MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 70 candid

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When Fang Li came to the foot of the mountain, he saw Fu Junling at a glance.

Fu Junling was dressed in white today, standing warmly and elegantly with his hands behind his back. He looked more similar to the senior brother in Yan Sui's memory. He looked at him softly and said, "You're here."

Fang Li looked indifferent, and said lightly: "If you have something to say, just say it."

Fu Junling sighed softly.

He looked at the person in front of him in a complicated manner.

If it wasn't for his mistake at the time, how could things have come to this point today?

Four thousand years ago, when I fell, I used the means to hoodwink the heavens to hoodwink the secrets of the sky, leaving a trace of my soul in reincarnation, hoping that one day I would be reincarnated and come back to the world.

Until nineteen years ago.

The young man accidentally brought him the Yin-Yang Jade, which awakened his past life memories.

He is finally back.

At that time, he wanted to take the Yin-Yang Jade directly and leave the Fufeng Sect, but the old man of the Fufeng Sect was too pedantic and refused to give the Yin-Yang Jade to him, thinking that this object should not be in this world, and he had just awakened at that time, and his strength had not yet recovered, so he could not Don't use Chong Wanshan.

Chong Wanshan is a dignified and ambitious person. If he knew that the Fufeng Sect had this treasure, he would definitely not let it go. He only leaked a little bit of information, which attracted Chong Wanshan to attack the Fufeng Sect. In a critical moment, the old man did not doubt that he was there. Sure enough, he took out the Yin-Yang Jade, and asked him and Ah Yan to leave with half of it.

At that time, he should have killed Ah Yan directly, grabbed the jade talisman and left.

Even this young man is the most beloved and cherished person in his life.

But compared with his memory of nearly ten thousand years and the reincarnation of hundreds of lifetimes... the life of Ah Yan's senior brother, who lived just over twenty years, is like a drop in the ocean and a fleeting moment.

Too trivial.

But that insignificant and small memory still affected him after all, making him take action at the last moment and save the young man who was destined to die.

He faked his death in front of Ah Yan, letting him die, and planned to find him after Ah Yan left, and get back his other half of the jade talisman.

But he was never found again.

This young man was always very smart, he really ran away and hid so that no one could find him again.

Temporarily relented.

Let him miss what could have been at his fingertips.

He left Fufeng faction.

In order to obtain the cultivation resources more conveniently, the Xuanxing Tower was added in a new look.

Five years passed.

Demon King Yan Sui was born out of nowhere, his origin is unknown and his cultivation base is mysterious, and he dominates the demonic way with invincible power, causing panic in the spirit world.

Regarding the identity of Demon Lord Yan Sui, there are different opinions in the fairy world.

Some people say that he is a demon who has lived for hundreds of years, some people say that he is a wronged soul who has been resurrected from the dead...

But only he knew that the boy who escaped in the sea of ​​corpses and blood had returned.

He was carrying the other half of the black jade talisman. After all, he fell into obsession and desire, was dominated by hatred, and turned into another appearance.

Fu Junling felt a little regret at that time.

In his long life, he has seen too many people, too many joys and sorrows... People's hearts are fickle, and it is not uncommon for him to be depraved by hatred, and Ah Yan is not immune.

this boy.

It was no longer the look he liked in his memory.

And the already small memory will not affect him even more.

Fu Junling watched coldly.

Facing the Demon Lord, the Righteous Sect was in constant panic. A few years later, until the Demon Lord besieged Yun Jian Que, the Righteous Sect believed that they could not sit still, and led by Jiuxiaoshan, called for the formation of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals to defeat the Demon Lord.

But he doesn't care about all of this, these people's worries and fears are unnecessary...

Yan Sui, who used the power of the black talisman wantonly, traded his lifespan for power, and he would not live long. He didn't have to take any risks at all, he just had to wait patiently.

And at this moment.

Yan Sui brought Xie Huai to Wangshan City.

Make waves all the way, lest others don't know.

Chong Wanshan doesn't know why the Demon Lord came here, and he doesn't know why the Demon Lord is like this. He is dedicated to maintaining his reputation and face... He even tried to use money to pay off Yan Sui, which is ridiculous. Han Sui came to take Chong Wanshan's life. Knowing everything, looking at Chong Wanshan's frightened, angry and puzzled look, he followed his mind and smiled and said that he was willing to help him meet the devil for a while.

Long time no see, he was a little curious about Ah Yan's current appearance.

Gilded upstairs.

He saw the boy from before again.

The once innocent, immature boy who only admired and looked at him has grown into a man.

He is lazy and casual, and his demeanor is not to be ignored.

There are many people who are dominated by hatred, and most of them lose their hearts and forget their original appearance. He thought that the same will be true for hatred.

But this time he was wrong.

This person seems to have changed, but also seems to have not changed.

He seems to be a cold-blooded and cruel devil, arrogant and domineering, but occasionally reveals his true side, and the little things he gets along with Xie Huai, but he still seems to retain his youthful innocence, and he will still face others gently and indifferently , even if he pretends to be fierce and cold, but the gentle side inside cannot deceive people...

He was surprising.

Perhaps it was his contradictory side that attracted Xie Huai and made Xie Huai fall for him.

Because even if I have lived for such a long time.

Almost never seen such a person.

I can go through all this and still keep my original heart, not change my original intention, even if I take revenge, I will not lose myself, and the grievances and grievances are clear...

Fu Junling was rarely interested in him.

He watched Yan Sui and Xie Huai leave.


Anxiety is sure to die.

As for how to die, it is his own choice.

Fu Junling will not interfere.

He did not go to the day when the Ten Thousand Immortals attacked Fuqiu Mountain.

Later, he heard that Xie Huai personally killed Yan Sui, but he felt that this should not be the case.

But when a person dies like a lamp goes out, it doesn't matter anymore.

Fu Junling didn't go up the mountain alone until there was no one on Fuqiu Mountain, but he didn't find the black talisman.

It's a pity after all.

Nine years passed.

Fu Junling had given up on looking for the black talisman again, the mistake of thinking at the beginning made him miss his own things.

Even if it is him, everything will not go well after all.

But what he didn't expect was that he actually saw a similar person on Fuqiu Mountain.

Xie Huai lived alone in Fuqiu Mountain all these years, everyone said that he resented the devil, but only Fu Junling knew that Xie Huai might be genuinely moved by the hatred, staying in Fuqiu Mountain was not because of resentment, but because he couldn't let go.

For nine years, Xie Huai was alone and did not allow anyone to approach him.

Why can this young man appear beside him? Being cherished by him?

Fu Junling realized the problem.

After a little probing, he guessed the identity of the young man.

What kind of adventure is there? After using the black talisman, he can be reborn and come back. This is something that even Fu Junling can't figure out.

He lived nearly ten thousand years.

There are people he can't see through.

But since Yan Sui can come back, he can take the opportunity to find out the whereabouts of the black talisman. This time, he will not be soft-hearted, and he will definitely get back what belongs to him.

Although the rebirth and return of Yan Sui is not strong, but it is a pity that Xie Huai is by his side, so it is not easy to make a direct move.

Fu Junling designed Xie Huai and Yan Sui to go down the mountain, and easily forced Yan Sui and Wu Yimei to recognize each other, and then set up an illusion to take the black talisman whereabouts.

He knows too much about boredom.

Knowing that the deepest desire in Yan Sui's heart should be foolproof, but what surprised him, Yan Sui actually broke through the illusion, which made him fall short.


Fu Junling didn't understand.

Am I not the one you want the most?

He had to watch Xie Huai take Yan Sui away, observing silently, he knew that Han Sui would not sit still, maybe he would go to get the black talisman.

Sure enough, Wu Yimei was exhausted and ordered to go to the ruins of the Holy Venerable.

Fu Junling was a little surprised at the time. He didn't expect that the thing was hidden in the original place. He appeared in the ruins to **** the black talisman, but it was actually a trap... Sure enough, his Ah Yan was still so smart.

In order to convince myself, I chose such a place and forced myself to show up.

Fu Junling wasn't surprised, he revealed his identity to Yan Sui.

It's a pity that the boy back then was no longer attached to him, and he didn't hesitate to attack him with swords.

Things didn't have to go this far.

You made me.

Fu Junling looked at the person in front of him with gentle eyes, and said, "Ah Yan, hand over the black jade talisman and come back to me...Come back, and I will protect you."

Now the general situation of the world is on my side, you are desperate, only I can protect you.

Fang Li looked at Fu Junling coldly, and suddenly raised the corners of his lips and smiled.

As expected of the Holy One, he has self-confidence.

Why did he feel that he was willing to come back to him?

Don't say that you are not tired, even if you are tired, can you endure his betrayal, endure his persecution, and then wait for his charity when you are desperate?

What did he take as disgusting?

You treat all living beings like ants, trample people into the dust, and then show compassion and charity from above. Do you think anyone cares?

Fang Li said coolly: "If you have nothing else to say, please go back."

Fu Junling saw his indifference, and sighed softly: "I know you are still blaming me, but it doesn't matter, I will wait for you...Ah Yan, brother will not lie to you again."

"Don't wait." Fang Li ignored him, turned around and left.

If he had known it was such nonsense, he would not have bothered to come down.


Xie Huai stood alone at the entrance of the hall and waited, his face was silent.

He had no way to prevent Fang Li from going to see Fu Junling. He could even guess that Fu Junling would use a gentle strategy, both hard and soft, to force Fang Li to hand over the black jade talisman. Fang Li cared so much about that person, maybe as long as the other party was soft and said Just a few good words, and then I can't bear to be tempted again, and be deceived by the other party...

Maybe Fang Li went down the mountain.

will never come back.

As long as he thought of this, Xie Huai felt powerless and cold all over. To Fang Li, he was too insignificant.

And it was time to wake up from this sweet dream.

Xie Huai stood there motionless.

But what he didn't expect was that Fang Li came back soon, and he smiled at himself, as if seeing himself was something that put him in a good mood.

With gentle and bright eyebrows, he said nonchalantly, "Let's go ahead and eat."

Xie Huai's heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, he suddenly had a ridiculous delusion, he felt that he was much more important than Fu Junling, and Fu Junling was not as good as a meal in Fang Li's eyes.

This thought made him unable to hold back the corners of his lips, he also smiled, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's not cold yet, I'm warming it up for you."

Fang Li smiled immediately, as if you were the best and most caring, and then continued to eat with him.

Xie Huai didn't ask Fang Li what they said.

The arrival of Fu Junling did not change anything.

They have eaten.

In the quiet bedroom at night.

Xie Huai and Fang Li hugged each other to sleep.

He gently hugged the person in his arms.

You also know that he is no longer your senior brother... So, you won't leave again, right?

Although I got to know you relatively late, I will always be by your side for the rest of my life.

Will never betray you.


Fang Li woke up the next day and found that Xie Huai was not by his side and had already woken up first.

He came to the yard.

Then he rubbed his eyes, feeling a little dazed, suspecting that he had misread.

Could it be that he was dizzy from sleep last night and had hallucinations?

Xie Huai actually changed into black clothes.

So, although everyone has the freedom to dress freely, Fang Li has never seen Xie Huai in other colors since he wore the book, and thought Xie Huai only had white clothes! Why did you suddenly change from white to black?

This is not normal, is it?

Fang Li's mood suddenly became uneasy, and he glanced at Xie Huai anxiously.

During this period of time, they were like glue, and their relationship was very stable, as if the past had passed away... Why did Xie Huai suddenly lose his nerve again, did he do anything wrong recently? He couldn't stop thinking about whether he had offended Xie Huai somewhere and made Xie Huai irritated...

But after much deliberation, I can't think of it.

He almost confessed to Xie Huai as his girlfriend!

Fang Li walked over slowly, showing a somewhat stiff smile, with a nervous expression on his face: "Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Xie Huai said calmly: "No."

"Oh..." Fang Li pondered what to say next.

At this moment, he heard Xie Huai ask him lightly: "I don't want to wear white clothes anymore, do you still like it?"

Fang Li was stunned for a moment, thinking about this inexplicable question, if you don’t wear white, then don’t wear white, I like you even if you dress like a big butterfly, I like you, not what you wear clothing…

And he took a look at Xie Huai's face, he looked good even in a sack!

Seeing that Fang Li didn't answer immediately, Xie Huai's heart sank slightly.

The smile disappeared.

Maybe Fang Li came back too fast yesterday, which made him have an unrealistic delusion, thinking that Fang Li really likes him, likes him more than anyone else... Maybe people's hearts are greedy, and he can't escape it. Once he gets a little If you have sweetness, you can't help but expect more.

At first, I felt that as long as this person was by my side, it was enough, even if it was a substitute.

But now, he wants Fang Li to really like him, and he wants Fang Li to be completely himself in Fang Li's eyes.

Don't want to make another replacement.

I don't want to be looked at more because of others...

But maybe, he was thinking too much.

Xie Huai said lightly, "Don't answer if you don't want to answer."

Fang Li's whole body trembled, and the alarm bell rang loudly.

No matter how you hear this, it doesn't sound right, even if he is a straight man, I can tell that Xie Huai is unhappy.

But why is Xie Huai unhappy?

What does it have to do with clothes?

Fang Li is like a girlfriend who loses his temper suddenly, but he is a boyfriend who can't figure it out. He is extremely disturbed, but he doesn't even know how to coax him.

He said without hesitation: "You look good in anything you wear, I like them all!"

Xie Huai still looked indifferent, it was a perfunctory answer.

But he didn't plan to go any further.

Seeing that Xie Huai was about to turn around and leave, Fang Li finally became anxious. This problem has not been resolved yet, so we can't just let it go!

It was fine before, but since we have decided to be together, how can we ignore our boyfriend's anger? I am not that kind of person.

Fang Li said: "Why are you unhappy?"

Xie Huai paused, then looked back at Fang Li.

Fang Li looked at him nervously, with aggrieved and innocent eyes, as if he knew nothing wrong and didn't know why he was angry.

Xie Huai's heart stopped.

He could see everything clearly in the illusion.

But Fang Li doesn't know, he doesn't know that he sees everything in his eyes, but even so, don't you know who is in your heart? What is innocent?

If it was before, Xie Huai might forget it.

It was not easy for him to find this person.

There are some things he doesn't want to point out, for fear that there will be no room for change at the end...

But today I don't know why, I don't want to continue to suppress it.

Xie Huai closed his eyes, with a desperate look in his eyes, he said slowly, word by word: "Will you leave with Fu Junling?"

Fang Li was even more inexplicable, it was out of the question, why did he go with Fu Junling? This life, the next life is impossible, why would Xie Huai think so?

Fu Junling is his enemy, and he still wants to kill Xie Huai like this.

Fang Li immediately said: "Impossible!"

Seeing that Fang Li answered decisively without hesitation without thinking, Xie Huai couldn't help being in a daze for a moment.

He couldn't figure it out.

In the illusion, the young man clearly cared about the other party so much, he would scold himself for the other party's insistence, and he would turn a blind eye to himself for the other party's sake.

But why is it possible to be so decisive now...

Xie Huai murmured: "But, he is your senior brother..."

So what about senior brother Fang Li Xindao, he is an embarrassing senior, not his own...

Wait, how did Xie Huai know that Fu Junling was Yan Sui's senior brother? !

I never said it myself!

Fang Li frowned and thought.

Suddenly there was a flash of inspiration.

He seemed to have discovered something he had missed.

Speaking of which, after I came out of the illusion, Xie Huai's attitude changed drastically. At that time, I didn't understand why Xie Huai was like this. I thought Xie Huai was angry about the previous things, and Xie Huai did show that he was angry about the previous things. Threatening himself not to lie to him again, and threatening to retaliate against him in full...

But could it be... Xie Huai also entered that illusion and saw the miserable past? Mistakenly thinking that you like senior brother?

Is Xie Huai actually jealous about his senior brother?

Think you're using him as a stand-in?

But I clearly didn't see Xie Huai, how did Xie Huai enter the illusion?

Fang Li's expression froze, and suddenly thought of something, his expression froze.

The black iron sword that keeps reminding himself is different from Yan Sui's memory, not only hurting his senior brother, but also silently warming himself in the ruins.

But after he reprimanded him for his senior brother, he kept losing his temper with himself and remained silent for a long time.

All the abnormalities of Xuan Tiejian were attributed by Fang Li to the reminders from his subconscious mind.

But what if not?

If the consciousness on the black iron sword is Xie Huai, why did he do this to wake himself up? As a result, not only was he not awakened, but he also did so many excessive things...

Think of everything I did in the illusion.

Fang Li took a breath.

What should Xie Huai look like? If you don't kill yourself with a sword, you have a strong self-control. This is a big misunderstanding. How did Xie Huai get here during this time?

He couldn't resist not hurting himself...

Fang Li felt very distressed, blamed himself and felt sad, and blamed him for not finding out sooner!

He immediately said: "Fu Junling is not my senior brother!"

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li's impatient explanation, the sincerity and anxiety in his eyes were definitely not deceiving, he suddenly realized something was wrong, his heartbeat slowed down, and he said slowly: "What do you mean by this?"

Fang Li pondered for a moment.

He can say that Fu Junling is not his senior brother, or that he doesn't like Fu Junling, but how can he win Xie Huai's trust?

Xie Huai saw Yan Sui's memory with his own eyes, the facts were in front of him, no matter how he explained it, it seemed like a lie.

Now the only way to win Xie Huai's trust is to tell the whole story of his identity. Only in this way can he explain why he has the memory of Yan Sui and why he became Han Sui.

It's hard to explain his own identity. Now there is no system and no predictive ability... But he can't let Xie Huai continue to misunderstand. Now that things have happened, he can only confess.

Fang Li's expression became serious, and he said slowly, "I'm not tired."

Xie Huaiding looked at him.

Fang Li took Xie Huai back to the house and sat down, making himself a pot of tea.

This matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Fang Li explained how he came to this world, his identity as a book wearer, he had to coerce Xie Huai in order to complete the task, he had a system to assist him in the task, and why he knew about Shimengsan's medicine introduction, all of which were explained in detail. It's because he is a book walker... Even what the plot of the original novel is like, what changes he made after he came, and what happened after Death Escape left, everything is revealed.

When Xie Huai asked something in the middle, he knew everything and said everything.

This was said for several hours.

From day to night.

Finally, Fang Li looked at Xie Huai seriously, and said word by word: "I like you, it has nothing to do with anyone."

Xie Huai looked deeply at the person in front of him, the heat surged in his chest, and all the pain and unwillingness before disappeared. It turned out that this person also cared about him so much, and it was never his own wishful thinking.

He's done a lot for him too.

He never wanted to hurt himself.

Never loved anyone else.

This is the deepest wish in his heart, and now it has all come true.

Although the reason is so bizarre...

But Fang Li's words are clear and logical. Not only is there no problem, but even all the previous confusions have been answered. This can prove why he behaved so contradictory. The side that didn't match his identity, I was attracted by this at the time, and couldn't help but want to explore more, but if Fang Li was an outsider, then everything would make sense.

His rationality told him that Fang Li did not lie to him.

But all this is really too ridiculous.

My world is just a book, and I am just a character in the book...

So is he real now?

Is this world real again?

Is the person in front of me real?

What is real and what is false.

Xie Huai couldn't tell for a while.

But he knows one thing, his fate was already predetermined, it was this person who changed it at all costs, even if he had to do that in order to complete the task, but he was doing his best to protect him, trying to Change everything he should have encountered...

The gentleness and kindness in his heart, I have never missed it.

That's why he fell in love with him.

Even though there are so many misunderstandings and barriers, what he sees is always the truest side of the other party.

After Fang Li finished speaking, he looked at Xie Huai nervously. He tried his best to explain without reservation, but he was still very nervous. He wondered if Xie Huai could accept such subversive facts...

Ridiculous, right?

Who would believe it...

And Xie Huai has become a paper man, compared with a double, it's hard to say which one is worse...

Fang Li sighed lightly.

He really didn't know how to untie Xie Huai's knot without hurting Xie Huai.

At this moment, Xie Huai finally spoke.

Xie Huaiding looked at him and said slowly, "I believe in you."

Fang Li's eyes lit up immediately, and he almost swore to the sky, and hurriedly said: "What I said is true, I will never lie to you this time."

Xie Huai's eyes softened, and he gave a soft 'hmm'.

Fang Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xie Huai is the most rational and calm person. With his ingenuity, as long as he analyzes carefully, he will understand whether what he said is true or false. It seems that he believes in himself.

It seems that he didn't look like he was hit?

That's great.

Just when Fang Li was happy in his heart, he saw Xie Huai raise his eyes, his deep eyes fell on him, and said lightly: "So, you didn't die at all back then, but I thought you were dead, leaving me alone to suffer yes?"

Fang Li: "..."

Oh, by the way, he also told Xie Huai about the death escape.

Read The Duke's Passion