MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 6 Solo favorite

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In the original book, this plot is a meaty feast. Basically, since Xie Huai came to live here, Yan Sui has not done anything serious, except that it is indescribable or indescribable. Yu described how unyielding Xie Huai was, and how Yan Sui was subdued by the other party because of his strong desire to conquer.

As a story of **** and tyranny, it takes the kidneys first and then the heart. Because the protagonist of Gao Jie cannot be subdued, he gradually falls in love with the other party. To be honest, it is not a new plot.

But sometimes the more clichéd things have their reasons for existence.

This is like a duel, both sides piled up chips, and the one who loses will always lose something.

It's a pity that no matter how good-looking and perfect Xie Huai is, Fang Li will not force himself to sleep with a man. Fortunately, he doesn't need to be with Xie Huai all the time.

This episode spanned about a month, and there seemed to be a lot of descriptions of that event in the book, but after all, there were only a few nights of detailed descriptions. In fact, it didn’t take up too much of my time. This is how fiction and reality The difference is that love is never the whole of life.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that there is such a sentence written in the book: Mozun stays in Yuyi Jun's room every night, lingering and forgetting to return.

every night.

It seems that I need to live with Xie Huai during this time, but it's not a big problem, just be a roommate, Xie Huai doesn't seem to talk too much, and as long as I don't provoke him, he will definitely not provoke myself .

Fang Li finds a quiet, non-provoking, and pleasing roommate very rare.

Fang Li asked Xie Huai to clean the side hall. Considering that he needed to stay overnight during this period, the furnishings in the side hall were all the best, so he could do whatever he wanted. After all, Fang Li had no intention of wronging himself.

Everything was ready, seeing that it was getting late, Fang Li got up and went out.

The system was so moved that tears streamed down his face. He almost thought that the host didn't intend to go, but he didn't expect the host to remember to follow the plot!

【Fang Li laughed: You think I won't go. 】

[The system sneered: I didn't. ] It's not because you didn't follow the plot too many times before! And they always speak the truth, I have a psychological shadow, okay?

But who cares about the psychological shadow of a system?

Fang Li smiled and shook his head.

He didn't intend to communicate with Xie Huai in depth, but it's just living together, it doesn't matter, and it needs to be acted out for other people, so it's hard to omit this plot.

If I get Xie Huai here, I don't care, how can I show my 'favor' to him?

After all, I will soon 'fall in love' with Xie Huai, and I am so blinded by his lust, it is too abrupt to win people's trust.

Normally, the Demon Palace is extremely empty, except for his master, there are only demon servants who serve him, so the side halls are all empty, now it has been cleaned and a lot of things have been added, and there is some living breath.

As soon as Fang Li entered the courtyard, he saw an object being thrown out, just landed at his feet, and fell to pieces with a crash.

He lowered his eyes and saw that the broken piece of jade was moist and flawless in color and expensive in material. It was a good jade at first glance, but it was a pity that the original shape could no longer be seen, but there were whips, red ropes, bells, etc. scattered beside it. chain…


Fang Li seemed to have guessed what the jade object was. He pressed his fist to his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable, adjusted his expression slightly, and walked in with a cold expression.

Seeing him coming in, two demon servants dressed in black knelt down on the ground and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Lord Yuyi refuses to let us get close."

Xie Huaiduan was sitting on the edge of the bed, his body was slender and straight, his posture was calm, and he sat there calmly, as if he was the master and he was an unwelcome guest.

He rolled his eyes slightly, and looked at Fang Li's black eyes, which were deep and cold, without the slightest warmth.

The demon servant knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise his head, trembling. It stands to reason that as the superior's pet, he needs to be trained carefully, and he will enjoy it when he is ready, but this Xie Huai is really tough, even if he loses his cultivation Because they didn't frighten them at all, they didn't take them seriously at all, and they didn't dare to use force for fear of hurting the venerable, so they stalemate here.

It would be a disadvantage for His Majesty to see such a scene...

Thinking of His Majesty's methods in the past, the two demon servants trembled like chaff in fright.

The corners of Fang Li's lips were slightly raised, the arc was cold and cruel, and his sinister eyes swept casually, and he said lightly: "Useless trash, you can't do this well, so get out of here."

The two demon servants breathed a sigh of relief, they saved their lives, and ran out rolling and crawling! As for Xie Huai, he angered His Majesty, and when His Majesty does it himself, he will definitely make his life worse than death!

After the demon servant left, Fang Li closed the door with a wave of his hand, leaving only him and Xie Huai in the room.

He took a step forward and looked at Xie Huai.

Xie Huai also looked up at him, without anger or fear, just sat there calmly, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time.

But Fang Li did not continue to move forward.

Changing the plot by myself did not completely abolish Xie Huai, so there is no guarantee that there will be no butterfly effect. In the original book, Xie Huai was able to rebuild successfully in that situation. It can be seen that he has his trump cards and uniqueness. The protagonist is naturally different from others, and thank you Huai always makes decisions before acting, and the city is extremely deep...Fang Li will never underestimate Xie Huai, thinking that a mere Soul Lock Nail can be foolproof.

The Soul Locking Nail is just an expedient measure, Xie Huai has to guard against it, and Fang Li doesn't want to see both Xie Huai and Xie Huai lose.

But I didn't intend to communicate with Xie Huai in depth, in fact, I have the conditions to live in peace for the time being...

Because compared to risking his life to assassinate himself now, of course, the odds of winning are much higher if he breaks the seal and then kills himself. The difference between the two is only time... As long as I don't push Xie Huai too hard, He is a smart man, so he naturally knows what to do to his advantage.

As for myself, I just need to give Xie Huai a feeling: killing myself can be done slowly, there is no need to be in such a hurry.

Since there is a way to get the best of both worlds, why bother?

Fang Li disdainfully glanced at the 'toys' all over the floor, smiled casually, and said in a joking tone: "Everyone says that Mr. Yuyi is a genius who is rare in a thousand years, as long as time is given, he will definitely become a true immortal of Hedao...not only Yunjian Que is proud of you, and Zhengdao Xianmen also regards you as the leader of the younger generation, if they know that you have become the deity's pet, those guys must look very good at this moment."

Xie Huai's expression remained unchanged, this was probably the reason why Fang Li kept himself by his side, he had guessed this way before, but hearing him say it himself now, he didn't feel any surprise.

"Now that you are in the hands of the deity, the future will be long. The deity has a lot of ways to make you obey the deity..." Fang Li looked at Xie Huai, and his tone was meaningful: "You'd better think carefully, don't toast and eat fine wine."

This should be considered a threat...

Xie Huai looked at the eyebrows and eyes of the man in front of him. Although he said such words in his mouth, his eyes were calm and easy-going, without the slightest murderous intent. It was not so much a threat... but rather a reassurance of his own heart, 'the future will be long'—that is Time to think about it.

This idea made Xie Huai feel extremely absurd... Could it be that he still has to wait for himself to be willing? I'm afraid I won't be able to wait in this lifetime.

Perhaps this is not his sincere words, but at least one thing is certain, he has no intentions towards him at all, and naturally he will not really want to do anything to him...

After Fang Li finished speaking, he didn't care what Xie Huai thought, and he didn't need Xie Huai to reply... Anyway, no matter how much he said, Xie Huai wouldn't believe him. , Xie Huai wouldn't fight him to the death now, and his goal would be achieved.

Fang Li sat in front of the table, turned on the incense burner, and started to burn incense.

It was the second time, Xie Huai must have known that it was Mixiang, but Fang Li just calmly lit Mixiang in front of him, without any intention of shy away from it.

Xie Huai lowered his eyes, suppressed the sarcasm in his eyes, and slowly closed his eyes.

After a while, Fang Li turned his head and saw that the man was already asleep. He slowly got up and walked over, stretched out his hand and grabbed Xie Huai's wrist, and pulled Xie Huai to the inside of the bed.

This bed is wide and soft, it is no problem to sleep four people, Fang Li wouldn't put two beds in his pet room, there must be a place to sleep for more than a month, right? So I can only make do with Xie Huai.

No, the benefits of the big bed are reflected here.

Fang Li patted the mattress, put on his clothes and lay down, closed his eyes, and began to sleep.

System: ...The host can sleep well, he is in a good mood.

Xie Huai lay quietly on one side, maintaining the posture of being pulled by Fang Li, motionless. The moment Fang Li touched him just now, he was ready to make a move. Such a short distance...

But the other party's slightly cold fingertips only touched it quickly, and then left. The speed was like an illusion, only a faint touch remained... cold like ice, not like a living person.

Immediately, the other party lay beside him without moving.

If it wasn't for his weak breathing, Xie Huai would have thought that lying beside him was a corpse.

Wherever this person goes, he brings death and fear to people, so that no one will notice, his sickly pale face, cold and emaciated body... It seems that he is the one who is stepping into death. itself.


Fang Li was only a light sleeper at first, after all, with such a person sleeping on his side, it is not good to be too relaxed, but maybe the bed is too soft, and the incense in the room is too comfortable, he has clearly taken the anti-drug pill, but it seems like Shen fell asleep like a ecstasy.

When he woke up and looked sideways, Xie Huai was sleeping more heavily than himself, it could be seen that the effect of the medicine hadn't passed, so Fang Li felt relieved.

He got up and ordered the servants outside to bring food in.

When the house was full of rich food, Fang Li didn't wait for Xie Huai to have breakfast, he ate alone first, and then left without waiting for Xie Huai to wake up.

It is very important to plan to live in harmony with roommates, not to make straight male roommates feel uncomfortable, and to maintain a proper sense of distance.

Fang Li began to leave early and return late.

After breakfast, I went to deal with my own affairs, passed the time, occasionally listened to Wu Yimei's report on work, and then went to Xie Huai's place after dinner.

Because of Fang Li's order, everyone knew that His Majesty was extremely possessive and didn't like others to touch Xie Huai, so no one dared to disturb Xie Huai anymore, and no one even dared to get too close to the side hall.

During this period of time, the two got along just as Fang Li imagined: they lived in peace and treated each other as guests.

Light up the incense, go to bed, get up, leave, come back, light up the incense, go to sleep... There is almost no communication, which avoids a lot of embarrassment.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

That night, Fang Li came to Xie Huai's room again. He gradually found the way to make himself most comfortable. After skillfully knocking Xie Hua into a daze, he took out something like a storybook and biography from his sleeve, and read it slowly. Get up and wait until the sleepiness comes before going to bed. Except that there is no mobile phone or computer, the work and rest are similar to those before the time travel, with a tight schedule.

Gradually, Fang Li admired himself a little bit. He didn't expect that one day, he would become a master of Mixiang, and he would be the only one who lit Mixiang to his level, so unscrupulous.

After all, this thing has relied on surprise since ancient times. Who would treat it in front of the victim?

He himself felt a little too rampant.

Fang Unscrupulous Li finished lighting the incense, and lay down next to Xie Huai leisurely and comfortably. He spent so many nights safely. He was convinced of the effect of the incense. I can fall asleep soon, and the people around me have a refreshing fragrance, like the breath of the snow-capped mountains. Although it is cold, it makes people feel inexplicably peaceful.

Fang Li quickly fell asleep.

He was walking alone in the wind and snow, surrounded by a vast expanse of white, uninhabited, high-rise buildings hidden in the white mist, occasionally revealing a ferocious gray corner, he couldn't see the road under his feet, and couldn't recognize the direction home. He didn't know why he was here, and he didn't know why he didn't go home. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally remembered that there was no one waiting for him at home.

So it makes no difference whether you go back or not.

In the white mist, the sound of the wind seeped through like howling. He was wearing very thin clothes, and felt the temperature passing by little by little. He felt very cold at first, but gradually, he couldn't even feel the cold.

He thought, let it be.

Anyway, no matter which direction you go, it doesn't make any difference, so why waste effort.

But forget it like this, and I always feel a little bit unwilling...

Fang Li stood on the spot, thought for a moment, and decided to take another step, just one step.

If you can't walk out again, just lie flat.

Fang Li took a step forward inadvertently, but unexpectedly, he stepped on the ground, and he suddenly began to fall, and fell into a spring with a crash. The spring water was scalding hot, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, without the slightest modern atmosphere, just like is another world.

Empty and quiet, like a paradise.

Although this world is also cold, there happens to be a hot spring in this world of ice and snow.

The heat slowly penetrated into his body, allowing his paralyzed nerves to come alive little by little, and his stiff fingers slowly regained consciousness. He simply changed his posture, leaving only his head on the water, soaking in the hot spring comfortably in the ice and snow .

He didn't know what this place was, but he lingered a little and didn't want to leave.

Fang Li fell asleep in a daze, half asleep and half awake, he began to feel that the temperature of the water was getting hotter, as if it was about to boil...

He opened his hazy eyes, and then woke up in an instant.

Fang Li: "..."

[Fang Li: Why didn't you remind me, my sleeping position is indecent. 】

[System: You didn't ask for it. 】In fact, he didn't notice that the system is not on 24-hour standby...

Fang Li withdrew his hand on Xie Huai's waist expressionlessly, and gently took his leg off Xie Huai's lap, then took a deep breath, stared at the other party's flawless profile, and sat up with one hand Get up, quickly opened the distance.

After doing all this, Fang Li let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xie Huai was fainted.

Perhaps it was because the time passed so peacefully, and Xie Huai also seemed too intimidating, which made him relax his vigilance, so he made such a move. He usually sleeps very honestly.

Fang Li felt a little sorry and uncomfortable. He clearly felt that the people around him were still asleep, but he felt that the space was cramped and disturbing, as if he was being stared at by a pair of eyes... He decided to leave quietly in advance, but when he turned around quickly, he found several As the days passed, the marks on Xie Huai's neck had faded, and he pondered for a moment.

As we all know, if there is no trace of my "passionate confrontation between Yeye and Xie Huai", it will definitely arouse suspicion from others.

Looks like it needs to be fixed.

Fang Li stretched out his hand and pulled off Xie Huai's collar, revealing his fair and slender neck. He bent over and approached with concentration, and was about to pinch Xie Huai's neck...but at this moment, the sleeping man's eyelashes moved slightly, Slowly opened his eyes.

Fang Li fell into the deep and cold black eyes of the other party, his expression changed slightly, his hand was only an inch away from the other party's neck, and he stopped suddenly.

The author has something to say:

This chapter continues to drop small red envelopes~~

Fang Li: Oh shit.

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