MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 76 Extra 2

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A group of demon cultivators stood at the foot of Fuqiu Mountain. Looking carefully, they were all big and respectable demon cultivators in the spirit world. They were usually fierce and fierce demon cultivators, but they were all standing here with smiles on their faces to welcome guests.

The leader is the owner of the Chifeng Valley. As Wu Yimei's confidant, the important task of welcoming guests is entrusted to him. He looks extremely ugly, but today he did not wear the unlucky black robe. The robe, with his ugly face, looks a little funny.

I saw someone coming.

The owner of Chifeng Valley grinned with a piercing smile, and said, "Xiao Qi is here."

The person who came was the master of the Baiwu Sect, but the Baiwu Sect can only be regarded as a small demon sect in the fairy world, the head of the Qi Sect trembled in front of the owner of the Chifeng Valley, and said: "I, I am here to congratulate the Demon Lord, These are congratulatory gifts, a little care is not a respect."

Although the owner of Chifeng Valley doesn't take Master Qi's attention seriously, he has already been ordered, no matter who comes today, he has to greet him well, and he must not spoil the good things of His Majesty, so he showed a polite smile, Carelessly said: "Okay, you go up! Put the congratulatory gifts here, someone will collect them."

Clan Master Qi felt that this smile was very scary, he wiped off his sweat and ordered his subordinates to put down the congratulatory gifts and went up the mountain.

The Demon Cultivator next to the owner of Chifeng Valley held a small book with a red cover and wrote down all the congratulatory gifts from Clan Master Qi, and sent them to the warehouse of the Demon Palace when the time came.

In half a day's time, the small book was filled with so many records of congratulations that it was almost too much to write.

Mozun is now in full swing in the world of spirits and immortals, and he is married to Yuyi Jun, the number one person in the world. Naturally, all the demon sects came to congratulate him.

As long as you still want to hang out in the magic world of the spirit fairy world, who would dare not come?

The owner of the Chifeng Valley touched his muscular face and smiled, suddenly his face changed drastically, a group of white-clothed swordsmen approached from a distance, and when that group of swordsmen was still some distance away from Fuqiu Mountain, Slowly landed and walked to the foot of Fuqiu Mountain.

The owner of Chifeng Valley looked solemnly, and looked over with murderous eyes, which inconspicuous orthodox immortal sect would dare to make trouble on the day of Zun Shang's wedding? I'm afraid I'm getting impatient!

The other demon cultivators around him also looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, full of murderous intent!

The owner of Chifeng Valley, with the weapon in his hand, rolled up his sleeves and was ready to attack, but when he saw the person coming, his expression froze on his face, he froze there, neither advancing nor retreating.

The person who came was from Yun Jian Que.

The leader is Master Mingyin with white beard and hair, followed by a group of disciples dressed in white and carrying jade swords on their backs. Those disciples were carrying a few boxes, and they looked no different from those who came to give gifts...

Most importantly, this is Mr. Yuyi's natal family!

As long as Yun Jianque didn't make a move, he would never dare to strike first, even if Yun Jianque did, they wouldn't dare to fight back...!

What exactly are the people from Yun Jian Que here for?

You won't be here to attend the big wedding, will you?

The muscles on the face of the owner of Chifeng Valley trembled, bitterness appeared, after a long while, he coughed lightly, stopped in front of Master Mingyin nervously, and said slowly: "Why did Master come today?"

The other demon cultivators are also ready to fight.

Master Mingyin's expression was indifferent, but he was kind and said: "Xie Huai is my disciple, he got married today, as a master, he came to congratulate him from now on, please pass on the message from Master Gu."

how? Are you really here to congratulate?

The faces of the devils were strange.


It is well known in the world that Jun Yuyi rebelled against his master for the sake of his superior, but now that Jun Yuyi and his superior are married, it is tantamount to marrying into their demon sect, and naturally he has nothing to do with Yun Jianque. Generally speaking, when encountering such a thing, the Righteous Immortal Sect has to clean up the door. Even if the door is not cleaned up, there is absolutely no reason to come to congratulate it?

They feel that something is wrong, and they are afraid of fraud.

But he dared not decide this matter privately, and still needed Lord Bingming and Lord Yuyi.

The owner of Chifeng Valley said in a deep voice: "Master, please wait here for a moment, let me pass on a message."

As he said that, with a wink, a magician rushed up the mountain in a hurry.


Wu Yimei left with his people.

Only Fang Li and Xie Huai were left in the wedding room.

Xie Huai put his arms around Fang Li's waist, and laughed hoarsely in his ear: "We're going to get married soon."

Fang Li felt a little expectant and a little nervous.

Xie Huai's scorching breath fell on his ear, making his complexion slightly flushed, and he felt that Xie Huai seemed to mean something.

These days he has been tossed a lot...

Fang Li thought to himself that today is his big wedding anyway, so he must take up some face of the Demon Lord, right? So he pushed Xie Huai, pushed Xie Huai to the side of the bed and sat down, bent his knees beside him, lifted Xie Huai's chin, and said in a playful tone: "Today, I will pamper the most beautiful woman in the world..."

Xie Huai looked at the jade-like face of the young man in front of him, his light-colored thin lips slightly raised, with a seductive lazy chuckle, his eyes darkened a little, and his voice was hoarse: "Oh? How does Your Majesty plan to pamper me?"

Fang Li stared at Xie Huaiqing's stunning, cold and ascetic face, and fell into the deep black eyes of the other party. He couldn't help being a little nervous, and coughed lightly: "Let me think about it..."

Xie Huaiding stared at him for a moment, then suddenly pulled Fang Li's hand.

Fang Li accidentally fell down and sat down, the man approached with a cold face, firmly pressed Fang Li into his arms, his black eyes smiled: "Is that so?"

Fang Li's face turned red suddenly.

Impulsively speaking quickly, when he didn't know what to do, Xie Huai raised his head and kissed his lips.

The red silk on the bed was messed up again.

Full of wrinkles.

Fang Li's kissed eyes were covered with mist, and his eyes were slightly empty, Wu Yimei just tidied up here, if he saw the mess, he would be angry again...

But what about him?

Xie Huai interlocked his fingers with Fang Li.

When the two are kissing inextricably—

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, it was Wu Yimei's voice: "Your Majesty, Master Mingyin is asking to see you."

Fang Li's movements suddenly stopped.

Xie Huai's face also changed slightly.

The two looked at each other.

Fang Lishuang left Xie Huai's arms, quickly tidied up his clothes, and then said in a deep voice, "Where is the Venerable Master now?"

Wu Yimei said: "Waiting at the foot of the mountain."

This is Xie Huai's master, no matter why he came here, he must not be neglected, Fang Li said without thinking: "Please come up quickly."

Wu Yimei said: "Yes."

Fang Li turned to look at Xie Huai after finishing his orders, feeling a little guilty and worried.

Originally, Master Xie Huai was supposed to be present for such a big wedding, but Xie Huai betrayed his master for himself and had to leave the sect he cared about, so that on such an important day, he could not invite The people from Yun Jian Que came, and there was no one from the teacher's school around him... Fang Li has always felt owed for this, and for Xie Huai, this should be a regrettable thing.

Fang Li really hoped that Master Mingyin would come, but now that Master Mingyin really came, he felt a little uneasy, could it be that Master Mingyin couldn't bear it after all, and wanted to stop Xie Huai from arguing with himself? Are you married?

He believed in Xie Huai's feelings for him.

But on such an important day, Xie Huai had to make such a difficult decision, and had to face Master's accusations, how guilty and painful would Xie Huai be?

Fang Li's heart twitched.

I almost want to say that if I don't see it, forget it...

Xie Huai's face was also a little dignified, he stood there quietly, turned his head to see Fang Li's worried expression, showed a smile, and said with relief: "It's okay, Master is not an unreasonable person."

Fang Li sighed softly.

Xie Huai was clearly in trouble, but he still wanted to comfort himself.

Not long after, Wu Yimei came with Master Mingyin.

Fang Li and Xie Huai stood at the door to welcome them.

Although he was nervous in his heart, he tried his best to maintain a calm face, and said politely: "The master came from a long way, and this deity is far away, please don't blame me."

Master Mingyin glanced at Fang Li.

The young man in front of him had a humble attitude, he didn't have the airs of a demon king at all, and he was even a little nervous, like a child who is facing his elders and is afraid of being reprimanded...Master Mingyin had a complicated look on his face.

In fact, he didn't come here today to stop the wedding.

On that day, the Holy One led the Ten Thousand Immortals League to besiege Fuqiu Mountain, but he did not hesitate to use evil things to kill thousands of people. Among them, most of the people killed by the Holy One were defenseless members of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. People no longer have any doubts about Xie Huai's original words.

What Xie Huai said is true, Shengzun is the mastermind behind the Chaoxianhui, in order to seize the treasure, he did not hesitate to let blood wash the trial environment of the Chaoxianhui, causing innocent people to die tragically, and now he can defeat Fang Li, He didn't hesitate to sacrifice so many righteous monks, all of them were used by the Holy One.

Master Mingyin didn't know why the Holy Lord died in the first place, but he knew that what the Holy Lord did was destined not to be tolerated by the law of heaven.

In this matter, Mozun was indeed not at fault... But considering the murders Mozun had committed, as well as the grievances with Yun Jianque, Master Mingyin still couldn't accept it.

Until he received a letter from Xie Huai.

Xie Huai told him in the letter that Fang Li was not hated by the devil, but an outsider, and his actions were all in accordance with the destiny.

After Fang Li became the Demon Lord, not only did he not do anything harmful to nature, but he also tried his best to save many people. He returned to Yunjianque, but he didn't want Master to misunderstand him. No matter whether Master believed him or not, he should tell the truth.

Master Mingyin chose to believe in Xie Huai.

At the beginning, Xie Huai pointed out that the Holy Lord was the mastermind behind the Chaoxianhui, because it was so absurd that no one believed it, but the facts proved that what Xie Huai said was true. Now that the Holy Lord is dead, no one in the world can threaten the Demon Lord, thank you Huai chose to tell him the truth because of his trust in him, and he also trusted the disciple he had taught himself to not let him down.

And think back to the beginning, the demon king who besieged Yun Jianque was disgusting, cold-blooded and cruel, and he was different from the person in front of him... If this demon king is really not the other demon king, and he has no murder in his hands, and he saves the people from the fire and water, then he is still Is there any reason to prevent Xie Huai from being with him?

No matter what the world thinks of it, those who practice the Tao must stick to their hearts.

What matters is right or wrong, not a position.

And if Fang Li really has the heart to calm down, it will be a blessing for the fairy world.

Now that Xie Huai had already made a decision, Master Ming Yin, as a master, did not want to chill the heart of his beloved disciple, and finally decided to come to attend the big wedding.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be polite, but this old man came here uninvited to bother His Majesty..." Master Mingyin faced Fang Li, and said slowly, "Xie Huai is my disciple after all, so what can I do on the day of his wedding?" Can you come?"

Fang Li slowly opened his eyes wide.

Master Mingyin actually came to attend the wedding? Instead of stopping Xie Huai from being with him?

He was a little at a loss and looked at Xie Huai.

Xie Huai was also a little surprised, and then his face showed emotion, his lips trembled slightly.

After the battle that day was over, he didn't want his master to misunderstand him, so he wrote a letter to his master, telling him everything except the origin of this world and the identity of Fang Li's book-walker.

This reason seems too absurd, and it is even more unbelievable than the master is behind the scenes. He is not sure that the master can believe it, but this is the only thing he can do. Even if the master does not believe it, he wants to Tell Master that the person I love is not Yun Jianque's enemy.

He didn't expect his master to come in person.

In fact, as long as the master said a word of belief, Xie Huai felt enough. After all, Master Mingyin was the sect master of the immortal sect, and his every move represented Yun Jianque. How could he participate in the big wedding of the demon king? Such behavior is risking the disrespect of the world.

Unexpectedly, Master actually came.

Master Mingyin took a pityful look at Xie Huai. He watched this child grow up. He has a strong will and a firm will. He is young but hides his emotions. After all, there is a teacher.

How could he have the heart to make this child sad and disappointed?

Master Mingyin patted Xie Huai's hand lightly, and said in an old voice, "You have suffered."

Xie Huai said hoarsely: "I'm fine."

He doesn't care what the world thinks, as long as the people he cares about can believe him, that's enough.

Master Mingyin shook his head, turned his head and said to Fang Li: "Your Majesty, you don't want to hurt others when you are misunderstood. If you can forgive the Ten Thousand Immortals League, you are sincere and compassionate. As members of the immortal sect, we should not discriminate between right and wrong. If you turn against your lord to regenerate waves and cause turmoil in the fairy world, then you are the sinner in the fairy world... Yunjian Que wishes to fight with you to restore peace to the fairy world."

Fang Li's expression slowly became serious, and he said word by word: "The Venerable Master can ignore the past and come here in person. I am very grateful. What the Master said is also my wish."

He understood the purpose of Master Mingyin's visit.

As expected of the Que in the Clouds, the layout is huge.

While other fairy sects are watching and swaying in fear, Yun Jianque is willing to come to congratulate himself as the devil. It seems to be just to thank Huai, but in fact the deeper meaning is to change the status quo of the fairy world and not hesitate to let it go for the peace of the fairy world. The deep-rooted prejudices in the past make friends with the devil himself.

Really have a heart for the common people and have great love.

Anyone who can get along peacefully is willing to fight and kill. Fang Li didn't intend to kill them all, but he was a little worried that those immortal sects were stubborn and couldn't let go of their face. Inevitably a bit troublesome.

It was exactly what Fang Li wished for that Yunjian Que could let go of his past grievances so magnanimously and come to negotiate a peace.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and Yun Jianque took the lead. Although those fairy sects may not be able to turn around for a while, maybe they will change after a long time?

This is a good start!

Fang Li naturally agreed.

Master Mingyin saw Fang Li's sincerity and was very pleased, at last he hesitated for a moment and said: "As for the pregnant son, I will leave it to Your Majesty, and I hope Your Majesty will take pity on it."

This child Xie Huai has always been stubborn, he won't look back on what he believes in, and he won't complain when he gets hurt... Now that he is trapped by love, he will go to the magic cave alone, Master Mingyin is worried, afraid that this child will be wronged alone.

Fang Li's expression froze, he almost choked, he gave Xie Huai a complicated look, and immediately said solemnly: "I love and respect Mr. Yuyi, and I will treat him well. Please don't worry, my lord!"

Xie Huai pursed his lips and smiled, and said to Master: "This...don't worry about it."

Master Mingyin saw that the two were so affectionate, and Mozun did not despise Xie Huai because he loved him, but instead respected and loved Xie Huai, so he was relieved and smiled: "It's very good."


On the broad and majestic main hall of the Demon Palace, countless strands of red silk hang down, moving with the wind, and the red candles reflect the bright pearls, making the place radiant.

There are several chairs on both sides of the front of the hall.

Sitting on the left were Fang Mingyuan and Xin Ruiyan, and on the right was Master Mingyin.

Fang Mingyuan and his wife struggled for a long time, and finally decided to come here.

But in the end they were just mortals, surrounded by demons, they were inevitably a little nervous, but they didn't want Master Mingyin to come, and most of the anxiety dissipated immediately.

Master Mingyin is the suzerain of Yunjian Que. He is a well-known orthodox monk and has always been highly respected in the world of spirits and immortals. He is willing to come to the wedding of Mozun and Yuyi Jun. It can be seen that their feelings are not wrong.

Mozun is definitely not a bad person!

Wu Yimei and Du Meng stood on both sides.

Many other demon cultivators crowded on both sides. They first looked at Fang Mingyuan and his wife, and then at Master Mingyin in surprise. They really didn't expect that there would be a righteous immortal coming to congratulate them! Although Yun Jian Que is Xie Huai's former teacher... but after all, immortals and demons have different paths...

Yun Jianque's mind is too big, right?

The other sword cultivators from Yunjianque crowded together with the demon cultivators.

Tao Lu also squeezed into the crowd.

His dark eyes rolled, and he heard that his master was coming to attend his brother's big wedding. He clamored to come, but his master had no choice but to take him with him. He heard that Fang Li was not actually a Demon Lord, but Fang Li clearly was the Demon Lord. Ah, isn't he the same as the Demon Lord before? This demon is not that demon?

Hey, it's too complicated, and my head is dizzy.

But he believed in his senior brother's vision, he would never fall in love with a villain who is full of murder. He has also gotten along with Fang Li, and he is clearly gentle and easy-going, and he is definitely not the previous Demon Lord.

No matter what, senior brother is getting married, he will definitely come!

Seeing that senior brother can get married with the one he loves, Tao Lu is really happy in his heart.

The other demon cultivators looked at the disciple Yun Jianque beside them, and felt that the atmosphere was subtle.

The sword cultivators in Yun Jian Que are the most jealous. They usually fight to the death when they meet, but now they are standing together to attend the wedding. It feels like a dream... But since the people in Yun Jian Que don't do anything, they naturally don't like it. Will do it.

Mr. Yuyi's natal family is here, so of course they have to be treated politely, right?

After such a calculation, is it because of their relatives?

Although the two groups of people have different thoughts, they live in harmony rarely, forming a strange and peaceful scene.

Bells rang loudly outside.

Under the eyes of everyone's expectation.

Fang Li and Xie Huai walked into the hall hand in hand, dressed in red.

Those who practice Taoism don't pay so much attention to red tape. When the auspicious time comes, the contract is a Taoist couple.

The demon cultivator who was in charge of the ceremonies respectfully presented the jade plate with a piece of golden talisman paper and a small knife on the jade plate, and said respectfully: "The auspicious time has come, please form a contract with Mr. Yuyi."

Fang Li smiled at Xie Huai, took a knife and cut his fingertips, forcing out a drop of natal spiritual blood, which dripped on the golden paper talisman.

Xie Huai also forced out his natal spiritual blood and dripped it on the paper talisman.

The golden paper talisman absorbed the life blood of the two, and instantly burst into dazzling light. Two golden characters emerged, and quickly sank into the eyebrows of Fang Li and Xie Huai.

At this moment, Fang Li could feel that he and Xie Huai were connected and intimate.

Si Li Moxiu respectfully said: "Qicheng, congratulations to your lord, congratulations to Lord Yuyi."

Congratulations sounded one after another in the hall, creating a joyous atmosphere.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations to Lord Yuyi!"

Soon, many demon servants brought food and wine for everyone to enjoy.

The disciples of Yun Jian Que held it a little at first and couldn't let it go. They stood there in a dilemma, and soon someone came to persuade them to drink.

The demon cultivator blushed from drinking, obviously drunk, put his arm around the neck of a disciple of Yun Jian Que, and said: "Brothers, you are the family of Yu Yijun, that is, the family of the lord, and that is me. Old Xiao’s family, if you don’t get drunk today, you won’t return home!”

Disciple Yunjian Que: "..."

Seeing that the wine glass was about to be poked in the face, and this festive day couldn't disappoint the senior brother, he finally picked up the wine glass and drank it.

This is a start.

Soon those disciples of Yun Jian Que were surrounded by a group of demon cultivators drinking each other, and they were drunk not long after.

Master Mingyin shook his head helplessly.

Fang Li was very pleased to see this happy scene.

The demon cultivators came over to toast one after another, Fang Li was in a good mood and drank a few more glasses, a blush appeared on his face.

Seeing someone coming again, Xie Huai suddenly raised his hand and said flatly: "Your Majesty can't drink any more."

That Demon Cultivator of the Mind, Yu Yijun, is really lenient, even taking care of his lord's drinking, so how can he still live in the future? Naihe honored Mr. Yuyi, and quickly slipped away with a smile.

Fang Li muttered: "I can still drink."

Xie Huai took a deep look at him, his eyes darkened, and said in Fang Li's ear: "My lord, have you forgotten that there are more important things today?"

Fang Li turned his head in a daze: "What's the matter?"

Xie Huai smiled.

Then Fang Li was taken away from the main hall by Xie Huai, and returned to their wedding room. Xie Huai held Fang Li by the bedside with one hand, leaned over, rubbed hands with him, and smiled softly: "Today is our bridal chamber wedding night. .”

Fang Li suddenly woke up from the wine, his ears were slightly red, although he has practiced with Xie Huai many times, but now he feels different, he is connected with the person in front of him, and the person approaching makes him more sensitive...

Just a chuckle, a breath, made his heart tremble.

Seeing Xie Huai approaching...

Fang Li suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, keeping the Yin-Yang Jade is a disaster, shouldn't we destroy it?"

Xie Huai paused, and said: "This is made by the Holy One. We tried it before, and it can't be destroyed, but..."

Fang Li looked at him.

Xie Huai raised the corners of his lips slightly: "...When we become Hedao True Immortals, we should be able to destroy them."

Fang Li suddenly realized and took it for granted.

Xie Huai bowed his head, brushed Fang Li's ears with his lips, his voice was low and hoarse, and his tone was meaningful: "In order to destroy that scourge as soon as possible, we should work harder to cultivate, and now we are not far away from Hedao True Immortal."

Fang Li took a deep breath, rolled his eyes, smiled and said, "Madam is right."

Xie Huai's eyes suddenly changed, there was a hint of danger in the bottom of his eyes, then he raised the corners of his lips, waved his hand, and the red veil fell down...

He bowed his head and kissed Fang Li's eyelashes, and said slowly: "It seems that tonight, I have to take good care of my lord."

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