MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 52 unspeakable

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When Fang Li woke up the next day, Xie Huai was no longer by his side.

But last night, the feeling of Xie Huai approaching him was vaguely still there. He carefully protected himself, expending his spiritual power to isolate himself from pain and dissolve the power of medicine...

Fang Li suddenly missed the system a little bit.

Although the system can't say anything useful, at least you can listen to him now...

Fang Li wryly smiled and pulled the corner of his mouth.

If Xie Huai really liked him, when did it start?

Now that I think about it, when Xie Huai introduced poison for himself, it wasn't because he didn't owe each other, but because he liked him?

Or, possibly earlier?

Fang Li didn't know.

He didn't even know what he did wrong, could it be because he changed the plot?

To be honest, if Xie Huai hated him and wanted to kill him, he wouldn't be so distressed. At worst, he would just give him his life, but if Xie Huai liked him, how should he pay it back?

Love debt is hard to pay.

Although Xie Huai is indeed a very good person, I admired him a lot from the beginning, but no matter how good Xie Huai is, he is also a man!

Fang Li never thought about being with a man.

He even imagined that if he really had the chance to live again, he only hoped to live an ordinary life with his family, and if he met a wife who cared for him, he could have a few children and live a life of rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea...

Fang Li took a deep breath, and with a heavy heart like going to the execution ground, he opened the door and walked out.

Xie Huai had already prepared the food on the table, and said lightly, "Wake up."

Although Xie Huai's cold face was as indifferent as ever, Fang Li was extremely nervous today.

The meal was remarkably silent.

Fang Li was not in the mood to even pretend to be stupid, he was very perfunctory, he didn't know how to face Xie Huai.

In the end, the meal wasn't finished yet.

The effect of Dragon Bone Forging Body Pill started again. This time, his bones seemed to be hit by stones and hammers. The pain made him tremble slightly. At this moment, Xie Huai grabbed his hand .

The man's voice was deep and low: "Stay safe."

The warm spiritual power swept through his whole body, surged and turbulent, which instantly dissipated a lot of the pain, and protected his lungs so that he would not be overwhelmed.

Fang Li pursed his lips tightly, his eyes darkened slightly.

Such a continuous input of spiritual power is not a small burden even for Xie Huai.


Nine days passed.

Xie Huai did not leave for a moment.

If ordinary people use this kind of magic pill, if they want to survive the ninety-nine eighty-one forging bones, the pain of skinning and tearing bones is almost the same.

But under Xie Huai's protection, Fang Li didn't go through this, not only completely absorbed the medicinal power of Dragon Bone Forging Body Pill, but even passed it with ease, even some pain could be endured.

Today is the last time.

Fang Li sat cross-legged on the bed.

Xie Huai poured spiritual power into his body behind him.

Xu is the last bone forging, this time the pain is deeper and heavier than before, Fang Li trembles all over, his face is pale, his clothes are wet with sweat, every bone in him seems to be crushed and sticky again. stand up…

Xie Huai felt his pain, his voice was a little tired, but he still gently comforted him: "Persist a little longer, it will be fine soon."

Fang Li closed his eyes.

He forcibly diverted his thoughts away from the pain on his body, and the bits and pieces since getting along with Xie Huai appeared in his mind...

The first time he met Xie Huai, it was at the Que in the Clouds.

The man in white is as cold as a fairy, and the white clothes are stained with blood. Although this is the first time I have seen him, I just instinctively feel that...he should be an easy person to get along with.

Later they faced each other day and night.

Xie Huai was indeed as described in the book, a flawless gentleman, even if he had done such an excessive thing, he still rescued himself from the nightmare with kindness.

In fact, he helped me a lot...

Even if the positions are different, Xie Huai has never done anything that violates morality. He has a heart to protect the common people, and he also has his tolerance and tenderness.

So then I thought to myself, he must complete the task and keep this world...

In any case, they can be regarded as brothers who share life and death together, right?

I already owe Xie Huai a lot, do I want to break his heart again?

Fang Li really couldn't do such a thing...

He was tangled and struggling...

Just when he didn't know what to do, a light flashed in his mind, he thought that Xie Huai was a brother who lived and died together, why couldn't Xie Huai be the same?

Xie Huai is such a transparent person, how can he not see that he has no intention of hurting others, and his true intentions... He must be able to feel these.

But I thought that Xie Huai could only see the surface, and insisted on thinking that he hated me. I really underestimated Xie Huai.

Think of him as those people in the world who echo what others say.


If the brother I lived and died with was poisoned, I would definitely find a way to help him detoxify.

If the brother who lives and dies with him wants to seek death, he will definitely find a way to stop him.

and also…

My brother is sick and down and out, will I ignore it?

Whether it was before or now, Xie Huai has never once said that he likes him, and he has never made any overstepping actions. He doesn't even touch himself by inducing poison, and he also abides by the way of a gentleman when he cures himself. Xie Huai is such a gentleman...

Thinking about Xie Huai's thoughts like this, really underestimated Xie Huai!

That's right, as long as Xie Huai doesn't say it himself, he will regard it as brotherhood.

They can still be friends.

Good brothers should help each other. If there is trouble in the future, I will go through fire and water for him, life and death!


Fang Li frowned slightly.

If Xie Huai also regarded himself as a brother, but he ignored his wishes and forced him to kill himself, what a blow to Xie Huai, no wonder it has become like this now, moody and deep-minded...

Thinking of this, Fang Li felt very guilty and blamed himself. If he was the one who was treated like this, and if he caught the original culprit, one beating would not be enough, at least three beatings would be needed, and the beating would make the other party unable to get out of bed. Row! Xie Huai didn't blame himself, and even took great pains to help him heal. Such a broad-mindedness exuded the brilliance of a saint, which made Fang Li feel ashamed.

the most important is…

Xie Huai didn't even know that he wouldn't die, he thought he was really dead...

The last dose of the Forging Body Pill finally passed.

Xie Huai stood up from behind him, his voice was hoarse and tired, and he said slowly: "You have a good rest."

Then he left.

Fang Li looked at Xie Huai's back and sighed faintly.

I went too far, Xie Huai still repays my grievances with kindness, but should I face him!


Fang Li felt that he had to take a break. Fortunately, the body training had been completed, and he didn't have to spend time with Xie Huai. Fang Li sat in the yard absent-mindedly. Because he was thinking about something, he accidentally dropped the stone in his hand. crushed...

Oh shit.

Although he has not officially started to retrain, but the effect of body training has been very significant. Fang Li suddenly remembered that when he sealed Xie Huai's cultivation base and put him in his backyard, Xie Huai was still very cold back then. Facing the provocation of the water demon, he broke the wrist of the water demon with one hand...


It seems that Xie Huai is not just a sword cultivator, but a forged sword cultivator.

The days on the mountain are very cold.

Riri and Xie Huai are alone, Fang Li is under a lot of pressure.

At this moment, Fu Junling finally ushered in a long-lost guest on Fuqiu Mountain.

The man in Tsing Yi held a folding fan in his hand, he was gentle and elegant, and he came to look for Xie Huai, but he saw Fang Li sitting in the courtyard basking in the sun, and couldn't help being stunned.

On this Fuqiu mountain, there are other people?

Fu Junling looked at Fang Li with suspicious eyes.

Fang Li sat there lazily, he is a fool now, it is a good thing that he does not need to waste time dealing with others.

However, why did Fu Junling come here? Did he come to visit Xie Huai?

As the only friend of Xie Huai who has a name and surname in the book, it is also reasonable to come to visit friends who live alone.

Fang Li felt a little emotional in his heart.

The desolation and desolation on Fuqiu Mountain really worried him. Thinking about how Xie Huai lived here alone after he was forced to kill himself, Fang Li blamed himself... and the appearance of Fu Junling showed that Xie Huai still had friends , At a time like this, how important it is to have a friend who can come to care for you.

Seeing Fang Li sitting there, Fu Junling saw that he didn't speak, but only showed a strange smile, and his heart was beating a little. Who the **** is this...

Over the years, apart from very few people who have a good relationship with Xie Huai, and people from his teacher's school, others can't even go to Fuqiu Mountain, let alone live here.

Although this young man has a good appearance, he looks like a mortal. Why did Xie Huai keep such a person?

Fu Junling was full of doubts, and was about to step forward to ask, when Xie Huai came from the side.

Xie Huai went straight to Fang Li, blocking Fu Junling's probing sight, and frowned slightly: "What are you doing here?"

Fu Junling sighed: "Can't I come to see you if I'm fine?"

Xie Huai looked at him lightly.

Fu Junling's expression froze slightly when he looked at him, and after a while, he said, "I'm here to invite you to attend the Fairy Fairy Meeting."

Fang Li was thoughtful.

He knows that the ten-year pilgrimage meeting in the fairy world is a grand event in the fairy world. It is jointly organized by the five great fairy sects... and now it is jointly held by the four great fairy sects. Anyone in the fairy world can participate, regardless of age or gender. , cultivation base, etc., once you are favored by the Four Great Immortal Sects at the Fairy Fairy Meeting, you will have the opportunity to worship in the Four Great Immortal Sects.

You know, the threshold for the Four Great Immortal Gates is usually very high.

Anyone who is a genius is not allowed to enter, and there are many barriers to choose on a daily basis. If you are not born with extraordinary bones, or come from a big family, ordinary people can only look intimidated.

But at the Immortal Fair, there were no restrictions.

It is equivalent to giving everyone in the fairy world an equal opportunity to take the college entrance examination, and ordinary monks also have the opportunity to soar into the sky, so there are many participants in every Chaoxianhui.

The carp jumps over the dragon's gate, but that's all.

If one can make a prominent figure in the Chaoxianhui, even if he cannot enter the Four Great Immortal Sects, he may be favored by other sects. Who wouldn't try his best?

Fu Junling smiled and said to Xie Huai: "Look, you haven't gone out for so long, why don't you go out to relax, and you don't need to do anything, just show your face."

Although the demon king has been dead for nine years, the shadow of evil has not completely dissipated. The meaning of the heads of the four great immortal sects is to hope that Xie Huai can participate in this pilgrimage meeting, even if he just sits still, it can also inspire people. role.

After all, Xie Huai is the number one person in the world today, he killed the devil with his own hands, and restored peace to the fairy world.

He is indeed the idol of everyone in the fairy world!

This year's Fairy Fairy just happened to be held in the Xuanxing Building, so Fu Junling paid a personal visit and wanted to invite Xie Huai out of the mountain to sit in town.

Xie Huai glanced at Fu Junling indifferently, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he was not interested in making this decoration, and refused coldly: "I don't have time."

You don't have time?

Are you the most idle person?

Fu Junling persevered and asked, "Oh, what have you been up to lately?"

Xie Huai pointed to Fang Li and said, "I want to treat his illness."

Fang Li: "..."

Fu Junling: "..."

Fu Junling thought to himself, is this person sick? real or fake? He hesitated for a moment and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

It looks like he is in good health, there are still crushed stones on the ground, which shows that he is born with supernatural power.

Xie Huai said slowly: "Madness."

Fang Li: "..."

Fang Li cooperatively showed a simple smile to Fu Junling.

Fu Junling: "..."

Fu Junling took a deep breath and said, "I'm afraid this disease cannot be cured?"

Xie Huai said lightly: "So I don't have time."

Fu Junling had a toothache.

The head of the sect urged him to invite Xie Huai. If he returned without success, it would be hard to explain. Fu Junling refused to let it go. His eyes moved slightly, and he waved his folding fan and said, "I'm not good at medicine. If you know a thing or two, maybe it can be cured, let me help you take a look."

Xie Huai frowned: "No need."

Fang Li's identity is rather sensitive, just in case, it is better not to be known by others.

Fu Junling sighed in his heart, Xie Huai was still reticent, but before he came, he also expected that the trip would not go well, so it was impossible to send him away like this.

Fu Junling smiled slightly: "It's okay, I've heard about the unique scenery on Fuqiu Mountain for a long time, so I'll just stay here for a while, and enjoy it."

Xie Huai didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Let him go.

As expected, Fu Junling stayed down in a shameless manner.

An ice cube on Fuqiu Mountain, a fool, no one pays attention to him at all, but he is content with himself and does not regard himself as an outsider at all.

Xie Huai is not easy to get close to, but Fang Li is a cute little idiot.

Although I don't know who Fang Li is, seeing how much Xie Huai cares about him, can make Xie Huai care so much about someone...

If it's coaxed well, maybe Xie Huai will be willing to go?

Fu Junling brought Fang Li delicious food every day.

Fang Li didn't expect that there would be another person to feed him, and continued to be a fool with peace of mind. Hey, I don't want to think about the mess in Xie Huai for the time being. Fu Junling's appearance is good, it eased a lot of the dignified atmosphere, and let him relax a little. Take a breath.

At least I don't have to be alone with Xie Huai every day!

Today Fu Junling came again early in the morning and brought cakes for Fang Li.

The young man was eating slowly, with a smile on his exquisite eyebrows and eyes, he licked his lips, his posture was lazy and full when he squinted his eyes, and his expression was casual and indifferent.

Looking at it like this, it doesn't look like a fool.

It's just that the words didn't go well, it's a pity that Kong looks good, Fu Junling felt pity, he brought something to play with Fang Li today.

Fu Junling took out candies, cakes, spirit stones, spinning tops, rattles, etc., and arranged them on the ground at a fixed distance, then took out a stack of gold thread rings, smiled and coaxed Fang Li, saying: "If it fits, it's yours. "

Oh, very good at playing.

Fang Li raised his eyelids.

Not to mention the food and toys, but the sparkling spirit stones, children will definitely like them.

Fang Li has been quite boring recently. Although Xie Huai has taken good care of him, but perhaps he feels guilty in his heart. He is always uncomfortable with Xie Huai, but getting along with Fu Junling is much more relaxed and comfortable.

Fang Li took the golden thread ring with a smile and threw it away.

He just throws it casually, and it doesn't matter if he misses it.

Fu Junling secretly teased children's skills, and after Fang Li had played for a while, he leaned over and smiled and said to him, "I'll try it too."

As he spoke, he threw it aside.

Fang Li was filled with admiration, he did not expect that the deputy owner of Xuanxing Building would be so approachable, but when we met before, this person was quite gentle.

The two of you have one round, and I have one round. Fang Li found some childhood fun, and the two of them had a great time playing.

There is some popularity on Fuqiu Mountain.

When Xie Huai came over, he happened to see such a scene.

The young man's eyes were slightly bright, and there was a lazy smile on the brows and corners of his eyes. He stood with Fu Junling, what a warm and harmonious picture...

Xie Huai suddenly felt a little glaring.

When I'm with myself, I'm either evasive or cautious...

Now I am having so much fun with Fu Junling.

So you can be good with anyone, but you have to treat yourself like this?

Xie Huai sneered.

Fang Li was having fun when suddenly a shadow fell, and the man in white came behind him, looking at him with deep black eyes: "I will try too."

Fang Li was slightly startled, did Xie Huai play this too?

This doesn't fit Xie Huai's personality...

Just when Fang Li lost his mind, Xie Huai had already taken the gold thread ring from his hand...

Xie Huai held the gold thread ring with his fingertips, with an indifferent expression, he threw the gold thread ring out.

It is worthy of being the number one person in the world.

Throwing rings is also accurate in every shot.

It hit the candy, and the candy turned into powder.

Hitting the spirit stone, the spirit stone turned into powder in a hurry.

It hit the top, and the top turned into powder.

Fang Li took a breath.

Fu Junling's expression was slightly stiff, he, did he offend Xie Huai?

Xie Huai threw out all the golden silk rings in his hand with a blank face. At this moment, the ground was in a mess and there was nothing left, so he hooked the corners of his lips leisurely, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, I didn't control my strength well. .”

Fang Li: "..."

Fu Junling: "..."

Xie Huai turned his head, looked at Fang Li meaningfully, and spoke slowly and hoarsely: "There's nothing to play, let's go back."

Fang Li felt his scalp tingling, but under Xie Huai's calm gaze, he obediently went back to the room.

Xie Huai then went in and closed the door smoothly.

Fang Li stood there resentfully, if he didn't play, he wouldn't play, he was so grown up to get angry at the toys, although he was slandering in his heart, seeing Xie Huai like this, Fang Li didn't dare to say anything, he just showed a dull smile.

Xie Huaiding looked into his eyes, not letting go of the dissatisfaction in Fang Li's eyes, he hooked the corners of his lips playfully, and said lightly: "Why, are you unhappy?"

Fang Li shook his head quickly.

Xie Huai raised his hand, put it lightly on Fang Li's shoulder, and said suddenly: "If you really want to play, I can also accompany you."

Fang Li:?

He pretended to be ignorant and said, "Play, what are you playing..."

Xie Huai seemed to think for a moment, looked at him with cold and indifferent eyes, and said after a while, "Let's play hide-and-seek."

Fang Li thought to himself, what's so funny about this...

But before he could react, Xie Huai suddenly lowered his head and approached him, a black silk ribbon appeared in his hand, he supported the back of his head with one hand, and slowly and gently covered the ribbon over his eyes, A knot was tied in the back of the head.

Fang Li's vision suddenly went dark, his heart trembled slightly, and Xie Huai's hoarse voice, word by word, sounded in his ears: "You come and catch me."

The cold touch of the black silk belt made Fang Li feel a little uncomfortable, he couldn't see anything in the pitch blackness, he could only feel Xie Huai's breathing, scorching hot...

The next moment, Xie Huai seemed to leave him.

There was only darkness and silence.

Fang Li's whole body tensed up, no way, do you really want to play hide-and-seek with Xie Huai?

I played with Fu Junling just now, and Xie Huai is going to play with me now, isn't Xie Huai jealous? Is Xie Huai such a naive person? Are you a primary school student?

Fang Li was speechless, but until now, he could only grit his teeth.

He would never dare to check Xie Huai with his spiritual sense, but if he can't use his spiritual sense to check, then he can only be a blind man groping around...

Fortunately, he is familiar with this room.

Fang Li took a deep breath, raised his hands flat, and slowly groped forward...

It was really too quiet, the room was clearly not big, but he couldn't even hear Xie Huai's breathing, Fang Li staggered around, and didn't even touch the corner of Xie Huai's clothes...


Fang Li thought that acting is enough, and it's not that he really wants to catch Xie Huai, Xie Huai is the number one person in the fairy world, if he doesn't want to, can he catch it?

He pretended to be impatient and wanted to pull the ribbon on his eyes, but just as he raised his hand, he heard Xie Huai's cool voice: "It seems that I am not worthy to play games with you."

Fang Li: "..."

Fang Li immediately put down his hand.

I can only bite the bullet and continue touching.

He pricked up his ears and listened carefully. In the sudden silence, there seemed to be a very soft voice... Fang Li suddenly turned around and grabbed Xie Huai's lapel with one hand, but he didn't stop because he moved too fast. Steady, fell directly to Xie Huai's side!

Xie Huai wrapped his arms around his waist, protecting him in front of him, and his whole body was pressed down by him.

Fang Li's breathing paused.

Oh, fortunately there is a bed underneath, otherwise the two of them would fall to the ground.

He was still holding Xie Huai's clothes with one hand, and he was lying on his body. Fang Li reflexively wanted to get up, but in the end, Xie Huai held him down, and his hand was held in the other's hand.

Boom, boom, boom.

In the silent house.

Only the sound of Xie Huai's heartbeat could be heard in his ears, it was steady and powerful, and it seemed to be beating on his heart.

After a long time, he heard Xie Huai make a very soft voice, like a dusty sigh from a long time ago: "You caught me."

Fang Li trembled slightly.

His hand was tightly held, it was clear that you were the one holding me.

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