard the words and patted the palm of her hand: "It’s still a big brother who is clever and effortless to play with the thieves who steal our royal treasures from the South China Sea."

When I heard the words of the South China Sea Treasure, the beautiful woman’s eyebrows revealed a little unpleasantness, but it quickly disappeared.

The handsome man seems to be chic, but thick and thin, has been secretly observing her look, righteousness and reverence: "Little sister, you can say this wrong, this is the aunt's private property, the secret cousin It is the orthodox heir."

These three are the Haiping Chao of the South China Sea National University and the three princess Hai Lingbo, as well as their cousin.

Hai Lingbo listened to the words of his eldest brother, laughing and holding the hand of the fascinating fan, blinking: "Where is I wrong, the younger cousin will marry her brother sooner or later, her dowry is not our royal family in the South China Sea."

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Her relationship with Hai Pingchao is still in its infancy. I didn't expect it to be broken by Hai Lingbo today, but my heart is inevitably embarrassed, but more still shy. Yu Guang glanced at the eye-catching man, just to his gentle and smiling eyes, and felt that the whole body was soft and faint as drunk.

This cousin is really charming...

The three men were intimately laughing and joking, and no one noticed the shadow-like green shirt attendant, lowered his head and silently squeezed his palm.

Sunset West Mountain.

Pan Shanhu mixed in the crowd, listening to the surrounding arguments silently, his hand holding a thin hamster, is all his harvest today. His brother Pan Shanhu did not stay with him today and stayed at home with rabbit skin.

His eyes fixed on the line of words - the bounty of three hundred and two. If you have this money, your wife and children will no longer have to go hungry, want to eat and eat, eat beautiful clothes, and even move to a more prosperous state.

I also have money for my brother-in-law, and I don’t have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night, suddenly discovering that there is a sudden man in bed...

Pan Shanhu thought all the way, and finally made up his mind when he stepped into the house. He was willing to do everything for his wife and children and his brother's happiness for the rest of his life, even if he used his life to change it!

When he thinks of tragic beauty, he is filled with a sense of honor for his family sacrifice.

"Sister Sister, I am back..." He pushed the door open, and the two white flowers and tangles that came together were in sight. The next second, the man screamed in the room, "You are a rabbit, and I killed you!"

Panshan Fox carried his trousers with his arms and was chased by his brother to escape from the room: "Big brother, don't fight, brothers are brothers and sisters, women are like clothes."

Pan Shanhu waved a stick with a thick mouth and his eyes were red: "Whoever moved my clothes, I broke my hands and feet!"

The brothers are full of chickens and dogs, and the women with a lot of fat and fat are lazily coming out of the room and wearing clothes slowly: "You lightly click, remember to burn dinner, water tank There is the last fish in it, remember to steam the prostitute."

After all, no matter how noisy they are, go straight to the next door to see the nap daughter wake up.

Pan’s dinner was a bit late. Panshan Fox was swollen by his big brother's nose and face, and he was on the ground. Pan Shanhu has no way, only one person can chop fire and steam and steam rice.

When the scent of brown rice floated out, Panshan foxed up from the ground, and the first one sat at the table. The chopsticks looked like a long eye and directly poked at the steamed fish.

Under the contempt of the blind man, he licked a piece of fish, carefully picking out the fine thorns, and diligently put them into the bowl of the little niece: "Hey, eat fish smart."

Pan Shanhu slaps his head behind his head: "Who is your niece!"

Panshan foxes took their heads and they didn't talk. Such a white, tender and fragrant prostitute, why not his kind?

After eating the meal, Pan Shanhu sent his brother to wash the dishes, and he held a prostitute and his wife to discuss.

I said the tricks that I saw during the day, and my sister did not agree with his thoughts: "No one is more aware of the dangers of the old emperor's tomb. Why do you need to marry this drowning. My old immortal The grandfather of the emperor abandoned the husband and abandoned the woman. When he died, he wanted to be buried in the same place with the witch. Only then did he bring in the scourge of the present, and even the mausoleum of the ancestors could not be saved."

The county is so big, the folks in the village are familiar faces, and suddenly there are so many foreigners who are so extraordinary. Everyone can guess what it is for.

Pan Shanhu silently said: "There is no other way. The situation in the family has become worse and worse in these years. I can't bear to suffer from you and your niece. If you can take advantage of this opportunity to get some gold and silver, you can enjoy the next half of your life. You are also obviously Golden branches and leaves, you can..."

When he had not finished speaking, he was stopped by his sister. "This is the old yellow calendar hundreds of years ago. The country is gone, and what to do."

Her eyes were red and her voice shook a little. "I don't have any other thoughts right now. I just want to live with you. No matter how much money and money, the family is safe and together, I will be content in my life."

Pan Shanhu sighed: "I will use it after all!"

The couple spoke softly and whispered, and the prostitute in his arms began to fall asleep and then went back to the room with an oil lamp.

From the beginning to the end, the Panshan fox working in the kitchen did not show up. When the sound outside was gone, he got up quietly in the night, his mouth bent.

There are still such things, and there are three hundred and twenty silver medals.

Yin was sitting in front of the church and listening to the report of the ghost repairing: "These days, more than a dozen local indigenous people said that they can take us to the Emperor's Mausoleum. After the investigation, only three people said the truth. Three people stayed in the room and the rest went away."

"Can you secretly check their loved ones?"

"Checked, the ancestors were indeed the aristocrats of the Lanzhou. But even then, I don't know if they know the law of breaking."

Yin smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, the guide is not a very important person. It is best to know how to break the battle. Let us spend less effort. Even if we can't find it, we won't delay our trip."

He pointed his finger at the gold and silver on the table and sighed: "Put this up, don't treat them badly. For them, this is a life-saving."

These self-recommended guides are probably all born with a mortal heart. No matter whether he can help him or her in the future, he does not want to grieve them in the area.

The ghost repaired the dark guard and left with the silver. The ash smoke opened the curtain and came in from the outside, and a layer of snow fell on his shoulder. The interior is warm and the orange-red charcoal fire gives off the scent of pine nuts. He took off the red cloak outside, revealing a white fox that was similar to the Yin style.

Yin left his hand and poured a cup of hot tea: "How?"

He ordered his own little male pet with a few ghosts to repair the dark guard, first went to test the depth of the Emperor's Mausoleum, and deliberately smashed before leaving, do not be hard.

Yang gray smoke did not take over the teacup, and took a bite with Yin’s hand, and the peach blossom eyes slightly picked up: “The array outside the Emperor’s Mausoleum is not easy to break, the lethality is not strong, but very It's easy to get lost inside and not go out."

Yin Li thoughtfully knocked on the table, even the gray smoke, the late Jinan monks said so, the defensive array outside the imperial tomb is indeed extraordinary.

I am afraid that in addition to the last emperor of the Lanlan, the blood sea demon is also doing the hands and feet inside.

"No matter how dangerous, we must go this way after all. If it is not too late, it will change when we are late. We will start tomorrow."

"Yes, master."

When Pan Shanhu threw a bag of silver on the table, he was shocked by his big brother and nephew.

Pan Shanhu seems to understand something, and asks: "Where did you get it?"

Panshan Fox smiled and sat down, and the big model of the rabbit ears in front of the prostitute was caught in his bowl: "The door tells you that you haven't seen it, this is the reward given by the official!"

Pan Shanhu grabbed his collar and pulled the long rabbit ears out of his mouth: "What to eat, you know that this is a dangerous thing, it will be dead!"

Panshan Fox Committee's struggles are bent: "Big Brother, you know that today may be my last meal, and I will not let me eat better."

Pan Shan’s swearing words can’t be said.

My sister saw the two brothers, and my heart was sour and almost fell into tears: "So big, why don't you discuss it with me, do you have me in your heart?"

Panshan Fox is still smiling, mixed appearance. Seeing the atmosphere in the house began to be dull, he glared at the woman with a good voice: "This is a good thing. With this money, Big Brother can live a good life with a nephew and a prostitute."

My sister’s tears finally fell: “What do you do, I... I didn’t even leave you a half-girl...”

This dinner was the most abundant meal of Panshan fox from small to big. His family went to the kitchen and took out the new year's bacon at the bottom of the box and copied a large pot of leeks. His eldest brother took out his own rice wine, and the two brothers were drunk.

The next day, the day was not yet bright, and he took up the machete bow/弩, and did not say goodbye to his family. He left quietly alone.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

20 bottles of water age; Shiqing, Daskey 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion