MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 55 Chaoxian

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Fu Junling watched this scene, his forehead twitched slightly, he turned his head and said earnestly: "Let's hurry up."

Fu Junling was worried that Fang Li would cause trouble on the way, so he drove the magic weapon day and night, and finally arrived at the Xuanxing Tower.

Xuanxing Building is located in Qianxing Mansion, Fengming Prefecture.

Looking down from the sky, Qianxing Mansion is like a Tai Chi gossip, half of which is land and half is a lake. There are thousands of islands in the lake, just like the stars in the night sky. Xuanxing Tower is located on the largest island, surrounded by small islands. Eighteen, like a series of star locks surrounding the Xuanxing Tower, there is a formation set up by the Xuanxing Tower on the island, which can be opened at a critical moment to form a large array of guardians.

Fu Junling smiled at Xie Huai: "The landlord knew you were coming, and already hosted a banquet at the door."

Their big boat landed in the lake, and the three of them set foot on the island. An old man in elegant blue shirt and wooden hairpin was standing there at the door. It was Qi Ding, the proprietor of Xuanxing Building. He said with a smile: "Yuyi Your Majesty is here, I have been waiting for a long time."

Xie Huai nodded and said: "The landlord is polite."

Qi Ding made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yuyi, please."

This time, the Chaoxianhui will be held in the Xuanxing Building, and the other three immortal sects will assist. Therefore, knowing that Fu Junling has invited Xie Huai, he spread the news early on. Now there are a lot of discussions in the spirit fairy world, and the enthusiasm is unprecedented. Participants There are also more than the previous sessions, and this time the Fairy Fairy will be held in a splendid manner.

Xie Huai did not enter in a hurry, but turned around, took Fang Li's hand, and then continued to walk inside.

Qi Ding was stunned.

Fu Junling hurriedly sent a sound transmission to the side, this is the idiot who was treating the disease in Yuyi-jun, and Yuyi-jun was worried that he brought him with him.

Qi Ding immediately understood that this is the lucky fool. Xie Huai would like to ask for the Nine-Turn Spirit Pill for him. This person must be very important to him... It is rare for him to be curious, but Mr. Yuyi doesn't say anything. It's not good to ask abruptly.

They entered the Xuanxing Tower.

The buildings in the Xuanxing Building are floating in the air, like scattered stars, like a dream.

Fang Li couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It's also a beautiful place.

They walked up the suspended steps slowly, and walked into a magnificent pavilion. Food and wine had been prepared in the pavilion, and many monks in green clothes stood there waiting for them. They were all elders of the Xuanxing Building. They are also here to participate in today's banquet, they said with a smile: "The host, the deputy host, Mr. Yuyi."

In addition to Qi Ding and Fu Junling, there are many elders to accompany him, which can be said to have given him enough face.

Xie Huai sat down at the invitation of Qi Ding, and Fang Li sat beside Xie Huai.

The elders were all very curious about Fang Li, but they didn't dare to look too much, lest Mr. Yuyi be unhappy.

The host and guest enjoyed themselves at the banquet.

Xie Huai didn't talk much, he just took care of Fang Li.

If Fang Li took an extra bite of any dish, he would bring it to him. The fruit wine in Xuanxinglou was good, and Fang Li liked it, so he asked Fang Li to drink more.

Fang Li didn't feel conscious of being in a group of high-ranking monks, and ate and drank alone. The food and wine in Xuanxing Building were satisfactory, and he scored nine points!

But the onlookers thought, sure enough, fools are ignorant and fearless. Ordinary mortals would have been terrified in the face of their group of monks, how could they be so defiant.

With Xie Huaisu's indifferent appearance, it seemed that he didn't talk much. Qi Ding thought for a while, not knowing what to talk about. Seeing that Xie Huai's attention was on Fang Li, he stroked his beard and smiled, saying: "Mr. Yuyi What a benevolent doctor. As for the Nine Turns Spirit Pill, due to the unique refining and preservation method, it will take until the full moon to open the furnace to take the pill, but it will not take long. The pill is offered to Lord Yuyi."

Fang Li was very happy to eat, but after hearing this, he finally had a meal.

With a heavy heart.

There is not much time left for him to play dumb...

Xie Huai turned his head to Qi Ding and said, "There is Lao Qi, the landlord."

Qi Ding said: "Mr. Yuyi is a hero who kills the devil and saves the common people. It is my honor to help Mr. Yuyi."

Xie Huai smiled and turned to look at Fang Li.

Fang Li couldn't eat anymore.

Everywhere he went, someone reminded Xie Huai of what he did back then! Still let people have a good meal?

Fang Li sighed sadly.

He understands a little bit now, how the disciple Yun Jian Que felt back then, no wonder Tao Lu is so sensitive...

Xie Huai saw at a glance that Fang Li didn't want to stay anymore, he got up and said calmly: "Thank you for your hospitality, I should take him back to rest."

Everyone can see that Lord Yuyi attaches great importance to that idiot. The idiot is just a mortal, and he doesn't know the seriousness. He drank a lot of wine from Xuanxinglou today, and he is probably about to pass out. It is right to go back now. .

Fu Junling had already arranged a residence for Xie Huai, and took Xie Huai and Fang Li to a separate quiet pavilion. He smiled at Xie Huai: "If you need anything, just send me a message."

Then he left.

Having said that, the pavilion has everything, and there is nothing missing.

Fang Li shook his head, he let go of Xie Huai's hand, but he staggered and almost fell to the ground, which made him feel a little dizzy.

At that time, I only thought that the fruit wine was delicious, but I didn't expect it to have a lot of stamina, and I hadn't started to practice. If it wasn't for Xie Huai who helped me to exercise before, I would have become drunk by now.

Fang Li was about to run to the bed.


In the end, he was caught by Xie Huai.

Xie Huai smiled helplessly in his ear: "What's the hurry, you smell like alcohol, wash off before going to bed."

There's nothing more important than sleeping right now, and there's nothing to do if you don't wash...

Fang Li wanted to run again, but Xie Huai took him to a side room, where there was a steaming pool, he vaguely remembered when he took the medicinal bath, he suddenly became sober, and laughed: "No need .”

Xie Huai didn't force him, but said suddenly: "Everyone says I'm a hero who kills the devil, but I don't think so."

Fang Li: "..."

Then he saw that Xie Huai's eyes were cold, and he looked at him meaningfully: "The devil took me by force, started chaotically and ended up abandoning me, let the world slander me, and finally died, leaving everything behind. Clean and clean... Tell me, if I find out that he is still alive, how should I take revenge on him?"

Fang Li consciously walked into the pool.

Because the young man was drunk, his eyes were blurred, and his dejected look...

So, you also know how much you have gone too far.

Xie Huaiding looked at him.

He hated this person's ruthlessness in his heart, but... he was reluctant to hurt this person.

who made all that...

Is it all just wishful thinking?

But if you don't love him, why provoke him...

Xie Huai walked into the pool slowly, staring at Fang Li with his dark eyes, and said coldly: "You can only sleep after washing."

Fang Li felt the man's hand unbuttoning his shirt, feeling uncomfortable and dizzy, but when he thought of Xie Huai's accusation just now, he was like a scumbag who was caught, and dared not say a word up.

Obediently let Xie Huai wash him clean.

When Fang Li was carried to the bed, he was already blushing, and he didn't know if he was drunk or drunk, so he simply closed his eyes and his heart.

Anyway, as long as you don't double cultivate...

Xie Huai looked at the young man in his arms, he was obviously very embarrassed, his body was stiff, but he just closed his eyes and pretended to be an ostrich, his pale pink lips were tightly pressed, he looked very cute because of his guilty conscience, he looked like he wanted to leave but didn't dare to leave... Hehe , that's the guts.

Make people angry.

If you bully me a little more, you will cry.


When Fang Li woke up the next day, he was sober from the wine.

Yesterday was really a mistake, who would have thought that Xuan Xing Lou would be so strong after drinking? He only blamed himself for going too far before recovering, he shook his head, he couldn't remember clearly what happened yesterday, he only vaguely remembered being washed by Xie Huai again.

After dinner, Fang Li didn't drink at all.

After five days like this, it finally came to the day when the Fairy Fairy will be held.

One of the islands is the place for the trial of the Chaoxianhui. Countless monks have long been waiting there. There is a 100-meter-high platform in the center of the island. The platform is divided into upper and lower floors. And there are four tables on the high platform on the upper floor, which are the seats of the heads of the four great immortal sects.

At this moment, the other celestial sect masters and elders have all arrived, leaving only the seats on the upper platform vacant.

After a while, a large ship stopped beside the high platform.

Qi Ding from Xuanxing Building was the first to come down, the old man was dressed in a green shirt and had an extraordinary bearing. As the host, he deservedly sat in the middle.

The second one to come down was Ji Yuyao from Biyuan Palace, a stunning woman with black gauze skirt and sleeves fluttering, golden steps swaying on her high bun, like a black lotus on top of an iceberg, her aura was a bit colder than Xie Huai's.

The third one to come down was Xin Hanzhou from Jiuxiao Mountain. Xin Hanzhou was dressed in a gray Taoist robe and carried a long sword. Although he looked like a boy, he had a stern expression and deep eyes, with an imposing manner that could not be ignored.

Xie Huai was the last one to come down, Master Mingyin of Yun Jian Que was closing the gate of life and death, and he had asked other elders to take this trip on his behalf, but after learning that Xie Huai was going, he simply asked Xie Huai to sit in charge of Yun Jian Que.

Xie Huai took Fang Li's hand and slowly stepped off the big boat.

Fang Li didn't intend to watch the fun at first, he was not very interested in this Chaoxianhui, if Xie Huai went to be the mascot, he would be able to enjoy himself for a few days, it would be nice to take the opportunity to meet Wu Yimei, who knows On such occasions, Xie Huai would take him with him.

On the high platform are the heads of the three immortal sects, surrounded by the suzerains and elders of the various immortal sects, all of whom are top masters of the righteous sect.

And below are tens of thousands of monks who came to participate in the trial.

Ordinary people would tremble their feet when they saw such an occasion.

But Fang Li, who had been a Demon Lord, was calm.

After all, when he was in Fuqiu Mountain, when thousands of troops besieged Yun Jian Que, he was much more magnificent than he is now, so he couldn't hold the scene. The only trouble is that he can't move around freely these few days.

Fang Li looked indifferent, but everyone present was astonished.

Although Qi Ding had seen Xie Huai attach great importance to Fang Li, he never expected to bring Fang Li with him on this occasion, which was a bit surprising.

Ji Yuyao was originally cold and indifferent, as if she didn't care about anything, seeing this, she couldn't help but look at Fang Li more, as if she wanted to see what was different about him.

Xin Hanzhou's sharp eyes glanced at Fang Li, his brows slightly raised, thoughtful.

Faced with everyone's scrutiny, Fang Li looked back unceremoniously, with a slight smile on his lips, except for the absence of Master Mingyin from Yunjianque, the three giants of the Ten Thousand Immortals League were all present today, and Xin Hanzhou was the one who advocated the establishment of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Xianmeng, the crusade against Fuqiu Mountain, as a master who has been famous for hundreds of years in the spirit fairy world, does not want to look like a young man.

This was the first time he met Xin Hanzhou and the others face to face.

They may not have dreamed of it. The monster they besieged and suppressed back then is now in front of them.

Thinking of this, Fang Li felt a sense of wonder in his heart.

But Fang Li has no grievances towards these people, it's just a dispute between good and evil. Although Jiuxiao Mountain values ​​fame and fortune, what it does is to protect the common people. There is nothing wrong with it. After all, you can't ask people to be good and not ask for rewards, right? ?

If you do good deeds to gain a good reputation, there is nothing wrong with it.

Thinking of this, Fang Li even gave them a friendly smile.

Xie Huai took Fang Li by the hand, seeing that there was only one chair in front of the desk, he frowned slightly, and then waved his hand, a sheet appeared next to him, and placed Fang Li aside to sit down.

The eyes of Xin Hanzhou and Ji Yuyao changed.

Who is this person?

It seems that he is just an uncultivated mortal, and Fang Li looks really good, with a delicate and good face, but standing next to the number Yu Yijun, he looks so-so, and he has never heard of it. Lord Yuyi raises pets.

Besides, it is disgraceful for an orthodox monk to raise a pet, who would bring it to a public place, let alone sit here on an equal footing with Xie Huaiping.

Xie Huai helped Fang Li do a good job, then looked at the three of them, and said lightly: "He has a long-standing marriage with me, and he is also my future Taoist partner."

Qi Ding, Ji Yuyao, Xin Hanzhou: "!"

The faces of the three top powerhouses all changed.

A future Taoist couple who has a long-lasting marriage with Yuyi Jun? How come I never heard of it before?

Xie Huai has always been a man of pure heart and asceticism, without desires or desires, those who don't know think he is practicing the ruthless way, but in the end, he is silent, even the Taoist companions come out?

But since he is a future Taoist couple, he is naturally qualified to sit beside Xie Huai.

Qi Ding looked at Fang Li in a daze.

Although he knew that Xie Huai valued Fang Li for a long time, he was a little distracted by this sentence, so it was so so... If this person is Xie Huai's future Taoist companion, then it is only natural to ask for the Nine Turns Spirit Pill for him , so it makes sense.

Although this person is a fool and a mortal, but with a marriage like Mr. Yuyi, is he afraid that he will not be able to succeed in cultivation? Even pigs can pile up.

When he is cured, I'm afraid we will have to wait for Yuyi Jun's happy event!

Unexpected ah unexpected.

Ji Yuyao and Xin Hanzhou didn't know about this, they frowned and stared at Fang Li, as if they wanted to see the difference.

Originally, Fang Li was leisurely preparing to watch the play, but who knew that Xie Huai's words pushed him to the cusp of the storm, and his body stiffened immediately.

He still remembered that he said this when he molested Xie Huai when he was molesting Xie Huai at Valentine's Crossing...

Just when Fang Li was restless, Xie Huai approached slightly, and in his ear, with a voice that only he could hear, said slowly and hoarsely: "Back then someone asked me for a long-term marriage and asked me to It's a pity that I can't escape from his grasp for life after life... Now that person has completely forgotten."

Fang Li: "..."

What kind of predestined relationship, Lover's Ferry was marketed by that stupid flower in order to make money. If this thing works, it will be a ghost, right? He suddenly regretted the scene he added to himself at that time, and insisted on taking Xie Huai to the lover's ferry, but he failed to catch Xie Huai, but now it has become a hole dug for himself.

Sure enough, it's not that I didn't report, it's not time yet, right?

Fang Li felt uncomfortable all over, but fortunately Xie Huai quickly let go of him after saying that.

The pilgrimage meeting is about to begin.

The others also stopped looking at Fang Li.

Fu Junling, as the deputy owner of Xuanxing Building, is also the person in charge of this trial. He spoke to the tens of thousands of monks below. His voice sounded gentle and indifferent, but it was clearly heard by tens of thousands of people.

Fu Junling said: "The place to participate in the trial is the Phantom Star Trial Realm. Those who participated in the trial have already received a jade talisman. You can use the jade talisman to enter the trial realm. If you are in danger, crush the jade talisman to get rid of it." Leaving the trial environment. The trial time is three days in total, and there are silver frost beasts in the trial environment, and those who hunt the top ten can enter the four great immortal gates."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and dozens of water columns around the island shot up into the sky, forming a vortex entrance above the island. Fu Junling said loudly: "Trialists can enter."

Tens of thousands of monks below scrambled to fly in.

Fang Li watched this scene with great interest. The water column rose from the lake. There should be a huge magic circle at the bottom of the lake, which created this unique space and created such a trial environment isolated from the real world out of thin air. Xuanxing Building is worthy of being a fairy sect who is good at mechanics, it is really a big deal!

After everyone entered, the entrance disappeared, and then a huge water curtain appeared in front of everyone.

In the water curtain is what it looks like in the trial environment.

In the Trial Realm, there are undulating mountains, floating clouds and green water, which looks like a fairyland. There are many monsters with silver hair, which look similar to wolves, but their eyes are also silver. The silver frost beasts in the realm can also be used for the trials of the sect's children on weekdays when there is no pilgrimage to the immortals.

Fang Li rested his chin on one hand.

His eyes fell on the trial environment.

Not to mention, although they are all monks from the small family of Xiaoxianmen, there are quite a few good seedlings, some are quite talented, some are quick-witted, and have all kinds of methods. hunted.

But there are also some parallel importers and those who are unlucky. They encounter the silver frost beast as soon as they enter, and some can't even beat a head. They hurriedly smashed the jade talisman and left.

Fang Li ate the fruit plate in front of him and sipped his tea. An hour later, he yawned boredly.

You don't want to sit here for three days, do you?

Fang Li thought about discussing with Xie Huai, he should go back first, just when he lacked interest and was drowsy, a silver frost beast in the trial environment suddenly had red eyes, repaired In order to explode a level, he directly bit a monk's arm. The monk wanted to crush the jade talisman in a hurry, but before he could do it, he was torn to pieces by the crazy silver frost beast!

The accident happened in an instant.

Seeing that someone died in the trial environment, Fu Junling frowned, and was about to remove the man's body. At this moment, all the silver frost beasts in the trial environment turned red-eyed and extremely manic. Fearless and fearless, they rushed towards those testers. Someone quickly crushed the jade talisman, but it was not sent out, but was torn apart in despair.

There was a tragic scene in the trial environment, and everyone's faces changed in shock.

Just when everyone hadn't recovered from what happened, the black mist swept across and filled the entire water curtain, and everything could no longer be seen in the trial environment. A demon with a thin face like a skeleton appeared on the water curtain In front of him, full of demonic energy, Jie Jie smiled strangely: "My lord asked me to give you a big gift."

Everyone on the high platform suddenly stood up.

Fang Li's eyes sank, his face became serious, he recognized at a glance that this demon cultivator was Wu Yimei's subordinate, could it be that Wu Yimei sent someone here?

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