MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 63 Propose marriage

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Fang Li's wrist was pinched in pain, and the man's kisses landed on his neck one by one, his movements were calm and forceful and he could not resist... Fang Li raised his foot to kick, but the man easily restrained him.

The opponent's aura is dangerous and aggressive, and it seems that there is a desperate madness.

At this moment Fang Li had no doubts.

Xie Huai wanted to continue.

Xie Huai is crazy.

Fang Li was dumbfounded.

Not to mention that he hasn't started training yet, even if he does, he can't beat Xie Huai.

Nine years ago was fine, but nine years later... who else in the fairy world is Xie Huai's opponent? He is simply a strength bug, isn't he!

The strong can be reassuring just because they can restrain themselves, but Xie Huai is losing control...

Fang Li finally panicked, rolled his eyes, and said suddenly: "I am willing to become a Taoist partner with you!"

The man paused slightly, and looked up at him. Those black eyes were dangerous and deep, like a bottomless abyss.

It was full of strangers he had never seen before.

Fang Li took a deep breath, his mind turned quickly, and said: "But becoming a Taoist couple is such a big event, of course we can't just do it casually... At least let my parents know!"

Yes, he finally thought of a way to procrastinate.

He is also a family man now, the order of his parents and the words of a matchmaker, in ancient times, there must always be some etiquette, shouldn't he talk about a kiss first? Let's talk about the wedding day, discuss the wedding date and what to do, at least a few months will pass, right?

Right now, I can't control that much anymore, let's stabilize Xie Huai first!

Otherwise, I will lose my innocence!

Xie Huai's gaze fell on Fang Li's face, not letting go of the panic in his eyes, slowly stroking the young man's neck with his fingertips...

Although the subordinates pretended to be calm, their bodies trembled slightly, showing his uneasiness.

Fang Li held his breath nervously, trying to show sincerity, coughed lightly and said: "Yu, Yuyi Jun is the number one person in the world, and it is such a big event to be married to someone, how can you not handle it according to the etiquette?" It's not a tongue-in-cheek..."

The implication is that you should calm down, you are the most honest gentleman in the world!

Premarital **** is inappropriate, right?

Xie Huai still looked at him coldly, with a sarcasm on his lips.

This person has always been scheming, this statement is obviously not sincere, it is just a plan to delay the attack, but...

Fang Li was very anxious. Even though Xie Huai seemed to have changed a lot when they met again, he was still sure that Xie Huai's nature would remain the same. Getting along with him can make people feel at ease, but now Xie Huai... Fang Li felt that he could do anything.

Could it be that Xie Huai was finally pushed into a hurry because he refused to reply for so long?

Fang Li was very anxious, just when he was getting more and more uneasy, Xie Huai let go of his hand suddenly, gently pulled him into his arms, and said in a low tone with a smile, each word fell into his ear: " Since you agreed, it will naturally prove that you are in love with me, if I find out that you lied to me again..."

Fang Li felt bitter in his heart, he laughed and said nothing.

At this moment, I dare not say a word, who made him a habitual liar? Xie Huai didn't believe he was normal.

Love debt is hard to pay, love debt is hard to pay!


Hualin Town.

The Fang family has been enjoying themselves recently!

Everyone knows that the Fang family had great luck, and the silly son got lost in a daze. Not only did nothing happen, but he also met the legendary Lord Yuyi, who was kind and compassionate, and took the fool back to the mountain for treatment. He also gave the Fang family a promise of protection.

The Fang family's doomed fool not only got a way out, but also gave the Fang family the blessing of the number one person in the world. This is a fairy fate that many people can't ask for in their lifetime!

This is not how pies fall from the sky! Who can't help but say a word of envy?

Fang Mingyuan would giggle on the road recently.

It has been more than a month since Li'er went there, how is the treatment going? But Mr. Yuyi said that even if he can't cure his madness, at least he can live a long life!

Fang Mingyuan believed in Jun Yuyi's words. He hoped for his son's return every day, and dreamed that his son would recover from his illness, so what if he was a fool? It's not that the Fang family can't afford to support him, a long life is enough!

Fang Mingyuan passed by on the street carrying the birdcage, and the neighbors in the neighborhood greeted him.

Old Liu, who sells wine, said: "Master Fang, you are really lucky. With Mr. Yuyi personally taking action, Young Master Fang will definitely be cured! That child is a lucky one at first sight!"

Fang Mingyuan likes to hear such words the most, he narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I'll borrow your good words, I'll borrow your good words."

Then I met Lao Zhang from the inn again: "Master Fang, what does Yuyi Jun look like? Is he really as good-looking as in the legend? I have never seen what a **** looks like in my life!"

Fang Mingyuan had an expression of admiration and admiration on his face: "The rumors are not enough to describe Yuyijun's celestial appearance, I feel ashamed after seeing it!"

Sister-in-law Gu, who sells vegetables, smiled and said, "Master Fang, living gods look after you, it must be because you have accumulated virtue in your previous life."

Fang Mingyuan said solemnly: "I have also been accumulating virtue all my life. I just went to the temple yesterday to give incense money."

Fang Mingyuan walked all the way through the town like this, everyone wanted to exchange a few words with him, and the three words were inseparable from Mr. Yuyi and his son.

Fang Mingyuan chatted cheerfully with his neighbors, thinking that if Li'er hadn't been gone not long ago, he would have wished to visit now, but if he went too early, would he appear to distrust Mr. Yuyi? People who are like gods certainly don't like to be disturbed.

Forget it, let's wait a while before taking my wife and daughter up the mountain to visit!

When Lu Hongdao came back from the outside, he saw Fang Mingyuan at a glance, and laughed loudly: "Old Fang!"

Fang Mingyuan squinted at him.

Although Lu Hongdao took his son to take risks at the beginning, which made him very unhappy, but it was also a blessing in disguise, which attracted Mr. Yuyi to treat his son's illness. This guy has been very proud recently, but he still considers himself a hero...

Lu Hongdao smiled and patted Fang Mingyuan's shoulder, shaking his beard, and said with a smile, "Old Fang, when will you go to Fuqiu Mountain to see Xiao Li? I will personally **** you there!"

Fang Mingyuan rolled his eyes at him and said, "What's the rush?"

Lu Hongdao rubbed his hands together and said, "No hurry, no hurry."

Although he really wanted to have a relationship with Mr. Yuyi, there was really no rush for this matter!

Fang Mingyuan walked around the street, inspected his shop, and walked home with the birdcage.

Before he reached the door of the house, he saw a servant stretching his neck to guard him. When he saw him coming, he immediately trotted over and said, "Master, you are back! Mr. Yuyi brought the young master home!"


The birdcage fell to the ground, and the beloved parrot croaked in fright, Fang Mingyuan shivered: "What did you say?"

The servant said again: "Jun Yuyi has brought the young master back!"

Fang Mingyuan didn't even care about the birds on the ground, so he ran home after getting angry.

In the hall, his wife Xin Ruiyan was already waiting there, her daughter Fang Qiongyi was also there, and there were Fang Li and Xie Huai in the room.

Xie Huai stood there quietly in white clothes, just like when he first came, with an indifferent expression on his face as cold as a fairy.

But the son has changed a lot!

The handsome young man stood there quietly and gently, with smart eyes and demeanor, when he saw him coming, he showed a faint smile and called out, "Father."

This, this, this even cures madness!

Fang Mingyuan's eyes turned red immediately, and his hands and feet trembled with excitement.

The wife and daughter had obviously been agitated, but it seemed more normal at the moment.

Fang Mingyuan was very excited, but Mr. Yuyi was still there, how could he lose his dignity in front of his benefactor?

Fang Mingyuan was about to kneel immediately: "Jun Yuyi's wonderful hand rejuvenates, there is no way to repay your great kindness..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Huai personally helped him up.

Xie Huai looked at him indifferently, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and his tone was cold: "Master Fang, you are welcome."

Fang Mingyuan thought in his heart that Yuyi-jun was really a god-like figure, he was so unassuming towards himself as a mortal, and his mind was full of how to repay Yuyi-jun.

Only Fang Li looked worried.

He was so excited that he was afraid that when Xie Huai opened his mouth later, his parents and younger sister would not be able to bear it... The treatment is not for nothing, they are here to ask you for a reward.

Xie Huai's attitude was indifferent, and his eyes glanced at Fang Li, which was meaningful.

When Fang's family calmed down a bit, Xie Huaicai said slowly: "I am here today, but there is indeed one matter that needs to be agreed by Mr. Fang and Mrs. Fang."

Fang Mingyuan and Xin Ruiyan were startled.

This sounds weird.

What does it mean to ask them to agree? What can they promise? It's too late to repay Xie Huai...

Xie Huai said lightly: "I watched the fate at night and found out that I have a long-standing marriage with your son, so I want to become a Taoist couple with him. I don't know if the two of you can agree."

Fang Mingyuan, Xin Ruiyan:? ? ?

What did they hear?

The two were a little confused.

Fang Qiongyi coughed violently, looking at her brother in disbelief.

Why is my elder brother going to be a Taoist couple with Mr. Yuyi when he returns from a medical treatment?

It's okay if parents don't know.

Yuyi Jun is the dream lover of girls in the fairy world of all spirits. When the girls talk about Yuyi Jun together, they all admire him very much. Yuyi Jun is the bright moon in the sky high above. They often discuss which fairy sect's fairy She is a good match with Yuyi-jun, but Yuyi-jun is a widow and has never had rumors with any fairies, so there is not much talk after dinner.

Moreover, it is said that Yuyi-jun is cold and indifferent, and only cares about the common people in the world. Everyone thinks that Yuyi-jun will never have a Taoist companion in this life.


Yuyi-jun has taken a fancy to his silly brother?

Fang Qiongyi was in a trance, and even suspected that she was in front of a fake Mr. Yuyi.

Fang Li felt bitter.

But he didn't dare to speak at all, because his hand was still tightly held by Xie Huai. Thinking of the terrible Xie Huai that night, he tightly closed his mouth, otherwise he had no doubt that Xie Huai would take him away and lock him up stand up.

It's just that I feel sorry for my family, who has to be frightened like this.

Fang Mingyuan's lips trembled, he finally came back to his senses, and said in a trembling tone: "I, did I hear wrong?"

Xie Huai didn't have the consciousness to scare others, and nodded with a smile: "No."

Fang Mingyuan fainted with a thud.

Xie Huai waved his hand, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand, he said: "This is the pill of protecting the gods and guarding the heart. Give it to Master Fang and you will wake up."

Trembling, Xin Ruiyan took the elixir and swallowed it for Fang Mingyuan. Sure enough, Fang Mingyuan woke up faintly within a short while, and he couldn't faint anymore.

Then he finally realized...

This is a great joy!

It's just that the wife is not real...

Fang Mingyuan looked over in a daze, and his gaze fell on the tightly clasped hands of his son and Xie Huai. The two of them were unabashedly intimate. I'm afraid they really fell in love with each other.

Is what Yuyi-jun said true?

If his son can really become Lord Yuyi's Taoist companion, he will not only live a hundred years, but even if he ascends to the immortal path from now on, he will live for hundreds of years without any problem, and with Lord Yuyi protecting him, who would dare to bully him? This life is safe and worry-free, and my life is smooth... This is the road to heaven!

How could you not agree to such a thing?

What else does this require?

But Fang Mingyuan's only rationality told him that this matter was too absurd.

Jun Yuyi is willing to cure diseases and save people, which can be explained by saying that he is a good person, but being a Taoist couple is not a good deed.

The silly son and Mr. Yuyi are very different, just relying on the so-called theory of fate, what if Mr. Yuyi changes his mind in the future and his son is abandoned? He can't be overwhelmed by the surprise!

Under the tremendous pressure, Fang Mingyuan said in a trembling voice: "I, we naturally have no objection, but, Mr. Yuyi, you, are you serious?"

How Xie Huai couldn't see Fang Mingyuan's worry, he took a deep look at Fang Li, his brows and eyes were tender, and he said slowly: "Of course it is serious, since you become a Taoist couple, you will live and die at the same acupoint, in this life If there is no separation in this life, I will definitely take good care of him, Master Fang don't have to worry."

Fang Li faintly heard the threat, and dared not move anymore...

However, Fang Mingyuan was completely at ease, without any doubts anymore, Mr. Yuyi said everything he said, and how could such a glorious person really hurt his son?

Even, even if one day I really don't love anymore.

That can also be a good get-together.

No matter how you look at it, the son earned it!

Fang Mingyuan wished they could become Taoist couples now, so as not to have long nights and dreams, but after thinking so much, he finally thought of a question. It seems that he...hasn't asked his son's opinion yet?

Although he felt that his son would have no objection, Fang Mingyuan coughed lightly and said to Fang Li in a symbolic way: "Li'er, do you want to?"

Of course I don't want to!

Fang Li thought to himself, but felt the sudden increase in strength in his hands, and immediately forced a smile: "Of course I am willing."

This smile fell into Fang Mingyuan's eyes, which meant he was shy. His stupid son had just been cured and didn't understand anything, so it was normal to be a little shy.

This matter was settled so happily.

Fang Mingyuan warmly invited Xie Huai to stay and sent Fang Li back to the yard with Xie Huai.

Fang Li returned to his courtyard with a heavy heart, his footsteps seemed to be tense.

Seeing that Xie Huai was about to enter the house with him, he finally gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not a Taoist couple yet, living together may not be suitable..."

Xie Huai looked at him meaningfully, making Fang Li's scalp tingle.

Fang Mingyuan thought about it for a moment. Although cultivators are informal, they haven't become a Taoist couple after all! Let the two live separately for the time being, so he said respectfully: "I will prepare a guest room for Mr. Yuyi."

Xie Huai hooked the corners of his lips, did not refuse, turned around and left with Fang Mingyuan.

Fang Li let out a heavy breath.

He didn't care about the curious girls in the courtyard, and closed the door as soon as he got back to the house.

Xie Huai is now moody and angry, very dangerous, but no matter how dangerous it is... it is only about his own innocence.

Compared to Xie Huai, Fang Li was more worried about the people hiding in the dark.

The black hand behind the scenes is eyeing the black jade talisman. Xie Huai alone can't do it. He needs to restore his cultivation as soon as possible so that he can protect himself.

Fortunately, thanks to Xie Huai's money-free panacea, the foundation of this body has already been laid, and now cultivation is a matter of course, and I believe it will not take long to recover.


On the second day, the sky was dim.

Fang Li sat cross-legged on the bed and suddenly opened his eyes.

It went as smoothly as he expected.

Overnight, he returned to Jindan.

Considering that his parents might be eager for a child, Fang Li still planned to go out to show his face, and it was not appropriate to retreat right after he came back.

As soon as he went out, the girls in the courtyard surrounded him and looked at him curiously.

In the end, Huang Tao plucked up her courage and said tentatively, "Young master, young master?"

Fang Li nodded and smiled: "It's me."

The little girls were extremely nervous, looking at the calm and handsome young man in front of them, and now they can communicate with them smoothly, this madness is really cured!

They were all happy for Fang Li and wiped away tears excitedly.

Yuyi-jun is really a good person! Living Bodhisattva!

After they calmed down for a while, they chirped and asked: "Master, I heard that you are going to become a Taoist couple with Mr. Yuyi."

"Master, is Mr. Yuyi treating you well?"

"Nonsense, Mr. Yuyi must be good to the young master. He said that they are in love with each other. They have been holding hands when they came!"

Fang Li: "..."

Have you forgotten that the person involved is still in front of you?

He really didn't want to hear these words, so he changed the subject and asked, "Where are my parents?"

Huang Tao said: "It's in the front hall."

Fang Li nodded and went to the front hall, but Xie Huai was there.

In the front hall, Fang Mingyuan and Xie Huai sat face to face, Xin Ruiyan smiled at the side, Fang Qiongyi saw Fang Li approaching, pulled Fang Li in front of her, looked him up and down, and said movedly: "Brother, you are really nice Already!"

Fang Li patted his younger sister's head, and said softly, "Yes."

Fang Qiongyi wiped her eyes, then remembered something, and said happily: "By the way, father and mother are discussing the date of marriage with Mr. Yuyi, and it will be set in one month's time!"

Fang Li: "..." My mood suddenly became heavy.

This is too fast!

Fang Qiongyi brought Fang Li in front of his parents, and the two elders looked at him moved and relieved.

What a double blessing.

Not only was his son cured of his illness, but he also had such a good home. Even if they died now, they would feel at ease!

Fang Li sighed softly when he saw his parents happy.

I am afraid that the happier I am now, the more disappointed I will be in the future...

Xie Huai sat there quietly and did not stop their family reunion.

After Fang Li and his parents had finished exchanging greetings, Xie Huai got up and walked over, took Fang Li's hand lightly, and found out that Fang Li had become a golden elixir, and said meaningfully: "Looks like you had a good rest last night."

Fang Li was very nervous and let Xie Huai hold him.

Xie Huai looked at him with downcast eyes, with a tender and affectionate expression, and said: "I have already discussed with your father, a ceremony will be held in Fuqiu Mountain in January, when the time comes, all the immortals will be invited to come. , let the whole world know that you are my Taoist companion."

Fang Mingyuan was excited and looking forward to it.

Today he discussed with Xie Huai about the date of marriage, originally his attitude was very humble. It is a blessing for Yuyi Jun to have a crush on his son. It is a blessing from his son's three lives. This marriage is indeed a high priority for them. How can I dare to ask for it? ? I just hope that Mr. Yuyi will treat his son well, and I will be satisfied.

Who knew that Fang Mingyuan didn't mention a single request, so Xie Huai prepared everything, not to mention a lot of etiquette, but also to spread the word to the fairy world, it's a good thing to make this big wedding a good one Good thing, so that his son will have face even after passing, who would dare to look down on his son!

Seeing Xie Huai's attitude, he is determined not to wrong his son half a point!

The last trace of worry in his heart dissipated.

Only Fang Li felt distressed in his heart.

If he dared to release Xie Huai's pigeon this time, he would definitely die a miserable death.

Fang Li took a deep breath, laughed dryly, and said, "Actually, it's just a simple matter, it doesn't have to be so troublesome..."

The bigger the trouble, the worse it is for him.

Xie Huai looked at him deeply, "Didn't you say that you can't be casual?"

Fang Li: "..."

Seeing the young couple's love for each other, the Fang family retreated knowingly.

Fang Li was hugged into Xie Huai's arms. The man's hands stroked his back, the movements were clearly very gentle, but he didn't dare to move at all. These hands...although they were slender and beautiful like jade, but the demon he killed became tens of thousands.

And I am the devil who deserves to be killed the most.

It seems that Xie Huai has made up his mind this time. It is useless to say anything. Now he can only stabilize him temporarily. Fang Li lowered his eyes and said softly: "I, I should go back."

Xie Huai brushed Fang Li's ear with his fingertips, let go of his hand, and chuckled: "I really want to recover sooner, and the dual cultivation will be faster."

Fang Li fled in despair.


Fang Li almost stays behind closed doors these days, practicing hard.

Dual cultivation is impossible, so how can one take shortcuts in cultivation? He is not that kind of person!

That night Fang Li sat in the room and meditated.

Suddenly, his ears moved slightly.

He withdrew his breath adjustment and pushed the door out.

Wu Yimei's black clothes fell lightly in the courtyard.

When I separated from Wu Yimei back then, I not only gave him the Jade Talisman of Communication, but also told him some information about myself, that's why Wu Yimei came here to find her.

Wu Yimei bowed and saluted: "Your subordinates refer to your lord."

Fang Li raised his hand to signal that there is no need to be too polite, and asked gently: "Your people are all settled."

At that time, in order to prevent the Ten Thousand Immortals League from fighting with Wu Yimei, Wu Yimei had to evacuate with his subordinates overnight, so many people left in a hurry, during this time, Wu Yimei was busy arranging his subordinates, which was not easy.

Wu Yimei respectfully said: "Everyone has been settled, Your Majesty need not worry."

Fang Li Sulai felt at ease when Wu Yimei was handling the matter, so he didn't ask any further questions, and just said indifferently: "That's good."

Wu Yimei looked at Fang Li, hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Recently, rumors have spread in the world of spirits and immortals. Your Majesty, you want to become a Taoist couple with Xie Huai. Is it true?"

The Fang family and Lord Yuyi didn't cover up the marriage discussion, the Fang family wanted to announce this great event to the world, Xie Huai also intended to let the immortals know, so it was not surprising that it was heard by Wu Yimei.

Fang Li was in a complicated mood and nodded heavily.

Wu Yimei's heart was filled with embarrassment, and his eyes were gloomy. He knew that His Majesty had always been pleased with Xie Huai, and now that he and Xie Huai could become Taoist couples, it could be regarded as fulfilling his wish, but he was still unwilling. Your Majesty...

And even though His Majesty has said that there are other secrets behind what happened back then, but Xie Huai is the right way after all, what if he fails His Majesty?

Wu Yimei still has a deep grudge against Xie Huai in his heart, but his lord is about to be overjoyed, so how can he say something disappointing and make his lord unhappy? This is the only way to accept fate.

Wu Yimei suppressed the unwillingness and hatred in her chest, lowered her head, and said in a hoarse voice: "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Looking at Wu Yimei's expression, Fang Li knew that he had misunderstood, and it was fine if others misunderstood this matter, but Wu Yimei didn't need to hide it here, and...what's there to congratulate? Xie Huai is going crazy recently.

Fang Li had no choice but to agree to this marriage, and was a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, and said coldly, pretending to be calm: "No need to congratulate, it's just a stopgap measure."


separated by a wall.

Xie Huai slowly opened his eyes, the pupils were as deep as the sea.

Although Fang Li and Wu Yimei set up an enchantment, they still couldn't hide from his spiritual detection, he hooked the corners of his lips sarcastically, this demon is indeed hiding deep enough, even Wu Yimei can lie In the past, he mistakenly thought that he really liked her, but in fact, Fang Li had never had himself in his heart? All he thought about was a dead person.

But what he just said is the truth.

Just a stopgap measure.

Xie Huai laughed softly, his eyes were extremely cold.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Since you lied to me, then lie to the end.

I am, I will not give you another chance to go back on your word.

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