MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 2 This male pet is a bit evil

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After saying that Yin left the West Yin Palace, he took the black Peng horse all the way to the north.

He has always been a diligent and pragmatic temper, never arbitrarily arrogant and unplanned. This time, the burden of leaving the palace, on the one hand, is to beat the parents who are not reliable, and on the other hand, they want to take a private interview and investigate the people.

In the spring of March, the grassland flies, it is the time of recovery of all things. In a blink of an eye, Yin has been away from home for more than three years. Over the years, he has traveled all over the Western Yin State, learned a lot of grassroots people's livelihoods that he had never known before, and also saw the magnificent mountains and rivers that he had never seen before.

Although the cultivation of the initial stage of the foundation was not stopped, the state of mind was leaps and bounds, and it was even higher.

The black ponies slowly traveled on the official road, with large farmland on both sides. Occasionally, the peasants held their hoes, sweated and smashed grass, and planted crops.

Xuanyuan mainland has developed to the present, the population has already exceeded 100 million, but the number of comprehensions is only about one million. After all, it is only three thousand small worlds in the universe, and the aura resources are limited. Most practitioners of the self-cultivation stop at the refining period and cannot break through to the base period. No matter life or strength, they are almost the same as mortals.

Yin was sitting on the rut and looked at the scene of prosperity and happiness in his heart.

"Qingzhou's state animal husband Wang Jingyu did a good job. Qingzhou has been in good weather for nearly ten years, and its crops have been harvested. It is a great task. If you use the self-cultivator to govern the country, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

The driver around him is a boy in red with a white gauze, about eighteen or nineteen years old. A pair of white jade-like hands, when you gently rub the reins, the posture is beautiful and chic.

"This is mainly due to the owner's wise and savvy, eye-catching and talented."

The red-haired boy picked up a corner of the white gauze, and a pair of wonderful eyes looked at the masters. His face was extremely beautiful, just like his voice, and he was pleasing to the ear.

With such a peerless beauty, Yin can be regarded as a beautiful and long-lasting appearance, and time is compared to the dust. But he obviously didn't care, looking at the beautiful people around him, his eyes were mild and indifferent.

"Gray smoke, you have traveled for three years, and your mood has not improved. This is a bit more and more powerful." He sighed. "I just did what I should do. The country is rising and falling, the dynasty is changing." The bitterness is always just the people."

Unlike those of Xuanyuan mainland, who are either arrogant or indifferent, or indifferent to fame and fortune, or despising the mortal family, the Western Yin Dynasty has always been the heart of the world, and is committed to improving the standard of living of mortals.

If you are willing to take the shot, you can easily help the mortal to get Aetna's life. The Western Yin Dynasty is very clear about this.

In order to allow more comprehensions to condescend to reduce their wealth, join the bureaucratic system of the Western Yin State, and work conscientiously for the benefit of the people. The Western Yin royal family is ruined, and the cherished comprehension resources of Lingshi are added to ordinary officials. In the annual salary.

Lingshi is the lifeblood of the comprehension. There is no spiritual stone, and there is no need to talk about the truth.

The descendants of the comprehension family say that there are always some resources for the accumulation of the ancestors, but those who have no door to the school often face a dilemma that is difficult to find.

The Western Yin royal family aimed at this point and promulgated this national policy that shocked the mainland.

As soon as this politics came out, countless resources lacked in rushing from all sides of the mainland. Not to mention the examination of a civil service as an official, it was to give the Western Yin Dynasty a horse, and many of them were scattered.

The man-made dead bird is a food and death, and the self-cultivator is a spiritual stone.

Incidentally, this policy, which indirectly changed the Xuanyuan mainland pattern, was carried out 20 years ago by the Yin Yinguo Six Emperors.

In the past two decades, the Western Yin State has re-created the Shengshihuazhang, and the looming has become the Western hegemon of the twelve countries in the mainland. The common people are very realistic. They don't care who is the emperor. They only want the governors to pity the sentient beings and observe the people's feelings.

Xiyin has been in the country for more than five thousand years, and his national strength is flourishing. The people live and work in peace and contentment. The people feel the virtues of the Western Yin royal family. They have built temples and prayed for incense, wishing the royal family of the West Yin forever. Don't be like other countries. Every few hundred years, you will change to an emperor. The domestic war will fly, and the fighting will not stop. The ultimate suffering is the people.

The master and the servant were talking, and suddenly saw a group of horses wearing helmets and gallops. The first general's white horse silver gun, the red cloak fluttered in the wind, looks quite handsome.

The two sides were intertwined and outdated, and it happened that a strong wind had blown over, and the white gauze on the ash pipe was picked up, and the peerless face was looming.

The young generals flashed a glimpse of the eye, and immediately pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, and ordered the men's cavalry to surround the carriage. His gaze swept away in Yin, and his eyes fixed on the gray smoke.

"Who are you, where are you coming from?"

Yin is frowning, this person's eyes are extremely contemptuous, scared his own little male pet shivering, and he drilled behind him: "I am the imperial court of the Imperial Academy, and I am ordered to go out to Qingzhou, who are you, no reason to stop My car?"

This is the convenience of Yin, which is convenient for the picture. The wind makes this official position, as the name implies, is the royal eye and ears, responsible for inquiring the people's feelings, picking up the law and order, in other words, is the low-grade version of the imperial minister.

Although the official position is not high, but the rights are very large, can sit in this position are the royal confidants, officials everywhere do not smell the color change, lest any small tail was shackled, and immediately told the current Queen.

The young generals heard the words, and they immediately turned their minds and immediately changed their expressions. They handed over the ceremony: "There is no respect for the disrespect. I am waiting for the light cavalry under the command of General Qing, who was ordered to patrol the official road. See two people who are not like locals. Special reminder, here is the remote and careful robbers."

He smiled and didn't dare to stay in front of the wind, and he was too busy to sneak. Although the beauty is rare, it must have a life to suffer.

Yin looked at the back of the pair of people leaving, snoring. After several years of travel, because of the outstanding appearance of Yang Shiyan, the peach blossoms caused a lot of robbery, but the first time I met the military.

Is this the quality of Qingzhou’s army?

The ash ash smoldering took over the owner's waist: "Frightened slaves, this Qingzhou army can be really inferior, and dare to dare to do this in vain. If you are not the master, you will be the best in the wind, those people are afraid to be strong. Grab the slaves."

Yin is away from comfort: "This kind of scum should be just a case." The guy escaped quickly. If he knew the name, the career would be over.

The ashes of Yang Shiyan’s “嘤嘤嘤” met and enjoyed the embrace of the Yin, and finally recovered the calm.

At night, the two rushed to the black pontoon and lived in a station in Qingzhou. The anecdote was a thin old man with a goat. He was repaired with only eight layers of refining, and after checking the official character of Yin, he greeted him with respect.

Yin is born to be weak and sick, even if it breaks through the foundation period, it is still afraid of cold and fear, and it is very different from other self-cultivators. In order to let his car sleep well, Yang Ash smoked the kitchen of the station and cooked the soup for his owner.

When he came out of the kitchen with a washbasin, he met a familiar person on the head. It was the white horse silver gun that he had seen in the daytime, the frivolous young general.

The other party naturally recognized him at a glance. At this time, the Yang gray smoke had already won the white gauze on the head for the convenience of doing things, and the stunning beauty was revealed. The man stared at his face and the saliva ran down.

If such a beautiful person can suffer once... it is the peony flower that dies, and the ghosts are also romantic!

Yang gray smoke was stared at the naked and obscene eyes, his face was red, his head was shy and angry, and he stepped into the door with a small step.

He closed the door and sighed softly. The half lying in bed was so different that he looked different. He asked with concern: "Gray smoke, what happened to you?"

Yang gray smoke smiled and smiled: "Nothing, the kitchen management is too warm, and I am asking about it." This is also the truth, this young beauty can not help but wind, without any slight attack, even middle age Women want to tease him.

He put the footbath on the ground, put the inseparable feet into the medicine, and gently kneaded it. He is very old-fashioned, and the waiter is very comfortable.

In fact, once it is completed, the body will be reborn, even if it is not bathed for several years, it will not be dirty, but it is difficult for people to want to enjoy the desire to be happy.

After soaking his feet, Yin stayed in bed and closed his eyes. Not long after, I came over with a warm body and sizzled the cold ice.

These days, long journeys made him quite tired. He really needed to absorb some pure yang, and he did not refuse the favor of his own male pet. The tent was lowered, the red waves were turned, and the repressed cockroaches echoed in the dark room.

After the lingering, Yin went to sleep, and the eyebrows were covered with a trace of lameness.

Yang gray smoke lies quietly beside him, the two bodies in the quilt are still intimately intertwined, the darkness can not stop his tender eyes, as if a spring water is so addictive.

Unconsciously, the night is over half. The tiles on the roof sounded a slight footstep, and a colorless, odorless light smoke floated into the room.

Yin was ignorant and ignorant, and fell into a deeper dream.

Yang gray smoke printed a shallow kiss on his lips, gently put his bed down, covered with thick blood infrared robes, covered with a long black hair and soft hair, and swept the window out of the ground.

Two black sly ghosts are playing cards outside the window, sending a long, boring night, seeing the bright red robes over their heads and flying over the roof.

The burly tall ghost whispered: "Big brother, that kid is not safe, what?"

Another short, thin ghost appeared in a wave: "Little brother, as long as you protect the life of your Highness in the house, don't worry about anything else."

The ghost brothers continue to play cards and gamble, and enjoy themselves.

The flower thief on the roof did not hear the conversation that was close at hand. He waited for the effect of the drug and sneaked into the room. When I think of the beauty of the beauty, his body can't help but feel hot.

Suddenly, his head floated over a soft, gauzy thing, and looked back subconsciously. A **** red figure floated in the air, black hair and red eyes, and the eyes flashed green, staring at him.


He just made a sound, and he saw the red man rushing up, picking up his neck and flying toward the small forest in the distance.

The burly tall ghosts poked their heads out of the eaves: "How can you see us when the man is only repaired in the middle of the building?"

The short, thin ghosts are lazy: "It’s not us... but it’s not wrong."

The boy, whether it is a man or a ghost, or something else, even his practice of cultivation to the late Jin Dian can not see clearly. The Western Yin Dynasty has always been bright and upright. Why do you have such a strange thing?

The flower thief was thrown away from the height of several hundred feet without mercy. His cultivation was in the middle of the foundation, and it was not the technique of the air. Although it was good, it broke the arm and two ribs.

"You... don't kill me, do you know who I am?" The guy finally knew that he had kicked the iron plate and provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked. The bright moonlight makes his appearance look like a frivolous young general who met during the day. "Speaking out to scare you, I am the relative of Sun Changrong, General of Qingzhou. I am a master of the Golden Age. 30,000 soldiers and horses. If you dare to move me a hair, he will not let you go!"

He was so intimidated by the guilt, but the next second was taken to the neck by the red boy.

Yang gray smoke made a slap in the chest: "I am so scared, I don't want to die. It is already here, it seems that I can only kill people."

His mouth couldn’t hold back, his tongue twitched with excitement. It is like tormenting others, can bring him great joy.

The flower thief wowed and screamed and experienced a free fall. This time, I broke my leg and couldn't escape.

Originally, he thought that he was a good man in the middle of the building, and he was better than the repairs in the early days of Yin’s foundation. As long as the things of stealing the jade were clean and clean, the other party should not find out what he did. .

How to collect the wind, the Emperor of Heaven is far away.

Unexpectedly, it seems that the weak red boy is a hidden master. He wanted to pick flowers, and the result was a horrible piranha. I knew this before, why bother and regret later.

Why do you like to hide in this year?

Read The Duke's Passion